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Norwegian Woman And American Woman Die Of Unknown Causes on Koh Phi Phi

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This is terrible.

There will be pressure and self-censorship in the local media to report this as little as possible so as not to harm the Phi-Phi tourist income.

The FDA are usually renowned as one of the least corrupt Thai government departments but I doubt this falls within their remit. The local police will be incompetent at best and obstructive to any meaningful investigation at worst.


To say the deaths of the 2 women happened on sunday and monday it's curious there hasn't even been a mention of either in the Gazette...or Phuketwan. I suppose they have to wait to be "told" what they can print by the powers that be.


I hope they investigate this fully. It does sound very serious and if they are still renting the bungalow there could be more.

Does seem too fast for food poisoning though.


I absolutely agree. Naming the bungalow should be top priority to warn the tourists down there.

My sister was planning on visitng me next week and also to go back to Phi Phi again.

Now she has cancelled the trip... it jsut all keeps adding up right now.

Funny thing is that people outside of Thailand keep getting these very negative news (riots, shootings, poisonings, fires in nightclubs, etc.). Even these events and incidents are not related, it is understandable that "outsiders" tend to link them togehter and simply think that Thailand is dangerous.

How many tourists have died, been murdered or raped or became otherwise victims of crimes such as robberies or break-ins?

I know that things like these happen all over the world...but for a country that still claims to be so buddhist and thus one of the safest countries in the world, it shouldn't happen!

Authorities should really focus and concentrate on the issues NOW before it gets even worse.

I absolutely agree. Naming the bungalow should be top priority to warn the tourists down there.

I've been in contact with the American girls' brother and he says they stayed in a cottage called Laleene owned by a man called Hassan.

To say the deaths of the 2 women happened on sunday and monday it's curious there hasn't even been a mention of either in the Gazette...or Phuketwan. I suppose they have to wait to be "told" what they can print by the powers that be.
Whats so curious about the lack of media attention to suspicious deaths on the cash cow island of Koh Phi Phi. Oh maybe you mean that if it is reported then it will have an adverse effect on the cash flow into the island so it's better to pretend it didn't happen. Call me cynical but this stinks.

I agree that this is unlikely to be a food poisoning bacteria. Even bacterium botulinum the worse of all the bacterias would take longer to kill someone.

Puffer fish releases a poison, a sodium channel blocker which paralyzes the muscles while the victim stays fully conscious, and eventually dies from asphyxiation. This would explain the victim turning blue. But puffer fish is very expensive and there's no indication from the girls accounts that they ate fish. I don't think that the fish is anywhere around Thailand although with global weather changes, who knows?

Cyanide could also turn a person blue before death but this is usually within minutes not hours. There's not many other tasteless or odorless chemicals. Carbom Monozide is from burning fuels and just wouldn't come from an electric air-conditioning system and even if it was from gas used for a generator, there would be a smell of gas.

Severe radiation remains a clear possibility in my view and may also help explain what appears to be a cover a nervous authorities both in Phi Phi and in Bangkok as nobody wants to release details. Thailand doesn't usually cover this kind of thing up. Press normally all over it.......really is strange. I know that tourism has had a hard time recently but look how much the swine flu is in the press, or the shooting at Ko Sahn Road.....

Phi Phi is a predominantly muslim island. Two of the Thai insurgents who studied in Pakistan and later went to Afghanistan in the 1990's originated from Phi Phi, if my memory serves correct.

Higher authorities need to get involved in this. The dead could also pose a danger to anyone who comes in contact with them.

This is one of the saddest things I've heard about happening in Thailand. At least other cases get the sympathy of the government and press rather than just being ignored. Get the autopsy done independently. Go to the highest people in the land, whether it be in Thailand or in victims home country.


Puffer fish




Severe radiation


All just pure speculation of course, and we are unlikely to know the real cause until the results of an autopsy. But, wouldn't all those possible causes in the same doses be fatal in all occasions.

While we are on the speculation train, I remember a thread a while back that mentioned eye drops, also rapid effect, but varying results.

And please spare a thought for their family members who may be reading this thread (my thoughts go out to them) and I hope they find the truth soon.

I absolutely agree. Naming the bungalow should be top priority to warn the tourists down there.

I've been in contact with the American girls' brother and he says they stayed in a cottage called Laleene owned by a man called Hassan.

Can you recheck that, please?

No place by that name (or close to it) is found on searching Phi Phi.

Thank you.


Lots of smaller Thai Mom and Pop types aren't listed.

As for the use of Visine as a prank, it does not cause diarrhea as claimed , but can cause other severe symptoms AND death. Can't c/p from the site but see

http://www.snopes.com/medical/myths/visine.asp for more info..

Puffer fish are in Thai waters, I've seen them on west coast beaches and the toxins fit the symptoms.

Mr Man , the note on the floating body 4 days ago is interesting . That makes four deaths ..


URGENT: Phi Phi Poisoning Kills Two Tourists, Says Krabi Governor

THE CAUSE of poisoning that killed two tourists on Phi Phi at the weekend is being investigated, the Governor of Krabi, Siwa Sirisaowalak.

The governor was adamant that two tourists had died.

A spokeswoman at Vachira Hospital on Phuket confirmed the bodies of a man and a woman had been received from Phi Phi and sent on to Bangkok for forensic tests.

- Phuketwan / 2009-05-06


".....The governor was adamant that two tourists had died."

So, who's arguing with him ??

Yes , VERY poorly written, this news site showed such promise and then just really went into the toilet about two months ago.

And no one is mentioning the body found floating 5 days ago and the Norwegian man from a month ago..

And no one is mentioning the body found floating 5 days ago and the Norwegian man from a month ago..

Seems the mans' body mentioned in the Phuketwan report was probably the Norwegian 46 year old found in the sea. They've now adjusted the report and removed him!

Only 1 person for the job! Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand M.D.

I was watching a show just a few nights ago on Nat Geo I think, with her in it.

She was claiming until forensic evidence collecting is taken AWAY from police responsibility, ( and this is her statement , not mine, although I agree completely ..) there will never be a competent judicial system within LOS .

And no one is mentioning the body found floating 5 days ago and the Norwegian man from a month ago..

Seems the mans' body mentioned in the Phuketwan report was probably the Norwegian 46 year old found in the sea. They've now adjusted the report and removed him!

Link Link Link, Please

The Norwegian man dead a month ago is from a report within Norway, the body in the water has not been reported on since discovery.

And how does PhuketWan know it was poisoning ? Sure , they " Chase the leads... " except today when they get them from Andaman news and TV !!!

What a dismal piece of reporting , they got rid of the " Adamant" term though

Hey I know that pic , an Illyiushin off 27 HKT !!! What a beast !!!


The story about the Norwegians in that article is not true :

"Police Lieutenant Pantanan Sangtong, who investigated the deaths, said the Norwegian woman died around 8am on Sunday at Phi Phi Hospital. She had been staying with her boyfriend at a local guesthouse, the officer said."

She had no boyfriend there, they were 2 female students on a vacation, they had been studying in Sydney, Australia and was expected back to Norway after a short holiday in Thailand. They both got poisened and the 22 year old died.

But her friend survived and it would be very interesting to know what happened the last 24 hours before the tragedy.

A sad story this , its on the front page in the biggest Norwegian tabloids today.

It will scare a lot of tourists away. :)

Only 1 person for the job! Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand M.D.
Agree. and she should invite some outside forensic experts to assist.

The guest house should be immediately identified, put off limits, and investigated by people appointed by Ms Pornthip. It's doubtful that any other Thai authorities would do a completely objective and thorough investigation. Police have too many allegiances to consider to be able to do a professional job - plus they've proven not to have the skills, tools and ability to 'think outside the box' that's needed in such an important scenario.

I also agree that something like Legionnaires disease could be the culprit. It breeds in Air.Con drip water, or just about any standing water.

From healthscout.com: "Symptoms of Legionnaires' Disease: The symptoms are similar to those of many other respiratory diseases, making it difficult to differentiate and diagnose. Symptoms may include dry coughing, high fever, chills, diarrhea, shortness of breath, chest pains, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Occasionally, bloody sputum is produced. Lethargy and confusion can occur in progressive, serious cases."

However, it appears to not be a fast-acting or often fatal, to wit; "Although Legionnaires' disease is uncommon, it should be considered in anyone (particularly an elderly or chronically ill person) who has a respiratory tract infection that worsens over a period of about four days. Legionnaires' disease usually makes its presence known within a week of infection. The disease can initially be mild and appear to be an episode of the flu."

So sad to hear about senseless loss of life


I posted the name of the guesthouse earlier. Laleene as told to me by Robert, Jills' brother and he was talking to Ryan in Bangkok on Skype as he emailed it to me.


Three people dead all stayed in the same guest house now you would think that would be logical avenue for the investigation to follow but this from the latest update in the Phuketwan.

Phuketwan Updating News

THE CAUSE of poisoning that killed two tourists on Phi Phi over the weekend is being investigated, the Governor of Krabi, Siwa Sirisaowalak, said today.

The tourists, both young women, were from the US and Norway. They had been staying at the same small local guesthouse.

A blog posted online by a companion who was travelling with one of the victims suggests that the air conditioning may have been the cause.

But a doctor on the island this afternoon said investigations were focussing on what the two women, and a third who survived, had had to drink.

Consumption of alcohol mixed with fruit juice was common to all three cases, the doctor said.

Brilliant Sherlock. Fair bet everyman and his dog on the island had a drink.

Three people dead all stayed in the same guest house now you would think that would be logical avenue for the investigation to follow but this from the latest update in the Phuketwan.

Phuketwan Updating News

THE CAUSE of poisoning that killed two tourists on Phi Phi over the weekend is being investigated, the Governor of Krabi, Siwa Sirisaowalak, said today.

The tourists, both young women, were from the US and Norway. They had been staying at the same small local guesthouse.

A blog posted online by a companion who was travelling with one of the victims suggests that the air conditioning may have been the cause.

But a doctor on the island this afternoon said investigations were focussing on what the two women, and a third who survived, had had to drink.

Consumption of alcohol mixed with fruit juice was common to all three cases, the doctor said.

Brilliant Sherlock. Fair bet everyman and his dog on the island had a drink.

Even the local Muslim population?


Another news article from VG , lets try with a translation.


Dream vacation in Thailand had an unpleasant interruption for Tor Martin Austad from Ulsteinvik, Norway. He was very ill and had symptoms similar to the two women who died over the weekend.

Last summer, the 26 year old norwegian spent his vacation with his girlfriend. Two of the weeks was spent in the popular tourist destination Phi Phi Island, Thailand.

- The night before we were leaving the island, I suddenly lost my appetite. During the night I woke and felt very sick. The whole night I spent in the toilet , I throw up for hours, "says Austad to VG.

There has been a poison alert after a Norwegian woman (22) and an American woman (26) suddenly died within few hours. The friend to the Norwegian was also sick, but survived after having received treatment in hospital.

Police Investigator Torphan Phusunpiae, says that both the police and doctors believe that they are poisoned by food.

- Doctors who examined the women said that they had been poisoned through food, "he said.

VG have been in contact with the hospital where the surviving Norwegian woman (20) was admitted. They say that her condition was very serious when she arrived, and that she was very dehydrated after throwing up. Preliminary investigations of the dead women showed that they were almost empty of fluid in the body.

Tor Martin Austad also felt dehydrated and had a low body temperature

- They took lots of tests and said that I most likely had been food poisened. But because I felt better the next day, and only wanted to get away from the island, I never received answers from the hospital.

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