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Norwegian Woman And American Woman Die Of Unknown Causes on Koh Phi Phi

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Maybe now Embassies around the world should post a warning as some did ref: The Airport Scam , then maybe we can try and prevent further deaths .

All Tourists should be warned if going to Phi Phi Island.

considering that most people who have died have been in the company of friends or relatives , it seems odd that there are isolated deaths within those travelling.

Gases would affect more than one person , as for food items impregnated with toxic amounts of organophosphates , how much is needed in a lettuce leaf to kill you ?

This is very disturbing.

Serial killer sounds more like it.

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People should be made aware of this kind of problem. I think Governments should hand out warning cards to passengers flying into countries where corruption is endemic. They should be issued by the airline prior to checking in.


Latest from the Phuketwan.

At Laleena, owner Rat Chuped says seven of the 10 rooms are currently occupied . . . including Rooms Four and Five.

She still maintains that the guesthouse, owned with her husband since before the 2004 tsunami laid waste to the island, has no connection with the two deaths.

''I've called the police and an officer told me, 'Don't worry, everything is finished, it's over,'' she said to Phuketwan today.

So the police are satisfied. The cover up is complete. It looks like we may never know the cause of the tragic deaths and its business as usual on Phi Phi.

Completely unacceptable and I still hope external pressures may discover the cause.

The Thailand autopsy report is a joke. It was about three pages long and most of it was margin space and emblems. I believe here in the states an autopsy report starts at around 20 pages, and for something like what happened to Jill would be much longer.

It did verify that there were NO drugs or alcohol in her system, so those bogus rogue Thailand reports from "Government officials" can be put to rest. The only bit of information we got out of it was a low level of the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. Please take a look at this Wiki page about what could cause this enzyme to be lowered.


Yes, this fits well with the earlier conclusion - namely pesticide poisoning. Probably because the rooms were fumigated (a chemical smell was detected), and these two rooms with aircon had their windows shut, unlike the other rooms with no aircon where windows must have been open to let the fumes out.

Pesticides (organophosphates) are all powerful acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It has nothing to do with cholera!

Obviously the guesthouse owner is not prepared to admit to fumigation - so it will be hard to prove.

The Thailand autopsy report is a joke. It was about three pages long and most of it was margin space and emblems. I believe here in the states an autopsy report starts at around 20 pages, and for something like what happened to Jill would be much longer.

It did verify that there were NO drugs or alcohol in her system, so those bogus rogue Thailand reports from "Government officials" can be put to rest. The only bit of information we got out of it was a low level of the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase. Please take a look at this Wiki page about what could cause this enzyme to be lowered.


Yes, this fits well with the earlier conclusion - namely pesticide poisoning. Probably because the rooms were fumigated (a chemical smell was detected), and these two rooms with aircon had their windows shut, unlike the other rooms with no aircon where windows must have been open to let the fumes out.

Pesticides (organophosphates) are all powerful acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It has nothing to do with cholera!

Obviously the guesthouse owner is not prepared to admit to fumigation - so it will be hard to prove.

Zyklon B was originally developed to kill lice and other creatures that lurk in clothing and rooms, just look what that does to people when administered in a confined space at a high room temperature.

As a matter of interest Zyklon B requires a higher dose to kill lice than it does to kill humans.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

Jills' family have started a campaign to warn people about the Laleena Guesthouse>>>


Let's keep this on the front burner on this forum

Same as the dale Henry murder trial, now scheduled for the end of august.

There needs to be public pressure on these issues showing people will stand up for their moral rights.


Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate, is a commonly used insecticide worldwide. It is available in Thailand from profesional distributors in the agricultural industry and maybe available at the local hardware store for control of termites. There is some very interesting reading in wiki on this readily available chemical; symptoms are described, not sure if they correlate with the victims symptoms.


A 24 year old girl from Kuwait died last week. Took a day trip to Phi Phi, had to go to hospital same night for coughing, dead by morning.

Warning: Graphic Image


In the news article they say she was a Kuwaiti student nurse on holiday in Thailand with her family. She fell ill in Patong in Phuket with a fever, cough and sneezing shortly after returning from Pi Pi Island.

She went to the hospital in Patong who gave her some medicine to take before she went to sleep. However after taking it and going to bed, she never woke up. The father thinks they may have given her the wrong medicine and they're waiting for an autopsy.

Condolences to the family.

Yet another tragic scenario which Thai authorities will do all they can to cover up.

Thanks for the new information from the autopsy. I now believe we are talking about poison and that someone did this on purpose. I see no other reason to these horrible deaths. Who will be the next victim ?

I don't agree that it was done on purpose. Instead, it looks very much like gross negligence by Laleena g.h. management.

I still believe that the circumstances of the deaths of the two females on Phi Phi, along with the illnesses of their travel companions, do not seem to fit a typical outbreak of any virus or bacteria. By reading this entire post, chemical poisoning seems to fit much better as a cause. Regarding the death of the Kuwaiti visitor, there are still a lot of unknown facts but the death seems once again, suspicious. In all three cases of death of the female victims, they all became sick so rapidly that they were unable to seek help during the final stage of the illness.

I agree, and have mentioned it in several earlier posts on this thread: the cause of deaths appear to be chemical and localized at the guest house and/or its immediate environs. Shame on Thai authorities for absolving their responsibilities to dig deep to try and find the cause. Thai detectives really dropped the ball on this one.

My daughter visited from the States a couple months ago. Am glad she didn't visit Pi Pi. I also interact with a dozen or so backpackers per month, so I"ll be sure to warn them of the duty free scam at the airport, and to avoid the Krabi region.

Condolences to families whose loved ones perished. That includes the Kuwaiti girl's, as well as the mysterious recent deaths in and around Pi Pi of other visiting farang (Mr. Green Jeans who drowned, and the Belgian who died mysteriously at Phuket, and the other man who died at Pi Pi a month before the two girls).


I have seen the website of phiphiislanddeaths, and it seems the owner of Laleena guest house has something to hide. Why else is she non-cooperative and showing no empathy for the victims. It doesn't take Poirot to figure out that her conscience is not clean.

Any innocent person involved with two unexplained deaths would be devastated and sad. Since she is non-cooperative, there is little chance getting to the bottom of the case (such as probable fumigation without proper ventilation).

I have seen the website of phiphiislanddeaths, and it seems the owner of Laleena guest house has something to hide. Why else is she non-cooperative and showing no empathy for the victims. It doesn't take Poirot to figure out that her conscience is not clean.

Any innocent person involved with two unexplained deaths would be devastated and sad. Since she is non-cooperative, there is little chance getting to the bottom of the case (such as probable fumigation without proper ventilation).

You could well be right.

However, many years of dealing with Thais has taught me nothing disturbs them more than the possibility that someone will 'smash their rice bowl' i.e. take away their income. This could also be the reason she is trying to sweep the whole thing under the table. Or even more likely, both reasons.

The whole affair is deeply saddening and the lack of investigation is truly third world.

I hope the families of the deceased can find some peace and the survivors make a full recovery.

  • 3 weeks later...

The silence is deafening on this matter from the Thai investigators, the boyfriend of the American victim, Ryan and the Norwegian medical investigators.

We know nothing more about the cause of this tragedy four months on than we did initially.

Simply blaming Laleena GH owner is a simplistic approach to a systematic problem of lax health and safety standards and practices which seem not to bother the general populace but put a foreign visitor at an extreme disadvantage.

Tourists support areas like Koh Phi Phi and the TAT and related Health Service authorities would be well served to take this matter seriously.

Sweeping the deaths of two young, healthy tourists is not only a grievous injustice but a miscalculation on the PR effect on tourism.

Justice for the victims.


Another week, another month and still nothing. It's been 4 months and we still know very little in actual facts, other than these unfortunate women are dead. It would be nice, but not likely, to hear from the Thai authorities.



Let's not speculate about what happend. Loved ones of the deseased may read this in their search for more information.

:D by far, this is the most sensible comment. most are melodramatic and some are quite senseless fringing on the cynical or one too many beers after.....condolences to the families... :D

The silence is deafening on this matter from the Thai investigators, the boyfriend of the American victim, Ryan and the Norwegian medical investigators.

We know nothing more about the cause of this tragedy four months on than we did initially.

Simply blaming Laleena GH owner is a simplistic approach to a systematic problem of lax health and safety standards and practices which seem not to bother the general populace but put a foreign visitor at an extreme disadvantage.

Tourists support areas like Koh Phi Phi and the TAT and related Health Service authorities would be well served to take this matter seriously.

Sweeping the deaths of two young, healthy tourists is not only a grievous injustice but a miscalculation on the PR effect on tourism.

Justice for the victims.

At last count there are 8 deaths in the same region within a short period of time.......perhaps if you recognize this and stop focusing on 2 and start focusing on 8, it will have a greater impact on "getting to the bottom of it."


Sweep all humans off Phi Phi and designate it a wildlife refuge. While you're at it, shut down the swift nest biz, as it's yet another wildlife-harming way to try and satisfy Chinese insatiable appetite for bizarre and endangered things which harm countless habitats worldwide.

Without a doubt, in my view, the g.h. manager at Laleena is hiding some key things pertaining to the 2 deaths, plus the other sicknesses. Authorities should leave no stone unturned (including in-depth interviews) in finding what caused the deaths. Authorities have done worse than a bad job - as their complete lack of professionalism may endanger others in the future.

Let's not speculate about what happend. Loved ones of the deceased may read this in their search for more information.

:D by far, this is the most sensible comment. most are melodramatic and some are quite senseless fringing on the cynical or one too many beers after.....condolences to the families... :D

Well the loved ones of the deceased are looking for answers too.

They KNOW something very, very bad happened, if our speculations give them

one more avenue to pursue, or kicks loose one or another nervous culprits,

then it's not for nothing. If the cycnical comments let them know the lay of the land here,

they may also be better prepared for dealing with Thailand and it's investigative bodies...

or lack of them.

Has Kunying Porntip even been brought in on this stuff? She is usually quite hard

on police forensics rug sweeping.

And yes keep all 8 mysterious deaths on the front burners.

The silence is deafening on this matter from the Thai investigators, the boyfriend of the American victim, Ryan and the Norwegian medical investigators.

We know nothing more about the cause of this tragedy four months on than we did initially.

Simply blaming Laleena GH owner is a simplistic approach to a systematic problem of lax health and safety standards and practices which seem not to bother the general populace but put a foreign visitor at an extreme disadvantage.

Tourists support areas like Koh Phi Phi and the TAT and related Health Service authorities would be well served to take this matter seriously.

Sweeping the deaths of two young, healthy tourists is not only a grievous injustice but a miscalculation on the PR effect on tourism.

Justice for the victims.

At last count there are 8 deaths in the same region within a short period of time.......perhaps if you recognize this and stop focusing on 2 and start focusing on 8, it will have a greater impact on "getting to the bottom of it."

Yes, readers of this thread are aware of the other deaths in the region however THIS thread is about the mystery surrounding the two ladies who died at the same guesthouse on Phi Phi. "Norwegian Woman And American Woman Die Of Unknown Causes on Koh Phi Phi " And my personal opinion is there will be no salient conclusions, four months on there still is precious little known.

Onward armchair sleuths.

This is a public health issue, noticeably absent are the public health officials who should be in charge of this investigation.

A Norwegian man dies of food poisoning a month ago and they are still waiting for the autopsy report?

So the police are waiting for what, the DNA of the suspect bacteria before they make an arrest!!

:) yes, this is a public health issue. it warrants more investigations. otherwise call a :D boycott on the island. :D flash this news worldwide. :D email a friend overseas or something. leave no stone unturned until someone somehow is made responsible. :D

:D a moratorium on phi phi island should be the way to go until someone is held accountable ..............this is bizaare!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sweep all humans off Phi Phi and designate it a wildlife refuge. While you're at it, shut down the swift nest biz, as it's yet another wildlife-harming way to try and satisfy Chinese insatiable appetite for bizarre and endangered things which harm countless habitats worldwide.

Without a doubt, in my view, the g.h. manager at Laleena is hiding some key things pertaining to the 2 deaths, plus the other sicknesses. Authorities should leave no stone unturned (including in-depth interviews) in finding what caused the deaths. Authorities have done worse than a bad job - as their complete lack of professionalism may endanger others in the future.

Closing Phi Phi has been proposed many times in the past on occasion on environmemtal grounds. The truth is powerful people have seen the wealth this island generates and wanted to take control.

I strongly suspect that the cause of these deaths is known to some. Maybe the cause has been dealt with and it won't happen again and the feeling is revealing it would only damage the islands reputation. Completely unacceptable but very much the way things operate on Phi Phi.

This is a public health issue, noticeably absent are the public health officials who should be in charge of this investigation.

A Norwegian man dies of food poisoning a month ago and they are still waiting for the autopsy report?

So the police are waiting for what, the DNA of the suspect bacteria before they make an arrest!!

:) yes, this is a public health issue. it warrants more investigations. otherwise call a :D boycott on the island. :D flash this news worldwide. :D email a friend overseas or something. leave no stone unturned until someone somehow is made responsible. :D

:D a moratorium on phi phi island should be the way to go until someone is held accountable ..............this is bizaare!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Nothing must be allowed to damage the cash cow that is Phi Phi island. A few deaths are just a consequence of milking every last baht out of the place. It will take more than a few posts on an internet forum to change that.
This is a public health issue, noticeably absent are the public health officials who should be in charge of this investigation.

A Norwegian man dies of food poisoning a month ago and they are still waiting for the autopsy report?

So the police are waiting for what, the DNA of the suspect bacteria before they make an arrest!!

:) yes, this is a public health issue. it warrants more investigations. otherwise call a :D boycott on the island. :D flash this news worldwide. :D email a friend overseas or something. leave no stone unturned until someone somehow is made responsible. :D

:D a moratorium on phi phi island should be the way to go until someone is held accountable ..............this is bizaare!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Nothing must be allowed to damage the cash cow that is Phi Phi island. A few deaths are just a consequence of milking every last baht out of the place. It will take more than a few posts on an internet forum to change that.

To true.

And that needs to start with a shift to true democracy in the country, with accountability to the people at the ballot box.

Sweep away the vested interest corruption.


Been successfully swept under the carpet, this one, by the powers that be. That's what they wanted. First of all, delay, foul up the forensic evidence, stall some more, throw out some completely untrue allegations, regularly disperse disinformation, stall some more, promise results soon, more disinformation, no real investigation, no concrete action, a period of silence, BINGO everybody has forgotten and no nasty trial or guesthouse closures to rake up the muck in the foreseeable future, carry on, business as usual.

Don't you know? It never happened.

This formula can be applied to bird flu, extrajudicial execution of human rights lawyers, young lasses getting their arms lopped off, airport closures, this list goes on.

The results of the autopsies have not been released by police, who are citing privacy issues.

Quoted from CNN website.


Jill St. Onge Memorial and investigative Blog


Jill's Boyfriend, Ryan interviewed on CNN.com


CNN Story about the couple and Jill's Death


Bitten and Bound Story of the mystery


Why is this an important topic to pursue?

It could happen to any of us and our deaths would forever be shrouded in obfuscated and misleading investigative reporting.

Considering the amount of money American and Norwegian tourists contribute to the Thai tourism industry and the economy as a whole simply from a business perspective the TAT and the Thai State Department not to mention the US and Norwegian Embassies ought to adopt a more transparent and proactive stance on resolving this mystery.

Or we could simply go on talking about Kratoeys and who has the best English breakfast specials in Phuket instead...

The results of the autopsies have not been released by police, who are citing privacy issues.

Quoted from CNN website.


Jill St. Onge Memorial and investigative Blog


Jill's Boyfriend, Ryan interviewed on CNN.com


CNN Story about the couple and Jill's Death


Bitten and Bound Story of the mystery


Why is this an important topic to pursue?

It could happen to any of us and our deaths would forever be shrouded in obfuscated and misleading investigative reporting.

Considering the amount of money American and Norwegian tourists contribute to the Thai tourism industry and the economy as a whole simply from a business perspective the TAT and the Thai State Department not to mention the US and Norwegian Embassies ought to adopt a more transparent and proactive stance on resolving this mystery.

Or we could simply go on talking about Kratoeys and who has the best English breakfast specials in Phuket instead...

Brigsy is right. Unfortunately this is Thailand. We do however need to keep active on these issues, both on forums and with our embassies. something needs to change. the jetski scam has hit the media largely becuase of the marines involvement but that was heading for a cover up too.


Just received this from Robert...Jills' brother>>>

Some interesting Air quality results. What now?

We got a PDF from the embassy of the air quality results from the Laleena guest house on Phi Phi island. Take note at the results from room 6...


So does anyone in Thailand think this is nuts? Or should people just expect to have toxic gas in their rooms? Room 6 wasn't the room Jill or Julie where staying in, but being this test was done on June 13th (over a month later) and toxic gases were found in the guest house on some random day, shouldn't some one look into this?

So does anyone in Thailand think this is nuts? Or should people just expect to have toxic gas in their rooms? Room 6 wasn't the room Jill or Julie where staying in, but being this test was done on June 13th (over a month later) and toxic gases were found in the guest house on some random day, shouldn't some one look into this?
Yep I think the whole affair reeks of a coverup.

The tests were done three months ago, if anything was going to be done it would have happened by now.

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