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Thailand Credit Card


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Dear all,

I just wants to know from any one here experience of getting a Credit Card from a Thai Bank..

HOw do i apply for it what kind of document do i need to bring?and what are the minimum Salary for a foreighner...

Im holding a

1) Visa Non Immigrant O Class

2) MD of my own Company with 2 Million Baht Registered Capital

Which hold 49% of the Shares.

3)Work permit

4)Have been running the company for 2 month now.

5) Have a Bangkok bank saving account for 7 month now

I ask Siam Comercial Bank and they require a minimum salary of 100K Thai Baht per month for a Foreighner to qualify for a Credit Card..

What if im married to a Thai Nationals....I have already been given a Supplementry Credit Card by SCB which is under my wife name....

My Question is that can i apply a Credit card under my name ..

Is there any Bank out there would u guys recomend me ???

Your Answer is much needed now....

Thank YOu

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I can't see a problem for you to get a credit card. I have just come back from the bank today. I asked 'Krung Thai' if they would give me a credit card and they said yes. They know I have a work permit. They said I would need a letter from my boss, but they know him so shouldn't be a problem.

I was refused one from HSBC, as they said I needed 1 million baht a year salarly.

When I asked Siam Commercial a few years back, the managers actual reply was, "we don't give farangs"! I don't blame him as I was a little drunk at the time. Also a guy I was working with, had a part-time class teaching the staff. He had been recently arrested and given a life sentence for murder, but that is a different story.

The only problem I can see is the fact that you have only been working for two months. They like to see a few months regular deposits. then again this is Thailand and no rule is set. My Krunk Thai bank on Sukhumvit 49 said, "no way", but my new one said, "no problem". I think the Bangok Bank requires a high salary.

Can't you give yourself a salary of 100,000?? You are MD, after all.

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Dear Neeranam,

Well yes actually i am on a 100K baht per month of wages,But just need to know how smooth is it getting a credit card under our own name...YEah just ask the SCB and they say no problem just get a 100Kbaht salary letter from my Company and a personal tax Receipt...

And also they do not have any minimum working days in company to apple a CC..

But UOB and HSCB all wanted to get 1 million Baht a year and also u must be on work permit for at least 2 years...

I think i will try Krung Thai bank also..Well you are rite in thailand the Rulse can be ammend...LEt me see what i can do...After all my supplementary Card given to me by my wife is not safe coz she always check my Statement..SO no privacy....ehheheheheh LOL

Thats why im trying to get me own Card..TO be safe...you know what i mean

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When I opened a savings account with Bangkok bank with 500bht, and a passport with a 30 day tourist visa in it, they asked me if i wanted a credit card. I declined so it went no further but given the above it doesn't seem to me as if getting a credit card is all that much of an issue.

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When I opened a savings account with Bangkok bank  with 500bht, and a passport with a 30 day tourist visa in it, they asked me if i wanted a credit card. I declined so it went no further but given the above it doesn't seem to me as if getting a credit card is all that much of an issue.

I was given a credit card on 30 tourist visa, also a debit visa too.

I think this was because initially the bank manager promised me the Be1st visa card would work everywhere around the world, when I got to my destination the thing wouldnät work, left me penniless in a foreign country. He then gave me two Be1st one for my original account, he opened a new account for me for the 2nd be1st and then gave me a credit card. He was very apologetic, and the whole thing took place in his office away from the crowds. He assigned a teller girl to play with our daughter while took place :o

so it can be done!!!

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Sure it can be done!! We are not talking about the plain old debit cards here --

Credit cards (Visa/Mc) issued by SCB against an account you open and they keep as collateral -- pick your own limit -- this is a good way for a farang to get his foot in the "credit door" -- you will not be able to use that deposit account to withdraw etc., but it will earn Interest as any other account does.

My understanding is that after a year or two, the bank will unlock the funds and from that point on you will be holding a credit card on signature alone!!

Got mine and they even smell good and customer service agents at the BKK # even speak goooood English and do an even better job than CRC outfits stateside in that they ask about 7-8 personal-identity-verifying qts. -- nice, nice, nice ..

Also followed-up on others' statements (in other threads) about Visa/Mc Thailand NOT having the same consumer protection padding as afforded by international CRCs -- still digging deeper into this, but it does appear that they are just as (or almost as) good (ouch!) as the int. variety.


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