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Two Days Sober Today

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... and I will give it a shot tomorrow morning at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital. Leaving Udon today 2PM with 6 or 8 big beers inside. Another 5 mg Valium and 2 beers at Swampy (if I can find a restaurant at the area for connecting flight UTH-BKK-CNX) - will probably keep me alive till 7PM. Then hotel and more drinking - the doctor here in Udon who is knowledgeable about early 'wet brain' symtoms told me not to stop - drink until you are admitted into the hospital, or you risk a seizure.

Not your favourite holiday ...

My very best wishes. Safe journey and look after yourself.

I had been wondering how you were getting on...

Keepin touch!


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4 days :)

Good luck fella.

I never quite managed it despite agonising hours of trying. However, I have achieved some sort of control by strict dicipline, combined with a routine based upon clock watching. I call it limited dependence.

I never have drink in the home (once I used to panic if I was running "dangerously low"), I never have a drink until one pm, then I have six small beers (yes six) over the next three hours in my favourite bar.

I have another six from seven pm onwards, usually on my wanderings.

This is quite heavy drinking every day. However, I feel in control to a certain extent and my system and my head have gotten used to it. I never have yearnings now as long as I have access according to my time-table. I honestly think I would panic if I broke this strict routine. None of my friends seem to realise the lengths that I have to go to to avoid total dependence.

I never touch anything other than lager beer these days, and the smell of whisky now makes want to me vomit.

In sum, I do not think you can generalise over this problem. We are all different and, to a certain extent must employ tactics that work with us. One essential for all is to not neglect sensible eating.

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so no more replies from him. it is a shame as i just started following his threads. i hope that livinginexile is still doing

well but i think proberly not otherwise he would of posted!!!!


maybe he is too busy getting on with his life! don't fear the worst. you should follow philo's threads in this section....an amazing story unfolding there!

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so no more replies from him. it is a shame as i just started following his threads. i hope that livinginexile is still doing

well but i think proberly not otherwise he would of posted!!!!


I see he still participates in the forum, so don't understand why he has abandoned this thread. Be nice to know that the wheels haven't fallen off the wagon.

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@ Livinginexile

How are you doing.....? It's been since August 15th you last posted here ? Still off the booze ?


@ Livinginexile:

Last Seen: 2009-10-14 08:18:45

Last Post (not on this topic) on October 3.....



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've missed this thread, I've been out of the country and too busy for forums. I hope he's stayed sober as well and wish him the best.

I've been sober for a year now, "a few days break" has gone on that long.

I've been under incredible pressure this year and would never have handled things if I'd been drinking. I'm also 40kg lighter and feel like a real person again. I tie my shoelaces without even thinking about it.

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