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Have Your Feelings Towards Thaksin Changed


Have your feelings toward Thaksin changed ...?  

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There is a general consensus in the media that Thaksin has been weakened by his big revolutionary gambles in Pattaya (which he saw as a great victory) and the subsequent fiasco of Black Songkran in Bangkok.

Is this true for you, or not?

In my case my previous feeling was that the reds were more dangerous and violent than the yellows. However, my feelings deeply hardened after these recent events, so I voted I am much more negative on him now.

Edited by Jingthing
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He's the best thing to happen to Thailand in the past 20 years or more.

Thailand needs a type A personality in charge, not a wet tissue.

Even if it means changing Thai law to enhance his wealth ? A case of stealing from his kin folk to better himself and his family. Edited by coventry
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The country causes it's own fiascos, not Thaksin. They let the yellows have their way, so they had little choice with the reds. The reds were out-of-towners and had little motivation to be kind to the city (not their home). The same thing with recent clashes with vendors of pirated goods. It's a place where people really must have their way or they go completely ballistic. There is little concept of laws or law enforcement. Rules apply to 'others' not to them.

Until there is strong, determined leadership, the country will continue to be a mess.

Thaksin is an easy scapegoat--for god's sake, he is blamed for every problem that is, ever was or ever will be. Difficult to believe, but some people have him up there being as powerful as a god-figure. HE ISN'T EVEN HERE!

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My opinion of Thaksin hasn't changed.

Sure he's a corrupt snake, they all are.

But he got things accomplished. He was effective. Too effective, actually. In the end, that was his undoing. Not nice to show up the top dog in the land of face.

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Sure he's a corrupt snake, they all are.

Nobody forces you to choose someone to support. If you think they are all corrupt snakes, argue against them all, don't choose the best of the worst.

Don't bring your standards down for lack of choice, demand that they raise their standards, and until they do, tell them all where to go.

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I'm not an idealistic dreamer. Thaksin was the best of what was available. Still is.

But I don't have a vote so, I don't get wrapped around the axle about it.

Edited by Texpat
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No change for me. Hated him before, hated him after. Guy's a selfish waste of space and rapidly becoming a joke.

Hey, I started hating him before it was fashionable to hate him.

I started hating him around 1996....how about you? Hated him even more when I worked for his government for 3 years.

As far as I'm concerned, hating Thaksin is just sooooo yesterday. :)

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I started hating him around 1996

Yes, I have also been watching him a long time. I felt he was a major creep even in the early days. I smelled a wannabe dictator.

It was pretty obvious, even back then.

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Hey, I started hating him before it was fashionable to hate him.

I started hating him around 1996....how about you?

*hands held up*

You got me beat mate. :)

Wasn't until a year or two into his term that my dislike started to grow - let's just say i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. :D

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Yeah I remember talking to an Isaan friend of mine back then. He loved Thaksin, of course. He asked me what I thought. I told him I had a bad feeling about him. He said well he is a very rich man, he is so rich that he will not be corrupt because he doesn't need any more money.I replied well it is not only money he wants but total power.

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Hey, I started hating him before it was fashionable to hate him.

I started hating him around 1996....how about you?

*hands held up*

You got me beat mate. :)

Wasn't until a year or two into his term that my dislike started to grow - let's just say i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. :D

ha ha. Yeah, my doubts were solidified around that time though.

I remember walking past the Thai journalists association building in Soi Aree around about that time, and seeing it decked out in TRT logo's, banners and colours. This was supposedly an independent association mind you, who had no doubt been leant on by Dear Leader (and perhaps the Department for Public relations across the road).

Ad to that a few other 'convient' policy frameworks, which totally and blatently benefited him and those around him (PTT shares anyone??...opps, none left) then my hatred was cemented.

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Yeah I remember talking to an Isaan friend of mine back then. He loved Thaksin, of course. He asked me what I thought. I told him I had a bad feeling about him. He said well he is a very rich man, he is so rich that he will not be corrupt because he doesn't need any more money.I replied well it is not only money he wants but total power.

Yeah, that was the common view wasn't it? Add to that, well he is rich, so he will know how to run the country well....Bangkokians in particular fell for that one, voting for him in droves.

I've never been a big believer in business people making the cross over into politics. There is a huge need for disclosure in public discourse which doesn't necessarily exist in the private sector. Added to that, running business isn't a democracy, but governance needs to be all about that from first prinicipals, otherwise you lose. You need to be able to argue a case in public life, which is probably why lawyers do so well in public life.

Having said all that, if we can find the Thai version of Paul Keating, then I'll vote for him. He may have been a prick, but he was a democratic prick.

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Yes, he was instrumental in instigating protests in Pattaya during the recent ASEAN meeting; which caused Thailand to lose face and billions of baht for the country. The more I know about Thaksin, the more negative I am about him.

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Hated him back when, and loath him even more now. "War on Drugs", Tak Bai Massacre, Somchai Neelaphaijit's disappearance to name a few back when. His current position of inciting violence and riots proves he has not changed, has never once shown any remorse for anything, while blames everyone else for these heinous acts. Don't realy give a rats arse about his "economics", he's nothing but a ruthless and heartless dictator who continues to show his true colors.

Edited for spelling error

Edited by frodo
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I would guess nobody here on this thread gets to vote.

If the Thais were allowed to vote tomorrow, Thaksin would win ... again.

It's that sticky trouble with democracy -- one poor farmer's vote carries the same weight as a privileged, blue-hair, pompous hiso. And there are a lot more farmers, thankfully, than arrogant, snooty folks. The current PM is a tool installed by another institution.

Thaksin has the mandate of the Thai people, not this knob.

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If the Thais were allowed to vote tomorrow, Thaksin would win ... again.

Wishful thinking on your part is all that is. Nonsense to the rest of us.

There would be a lot of factors in any new election, and of course someday there will be another election. We don't know the future of Abhisit. You can't assume he will ever run, the Thai democrats may end up going with someone else. We don't know if a large section of the red base will see the light and reject everything Thaksin. We don't know how much the other parties can get, there are many parties here. We don't know the impact of new reforms. We don't know if the old massive corruption and vote buying will be reduced. We don't know the kind of party coalitions that will occur after the voting, totally legal and legit in a parliamentary system. However, one thing is certain, the dynamics have significantly changed and a Thaskin proxy candidate will no longer be an automatic winner.

Edited by Jingthing
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No change for me. Hated him before, hated him after. Guy's a selfish waste of space and rapidly becoming a joke.

I concur with Rixalex. As such, I voted "I am am somewhat more negative on him now" because I was already at the "much more" stage. Recent events have been icing on the cake for my point of view.

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