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How Much Cash Is On You Right This Minute?

DJ Pat

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yep bank of scotland for £100 note

it's legal british tender but u should see english peeps faces when u hand them one-they either think it's monopoly money or u've just printed it :D

i've heard u can get £100 travellers cheques?????

at the mo i have about £30 in my pocket after shelling out £20 to blockbusters :D

can't wait to get back to los....i feel cheated on everything in the uk now :o

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Ok so you're sitting at your PC and I want you to look in your pockets and / or wallet and tell us how much cash do you have on you right now?

Not a single satang .... I'm typing in my birthday suit .... not a sight for the faint of heart! :o

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2000 Uganda shillings

1000 Rwanda francs

100 Botswana Pulas

Methinks that sub-Saharan Africa will be the economic superpowers of this century!!!

Just gotta put away the machetes and get all the hunter-gatherer tribes to make

peace not war!!!

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You rich bunch o whacko's - I think i'm gunna have to take a fly around and 'arf inch the contents of all your wallets whilst your sleeping...

I'm my wallet i've got 600baht, gotta last me till Friday as i dont wanna go near the ATM's.

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ok..... I'm going to be a smart ass and tell you I have exactly 26,340 baht..... now the reason for having that much is my New Zealand bank charges me $7.50 for every cash withdraw and so today I have traveled 20km to the nearest ATM to get out the max amount of 20,000 baht.

My plan is to make that amount last a whole month but it never does :o

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5,020 Baht.

Don't need more as I also have one ATM card & one Amex card

Opening the timelock (only works outside drinking hours :D ) I find:

One Thai Drivers License

One Thai Motocy' License

One office security door access card ... err ... 'thingy' :o

Not gonna get that far am I really?

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yep bank of scotland for £100 note

it's legal british tender but u should see english peeps faces when u hand them one-they either think it's monopoly money or u've just printed it :D

i've heard u can get £100 travellers cheques?????

at the mo i have about £30 in my pocket after shelling out £20 to blockbusters :D

can't wait to get back to los....i feel cheated on everything in the uk now :o

All correct. :D

The £100 note I carry was issued by the Royal Bank of Scotland and indeed the Bank of S. also does them as well as the £1 pound notes.(paper)

There used to be at least 5 major Scottish Banking organisations -RBS-BS-Clydesdale Bank,British Linen and The National Commercial but the last 2 have been absorbed into other concerns.

Re: the £500 T.Cs.again Yes..

I get mine from AMEX who when I "lost"a couple last year replaced them in about 48 hours....Good Service. :D

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So when you coming down then?

I'm having a party at my gaff saturday night so probably sunday night.

you never know when you might need it to get out of an unexpected bit of trouble...

With who?

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Mai Mee Satang.

Same same..

I think it's a good idea to carry a few thousand baht around with you at all times, "just in case" - you never know when you might need it to get out of an unexpected bit of trouble...

Even sitting at the 'puta in my lounge room in just my jocks?

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What the hey, nothing better to do.

$1,069 US

10 Euro

540 Indian Rupees

70 UAE Dirhams

3,420 Baht

15 Afghanis (the currency, not the people !)

Would have had more, but I donated quite a bit to the Tsunami Relief fund (partly out of generosity, partly because the company agreed to match every $ raised and I wanted to stick it to them! ) :o

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Ok so you're sitting at your PC and I want you to look in your pockets and / or wallet and tell us how much cash do you have on you right now?

Not a single satang .... I'm typing in my birthday suit .... not a sight for the faint of heart! :D

Typing in your birthday suit.... Why are you on TV.com then? :o

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