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Theft In Chiang Mai


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i guess i was hoping that wat gate was a more secure area. presumably there's no such thing.

I don't know which part of Wat Gaet you live in, but the more celubrious part near the Gymkhana is fine, although I have noticed some dubious characters lately, further down the soi - there's one guy with tatoos who owns a music bar or some such thing!!? I think he's a musician!! :) He seems a nice enough chap, but you have got to wonder how it affects property prices? :D

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I'd buy a safe, but not sure what I have of value that I'd put into it.. I could put in the laptops I suppose, but those either travel with me or are in my bedroom. Other than that..

Winnie, laptops travel with, but how about that external HD you back everything up onto. Would hate to lose a laptop (rainstorm, forget it a pub, fall from the moto - heard of all of these happening) and your BU was stolen from in the house just the week b4. You do back up don't you ? I met a dude last yr who lost 11 yrs of NGO projects, data, and other personal things due to a computer plaza miscommunication where they reformatted his HD and he had no backup. 11 yrs !!!! I'd $hit myself. And be really mad at self for never backing up. In the end they recovered alot of his data but all scrambled without folders so imagine sorting thru a HD of 100,000 different files ! Dang.

But, yeah not much valuable here at my place either, but I had no idea you could get a big heavy one for just 5k. That's a good idea McG!

That is precisely what I keep in my safe- The 250 GB external HDD that has my entire laptop contents, plus my music and photo archive (which I back up at least once a month).

Oh, and my passport (I carry a laminated card copy of same with current visa/extension in my wallet), all my US bank ATM and credit cards, keys for misc. US properties (storage spaces, safety deposit boxes in US), my tax records (you need 3-5 years worth in case of audit), a little bit of jewelery, misc. personal files, yadda yadda.

Oh, and this small safe is fire rated (1 hour at 1800 C) and fits all of the above, plus my laptop.

PM tigerbeer, he is a sponsor, so it is OK to mention his name. He sold me the safe for a very good price, and one year later I am very happy with it.

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Related funny story

a relatives house was broken into last month in a new moo-ban

well a month later somehow they caught the thief(trying to carry some japanese guys safe out at 3am)

and the police had 'recovered' my relatives laptop and camera (but gold was gone of course)

so they called her to come down to the station. When she got to the station the police told her that they actually didnt have the camera and laptop, cause the theif had already sold it to a pawnshop down the road

so the police then took her to a shady little pawnshop AROUND THE CORNER from the police station where she was forced to buy back her laptop and camera (at deep discount prices of course)

nice racket...... :)

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We have never been burgled and we don't have bars on our home nor do many of our neighbors nor do we live in a gated community with a guard. However; there was an incident about 3 years ago where a good majority of the water meters were taken but we had ours installed inside the gate and it was untouched.

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Winnie, laptops travel with, but how about that external HD you back everything up onto. Would hate to lose a laptop (rainstorm, forget it a pub, fall from the moto - heard of all of these happening) and your BU was stolen from in the house just the week b4. You do back up don't you ?

Backups are for sissies. :)

Ok, no really, we have fancy backup stuff at the office.. and the most important things I back-up on DVD as well.. How likely are those to be stolen..

When I have my laptop with me it's in the car usually.. For some reason break-ins into cars are exceptionally rare in this country, Gawd knows why.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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When I have my laptop with me it's in the car usually.. For some reason break-ins into cars are exceptionally rare in this country, Gawd knows why.

Did you ever look inside a real Thai car?

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I have a real Thai car. Made in Thailand, registered in Thailand... It's no different from most other cars I see around me.

Oh wait, maybe real Thai cars would have a LCD TV and DVD player combo in it. I only have a crappy MP3 player.

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