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Many 'fie Dop'/blackouts In Doi Saket Area!


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I live in the Doi Saket area and this year, we have been experiencing way too many blackouts than in years before and the rainy season hasn't come yet. Just wondering if other folks are experiencing same?? and where??

Seems all it takes for the fie to dop is a slight breeze or a couple of drops of semi rain.

better post this quick or I'll loose it to another blackout...... 3 already today.

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I strongly suspect our transformer, which is old and probably poorely maintained as well as trees that haven't been trimmed for over a year, because 50% of the time, our neighbors on another transformer don't get dopped while we do.

Pondlife, is it all of Pai that is dopping or just your neck of the woods?? and does it seem more than normal for not even the begenning of the real rainy season....if it ever comes.

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Yeah, ours seem much more than in years past and therfore my post. Which inspires me to get a handle on it before the real rains come.

I know that they have been 'improving' your power lines over the hill. Have they finished that project yet??

It's hard to believe that no one else seems to be having problems, altho my friend in hang Dong says there are more blackouts there.

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