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Convicted Of Cussing; Brit Offender Burrowes To Get Free Tcket Home


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As traversing the globe entails any number of potential pitfalls, not everyone is cut out to be a world traveler.

What a pompous statement!

Seems the board is populated with elitists , too.

So, you are actually arguing Mr. Burrowes skin colour had NOTHING to do with his ordeal and it was his fault that his legally issued passport wasn't up to Thai standards ( or at least one Thai's standard..)?

Factual, not pompous.

Realist, not elitist.

I'm not arguing anything, but simply pointing out that given his presentation with a suspect passport followed by aggressive action, the subsequent events that befell him could occur to a person of any color.

Part of being world traveler is having responsibility for educating oneself and in many areas, this was sorely lacking. Yes, others were involved in his predicament, but I don't absolve him of his own role in it.

:):D :D :D

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Good riddance to his sort...thats one of the main reasons I left the U.K. because of w&nkers like him....still think they should have locked him away for a few years...total a&&hole...

And what exactly is 'his sort'?

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Good riddance to his sort...thats one of the main reasons I left the U.K. because of w&nkers like him....still think they should have locked him away for a few years...total a&&hole...

Ahh, a Pommie Redneck. Commenting on something he knows Jack about.

I've entered you in the rare breeds competition next month. :)

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If you can't figure that out I can't help you. I also assume you haven't been following the reactionary redneck intolerant racist attacks against Simon. Nothing more to say to you. I have proven my point adequately. Cheers.

jingthing.............what is the matter with you. always starting something. keep your dress on and jai yen yen or please dont keep mentioning you are an american, you are giving us a bad name

one of the reasons i left the US and retired here is people with your uppity attitude........give it a rest and enjoy thailand

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If you can't figure that out I can't help you. I also assume you haven't been following the reactionary redneck intolerant racist attacks against Simon. Nothing more to say to you. I have proven my point adequately. Cheers.

jingthing.............what is the matter with you. always starting something. keep your dress on and jai yen yen or please dont keep mentioning you are an american, you are giving us a bad name

one of the reasons i left the US and retired here is people with your uppity attitude........give it a rest and enjoy thailand

Kind of arrogant of you to assume you can dictate that only redneck Americans should retire to Thailand. The dress comment, what was that? Do you wear a dress? My position, Simon was a victim of racism here, is mirrored by the very admired journalist Andrew Drummond ... and who are you?

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This redneck nonsense is amusing. Burrowes appears to be the only rude, crass lowlife around. And he's a pom, so a lout, not a redneck.

I'd say the pansy libs who will excuse anything have a lot to learn about actions and consequences.

Much like loudmouth, mannerless azzholes.

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While Mr. Burrows could have shown more restraint in expressing his displeasure, the Thai authorities could also have shown a bit of tolerance. Holding him to the last possible minute, then hustling him onboard his (original) flight might have gotten their message across.

Yes, we all know "This is Thailand" and that we must respect Thai authority, but do those same authorities ever think about the negative image Thailand is sending the world?

... Sadly, I think they just don't care.

before we start having a go at Thai immigration cause they are such an easy target, lets re-read the one of the few sensible posts about this from the scouser...

My point is that while potential tourists will not be thrilled that the British Embassy screwed up, they will be even less happy about possibly ending up in a Thai slammer for what was essentially Mr. Burrowes bad manners and poor judgement. Mistakes were made all around, but IMHO Thailands image suffered the most.

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Factual, not pompous.

Realist, not elitist.

I'm not arguing anything, but simply pointing out that given his presentation with a suspect passport followed by aggressive action, the subsequent events that befell him could occur to a person of any color.

Part of being a world traveler is having responsibility for educating oneself and in many areas, this was sorely lacking. Yes, others were involved in his predicament, but I don't absolve him of his own role in it.

An extract from an email I received today from an American friend on this subject:

I got a new passport when my foto stopped looking like me I had lost almost 80 pounds, the foto was from those pre 9-11 days when an embassy just would glue in the foto on the page and about 1/3rd was gone etc if fact i was surprised that I had been able to us it for so long with no trouble at all. I once made the mistake of wearing a Bob Marley Tshit on a trip to the Dominican republic. I just did not think about it and it was a nice colour etc. they stopped me-searched every part of my suitcase and had a long interview "in Spanish telling me that Marley was a aggresivo drugarito" finally I figured it out took off the shirt and gave it tot he immigration guy-took an other shirt out of my bag and everyone was happy I was to meet a family there and the guy who picked me up was a cop and he though it was funny since he nephew had his room full of Bob Marley fotos etc and there were Billboards of Marley on the highway. needless to say it taught me a lesson-just because i do not smoke dope and no longer drink I still need to have some minor Brains when i pass thru boarders.....

The above simply illustrates that the sort of thing that happened to Mr Burrows can happen to anyone in a third world country if they don't use a bit of common sense when travelling there. The officials in these countries are a law unto themselves and don't give a shit about international opinion or rules.

No one is condoning what happened, but we are simply pointing out that there are ways to avoid these kind of problems by using a bit of Nous.

At the risk of engaging the wrath of the liberal Pc brigade, I would further suggest that in Mr Burrows case, he should have been aware that racism is alive and well in Asia, and is widely practised without fear of sanction. So as a black man, if he chooses to travel to a racist country, he should be aware that his behaviour, dress and demeanour need to be exemplary if he is to avoid trouble. If he cannot accept this, then he had better stay in so-called civilised western countries.

It is sad, but it is the way things are in this part of the world.

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given his presentation with a suspect passport followed by aggressive action, the subsequent events that befell him could occur to a person of any color.

Part of being a world traveler is having responsibility for educating oneself and in many areas, this was sorely lacking. Yes, others were involved in his predicament, but I don't absolve him of his own role in it.

I rather think I have seen more imaginative automata.

What's the point?

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more than 10 years ago on my second trip to India i was in bkk transit for a few days, still wearing my hippy clothing got pulled over by immi, they inspected my passport , after some time I smiled and asked "any problem" they smiled , no problem he says and takes my passport out of the uv light, lets me go on my way.

sure you need some common sense when dealing with these people, but i think what it also reveals is the immi people are not professional in their jobs, pulling people over based on how they dress or the color of their skin.

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While Mr. Burrows could have shown more restraint in expressing his displeasure, the Thai authorities could also have shown a bit of tolerance. Holding him to the last possible minute, then hustling him onboard his (original) flight might have gotten their message across.

Yes, we all know "This is Thailand" and that we must respect Thai authority, but do those same authorities ever think about the negative image Thailand is sending the world?

... Sadly, I think they just don't care.

before we start having a go at Thai immigration cause they are such an easy target, lets re-read the one of the few sensible posts about this from the scouser...

My point is that while potential tourists will not be thrilled that the British Embassy screwed up, they will be even less happy about possibly ending up in a Thai slammer for what was essentially Mr. Burrowes bad manners and poor judgement. Mistakes were made all around, but IMHO Thailands image suffered the most.

he would have ended up in the slammer regardless. He could have been polite as day in this situation and it would have made stuff all difference.

His own embassy effectively disowned him.

If my embassy effectively disowned me, denied my identity and nationality (without even a chance to verbally prove it), I would have cracked the sh!ts as well. And I'm a person who cracks the sh!ts perhaps once every 2 years, if I'm lucky!

Anyone who says they would have acted differently if this happens to them is either is a liar, or a wishful thinker.

Edited by samran
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Or perhaps a calm, confident, level-headed traveller rather than a hot-tempered, blowhard who flies off the handle at the drop of a hat.

oh, do please grace us with your knowledge on this one.

You are standing at immigration. They suspect they your passport, however legitmate it is, is really a fake.

They follow standard protocol by calling up your embassy who respond by saying "nope, not on the system, he's not one of ours".

Thai immigration aren't going to let you back into Thailand....

Tell us, what would you do...?

Illuminate us with your wisdom.....

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For starters, I'm not going to yell the words <deleted> or idiots. Because I'm smart enough to realize that won't help resolve the situation.

Is your self-control really that weak? Haven't you learned to control yourself? Have you no discipline at all? Is this sort of behaviour (haha) acceptable where you're from?

Do you see the irony of calling someone who retains the capacity of remaining calm and in control a redneck? You're slowly passing from funny to foolish.

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In Thailand and elsewhere, a shirtless photograph is not considered riap roi (proper) and can cause offence. It appears there is no stipulation that shoulders must be covered in British passport photographs. That's a failure to take account of international convention. Any country that allows its citizens to continue to use passports issued before the world became massively concerned about terrorism clearly is not treating the issue seriously enough.

Fair point.


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For starters, I'm not going to yell the words <deleted> or idiots. Because I'm smart enough to realize that won't help resolve the situation.

Is your self-control really that weak? Haven't you learned to control yourself? Have you no discipline at all? Is this sort of behaviour (haha) acceptable where you're from?

this has got nothing to do with ones ability to control ones self.

The question to you is simply this: how would have avoided 3 weeks in jail if the same thing happened to you?

Please feel free to imagine you were martha stewart polite.

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It's all about self control.

Burrowes had none and subsequently suffered through huge personal embarrassment and an uncomfortable stint in the pokey.

Respect authority -- even if you privately believe you are from the promised land and carry that magical, enchanted passport and are a proper, civilized human being and those putting the squeeze on you are third-world little pissant monkeys.

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Burrowes had none and subsequently suffered through huge personal embarrassment and an uncomfortable stint in the pokey.

He was going into the pokey ANYWAY. They determined his passport was not valid. That puts you in the pokey, no matter how much arse you kiss.

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It's all about self control.

Burrowes had none and subsequently suffered through huge personal embarrassment and an uncomfortable stint in the pokey.

Respect authority -- even if you privately believe you are from the promised land and carry that magical, enchanted passport and are a proper, civilized human being and those putting the squeeze on you are third-world little pissant monkeys.

so being by being polite, how would those "third-world little pissant monkeys" have treated him?

You still haven't answered that, but I suspect you won't.

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I would imagine immigration officers around Thailand look at thousands -- tens of thousands -- of passports daily.

Of that number, there is likely more than a few "suspect" passports that give them pause every day.

I'm confident that if Burrowes hadn't bowed up on the immigration officer and remained calm without his outburst, the incident would never have escalated and he would have been home weeks ago.

Som nam naa.

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I'm confident that if Burrowes hadn't bowed up on the immigration officer and remained calm without his outburst, the incident would never have escalated and he would have been home weeks ago.

That is ridiculous. They called his embassy. They didn't know of the passport. He was going to jail. Being polite would have not stopped that.

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I look like a deer caught in the headlights on my passport photo. (Irish)

Should i change it?

Also, for women, we sometimes have long hair, sometimes have short hair, sometimes blond, sometimes brunette...

The list goes on. Whatever happened to the parent ones with the babies names on them. Now a baby has to have its own passport, how much does a baby's features change over 1-2-3- 10 years?

I guess those new ones with the digital, eye x-ray etc. ones will do the biz.

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Once he became obnoxious, jail was inevitable.

If he had one ounce of self control, he, in all liklihood, could have reasoned with them, proved his identity through other means.

If you've been in Thailand more than a week, you learn that losing your cool will get you nowhere.

Evidently he missed that lesson.

"I was angry. I grabbed my passport and walked out of the immigration area, saying, 'I am a British citizen who has come to your country to spend my money. Don't treat me like a 'f**king idiot.'"

What a tw@. Sadly, he sounds like a lot of TV posters who think spending money here allows for special rights, liberties and privileges.

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