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Thaksin To Be Indicted For Lese Majeste

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But then, do we even know all the evidence against him or are we limited to thinking that a single sentence in a single newspaper is all the evidence there is against him?

do you have any reason to doubt the report from the bkk post, any evidence to counter the basis for the police charge ?

Do I have reason to believe that the total of all the evidence was more than 2 sentences in 2 different publications (admitting my earlier 1 in 1 was in error) that was reported by the Bangkok Post? Yes. I think what Bangkok Post published in their very short article was just a very small portion of the total amount of evidence that was considered.

So we agree then John, that the Sky News report that conjures up the word 'demand' - but not in a quote, is a frivolous charge of LM. ("I never said that" being the obvious defence)

Can't see how you can take my post as some sort of agreement as not knowing what all the evidence examined was, it's impossible to characterize the charge as frivolous.

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do you have any reason to doubt the report from the bkk post, any evidence to counter the basis for the police charge ?

Do I have reason to believe that the total of all the evidence was more than 2 sentences in 2 different publications (admitting my earlier 1 in 1 was in error) that was reported by the Bangkok Post? Yes. I think what Bangkok Post published in their very short article was just a very small portion of the total amount of evidence that was considered.

"i think" is hardly a good reason.

How about common sense? Do you honestly believe that all of this is based on that little bit? :)

Or how about taking the initiative and spend 1 minute with another news source for amplifying information, such as from The Nation:

"The police report has drawn the conclusion that Thaksin has committed lese majeste as per Article 112 of the Criminal Code," Special Branch commissioner Lt General Theeradet Rodphothong said.

Thaksin made numerous disrespectful references to the royal institution in his interviews to the foreign press describing the riots by the red-shirt crowd, he said.

also, of note to all in their article:

The investigation report is expected to be submitted for final review by police headquarters before forwarding to the Attorney-General's Office.

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Anyone convicted of LM have routinely been pardoned.....will Thaksin be treated any differently?

Yes. Since he is a threat to the monachy (Thaksin idea of republic), he will be put in jail forever with no possibility of pardon or release.

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" In the interest of national security" is how the charge of LM usually starts. Being from a monarchy that opening line really puzzles me. My monarch has been openly debated, for good and bad, in the press on tv and the fact is she is stronger as a person and institution than ever before. There is never any threat, from any quarter to our beloved Queen.

The King of Thailand has the respect of all people and in my opinion does not need LM to protect him or his family. So who is LM protecting. That is the real issue with LM.

This charge against Thaksin just smells of fear. To try to discredit him in the eyes of his followers is so weak. This is not my country and as such my opinion counts for little or nothing but thai people I talk to in Issan truly believe that at some point Thaksin will return.

It would be a mistake to underestimate the poor people of this country, they are not ignorant oiks, they fully understand the thai hierarchy but are just petrified to discuss it.

But they do understand how polarising Thaksin's return to the political stage will be to the country?

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Seeing as Thaksin no longer holds a Thai passport and is not in Thailand, can this charge be brought up. Wouldn't you then have to charge an awful lot of other people around the world including the guy(s) who wrote the Economist articles, a number of academics and presumably Mr Nicolaides again for printing books or articles after his release.

A number of Australian newspapers while you are at it. Boy there are going to be some busy bees at Thai embassies around the world. After all if you charge a non Thai national on foreign media, you presumably would charge the whole lot of guilty parties.

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Thaksin 'to be indicted'

By The Nation

Published on May 15, 2009

Fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will be recommended for indictment based on his "offensive" comments about the monarchy during the Songkran mayhem, police said yesterday.

"The police report has drawn the conclusion that Thaksin has committed lese majeste as per Article 112 of the Criminal Code," Special Branch commissioner Lt General Theeradet Rodphothong said.

Thaksin made numerous disrespectful references to the royal institution in his interviews to the foreign press describing the riots by the red-shirt crowd, he said.

Investigators from the Special Branch, Central Investigation Bureau and Information Technology and Communication Office made a joint recommendation for prosecution.

The investigation report is expected to be submitted for final review by police headquarters before forwarding to the Attorney-General's Office.

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Bangkok Post writes today

"Special Branch chief Theeradet Rodphothong, who chaired the meeting, said Thaksin's interviews with foreign media on April 12 and 13 constituted lese majeste.

Thaksin demanded through Britain-based Sky News and the Financial Times that His Majesty the King intervene in political unrest in Thailand or people would be killed. He said the King was the only person who could fix the problem."


That's it? :)

Phew. Thats ok then. I thought Thaksin had done something serious !

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well, like I said: To call for REVOLUTION is already a statement against monarchy and therfor its right to get him on this.

I really held breath once I heard it first.

Muttering like: "oh I meant it like this or so .... " would 't convince me...


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Mmmmm. This looks like an attempt to divert attention from the embarrassing flop that was the summit, and the then postponed summit.

To be honest its a very weak charge. I doubt many people will be fooled by it.

why not they were fooled by the 'corruption' charges which only led to a conflict of interest verdict, pathetic persecution of a political opponent and as such the pot calling the kettle black as this lot are even more repressive and vindictive than T was.

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Somewhat ironic though if the police had the power to find him guilty. After all, Thaksin empowered the police to be judge, jury and executioner during his war on drugs.

My thoughts exactly.

Call it: 'The Haunting"... instant karma 's gonna get you!

...it's weird somehow isn't it?

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The charge does not get much more serious for a Thai.

Tell this to Sulak Sriwalaksa, he's been charged 18 times and counting, still his opinions are all over Thai media, he is one of the most respected social critics here.

The name is Sulak Sivaraksa สุลักษณ์ ศิวรักษ์ 18 times? I count only 3, maybe 4, and never convicted.

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-- Bangkok Post 15/05/09

Thaksin denies police charge of lese majeste

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 15/05/2009 at 02:59 PM Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra issued a statement declaring his innocence on Friday after police announced they have enough evidence to convict him of lese majeste.

The statement was released through his former legal adviser Noppadon Pattama.

"The accusation is very serious and contradicts what actually happened," he said in the statement.


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Thaksin denies police charge of lese majeste

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 15/05/2009 at 02:59 PM Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra issued a statement declaring his innocence on Friday after police announced they have enough evidence to convict him of lese majeste.

The statement was released through his former legal adviser Noppadon Pattama.

"The accusation is very serious and contradicts what actually happened," he said in the statement.


Some really FURIOUS backpedaling....

How can he denie this own words in the international press.

Songkran + Thaksin = Political Waterloo

His mouth has typically been his second worst enemy,

his ego is his worst enemy.

BKK Post =

He reiterated claims there have been earlier, similar attempts to discredit him, and said he would fight till the end to prove his innocence.

Yes fight to the end,

as long as he doesn't have to return and appear in court to do it...

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For one thing, if there was said anything even close to substantial disrespectfull during any of the interviews given during Songran, you and your fellow goon-squad would have been all over it.

It didn't go unnoticed - Thaksin asking for royal intervention to solve the crisis, that much was reported in local media. If there are LM charges coming with this - he got what he deserved.

Didn't PAD also ask for royal intervention a few years ago?


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By pursuing this course of action they are only helping Thaksin's cause and further legitimising the republican movement.

Many Thais do not agree with these laws yet are too frightened to speak out.

Another own-goal from this rudderless government.

It seems they are determined to make a martyr out of him at any cost.

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By pursuing this course of action they are only helping Thaksin's cause and further legitimising the republican movement.

Many Thais do not agree with these laws yet are too frightened to speak out.

Another own-goal from this rudderless government.

It seems they are determined to make a martyr out of him at any cost.

Absolutely, just when they appear to be able to start getting the whole thing calmed down a little bit, this happens. Add in the PAD entering the political stage officially, and the temperature just got warmed up again.

It is in itself not a bad law. Some institutions need protection and should be respected. It is just that the scope of it is far too broad. Who knows, maybe I just broke it?

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For one thing, if there was said anything even close to substantial disrespectfull during any of the interviews given during Songran, you and your fellow goon-squad would have been all over it.

It didn't go unnoticed - Thaksin asking for royal intervention to solve the crisis, that much was reported in local media. If there are LM charges coming with this - he got what he deserved.

Didn't PAD also ask for royal intervention a few years ago?


Good point. The current PAD/DEM/Army govt is using the "laws" in the same manner as the junta in Myanmar is using their "laws" - for political intimidation and control. Myanmar will be successful; Thailand will not! Justice will prevail!

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Police to seek help from Foreign Ministry to translate Thaksin's interview

The Central Investigation Bureau chief confirmed Friday that police will make a case against fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on lese Majesty charge.

CIB Commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Thangai Prassajaksattru said a committee in charge of monitoring news that damage reputation of the Royal Family decided that Thaksin had allegedly made lese majesty statement in his recent interview with a foreign website.

Thangai said the interview will be translated into Thai before the CIB will formally begin the case against Thaksin so the CIB will seek help from the Foreign Ministry for the translation.

Thaksin Friday issued a statement saying he had never defamed the Royal Family because he respects the Monarchy like all other Thais.


-- The Nation 15/05/09

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For one thing, if there was said anything even close to substantial disrespectfull during any of the interviews given during Songran, you and your fellow goon-squad would have been all over it.

It didn't go unnoticed - Thaksin asking for royal intervention to solve the crisis, that much was reported in local media. If there are LM charges coming with this - he got what he deserved.

Didn't PAD also ask for royal intervention a few years ago?


So the score is one all.

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It didn't go unnoticed - Thaksin asking for royal intervention to solve the crisis, that much was reported in local media. If there are LM charges coming with this - he got what he deserved.

Didn't PAD also ask for royal intervention a few years ago?


So the score is one all.

The law should be used to protect the monarchy...not settle political scores.

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The word Thaksin used in the Sky News interview is "urge" . Its there in black and white.

Which I think we all know does not mean 'demand' ......

Journalist, do you think it's Thaksin's place, as a convicted criminal who has fled the country, to either be urging or demanding anything of the King?

Whether legal or not, i just think that making requests in public of His Majesty is inappropriate and disrespectful.

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