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No Amnesty For Thaksin, Says Abhisit

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Bangkok Post published the AFP content as well, but they edited the last part out. maybe someone at the Post didn't liked the sentence : "Thaksin remains a deeply divisive figure in Thailand; he enjoys wide support from the country's largely rural poor but is a hate figure for powerful Bangkok-based cliques in the palace, military and bureaucracy."

Censorship in action.

There is a reference to it that makes it counter to LM laws,

and also totally redundant for most all living in Thailand anyway.

Is this actually 'NEWS' to anyone in Thailand... I think not.

It's not like they are hiding/censoring something everyone DOESN'T know...

never ever change a quoted lined by text formating like adding bold. don't do it. read the TVForum Netiquette guideline point 2: "Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording."

point 1 too: "Please do not post in all capital letters, bold, unusual fonts, sizes or colors. It can be difficult to read." for what reason do you use underline? it normally indicates a hyperlink.

you are right the sentence: (thaksin) enjoys wide support from the country's largely rural poor but is a hate figure for powerful Bangkok-based cliques in the palace, military and bureaucracy. isn't actually new News. everybody knows that. even hard core yellow brains admit that is a fact. yes or not?

it's to easy to claim here was censorship in action. news angencies articles often got updates later during the day, not seldom more than once and additional lines/ information got added. so we don't know if the Bangkok Post had an earlier version of that AFP article, that didn't included yet the paragraphs that are missing in the Post version compared to version that appeared elsewhere.

The Post, hereby i rely on what i observed using the google sarch engine, was on of the first 'online papers' that published the AFP news.

a lot of online news portals around the world have their own editorial line and additional news added by third parties via contracts with content providers, for example the editor of a Madrid/Spain based media portal booked there all 'news, related to Madrid or whatever, by AFP, reupers, DPA or so on, category, politics, economics, social news and so on. or some category like 'photo of the day' or 'funny/odd news around the world'. that got published almost automatical without any big editorial control. (for example, if you google now the AFP or AP article to that topic, you will find it all over the net in various newspapers

but i think at the Bangkok Post, such content like the AFP article got added by hand, maybe using google to find the 'news' har har. like The Nation copypasta story of Thaksin is island shopping. Bangkok Post news often come from here http://nntworld.prd.go.th/ maybe rewrites of the english version or owns translation of the thai version, a mixture of both.

to claim censorship you should have a look how AFP content is usually handled by the Bangkok Post, how often they have AFP news, do they edit it and in what way or copypasta all at whole. i guess you will find out that Bangkok Post rarely use AFP news for reporting on thai politics, but maybe in sports, social news and international news. and yeah it can happen that in the copypasta process sometimes the last paragraph got lost.

to compare the online "journalism" of the main stream media with brain cancer wouldn't be be only a opinion of a hard core cultural pessimist. it's blah and bits of info noise that keeps you updated that something happend but isn't the bearer of the truth.

i don't believe in a big conspiration of the powerful that want keep the underprivilege dumb. to gain knowledge you have to use your own intelligence and it is work, hard work. just look how many expats can speak thai, to gain orally/verbally skills would be almost for free, you don't need to pay big money for it but it would be a kind form of social contact with the locals. pratice thai and learn thai just with small talks with friends or the taxi driver, shop assitants and so on. it's there, but how many of the expats using it or are to lazy and not interested.

so to answer the question why the Bangkok Post dropped the last paragraph, i would tend to an interpretation, that they didn't like it, a soft version of self censorship, rather than to assume that they don't want repeat redundant informations once more again.

i am surprised that the later exegesis comes from A.., isn't he the best example how somebody keeps repeating the same again and again what everybody allready knows. one the other hand - no surprise, just a typical A.. twist. tricky as a three shells and a pea game.

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^ I think you should lie down on a couch and talk to somebody.

You do understand that AFP stories are sold to various media outlets? In this case, TheStandard decided to publish the AFP article?

<deleted> does the page rank of the site have to do with the article in question!?!

Your post has seriously placed you in outright-moron territory.

< blathering snipped >

your argument makes no logical sense - are you saying that the article is incorrect ?

what is your reason for posting links to alexa - the scourge they are ?


I take it from your guys' posts that Hagen must still be ranting and raving about something regarding the article.

Sheesh... it must have quite a rambling tirade. It's so refreshing that now with him on Ignore, one can just skim right past the trifling stuff and get on to read posts.

It's really quite telling that through all the thick and thin of the forum over the many years, the thousands of posters and posts, still.. I've only ever put one other poster on Ignore in all this time. That was permanent_disorder. I've waded through all sorts of posts and opinions and whatnot and never felt so inclined to do so... but then, once in a blue moon, a truly exceptional poster comes along, and it all just seems so natural to just put them on Ignore.

It still allows one to view a post if one elects, but then, why bother? That would defeat the purpose and with all the text removed, it just glides past.

Edited by sriracha john
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that is such obviously BS what SJ want to tell, and it's amusing how his fan boys come for support.

your argument makes no logical sense - are you saying that the article is incorrect ?

what is your reason for posting links to alexa - the scourge they are ?

  • SJ wrote: "The day that non-accountable bloggers, especially ones so loose with the truth as bangkok pundit often is, are considered a "recognized news source", as requested for by Admin, is the day they close down Reuters.
    - Reply: "loose with the truth" bankok pundit is? just a claim, unsubstantial, unproven claim. BLAH. not more.
  • SJ wrote: "Agence France-Presse / 2009-05-16"
    - Reply: no it is not, is not from AFP. the AFP article you can read here hosted by google or published by the Bangkok Post. both times at the 15.05.2009. and not at the 16.05.2009 like SJ dated his "AFP" article.
    that his article appear on 15.05.2009 on a webpage somewhere in the internet (with a very low page rank according to alexa) doesn't make it to an AFP article of the 16.05.2009 as SJ falsly claims. that is the illogical thing here.
  • SJ wrote: "Indeed, it was an AFP article posted on one of Hong Kong's largest publications with a half-million readers."
    - Reply: a) not indeed, but of course NOT an AFP article. just repeating that doesn't make it to an AFP article. that is BS.
    B) largest publication? just a claim, unsubstantial, unproven claim. BLAH. not more. i linked to the alexa page rank of that site, following SJ argument credibility is based on the number of readership. but nobody in hongkong really goes to that site to read the news. you can check the other news publication (online) in Hong Kong as well. and you will see some total other figures how often those pages get visitors.
  • Stumonster' quoted HvT:" it's amusing how his (Sri Johns) fan boys come for support."
    - Reply: always a pleasure, you are welcome.

and it's not the first time that i saw how SJ edit, change and altered the News, wrote his own version and doesn't indicate his changes. he falsify the original 'news'. click here and here for two examples.

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(with a very low page rank according to alexa)

I don't know anyone who has installed the alexa malware toolbar on purpose and therefore do not extend them any real credibility

do you rank bangkokpundit above the hongkong standard ?

[*] Stumonster' quoted HvT:" it's amusing how his (Sri Johns) fan boys come for support."

- Reply: always a pleasure, you are welcome.

no logical sense
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^ I think you should lie down on a couch and talk to somebody.

You do understand that AFP stories are sold to various media outlets? In this case, TheStandard decided to publish the AFP article?

&lt;deleted&gt; does the page rank of the site have to do with the article in question!?!

Your post has seriously placed you in outright-moron territory.

can only come up with insults instead of arguments?

so it doesn't appear to you a little bit strange that AFP was only able to sell the 'article' in question to TheStandard.hk. and so TheStandard.hk is the only media outlet that published this 'AFP' article?

and who is "TheStandard"? care to explain why a text published on the TheStandard.hk and dated: 15.05.2009, is a prove that the same text posted by SJ is an AFP article of the 16.05.2009, as sri John claimed (without giving a link to his source). where is there the logic?

and why SJ didn't gave a link, how do you know that he did take it from there?

why is it moronic if i check after such claims like "one of Hong Kong's largest publications with a half-million readers." with the page rank of thestandard.com.hk at alexa*? is TheStandard.hk a reliable source where you get AFP news from, one day earlier before the worldwide publishing date, or what?

if the goal is to bring AFP news a nonmoronic netsavvy user would look somewhere else or at least try to verify what was there published as AFP news on thestandard.com.hk

and now to the content, look what is written in the text . and how a non-moronic reader just spot in the frist line news quacks Sri Johns fake 'AFP' news, that this never can be an AFP article.

Abhisit, the Pusher!

i will not waste to much time on the explanation jsut drop a few key words and that are: professional journalism vs. sensationalistic style.

the inverted pyramid, and that information aare ordered after their significance, or what the author of the article thinks is has the most significance and what a lower significance. and the AFP's mission according to the AFP statues: "to report events, free of "all influences or considerations likely to impair the exactitude" of its news and "under no circumstances to pass under the legal or actual control of an ideological, political or economic group." (source)

take the first line of the fake AFP article:

"Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has pushed Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen to move quickly on an agreement to help extradite Thaksin Shinawatra should he set foot in Hong Kong again."

the original AFP article mentioned the extradition agrement as well, but placed much more later into the flow of the news, almost add the end and the just report what Abhisit had said: "Abhisit, who met with the Hong Kong's chief executive Donald Tsang Friday, said the two sides were working on an agreement to help extradite Thaksin should he touch foot on the territory again."

to report what is or to mention what someone had said is a difference, a small difference but significant.

the whole extradition part got cut off by the Bangkok Post, for example. AFP wouldn't write that the "Thai PM had pushed...".

and "pushed" is a harsh word, almost a judgement how someone sees the acts of a person.

so the Thai PM comes to HK to push the Chief Executive to do something, and that is the HEADLINE. for chinese HK almost an affront, for thaksin haters almost a victory but not something what AFP would have written. that is easy to spot, if you are not a moron.

Thaksin, the predecessor of Abhisit, the pusher?

another point would be that the Fake 'AFP' article call Thaksin the predecessor of Abhisit. that is a simplification the unprofessional pseudo journalists at TheStandard.hk would make or lunatic thaksin hater in their black and white or yellow/red , good/evil simplificated dream world.

i doubt that such a phrase: Thaksin, Abhisits predecessor,... could be found in an AFP article. there is a subtle difference to write " his predecessor" or "a predecessor".

why i have to defend here myself anyway. it isn't moronic to point out that SJ got his news form questionable sources, that he try to hide that fact by not providing his source as direct link or deep link.

try to find arguments to defend such tactic outplaced yourself. just watch your language.

* Alexa Traffic Rank:

A measure of a website's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

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So, amongst all that babble, the point you're trying to make is:

and now to the content, look what is written in the text . and how a non-moronic reader just spot in the frist line news quacks Sri Johns fake 'AFP' news, that this never can be an AFP article.

... Still your original point that that you still believe the article is not a genuine AFP article?

Do yourself a massive favour and contact the AFP directly for their take on it. Be sure to share your findings with us.

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Double standard. Amnesty for all except Dr T.

for those with clean records - NOT for wrongdoers.....!

"They" should leave it as is.. and go on... more foul players -

ban 'em too and go on - otherwise this country will remain

the hostage, held for ransom at random from "old style" politicians

for eternity - nothing will ever change !

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