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Youngsters Wearing Trousers/pants Half Way Down The ...


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It's just kids wanting to rebel and look what they consider to be tough or cool..either way it's F'ing retarded looking. The best rappers in the world were able to find pants that fit. These guys are just gehtto dregs, as far as what you see in Thailand it's just kids copying what they think is cool.... not sure whats worse, coping fake thugs or gay boy korean styles that you see in the ones that wanna look like "rain". Why can't Thais do their own thing?

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Not just black, but hispanic, asian and white as well.

The hat thing seems to be in. Straight bill, worn off the side of the head.

It looks pretty weird, but remember how your parents felt back in the day.

I know my dad rolled his eyes a few times with me.


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I think you'll find its fashion that derives from rap/prison culture. When an inmate is admitted to 'the pen' , the guards take your belt off you to stop you hanging yourself. Therefore your issued trousers eventually end up around your butt.

I was with my wife in London in Aug last year , and got served a drink in a beer garden by a 40yr old barman with his trousers hanging down the back of his crack . Looked like a right plonker.

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What is it with youngsters these days wearing their trousers/pants half way down their arse, it just looks ridiculous. Answers anyone? :)

I actually found out where that "fashion" statement orginiated from. In U.S. prisons, it used to be that when someone wore their pants down low, pass their butt, it was a sign that they "belonged" to someone, if you know what I mean. They were somebody's bi...well you know the word. Now, with enforced universal prison uniforms it has gone away. When I explained that to a kid back in the states, he just looked at me, and I explained, "think about it, why would somebody put their pants down like that, it is called advertisement and owndership." Maybe someone should tell these thai kids that and we can nip it in the bud....

You couldn't be further from the truth. It has never been associated with 'belonged' to someone. It did, however, foster itself from prison life. Often, inmates were issued pants too big for them (due to lack of sizes available) and since prisoners are not issued belts, they would be constantly holding up their pants with one hand.

Called "Sagging", many young males (sometimes females) will don this type of fashion made famous by rap artists in the 1990s. On the cover of the rap group Kris Kross CD, the artists are wearing sagging jeans backwards. This was also a fashion for a bit and has since evolved into a fashion that even state legislators have been unable to control within the court systems. Its often a sign of 'wannabees' to be a rap artist or gangbanger. But many kids are just trying to be cool.

I do, however, think its pretty silly. But, that's my opinion.

el wrongo! It was a sign that you were owned by someone else and that you were available for purchase for the right price. They don't need belts, they have drawstrings. sheesh.

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I find it odd that the west is killing people in arab countries so that women there can wear what they want and yet we get upset when people here wear clothes that we dont approve of

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I find it odd that the west is killing people in arab countries so that women there can wear what they want and yet we get upset when people here wear clothes that we dont approve of

That is not why the west is in the Muslim world. Nothing to do with liberation. It's the OIL. In Iraq for example things were much better for women and gays under Saddam Hussein.

If the west was starting wars these days to liberate people, HOW ABOUT BURMA?

As far as fashion trends where attractive :D people show their butts in public, bring it on, but please only if you can pull off the look, some of us have just eaten ... :)

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Thats correct, I have been in Iraq for the past 4 years working as a contractor at first and now with my own buissness, and yes Saddam was not on that Sharia law oppress women type shit. He hated that stuff and would not allow folks like Al Quida in because it represented a threat to his own power. He went so far as to ban men from growing long beards and shot his son Uday in the leg when he defied his father's order.

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well, I realize that, but didnt bushes wife keep nagging on about how oppressed the muslim women are and how we want to free them because men are forcing them to wear burkas?

We are talking about REALITY, mate, not what the ditzy wife of the worst US president in history tells the media for PR purposes.

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Nobody's saying these kids can't sag if they want (as long as it doesen't become what some communities define as obscene, with the ass hanging out).

Burquas are REQUIRED gear for chix in some ME countries. Big difference. And the hip, trash-bag garb is the least of female oppression.

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They honestly look ridiculous and quite stupid - like little boys who can't take care of themselves, the thing is though, if you told them that or laughed at them they'd probably shoot you or stab you(depending on what side of the Atlantic you're on)

So I suppose the purpose of this 'fashion' is to show people that you are a bit dim and that you should be avoided...

Yes, similar thoughts as you maidong. When I see them I resist the urge to run up behind them and "pants" them (pull there duds right down) and have a good belly laugh at them tripping over themselves.

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Nobody's saying these kids can't sag if they want (as long as it doesen't become what some communities define as obscene, with the ass hanging out).

Burquas are REQUIRED gear for chix in some ME countries. Big difference. And the hip, trash-bag garb is the least of female oppression.

no, its not a difference at all, you are saying that if a western community defines something as obscene then thats ok, but if a ME country defines something as obscene its not ok

Edited by rafval
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Any community is free to determine what is obscene.

Hanging your bare ass out of your pants is obscene in some places. In other places wearing anything but this:

150px-Burqa_Afghanistan_01.jpgwarrants a death sentence.

I'll let you decide what is oppressive.

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Any community is free to determine what is obscene.

Hanging your bare ass out of your pants is obscene in some places. In other places wearing anything but this:

150px-Burqa_Afghanistan_01.jpgwarrants a death sentence.

I'll let you decide what is oppressive.

personally I think both are oppressive

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  • 3 months later...
Thats correct, I have been in Iraq for the past 4 years working as a contractor at first and now with my own buissness, and yes Saddam was not on that Sharia law oppress women type shit. He hated that stuff and would not allow folks like Al Quida in because it represented a threat to his own power. He went so far as to ban men from growing long beards and shot his son Uday in the leg when he defied his father's order.

Over his pants being too low?

our uni students wear low hangin jeans, and yes, they look ridiculous. SFW. Italians have their gold chains and jogging suits. middle aged fat europeans wear string bikinis and thongs. I remember my father saying to me and my brother "when are you going to cut that hair? you look like freaks". and my gf's father not letting her out of the house "in that skirt". my high school started up a dress code - and this was 60's california! you guys have nothing better to get worked up about than what teenagers are wearing? No wonder teenagers don't like old people.

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Actually, to all you youngsters out there who are posting on this thread: This was an issue with teen boys in the 1950's in the USA--wearing their trousers too low on their hips. Simply a 60-year-old fashion statement recycled--along with the same whiners and complaints.

Reminds me of "Our youth now....have bad manners and contempt for authority and disrespect for their elders. Children nowadays are tyrants." —Socrates

"There is nothing new under the sun. " --King Solomon

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Kids have always pushed the envelope in trying to deifne themselves, and part of that is in the clothes they wear. It sets them apart from their parents. For me, it was Oshkosh overalls where your girlfriend embroderied them with various patterns. And we wore somewhat effeminate button-up shirts under these overalls.

Most young fashions have tended to highlight the youthful vitality of the young body--mini-skirts, hotpants, tight jeans, spandex, etc. So the loose hanging-off-the-butt pants has gone against this trend. And for that matter, as a man who sort of likes to girl-watch, if I can seem so misogynist, the fashion designer who pushed this style for young women needs to be horsewhipped (along with the person who invented those bubble-type dresses so popular here last year.) But the person who invented the tight, low-riding hip-hugger jeans and bare midriffs which were in fashion two years ago (sort of like the photo above of the bowling woman) deserves a Nobel Prize! :)

Bonobo gets the prize for most sensible answer... Kids having fun and making a fashion statement. It usually starts in the USA (and hence the referals to black groups) and gradually spreads around the globe in places where people are free to do as they wish. The body dancing using the ground to spin on their shoulders upside down is another fad that has been accepted in Thailand. I've seen some amazing agility by these youths. Fads don't bother me no matter how ridiculous the kids look. I have appreciated the bare midriffs on the pretty gals though. 80 years ago someone would be arrested for dressing like that. In some muslim countries the girls would be stoned to death. Just be thankful that people in Thailand are free to dress as they wish.

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What is it with youngsters these days wearing their trousers/pants half way down their arse, it just looks ridiculous. Answers anyone? :)

I actually found out where that "fashion" statement orginiated from. In U.S. prisons, it used to be that when someone wore their pants down low, pass their butt, it was a sign that they "belonged" to someone, if you know what I mean. They were somebody's bi...well you know the word. Now, with enforced universal prison uniforms it has gone away. When I explained that to a kid back in the states, he just looked at me, and I explained, "think about it, why would somebody put their pants down like that, it is called advertisement and owndership." Maybe someone should tell these thai kids that and we can nip it in the bud....

You are only half right. The look did originate in US prisons. The reason, however, has nothing to do with prison chattel as you state. Rather, it has to do with stemming the tide of inmate violence and suicide. Contrary to what you state, there is no universal uniform in the US prison systems. In most states inmates are issued shirts and pants and the sizing tends to run large (it is easier to place an inmate in a larger uniform then it is to place a small uniform on a larger inmate). Prison officials for safety and control reasons banned belts (shoelaces are also generally banned). Belts were often used as ropes to exchange contraband from cell to cell, for suicides, and as part of makeshift weapons. The lack of belts also assisted with officer safety as it helped to restrict inmate movement as the prisoners struggled to keep their pants up. All inmates, irrespective of their status as prison chattel or owners of such chattel, had the same clothing issues.

The problem was particularly prevalent in LA County jail. The fashion trend started when west coast gangster rappers started emulating the county jail style in music videos. Gangster rappers copied the prison style to gain credibility with the music buying public. The look was then copied by the public that wanted to be as cool as gangsters. It has always been that way. Gangsters have been glorified since the 1920s.

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I don't get it. After they hold up the liqour store, how can they possibly run from the cops with their pants down like that?

Just doesn't make sense. Sorta like Japanese Olympic sprinters wearing kimonos.

I asked a friend of mine " why are those coloured boys wearing baggy trousers " he replied

" because theyre knee grows "

How do the black kids run from the cops with their pants around their ankles?

Unbelievable. You thought you left the rap and gangsta attitude back in your home country, but apparently you've brought your shi**y attitude and bigotry to Thailand. Maybe you got run out of your country by the gangstas because of your racial comments. This forum is no place for this kind of hatred. Go drink yourselves into bigotdom in another forum.

My two cents worth.

Agree completely. There is way too much bigotry on this forum masquerading as humor. I thought it was against the forum rules.

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2 cents seems to be the value of it too !, lighten up, its called humour, not racist, thats a load of <deleted> to assume that, i dont get offended when my cloured buddy calls me honky !,.

Really, your "colored buddy" using the term "honky," in the new millennium. Your reference to blacks as colored is offensive, as were your other comments. And yes, I do take offense. I always love when bigots try to argue that they are not bigots by referencing a black friend and trite insults from the seventies.

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