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Robbers Hang Two Girls, Take Jewellery


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In such cases death penalty would be far too lenient for these monsters.

The only reason i'm against it,that many times we hear about innocent people which were wrongly convicted.

Sometimes humans are much worse than beasts.

RIP for the poor girls.

This story made me sick..

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Until this moment, I have never pitched in comments on religious, political or social discussions. But I couldn't help myself in this case. I am so disgusted it's hard to find the words. I share the previous posters' sadness and despair over the loss of two precious, young lives. To call the perpetrators animals is an insult to animals who only kill for food. The unfortunate alternative is that they are humans. Is there a greater threat to animal and nature? Not really, I'm ashamed to say.

I shudder to think what the mother must be going through. Peace to the family and, though we never knew them, we should keep the girls in our hearts . . .

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Matichon newspaper

The accused:

Suren Billaseh and Sutha Sangthong




Khao Sod newspaper

Their victims' slippers:


UNFU#@INGBELIEVABLE!! They should allow the parents of the victims and extended family 24 hours alone time with these two before putting them before the courts. Absolutely sickening the depths to which humans are capable of sinking. I don't think anyone should be blaming the parents for leaving two girls alone in the house in a rural area, Even in Australia it is not uncommon for a twelve yesr old to be left looking after a seven year old during the day while mum nips down the shops. I will shed a tear or two for those two little girls. RIP Unfortunately, as the woman is not wearing the usual clothing of a Thai Muslim it would appear as if these two are Buddhist.

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What a sad story, seem the two suspects are :) Husband and Wife, who were friends and neighbors of the victims. All for the greed and need for money. If found to be GUILTY as charge, death by Hanging would be the best justice here. :D:D

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