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Chiang Mai Dental Clinic


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Hello Chiang Mai Forum Users,

are there any good dental clinics in chiang mai one could recommend? did a bit of research via google and found that there are quite a few dental clinics in chiang mai.

i want to go ther and remove my very old amalgam/mercury fillings and currently looking for a good & professional dental clinic which is sort of specialized in mercury filling removal. well ... i'm sure i won't find a mercury removal specialist up there in chiang mai as most dentist still promote amalgam/mercury fillings a being totally safe.

but can someone recommend a dental clinic in chiang mai which offers good & professional service? a list of different clinics available would also be nice ;-)

came across this clinic -> grace dental care -> hxxp://www.gracedentalclinic.com/

is it any good? does anyone have any experience or recommendations with dental clinics in chiang mai?

any help towards the right direction would be highly appreaciated - thanks ;-)

all the best & fun


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Hello Chiang Mai Forum Users,

are there any good dental clinics in chiang mai one could recommend? did a bit of research via google and found that there are quite a few dental clinics in chiang mai.

i want to go ther and remove my very old amalgam/mercury fillings and currently looking for a good & professional dental clinic which is sort of specialized in mercury filling removal. well ... i'm sure i won't find a mercury removal specialist up there in chiang mai as most dentist still promote a being totally safe.

but can someone recommend a dental clinic in chiang mai which offers good & professional service? a list of different clinics available would also be nice ;-)

came across this clinic -> grace dental care -> hxxp://www.gracedentalclinic.com/

is it any good? does anyone have any experience or recommendations with dental clinics in chiang mai?

any help towards the right direction would be highly appreaciated - thanks ;-)

all the best & fun


been using grace for three years quite a bit , i was thinking about getting the white fillings become a movie star get rid of amalgam/mercury fillings ,the denist at grace i trust asked me how long i had these fillings i told her for > 40 years.. she said a good idea to leave them better, sounder than the replacement ones....kinda why fix something that is not broke ??

i read the stuff about that they may be bad but have i been sick for last 40 years?? no. but cosmestically i would love to be a movie star with perfect white teeth showing no fillings.... i did not go further but this is very cheap to do there.the clinic is like being in the states... clean!!!

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hi gatorhead333,

my personal reason for removing the amalgam/mercury fillings is purely because of health reasons aka heavy metal poisoning over the last 20 years. did lots and lots of research on the internet for the last few months and personally i don't want any toxic heavy metal in my mouth next to my brain even if i don't feel anything yet. it's a slow form of poisoning over many years so you actually don't feel anything as you get used to it or better say your body adjusts to it on the long term.

fact is that the mercury keeps on releasing toxic vapor into your brain ... even afer 40 years! well some peoples' bodies are coping better with the toxic stuff and are even able to transport the mercury out of your body. well ... others don't!

but i personally think its not a good thing to have this toxic stuff in my mouth. but even removing the fillings isn't that easy and sort of dangerous if not done properly and more toxic vapor will be released into your body.

i do recommend everyone to do a bit more research into this topic. of course dentists would never agree to any heavy metal poisoning by mercury fillings though a strange fact is that dentists around the world do have the highest suicide rate!

i recommend watching this documentary as it gives you a nice insight into this and also other topics ->


again ... removing the fillings is just my personal health choice and has nothing to do with cosmetics ;-)

keep on researching ....



p.s. if you like you can do a simple chlorella test! get some chlorella and eat them for a few days. if you get headache and don't feel that well after a few days then you might have signs of heavy metal poisoning. chlorella helps remove the heavy metals out of your system ... especially the brain where it mostly ends up later causing alzheimer and other nasty deseases ;-)

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Personally, I think that you are just wasting your money. Too many studies prove that amalgam/mercury fillings do no damage, but if you can afford it, go ahead. :)

I agree with UG. You are wasting your money. My friend and dentist in Los Angeles is a Professor at USC School of Dentistry and we talked about this before. He said the studies are controversial and inconclusive. He recommends his patients leave the metal fillings in. I also went to a very good dentist here in Chiang Mai for a check up/cleaning a week ago. The dentist teaches at CMU. Three of my white composite fillings that are only 3-4 years old that I had done in Europe are already broken and need to be replaced! My amalgam/mercury fillings are mostly 35+ years old and are still in excellent condition. The dentist here also recommended leaving them. She too, disagrees with the whole metal poisoning theory.

Some dentists subscribe to this theory only to promote their own self-interests....money for them.

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well ... i've been researching this topic for quite a while now and have looked into both sites. research done by the dentists and also alternative research by other doctors and scientists. of course most of the dentists will make you believe that there is no such thing as toxic amalgam fillings ;-) though mercury still is one of the most toxic metals we have on this planent.

so why would someone want to have this toxic metal poison in his/her mouth?

again ... please do more research on the internet and watch the movie i mentioned above in the other posting.

you can never generalize things and some people are able to move the mercury out of their brain & body and others just aren't. and then your health can play nasty tricks with you after a while, e.g. parkinson, alzheimer, etc ;-)

i personally don't like to have any toxic metals in my mouth but this is everyones own choice!

all the best & fun


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Also, it is easy to ingest more mercury by removing them than by just eaving them alone. The dentist needs to remove silver fillings very carefully using special equipment to avoid having the patient ingesting the mercury.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Also, it is easy to ingest more mercury by removing them than by just eaving them alone. The dentist needs to remove silver fillings very carefully using special equipment to avoid having the patient ingesting the mercury.

Exactly UG, you hit the nail on the head--my ex-partner in UK was a very good dentist and always said that removing the mercury was hazardous to both patient and practitioner.

If the OP wants to remove all his mercury fillings on health grounds--I suggest he/she has a very good think.

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yep .. you're right ;-) removing the mercury can be a dangerous thing. they normally use a rubber dam so you will not swallow anything. but more dangerous is the mercury vapor once you drill out the filling. then the filling will be split up in millions of tiny pieces which all release a massive does of mercury vapor which goes directly up into your brain ;-)

the vapor is most dangerous but the dentist should use a high speed sucking device and just suck the toxic vapor away!

ulysses g. ... just one question! if this mercury is not harmful at all why are you then worried about eating a few tiny pieces?

if dentist research has proven that there's nothing to worry about why then all this panic out of a sudden?

again ... i don't belive much in any research in our days especially by any government like FDA or any dentist association! of course they do want you to believe that all is fine ;-) what do you think would happen if they finally admit that mercury is purely toxic and damages your health? there must be tons of mercury fillings out there in the mouth of millions of people! and fixing this would cost trillions of dollars if we want to talk about real money here ...

the government even says that aspartame or MSG is not bad for your health ;-) flouride is good for your teeth! and chlorine in the drinking water is good ;-) come on guys ... get real! all this is toxic stuff and if you don't believe me then go have some flouride or chlorine for breakfast and find out by yourself ... better have a doctor next to you watching your experiment!

but again ... it's everyones own choice ... do some more research and find out the awful truth!

hope that helps & all the best


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Also, it is easy to ingest more mercury by removing them than by just eaving them alone. The dentist needs to remove silver fillings very carefully using special equipment to avoid having the patient ingesting the mercury.

Exactly UG, you hit the nail on the head--my ex-partner in UK was a very good dentist and always said that removing the mercury was hazardous to both patient and practitioner.

If the OP wants to remove all his mercury fillings on health grounds--I suggest he/she has a very good think.

great ... now we do indeed come to the right point ;-) if removing mercury is such a hazardous operation why the hel_l would you then leave all this hazardous material in your mouth for 20, 30 or even 40 years? i really do not understand this logic! please help me understand - thanks!

again watch the move i posted earlier ->


in there you will see a mercury filling tooth which has been extracted about 50 years ago and was in the patient for about 15 years. so the mercury filling is actually 65 years old. once they scratch a bit on the filling you can see massive doses of mercury vapor coming out from that tooth / filling. they even meassure the mercury dosage and it says 192 mercury units! FDA health regulations say with 100 mercury units the buliding needs to be evacuated ;-)

well ... this mercury vapor release happens every single day while you eat food ... chew a bit on this one!

but again ... i don't want to get into arguments wth anyone! it's everyones choice ... do as you think or wish ;-)

best of luck


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I have been studying this stuff for 30 years.

I did not say that mercury was not bad for you in some cases, but the tiny amount that comes from fillings is probably going to do no harm. However, getting large amounts in your system at one time when you take out a filling improperly, might have negative effects. It is something to consider if you are already paranoid about minute doses from a filling slowly breaking down.

By the way, it is proven that flouride is good for your teeth, but it might not be good for the rest of you. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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well ... i've been researching this topic for quite a while now and have looked into both sites. research done by the dentists and also alternative research by other doctors and scientists. of course most of the dentists will make you believe that there is no such thing as toxic amalgam fillings ;-) though mercury still is one of the most toxic metals we have on this planent.

so why would someone want to have this toxic metal poison in his/her mouth?

again ... please do more research on the internet and watch the movie i mentioned above in the other posting.

you can never generalize things and some people are able to move the mercury out of their brain & body and others just aren't. and then your health can play nasty tricks with you after a while, e.g. parkinson, alzheimer, etc ;-)

i personally don't like to have any toxic metals in my mouth but this is everyones own choice!

all the best & fun


Fun is where it's at! The mercury in amalgam is bonded with silver to form a non-toxic (and has been already mentioned, very durable) compound much the same way that toxic chlorine and volatile sodium (which is a metal BTW) form table salt. The reason that the white fillings fail much faster is in a large part due to the epoxies and other chemicals that sound like they belong in a toxic waste dump leaching out of the matrix. And guess where to - the digestive tract. No health problems as far as I know have ever been attributed to this, but I would fear them more than silver fillings if you want to lower your overall risk of exposure to toxic compounds. Also be aware that removing an amalgam filling will generate small amounts of mercury vapor, the most toxic form, which you will briefly inhale during the procedure. Dentists, naturally, are occupationally exposed to far greater amounts of mercury vapor over time than any one patient and as far as I am aware there have never been any epidemiological studies showing they suffered any harm from it.

PS Dr. Hopper is pleased with the wisdom being dispensed by TV members on this topic and is further heartened by the stories of CM dentists concurring in the face of economic conflict of interests.

PPS Fluoride strengthens bone too. All things in moderation of course.

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glad that dr. hopper is pleased with the wisdom shared by TV members ;-)

i have to agree that white composite fillings with epoxies and other toxic chemicals might not be such good choice for mercury replacement after all. i personally was never thingking about replacing with composite fillings rather having some ceramic inlays, overlays, ceramic crowns or that kind of sort.

good thing would be to consult a kinesiologist to see what your body is most likely to cope with or what it most tolerates. though not sure if you can find a kinesiologist up in chiang mai and the whole topic of kinesiology seems to be a bit controversial in the community after all. again ... no scientific studies have ever proven ... yada ... yada ... yada ;-)


again i'm always very sceptic to any studies provided by any institutions as there's mostly some form of conflict of interest involved. so of course dentist will never tell you that what they do is not good for your health! mobile phone companies will also always tell you that high frequenciy waves next to you brain will cause no damage at all ;-) if you know what i mean ....

a few hundred years ago when everyone was thinking that the earth is a disk and flat some brave men came forward and told them NO ... the earth is round! it's like a ball! and earth is not the center of the universe ... the sun is! well ... what did they do? they collected some wood and simply burned them alive ;-)

even einstein once said that there will never be followers of the new knowledge ... only the old believers will die ;-)

in my opinion every scientific fact they produced is thrown over board at one point after a couple of years. years ago they though that atmos are the smallest parts in the universe. then a bit later they managed to split the atom into subatomic particles. a while later they split that and then later again ... and so on ... now they are at the string theory level and discovered at least 11 dimension next to the one we live in. in my opinion this is a never ending story and we should always be very sceptical with our scientific achievments at any point!

though a strange fact to me still remains that the highest rate of suicide cases world wide goes to the dentists! and this is really odd, don't you agree?

but again no one will ever tell you the awful truth! this is totally up to you and no government will ever protect you! governments worldwide need obedient workers to keep the system running ;-)

however ... i'm drifting into conspiracy right now - sorry! but do some more research on the mercury topic and you will be amazed what you will find. google is your best friend but also this link to klinghardt might help ->


best of luck


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uupssa ... forgot to post this link which has a small youtube video embedded about mercury vapor.

please go and watch this and see for yourself that tiny - non harmful - amounts of mercury vapor will be constantly released into your body ;-) emphasis is on tiny amounts ;-)




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though a strange fact to me still remains that the highest rate of suicide cases world wide goes to the dentists! and this is really odd, don't you agree?

I don't think that it is odd at all. I am scared to death every time I go to the dentist and they have to deal with those vibes every day from a bunch of different people. I must admit that dentistry is getting better and less painful all of the time. Maybe this fact will no longer be true in the future. :)

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hi gatorhead333,

my personal reason for removing the amalgam/mercury fillings is purely because of health reasons aka heavy metal poisoning over the last 20 years. did lots and lots of research on the internet for the last few months and personally i don't want any toxic heavy metal in my mouth next to my brain even if i don't feel anything yet. it's a slow form of poisoning over many years so you actually don't feel anything as you get used to it or better say your body adjusts to it on the long term.

fact is that the mercury keeps on releasing toxic vapor into your brain ... even afer 40 years! well some peoples' bodies are coping better with the toxic stuff and are even able to transport the mercury out of your body. well ... others don't!

but i personally think its not a good thing to have this toxic stuff in my mouth. but even removing the fillings isn't that easy and sort of dangerous if not done properly and more toxic vapor will be released into your body.

i do recommend everyone to do a bit more research into this topic. of course dentists would never agree to any heavy metal poisoning by mercury fillings though a strange fact is that dentists around the world do have the highest suicide rate!

i recommend watching this documentary as it gives you a nice insight into this and also other topics ->


again ... removing the fillings is just my personal health choice and has nothing to do with cosmetics ;-)

keep on researching ....



p.s. if you like you can do a simple chlorella test! get some chlorella and eat them for a few days. if you get headache and don't feel that well after a few days then you might have signs of heavy metal poisoning. chlorella helps remove the heavy metals out of your system ... especially the brain where it mostly ends up later causing alzheimer and other nasty deseases ;-)

not a bad documentary

have you started on a raw juice drink yet?

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yes ... started the raw juice therapy quite a while ago. but before starting anything you better remove the mercury fillings otherwise you always will get retoxicated!

my favorite raw juice mix consists of carrot, apple, guave, kiwi, ginger, garlic and cilantro (chinese parsley). this mix is really heavy detox stuff and don't expect to feel better after drinking it as it activates the removal of the toxins in your body and this is what actually makes you feel bad for a while. expect headache and hangover like feelings the first couple of times. but this is actually a good sign as the toxins finally are transported out of your body.

of course don't forget to eat lots and lots of chlorella as this is needed to transport the toxins out!

do some research on the internet about chlorella and you will see and hopefully feel for yourself ;-)

this link might help ->


that one too ->


best of luck


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I know there is some knd of expensive spa near CM who claim they are specialized in removing these filling. I am planning to do so also but never found any information except theirs here in CM. So I am looking further. Google for it. Look for "holistic amalgam remove"

These fillings are one of the main reasons for arrythmia. Believe it or not. Up to you!

Ever heard of radio sounds while the radio is not on? Because these fillings work like an antenna. Believe it or not,

The OP has some points IMHO.

Edited by cmjantje
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I know there is some knd of expensive spa near CM who claim they are specialized in removing these filling. I am planning to do so also but never found any information except theirs here in CM. So I am looking further. Google for it. Look for "holistic amalgam remove"

These fillings are one of the main reasons for arrythmia. Believe it or not. Up to you!

Ever heard of radio sounds while the radio is not on? Because these fillings work like an antenna. Believe it or not,

The OP has some points IMHO.

any chance to get some more info about that spa thing specializing in removing mercury fillings? a website link or something like that? any help or info about such a place in chiang mai will be highly appreciated - thanks

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I too have used Grace Dental and Dr. Korakot since long before she started Grace.

While she is certainly no longer the least or average price category, I have found the services and associated dentists at Grace to be among the very best in Chiang Mai. If your teeth are important to you and price is no object, Grace Dental is a very good choice, IMHO.

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I know there is some knd of expensive spa near CM who claim they are specialized in removing these filling. I am planning to do so also but never found any information except theirs here in CM. So I am looking further. Google for it. Look for "holistic amalgam remove"

These fillings are one of the main reasons for arrythmia. Believe it or not. Up to you!

Ever heard of radio sounds while the radio is not on? Because these fillings work like an antenna. Believe it or not,

The OP has some points IMHO.

any chance to get some more info about that spa thing specializing in removing mercury fillings? a website link or something like that? any help or info about such a place in chiang mai will be highly appreciated - thanks

I thought it was this one: http://www.tao-garden.com/

As far as I remember they have a dental clinic too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whatever you've been told, the amalgams WILL be spewing poison into your body as long as they are there. By the time you figure this out, your brain may be too far gone already, and other organs as well. I've had several family members destroyed by amalscams, but the toxins in the fillings interact with vaccines and other sources, so it may not hit all at once. GET THEM REMOVED! I used Grace in Chiang Mai, they are good enough, but do not use separate oxygen, which is a better choice if you can get it. Do NOT get them replaced until you study detox issues thoroughly. Andrew Cutler is the BEST source, the website has enough to get started w/o buying his book. The BEST thing to load up on is a shotgun, megadose of B vitamins 2-3 times a day, but there are numerous other things that help, take as much magnesium citrate per day w/o loosening stools too much, etc, etc, etc. Good luck.

Hello Chiang Mai Forum Users,

are there any good dental clinics in chiang mai one could recommend? did a bit of research via google and found that there are quite a few dental clinics in chiang mai.

i want to go ther and remove my very old amalgam/mercury fillings and currently looking for a good & professional dental clinic which is sort of specialized in mercury filling removal. well ... i'm sure i won't find a mercury removal specialist up there in chiang mai as most dentist still promote a being totally safe.

but can someone recommend a dental clinic in chiang mai which offers good & professional service? a list of different clinics available would also be nice ;-)

came across this clinic -> grace dental care -> hxxp://www.gracedentalclinic.com/

is it any good? does anyone have any experience or recommendations with dental clinics in chiang mai?

any help towards the right direction would be highly appreaciated - thanks ;-)

all the best & fun


been using grace for three years quite a bit , i was thinking about getting the white fillings become a movie star get rid of amalgam/mercury fillings ,the denist at grace i trust asked me how long i had these fillings i told her for > 40 years.. she said a good idea to leave them better, sounder than the replacement ones....kinda why fix something that is not broke ??

i read the stuff about that they may be bad but have i been sick for last 40 years?? no. but cosmestically i would love to be a movie star with perfect white teeth showing no fillings.... i did not go further but this is very cheap to do there.the clinic is like being in the states... clean!!!

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