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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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I am very clear in what I say.

Find out who registered the domain name and then look from where their server is stationed.

You peeps every time quote some sites without actually finding out where this alleged news comes from.


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I am very clear in what I say.

Find out who registered the domain name and then look from where their server is stationed.

You peeps every time quote some sites without actually finding out where this alleged news comes from.


I did try whois and didn't find the answer. You found out, so would you please tell us the answer?

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Oooops, so you tried to find out who registered the domain name and you could not find the owner, and neither their server location.

My guess is you tried to find out by using Google, didn't you?

You accuse people of being ignorant and not want to find out the truth and yet you failed to find out where the "News" comes from?


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Oooops, so you tried to find out who registered the domain name and you could not find the owner, and neither their server location.

My guess is you tried to find out by using Google, didn't you?

You accuse people of being ignorant and not want to find out the truth and yet you failed to find out where the "News" comes from?

As you seemingly know the answer why don't you simply tell us rather than making a big mystery of it?

Edited by endure
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Why you just not try and find out yourself?

It is you that tell people to search and investigate.

Why don't you?

Ok but you should change the tag line below your avatar to....

The one who knew but wouldn't tell


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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

I made many predictions and still people do not pay attention or believe me.

They forget what has been told by me in the past.

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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

I made many predictions and still people do not pay attention or believe me.

They forget what has been told by me in the past.

Not all of us alex but 98% of members are sheeple. I believed u.

Dont worry to much mate you'll be called a prophet soon :) (however prophets never exist its just people that know about secret future planned events)

Edited by BygonKeaw
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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

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To the ‘ultimate’ outcome of the plans of the West’s elite classes, connived under the auspicious of the Nazi backed Bilderberg Group, Russian Intelligence Analysts predict that their fears of “losing control” due to the catastrophic chaos they are embroiling our World in are, indeed, valid, especially since the unleashing upon our Earth’s population the bioengineered H1N1 Swine Flu variant that is continuing its unrelenting march of death and illness across our entire Earth, and when coupled with the total collapse of the Global economic system can only lead to Total War.

one of the junior Bilderberg agents caught when unleashing the deadly virus to unsuspecting inhabitants of planet Earth:


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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

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Oooops, so you tried to find out who registered the domain name and you could not find the owner, and neither their server location.

My guess is you tried to find out by using Google, didn't you?

You accuse people of being ignorant and not want to find out the truth and yet you failed to find out where the "News" comes from?


I didn't post the story here, I just answered your question abut what its source was.

Now, stop being absurd. Maybe it's fun to gloat over your superior web surfing skills, bit if it's significant, why not just say come out and say who the domain is registered to?

Edited by OriginalPoster
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yet you failed to find out where the "News" comes from?

Now, stop being absurd. Maybe it's fun to gloat over your superior web surfing skills, bit if it's significant, why not just say come out and say who the domain is registered to?

that's too much to ask. if Alex answered the question he wouldn't be "The one that knows..." who is from "In Thailand, BKK" :)

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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.

Nasa Faked the Moon Landings

And Arthur C. Clarke wrote the script, at least in one version of the story. Space skeptics point to holes in the Apollo archive (like missing transcripts and blueprints) or oddities in the mission photos (misplaced crosshairs, funny shadows). A third of respondents to a 1970 poll thought something was fishy about mankind's giant leap. Today, 94 percent accept the official version... Saps!

The US Government Was Behind 9/11

Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Princess Diana Was Murdered

Rumors ran wild after Princess Diana's fatal 1997 car crash, and they haven't stopped yet. Reigning theories: She faked her death to escape the media's glare, or the royals snuffed her out (via MI6) to keep her from marrying her Muslim boyfriend. For the latest scenarios, check out www.alfayed.com, the Web site of her boyfriend's dad, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Jews Run Hollywood and Wall Street

A forged 19th-century Russian manuscript called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (virtually required reading in Nazi Germany) purports to lay out a Jewish plot to control media and finance, and thus the world. Several studies have exposed the text as a hoax, but it's still available in numerous languages and editions.

The Scientologists Run Hollywood

The long list of celebrities who have had Dianetics on their nightstands fuels rumors that the Church of Scientology pulls the strings in Tinseltown — vetting deals, arranging marriages, and spying on stars. The much older theory is that Jews run Hollywood, and the Scientologists have to settle for running Tom Cruise.

Paul Is Dead

Maybe you're amazed, but in 1969 major news outlets reported on rumors of the cute Beatle's death and replacement by a look-alike. True believers pointed to a series of clues buried in the Fab Four's songs and album covers. Even for skeptics, McCartney's later solo career lent credibility to the theory.

AIDS Is a Man-Made Disease

A number of scientists have argued that HIV was cooked up in a lab, either for bioweapons research or in a genocidal plot to wipe out gays and/or minorities. Who supposedly did the cooking? US Army scientists, Russian scientists, or the CIA. Mainstream researchers point to substantial evidence that HIV jumped species from African monkeys to humans.

Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men

Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit — and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.

Lizard-People Run the World

If a science fiction-based religion isn't exotic enough, followers of onetime BBC reporter David Icke believe that certain powerful people — like George W. Bush and the British royals — actually belong to an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people. Icke claims Princess Diana confirmed this to one of her close friends; other lizard theories (there are several) point to reptilian themes in ancient mythology. And let's not forget the '80s TV show V.

The Illuminati Run the World

The ur-conspiracy theory holds that the world's corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons — take your pick. It doesn't help that those secret societies really existed (George Washington was a Mason). Newer variations implicate the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, and Yale's Skull and Bones society.


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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.


Thank you very much :):D:D

Judging from this thread, your post should help in keeping a lot of people off the streets for a while :D

/ Priceless

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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.


Thank you very much :):D:D

Judging from this thread, your post should help in keeping a lot of people off the streets for a while :D

/ Priceless

Actually you should thank Lucas Graves


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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.


Thank you very much :):D:D

Judging from this thread, your post should help in keeping a lot of people off the streets for a while :D

/ Priceless

Actually you should thank Lucas Graves


Thank you very much, Lucas Graves :D:D:D But BEENTHEREDONETHAT was the one who brought it to my attention :D

/ Priceless

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[ Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

The most idiotic statement ever :) Research to see who owns the mainstream media :D The statement you make is part of your brainwashing.

If I write a true account of a story and post it on the net - but it is not in the news - then according to your insane logic it can't be true.

Try this for reality - 90% of what you read in the mainstream media is BS. No, I hear you cry the TV and Newspapers are reality, my only reality - your all mad!!

The internet my friend is not subjected to ediitng by corperate hores - therefore can you stretch your mind to consider that what you read on some alternative news sites may actually give a more accurate account of truth! No, I guess not - Bahaaaa, bahaaaa :D

Edited by deprogrammed
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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.

Nasa Faked the Moon Landings

And Arthur C. Clarke wrote the script, at least in one version of the story. Space skeptics point to holes in the Apollo archive (like missing transcripts and blueprints) or oddities in the mission photos (misplaced crosshairs, funny shadows). A third of respondents to a 1970 poll thought something was fishy about mankind's giant leap. Today, 94 percent accept the official version... Saps!

The US Government Was Behind 9/11

Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Princess Diana Was Murdered

Rumors ran wild after Princess Diana's fatal 1997 car crash, and they haven't stopped yet. Reigning theories: She faked her death to escape the media's glare, or the royals snuffed her out (via MI6) to keep her from marrying her Muslim boyfriend. For the latest scenarios, check out www.alfayed.com, the Web site of her boyfriend's dad, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Jews Run Hollywood and Wall Street

A forged 19th-century Russian manuscript called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (virtually required reading in Nazi Germany) purports to lay out a Jewish plot to control media and finance, and thus the world. Several studies have exposed the text as a hoax, but it's still available in numerous languages and editions.

The Scientologists Run Hollywood

The long list of celebrities who have had Dianetics on their nightstands fuels rumors that the Church of Scientology pulls the strings in Tinseltown — vetting deals, arranging marriages, and spying on stars. The much older theory is that Jews run Hollywood, and the Scientologists have to settle for running Tom Cruise.

Paul Is Dead

Maybe you're amazed, but in 1969 major news outlets reported on rumors of the cute Beatle's death and replacement by a look-alike. True believers pointed to a series of clues buried in the Fab Four's songs and album covers. Even for skeptics, McCartney's later solo career lent credibility to the theory.

AIDS Is a Man-Made Disease

A number of scientists have argued that HIV was cooked up in a lab, either for bioweapons research or in a genocidal plot to wipe out gays and/or minorities. Who supposedly did the cooking? US Army scientists, Russian scientists, or the CIA. Mainstream researchers point to substantial evidence that HIV jumped species from African monkeys to humans.

Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men

Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit — and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.

Lizard-People Run the World

If a science fiction-based religion isn't exotic enough, followers of onetime BBC reporter David Icke believe that certain powerful people — like George W. Bush and the British royals — actually belong to an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people. Icke claims Princess Diana confirmed this to one of her close friends; other lizard theories (there are several) point to reptilian themes in ancient mythology. And let's not forget the '80s TV show V.

The Illuminati Run the World

The ur-conspiracy theory holds that the world's corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons — take your pick. It doesn't help that those secret societies really existed (George Washington was a Mason). Newer variations implicate the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, and Yale's Skull and Bones society.


Some total bull mixed with some important realitys - exactly how shills and spooks counter serious investigations. Most dumb asses conclude if one of your list is BS then the rest must be.

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"great video"

I watched The Obama Deception, and it's compelling only for someone who lacks sufficient intellectual acumen perform even a cursory critical analysis.

Let’s see who Eric used as his mouthpieces: rap artists KRS One, and Professor Griff, comedian Joe Rogan, former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura, and several of Eric’s cohorts with his conspiratorial mindset (Webster Tarpley, Gerard Celente, and George Humphrey). The main antagonist (the film maker Eric), is a real hoot. He complained that his car was being followed – and the guy was simply driving to a restaurant. He complained that a fire alarm at his hotel was a conspiracy to remove him from his room. During the video, a person’s photo appeared, and the video indicated that the person is the “Director of National Security. Unfortunately, the voiceover identifies the gentleman as the “Director of National Intellgence”. It’s not the same thing. Throughout, the Bilderberg Group, has been identified as a “secret” group. The video identified many members of the Group, and the Group publicizes where it’s going to hold its meetings. It’s not so much a “secret” group, rather a “I can’t keep a secret” group.

The video shows an article in the November 3, 2008 issue of "Newsweek", written by Jeffrey Garton, entitled "We Need A Bank of The World". The narrator mentioned several times that the "bank of the world" was promulgated by Obama.

The video claimed that an Obama program will have mandatory conscription of all 18-24 year old citizens, and have them perform months of service. That's an absolute hoax...yet some TVers buy into that.

Eric used a purported quote of Thomas Jefferson (in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, in 1802) – in part: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on their continent their fathers conquered…” The quotation is a hoax, as is the rest of Eric’s video. He’s a Michael Moore wannabe but, with the offbeat unintentional humor, he’s closer to Dudley Moore.

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"great video"

I watched The Obama Deception, and it's compelling only for someone who lacks sufficient intellectual acumen perform even a cursory critical analysis.

Let's see who Eric used as his mouthpieces: rap artists KRS One, and Professor Griff, comedian Joe Rogan, former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura, and several of Eric's cohorts with his conspiratorial mindset (Webster Tarpley, Gerard Celente, and George Humphrey). The main antagonist (the film maker Eric), is a real hoot. He complained that his car was being followed – and the guy was simply driving to a restaurant. He complained that a fire alarm at his hotel was a conspiracy to remove him from his room. During the video, a person's photo appeared, and the video indicated that the person is the "Director of National Security. Unfortunately, the voiceover identifies the gentleman as the "Director of National Intellgence". It's not the same thing. Throughout, the Bilderberg Group, has been identified as a "secret" group. The video identified many members of the Group, and the Group publicizes where it's going to hold its meetings. It's not so much a "secret" group, rather a "I can't keep a secret" group.

The video shows an article in the November 3, 2008 issue of "Newsweek", written by Jeffrey Garton, entitled "We Need A Bank of The World". The narrator mentioned several times that the "bank of the world" was promulgated by Obama.

The video claimed that an Obama program will have mandatory conscription of all 18-24 year old citizens, and have them perform months of service. That's an absolute hoax...yet some TVers buy into that.

Eric used a purported quote of Thomas Jefferson (in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, in 1802) – in part: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on their continent their fathers conquered…" The quotation is a hoax, as is the rest of Eric's video. He's a Michael Moore wannabe but, with the offbeat unintentional humor, he's closer to Dudley Moore.

Since when was Gerald Celente a conspiracy theorist. He is a trend forcaster and a good one, if not the best. And re. your statement that Obamas plan for a mandatory civil defence force - is a complete hoax, then I suggest that anyone reading this simply google 'Obamas mandatory conscription' and whilst your at it google 'Gerald Celente'.

Your views - see below - on a previous post are a complete 180 turn around - Alex Jones, prison Planet .Com, is the main sponser of the Obama deception.

Your post:

I think that a writer associated with "prisonplanet.com" is likely to provide a fair and balanced view of any "secret society".

Edited by deprogrammed
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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

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"great video"

I watched The Obama Deception, and it's compelling only for someone who lacks sufficient intellectual acumen perform even a cursory critical analysis.

Let's see who Eric used as his mouthpieces: rap artists KRS One, and Professor Griff, comedian Joe Rogan, former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura, and several of Eric's cohorts with his conspiratorial mindset (Webster Tarpley, Gerard Celente, and George Humphrey). The main antagonist (the film maker Eric), is a real hoot. He complained that his car was being followed – and the guy was simply driving to a restaurant. He complained that a fire alarm at his hotel was a conspiracy to remove him from his room. During the video, a person's photo appeared, and the video indicated that the person is the "Director of National Security. Unfortunately, the voiceover identifies the gentleman as the "Director of National Intellgence". It's not the same thing. Throughout, the Bilderberg Group, has been identified as a "secret" group. The video identified many members of the Group, and the Group publicizes where it's going to hold its meetings. It's not so much a "secret" group, rather a "I can't keep a secret" group.

The video shows an article in the November 3, 2008 issue of "Newsweek", written by Jeffrey Garton, entitled "We Need A Bank of The World". The narrator mentioned several times that the "bank of the world" was promulgated by Obama.

The video claimed that an Obama program will have mandatory conscription of all 18-24 year old citizens, and have them perform months of service. That's an absolute hoax...yet some TVers buy into that.

Eric used a purported quote of Thomas Jefferson (in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, in 1802) – in part: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on their continent their fathers conquered…" The quotation is a hoax, as is the rest of Eric's video. He's a Michael Moore wannabe but, with the offbeat unintentional humor, he's closer to Dudley Moore.

Since when was Gerald Celente a conspiracy theorist. He is a trend forcaster and a good one, if not the best. And re. your statement that Obamas plan for a mandatory civil defence force - is a complete hoax, then I suggest that anyone reading this simply google 'Obamas mandatory conscription' and whilst your at it google 'Gerald Celente'.

Your views - see below - on a previous post are a complete 180 turn around - Alex Jones, prison Planet .Com, is the main sponser of the Obama deception.

Your post:

I think that a writer associated with "prisonplanet.com" is likely to provide a fair and balanced view of any "secret society".

Yesi think your a little confused "eric" as you call him is infact "alex jones" who runs prisonplanet.com

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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.

Nasa Faked the Moon Landings

And Arthur C. Clarke wrote the script, at least in one version of the story. Space skeptics point to holes in the Apollo archive (like missing transcripts and blueprints) or oddities in the mission photos (misplaced crosshairs, funny shadows). A third of respondents to a 1970 poll thought something was fishy about mankind's giant leap. Today, 94 percent accept the official version... Saps!

The US Government Was Behind 9/11

Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Princess Diana Was Murdered

Rumors ran wild after Princess Diana's fatal 1997 car crash, and they haven't stopped yet. Reigning theories: She faked her death to escape the media's glare, or the royals snuffed her out (via MI6) to keep her from marrying her Muslim boyfriend. For the latest scenarios, check out www.alfayed.com, the Web site of her boyfriend's dad, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Jews Run Hollywood and Wall Street

A forged 19th-century Russian manuscript called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (virtually required reading in Nazi Germany) purports to lay out a Jewish plot to control media and finance, and thus the world. Several studies have exposed the text as a hoax, but it's still available in numerous languages and editions.

The Scientologists Run Hollywood

The long list of celebrities who have had Dianetics on their nightstands fuels rumors that the Church of Scientology pulls the strings in Tinseltown — vetting deals, arranging marriages, and spying on stars. The much older theory is that Jews run Hollywood, and the Scientologists have to settle for running Tom Cruise.

Paul Is Dead

Maybe you're amazed, but in 1969 major news outlets reported on rumors of the cute Beatle's death and replacement by a look-alike. True believers pointed to a series of clues buried in the Fab Four's songs and album covers. Even for skeptics, McCartney's later solo career lent credibility to the theory.

AIDS Is a Man-Made Disease

A number of scientists have argued that HIV was cooked up in a lab, either for bioweapons research or in a genocidal plot to wipe out gays and/or minorities. Who supposedly did the cooking? US Army scientists, Russian scientists, or the CIA. Mainstream researchers point to substantial evidence that HIV jumped species from African monkeys to humans.

Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men

Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit — and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.

Lizard-People Run the World

If a science fiction-based religion isn't exotic enough, followers of onetime BBC reporter David Icke believe that certain powerful people — like George W. Bush and the British royals — actually belong to an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people. Icke claims Princess Diana confirmed this to one of her close friends; other lizard theories (there are several) point to reptilian themes in ancient mythology. And let's not forget the '80s TV show V.

The Illuminati Run the World

The ur-conspiracy theory holds that the world's corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons — take your pick. It doesn't help that those secret societies really existed (George Washington was a Mason). Newer variations implicate the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, and Yale's Skull and Bones society.


Some total bull mixed with some important realitys - exactly how shills and spooks counter serious investigations. Most dumb asses conclude if one of your list is BS then the rest must be.

Yes well some people wouldn't know there was a conspiracy if it was staring them

in the face................................. anyway there are plenty to choose from here

or will those in denial still continue to deny? :)

This is a list OR INDEX of conspiracies considered proven to have existed or officially covered-up (and or later discovered) with or without newer evidence.


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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.

Nasa Faked the Moon Landings

And Arthur C. Clarke wrote the script, at least in one version of the story. Space skeptics point to holes in the Apollo archive (like missing transcripts and blueprints) or oddities in the mission photos (misplaced crosshairs, funny shadows). A third of respondents to a 1970 poll thought something was fishy about mankind's giant leap. Today, 94 percent accept the official version... Saps!

The US Government Was Behind 9/11

Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Princess Diana Was Murdered

Rumors ran wild after Princess Diana's fatal 1997 car crash, and they haven't stopped yet. Reigning theories: She faked her death to escape the media's glare, or the royals snuffed her out (via MI6) to keep her from marrying her Muslim boyfriend. For the latest scenarios, check out www.alfayed.com, the Web site of her boyfriend's dad, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Jews Run Hollywood and Wall Street

A forged 19th-century Russian manuscript called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (virtually required reading in Nazi Germany) purports to lay out a Jewish plot to control media and finance, and thus the world. Several studies have exposed the text as a hoax, but it's still available in numerous languages and editions.

The Scientologists Run Hollywood

The long list of celebrities who have had Dianetics on their nightstands fuels rumors that the Church of Scientology pulls the strings in Tinseltown — vetting deals, arranging marriages, and spying on stars. The much older theory is that Jews run Hollywood, and the Scientologists have to settle for running Tom Cruise.

Paul Is Dead

Maybe you're amazed, but in 1969 major news outlets reported on rumors of the cute Beatle's death and replacement by a look-alike. True believers pointed to a series of clues buried in the Fab Four's songs and album covers. Even for skeptics, McCartney's later solo career lent credibility to the theory.

AIDS Is a Man-Made Disease

A number of scientists have argued that HIV was cooked up in a lab, either for bioweapons research or in a genocidal plot to wipe out gays and/or minorities. Who supposedly did the cooking? US Army scientists, Russian scientists, or the CIA. Mainstream researchers point to substantial evidence that HIV jumped species from African monkeys to humans.

Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men

Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit — and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.

Lizard-People Run the World

If a science fiction-based religion isn't exotic enough, followers of onetime BBC reporter David Icke believe that certain powerful people — like George W. Bush and the British royals — actually belong to an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people. Icke claims Princess Diana confirmed this to one of her close friends; other lizard theories (there are several) point to reptilian themes in ancient mythology. And let's not forget the '80s TV show V.

The Illuminati Run the World

The ur-conspiracy theory holds that the world's corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons — take your pick. It doesn't help that those secret societies really existed (George Washington was a Mason). Newer variations implicate the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, and Yale's Skull and Bones society.


Some total bull mixed with some important realitys - exactly how shills and spooks counter serious investigations. Most dumb asses conclude if one of your list is BS then the rest must be.

Yes well some people wouldn't know there was a conspiracy if it was staring them

in the face................................. anyway there are plenty to choose from here

or will those in denial still continue to deny? :)

This is a list OR INDEX of conspiracies considered proven to have existed or officially covered-up (and or later discovered) with or without newer evidence.



Are you saying that the complete list of conspiracy theories I posted above are all accurate and should not be denied?


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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

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This thread is getting boring and repetitious. So to help you expand on your efforts I offer the following.

Nasa Faked the Moon Landings

And Arthur C. Clarke wrote the script, at least in one version of the story. Space skeptics point to holes in the Apollo archive (like missing transcripts and blueprints) or oddities in the mission photos (misplaced crosshairs, funny shadows). A third of respondents to a 1970 poll thought something was fishy about mankind's giant leap. Today, 94 percent accept the official version... Saps!

The US Government Was Behind 9/11

Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Princess Diana Was Murdered

Rumors ran wild after Princess Diana's fatal 1997 car crash, and they haven't stopped yet. Reigning theories: She faked her death to escape the media's glare, or the royals snuffed her out (via MI6) to keep her from marrying her Muslim boyfriend. For the latest scenarios, check out www.alfayed.com, the Web site of her boyfriend's dad, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Jews Run Hollywood and Wall Street

A forged 19th-century Russian manuscript called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (virtually required reading in Nazi Germany) purports to lay out a Jewish plot to control media and finance, and thus the world. Several studies have exposed the text as a hoax, but it's still available in numerous languages and editions.

The Scientologists Run Hollywood

The long list of celebrities who have had Dianetics on their nightstands fuels rumors that the Church of Scientology pulls the strings in Tinseltown — vetting deals, arranging marriages, and spying on stars. The much older theory is that Jews run Hollywood, and the Scientologists have to settle for running Tom Cruise.

Paul Is Dead

Maybe you're amazed, but in 1969 major news outlets reported on rumors of the cute Beatle's death and replacement by a look-alike. True believers pointed to a series of clues buried in the Fab Four's songs and album covers. Even for skeptics, McCartney's later solo career lent credibility to the theory.

AIDS Is a Man-Made Disease

A number of scientists have argued that HIV was cooked up in a lab, either for bioweapons research or in a genocidal plot to wipe out gays and/or minorities. Who supposedly did the cooking? US Army scientists, Russian scientists, or the CIA. Mainstream researchers point to substantial evidence that HIV jumped species from African monkeys to humans.

Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men

Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit — and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.

Lizard-People Run the World

If a science fiction-based religion isn't exotic enough, followers of onetime BBC reporter David Icke believe that certain powerful people — like George W. Bush and the British royals — actually belong to an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people. Icke claims Princess Diana confirmed this to one of her close friends; other lizard theories (there are several) point to reptilian themes in ancient mythology. And let's not forget the '80s TV show V.

The Illuminati Run the World

The ur-conspiracy theory holds that the world's corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons — take your pick. It doesn't help that those secret societies really existed (George Washington was a Mason). Newer variations implicate the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, and Yale's Skull and Bones society.


Some total bull mixed with some important realitys - exactly how shills and spooks counter serious investigations. Most dumb asses conclude if one of your list is BS then the rest must be.

Yes well some people wouldn't know there was a conspiracy if it was staring them

in the face................................. anyway there are plenty to choose from here

or will those in denial still continue to deny? :)

This is a list OR INDEX of conspiracies considered proven to have existed or officially covered-up (and or later discovered) with or without newer evidence.



Are you saying that the complete list of conspiracy theories I posted above are all accurate and should not be denied?


Obviously Midas is not saying that! However, your inability to correlate even the most simple facts. And your complete flip flopping on what you attempt to assert makes you look very fooolish.

Just ignore facts which show your ignorance and post anothere shallow, bland statement :D

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

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