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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

No - simply! The main witness - black taxi driver - has been proven to be a plant.

To settle the matter once and for all, perhaps the numerous of CCTV footage tapes covering the Pentagan could be released - no that would be to simple :)

Oh, and whilst on the subject, the guy interviewed - on the spot - by the main TV networks after the 3 towers collapsed has been traced - he is an actor. He raised suspicion amongst independent investigaters by his jargon! I. E. " yes the buldings collapsed, due to the structual failure of the steel, due to the intense heat caused by the burning fuel" Just the words I would use whilst being totally shocked by such an event :D

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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

No - simply! The main witness - black taxi driver - has been proven to be a plant.

To settle the matter once and for all, perhaps the numerous of CCTV footage tapes covering the Pentagan could be released - no that would be to simple :)

Oh, and whilst on the subject, the guy interviewed - on the spot - by the main TV networks after the 3 towers collapsed has been traced - he is an actor. He raised suspicion amongst independent investigaters by his jargon! I. E. " yes the buldings collapsed, due to the structual failure of the steel, due to the intense heat caused by the burning fuel" Just the words I would use whilst being totally shocked by such an event :D

Ah, I see.


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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

Another idiot rears his head. One thing is for sure - and I know it is frustrating to those who havent been dumbed down (labotomzed by fluoride and aspartame e.g.) - the programming of the masses is beyond repair.

Edward Bernaise (Sigumd Freuds nephew) perfected brianwashing the masses over 70 years ago.

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[, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

No - simply! The main witness - black taxi driver - has been proven to be a plant.

To settle the matter once and for all, perhaps the numerous of CCTV footage tapes covering the Pentagan could be released - no that would be to simple :)

Oh, and whilst on the subject, the guy interviewed - on the spot - by the main TV networks after the 3 towers collapsed has been traced - he is an actor. He raised suspicion amongst independent investigaters by his jargon! I. E. " yes the buldings collapsed, due to the structual failure of the steel, due to the intense heat caused by the burning fuel" Just the words I would use whilst being totally shocked by such an event :D

Ah, I see.


How convincing :D Lloyde England - taxi driver - plant http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5090691830986329305

Oh, and why is this guy - main witness - in that a lampstand supposedly smashed through the front of his car - not mentioned on the WHATREALLYHAPPENED list????????

Oh, and would you like to speculate why building 7 collapsed although it wasn't hit by a plane? And how did the BBC anounce the fall of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed. All facts - undisputed facts!

Edited by deprogrammed
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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

Got some eyewitness accounts?? Have you even seen that zero investigation 911 or loose change documentary?

87 security cameras and no confirmed footage of a plane hitting. All people ask if for answers not cover ups.

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Some total bull mixed with some important realitys - exactly how shills and spooks counter serious investigations. Most dumb asses conclude if one of your list is BS then the rest must be.

Yes well some people wouldn't know there was a conspiracy if it was staring them

in the face................................. anyway there are plenty to choose from here

or will those in denial still continue to deny? :)

This is a list OR INDEX of conspiracies considered proven to have existed or officially covered-up (and or later discovered) with or without newer evidence.



Are you saying that the complete list of conspiracy theories I posted above are all accurate and should not be denied?


Obviously Midas is not saying that! However, your inability to correlate even the most simple facts. And your complete flip flopping on what you attempt to assert makes you look very fooolish.

Just ignore facts which show your ignorance and post anothere shallow, bland statement :D

Ah yes this comes from a guy who thinks that anyone who does not agree with him is a dumb ass. That wasn't a statement it was a question? Do you recognize the difference?

What fact was it that I ignored?

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How about the caretaker that was given a medal of honour by george bush the guy that was in the basement when all the bombs were going off? Even at least 1 before the 1st plane hit :):D:D

This is the same guy that wasnt allowed in the main hearing of the 911 comission as he wasnt deemed important enough.



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"Why the hel_l would the supposed terrorist pilot fly a a massive plane 3 feet off the ground "

He didn't. The plane hit the ground, and rebounded into the Pentagon.

I love the conspiracy folks who claim that the "mainstream media" ignored various stories, and that only the internet provides the true. Most of us are intelligent to know that, if a story is only on the internet, it's not true.

Actually your wrong. Anyway were did the wings go. fold up jusr before inpact??

Cmon mate do some research! doh

Didn't hundreds of eyewitnesses view this plane as it buzzed them on a freeway just prior to it hitting the Pentagon?

Got some eyewitness accounts?? Have you even seen that zero investigation 911 or loose change documentary?

87 security cameras and no confirmed footage of a plane hitting. All people ask if for answers not cover ups.

Well, if you'd clicked on that link I posted you could have read dozens of eyewitness accounts and seen pictures of the damage done to the highway they were travelling on. Maybe they're all liars, I don't know. I doubt it though.

I don't dispute there is a government coverup of many facts regarding the events of 9/11, including the funding by "a sovereign government" and what happened to that plane over Pennsylvania.

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Obviously Midas is not saying that! However, your inability to correlate even the most simple facts. And your complete flip flopping on what you attempt to assert makes you look very fooolish.

Just ignore facts which show your ignorance and post anothere shallow, bland statement :)

Ah yes this comes from a guy who thinks that anyone who does not agree with him is a dumb ass. That wasn't a statement it was a question? Do you recognize the difference?

What fact was it that I ignored?

Do you agree with alex Jones (Eric) or do you think his Obama movie is a pile of sh*t. Which one is it?

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87 security cameras and no confirmed footage of a plane hitting.

Boeing 757 or missile :)


look closer

Oh, yes I see the plane - just after the flying pink elephant. Notice the silence by the brainwashed sheeple! Their programming doesn't allow them to question such things - I am not kidding :D

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Well, if you'd clicked on that link I posted you could have read dozens of eyewitness accounts and seen pictures of the damage done to the highway they were travelling on. Maybe they're all liars, I don't know. I doubt it though.

I don't dispute there is a government coverup of many facts regarding the events of 9/11, including the funding by "a sovereign government" and what happened to that plane over Pennsylvania.

Yes i did click your link.

Americans are crying out for a independant enquiry. Everyone knows 911 is a inside job. wake up mate. seriously

Ps have u even seen the link just after the pentagon was hit of donald rumsfeld running around outside the pentagon carrying a stretcher with some other people? <deleted>?? america "apparently" under attack and the united states defense secutary running around like a right knob, thats just unbelievable????

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more proof

eyewitness anyone..?

edit: of course, he could be a Bilderberger... :)

Ofcourse with the tens of thousands of spooks working for the system it would be impossible to plant a 100 or so eye witnesses.

Please do your very best to explain this

PS I know in advance that you will ignore real evidence

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You can see a 757 - I must take my hat off to your programmers, f*cking geniouses :D

ahh.. i always loved Pot Black :D

Ah, yes as i rightly predicted you ignore my video showing how the BBC announced the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed - not even hit by a plane - not denied - can't be denied!

Care to comment - no! non spooks please take note :)

Here it is again

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Ah, yes as i rightly predicted you ignore my video showing how the BBC announced the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed

Ah yes, and as i rightly suspected you changed the subject to another topic completley when confronted with counter claims to your offerings on the Pentagon cover up.. :)

i'm enjoying this thread, should be in the Farang, Pub, Entertainment bit though ..

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Are you saying that the complete list of conspiracy theories I posted above are all accurate and should not be denied?


Obviously Midas is not saying that! However, your inability to correlate even the most simple facts. And your complete flip flopping on what you attempt to assert makes you look very fooolish.

Just ignore facts which show your ignorance and post anothere shallow, bland statement :D

Ah yes this comes from a guy who thinks that anyone who does not agree with him is a dumb ass. That wasn't a statement it was a question? Do you recognize the difference?

What fact was it that I ignored?

Oh, yes my friend - you state quite confidently that Obamas civilian compulsary force is absoulute fanatasy - well get back to me after watching this!


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Ah, yes as i rightly predicted you ignore my video showing how the BBC announced the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed

Ah yes, and as i rightly suspected you changed the subject to another topic completley when confronted with counter claims to your offerings on the Pentagon cover up.. :)

i'm enjoying this thread, should be in the Farang, Pub, Entertainment bit though ..

Ok, for the 3rd time - do you not find it significant at all that the BBC anounced the collapse of builing 7, 20 minutes before its collapse. I have watched and read your counter claims and find them simplistic and they lack credibility. Why are you set agianst watching the BBC video. You won't watch it because you know in advance that it is indisputable fact. Your not so good at your job :D

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Ok lah, back on the topic of the Bilderberg meeting.

Apparently these are some of the things discussed during the meeting.

1. Establishment of a new global health counsel with help/integration of the WHO

2. A global currency control institute, something like the IMF

3. A strong effort will be made to force Ireland to accept the Lisbon treaty

4. Oil price will be allowed to rise again to levels accepted by OPEC

Point one think of the hyped up spreading fear about swine-flu and the alleged need for mass vaccinations. Point two, to be more in control in case a currency/country is collapsing.Point three is to allow them to take away more rights of citizens (think about the countries that rejected but in the end their government just ignored the peoples voice). Point four, they are scared as hel_l that ME countries will create their own currency like Euro which has been discussed a bit in the financial crisis thread.

More news as it breaks.


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Ah, yes as i rightly predicted you ignore my video showing how the BBC announced the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed

Ah yes, and as i rightly suspected you changed the subject to another topic completley when confronted with counter claims to your offerings on the Pentagon cover up.. :)

i'm enjoying this thread, should be in the Farang, Pub, Entertainment bit though ..

Ok, for the 3rd time - do you not find it significant at all that the BBC anounced the collapse of builing 7, 20 minutes before its collapse. I have watched and read your counter claims and find them simplistic and they lack credibility. Why are you set agianst watching the BBC video. You won't watch it because you know in advance that it is indisputable fact. Your not so good at your job :D

I watched the video and you're right it is clearly a fake because if you look good at the left side of the world trade center you will see Bayoke tower.

I suggest you change your username to error programmed.

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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

Can someone answer my question please?

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