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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. 'Plato'

i pity people who's wisdom is limited to quoting greek philosophers randomly as a substitute of their own thinking.

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I see Herr Naam is no too well informed when mentioning the use of ID cards and other forms of Id's and why governments want you to have and at all times carry them with you. It will be a rather shocking experience for anyone when that truth becomes clear.

If you are interested in finding out you could start here: http://www.tpuc.org/node/558 or if you don't like to look at video's just try the homepage and read a few articles.

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AlexLah post "if all the conspiracy facts were proven as fact, what are you going to do about it?"

That is an excellent question, does anyone have a answer to it?

i can think of various countermeasures such as:

-applying for Bilderberg membership,

-stocking up Port and Sherry supplies till general Alex, his lieutenants and brave followers (all wearing turquoise coloured shirts) have sent the Bilderbergs in oblivion by their demonstrations in Bangkok, Nakhon Nowhere and Liverpool,

-open a dozen or perhaps more threads in Thaivisa forum in which i polemicise against the Bilderbergs (that will scare the living sh*t out of them),

-forge my own youtube clips,

-book a flight to planet Klingon.

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Naam...........Your name was (in red) on the list of attendees, I saw the list so I know it is true. Rumor on the street is you were one of the keynote speakers, and now the klingons are involved. Where will it all end? :D:):D

BTDT, i take the fifth amendment. i refuse to admit that i am a part of the conspiracy. i also refuse to admit that once in a while i swallow a blue pill to pleasure Mrs. Naam a wee bit more. i decline to reveal my efforts to convince Mrs. Naam to approve a mia noi for me who has even bigger "nom" and a bigger "dood" than she does. both attributes i relish but they are hard to find in Thailand. it will all end in a desaster (i guess). sooner or later i will find a suitable thai lady with all the goodies i prefer, make the required preparations, Mrs. Naam will find out, cut off my pecker and serve it grilled to my dog... and that will be the end of the Bilderbergs (i think).

Naam, don’t try to confuse the issue, you know darn well that I was not referring to you but to beertheredonethtat as being a member of the present conspiracy. Through thorough research on the internet I have learned you reasons for you to try to associate yourself with this scandal, it’s just to draw attention from your real crimes. I know with certainty that you are the same mysterious lad with a Charlie Chaplin mustache (though now 43 years older) who ran down Paul McCartney outside of Weymouth in 1966 when he was driving his lightly modified Harley Davidson whilst you were driving a stock Austin Healing that was tilting at a 15 degree angle towards the driver’s side. Many eyewitnesses to the incident described a 200 kg youth with a bovine appearance wedged behind the wheel of the car that ran over Paul, but mysteriously Scotland Yard has no record of it. It is well documented, that John Lenon, experiencing intense jealousy over Paul’s contribution to the Revolver album, decided to bury his problem by hiring a person with extraordinary financial aptitude but who was living in a dumpster to bury Paul. It is now clear that the said dumpster dweller was you. It only partly worked, you may have managed to escape to Thailand and live your life out without suspicion, but when the Klaatu album surface in the mid 1970’s it became obvious to all but the most programmed sheeple that that the last 3 Beatles albums were just a head-fake. I don’t know how you live with yourself, you made the 1970’s a musical hel_l for all of mankind. Was having your villa in Pattaya worth it?

Edited by OriginalPoster
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All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. 'Plato'

i pity people who's wisdom is limited to quoting greek philosophers randomly as a substitute of their own thinking.

Maybe you should try reading some Greek Philisophers - start with Platos Republic :) I don't pity the scum of the earth who are limited to debunking anything they find uncomfortable, and try to be clever by quoting Latin phrases.

As I asked previously, please enlighten us by informing us where you get your unquestionable knowledge. Especially as you confirm you never read anything which is oppossed to your fixed views.

At what point in your life did you realize that you were always right - what a complete (fill in the blanks - - - - - - - - )

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish - Abraham Lincoln (not a Greek philosopher)

PS Do you think your favourite politicians compose their own speaches ! Yes , i guess you do

Edited by deprogrammed
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You are a bit dissapointing now Naam. I thought you as a self proclaimed scientist would at least have a peak at the site I mentioned and consider the possibility of what is claimed there. The scientists I know have at least an open mind.

And why you think I would be on the front of mass demonstrations against "The New World Order" Bilderbergers and other evil people is a bit strange to me.

Are you willing to consider the possibility of a different truth?

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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

i would like to ask our distinguished, informed and learned panel, which proliferates the "Bilderberg apocalypse", for one little shred of evidence that this group poses a severe threat to any of us.

I am curious -is what kind or what standard of evidence would convince you to at least refrain from being so complacent about Bilderberg ? If a little boy had gone to his mother somewhere in Ireland 30 years ago and told her that the priest had sexually abused him, his mother would probably have been even more skeptical than you are now about what we are discussing-but now we find out it was true after all even though there was no evidence then that it had happened .

i can't speak for the others who are addressed. personally i argue against all wild and unfounded assumptions whether they are negative or positive and one of the unfounded assumptions in this thread is the WTC/Pentagon terror attack in context with the Bilderberg group.

According to your personal standards, exactly what constitutes a " wild and unfounded assumption " ? When we found out 500 priests all around the world had also sexually abused children and if I had told you ten years ago that even the Pope knew about all these events and had not just ignored them, but had actively sought to cover them up-you would have given me the same reaction then as you are doing now regarding Bilderberg ? Because there was no evidence apart from hearsay evidence from a child, it was treated as unbelievable at that time even more so because an accusation was being made against

the moral authority of society. If the church can cover up true evil to this extent, is it so wrong to be highly suspicious that a group of people that includes private bankers :) could perpetrate even worse evil ?

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I see Herr Naam is no too well informed when mentioning the use of ID cards and other forms of Id's and why governments want you to have and at all times carry them with you. It will be a rather shocking experience for anyone when that truth becomes clear.

the shocking truth is that ID cards are primarily meant to calculate what amounts of artificially engineered deadly viruses need to be produced to wipe out this planet's population. only the staunch efforts of those who oppose ID cards prevented that until now. but the opponents are not aware of the dirty Bilderberg move to make passports mandatory when travelling from one country to most others. as soon as this trick is made publish one can expect that hundreds of millions of passports will be burned.

by the way, another inhuman but globally adopted law -which the Bilderbergs introduced a long time ago- is that one needs a driver's license to operate a motorised vehicle :)

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You are a bit dissapointing now Naam. I thought you as a self proclaimed scientist would at least have a peak at the site I mentioned and consider the possibility of what is claimed there. The scientists I know have at least an open mind.

And why you think I would be on the front of mass demonstrations against "The New World Order" Bilderbergers and other evil people is a bit strange to me.

Are you willing to consider the possibility of a different truth?

This guy Naam is a complete - - - - - ! He refuses to look at anything which he knows he can't refute. If he is a scientist than we are all f*cked.

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I see Herr Naam is no too well informed when mentioning the use of ID cards and other forms of Id's and why governments want you to have and at all times carry them with you. It will be a rather shocking experience for anyone when that truth becomes clear.

the shocking truth is that ID cards are primarily meant to calculate what amounts of artificially engineered deadly viruses need to be produced to wipe out this planet's population. only the staunch efforts of those who oppose ID cards prevented that until now. but the opponents are not aware of the dirty Bilderberg move to make passports mandatory when travelling from one country to most others. as soon as this trick is made publish one can expect that hundreds of millions of passports will be burned.

by the way, another inhuman but globally adopted law -which the Bilderbergs introduced a long time ago- is that one needs a driver's license to operate a motorised vehicle :)

How can one idiot talk so muck BS. The best thing is to ignore this complete moron. PS I have one wish to meet this guy in a bar - please God!

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According to your personal standards, exactly what constitutes a " wild and unfounded assumption " ? When we found out 500 priests all around the world had also sexually abused children and if I had told you ten years ago that even the Pope knew about all these events and had not just ignored them...

yawnnnnnn... the global conspiracy and child abuse by priests condoned by the POPE in this thread. what next? quoting Jingthing and insinuate that the two tier baht Thai/Farang bus fares in Pattaya are a Bilderberg conspiracy?

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According to your personal standards, exactly what constitutes a " wild and unfounded assumption " ? When we found out 500 priests all around the world had also sexually abused children and if I had told you ten years ago that even the Pope knew about all these events and had not just ignored them...

yawnnnnnn... the global conspiracy and child abuse by priests condoned by the POPE in this thread. what next? quoting Jingthing and insinuate that the two tier baht Thai/Farang bus fares in Pattaya are a Bilderberg conspiracy?

You would have fit well in the Catholic Priesthood :)

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I see Herr Naam is no too well informed when mentioning the use of ID cards and other forms of Id's and why governments want you to have and at all times carry them with you. It will be a rather shocking experience for anyone when that truth becomes clear.

the shocking truth is that ID cards are primarily meant to calculate what amounts of artificially engineered deadly viruses need to be produced to wipe out this planet's population. only the staunch efforts of those who oppose ID cards prevented that until now. but the opponents are not aware of the dirty Bilderberg move to make passports mandatory when travelling from one country to most others. as soon as this trick is made publish one can expect that hundreds of millions of passports will be burned.

by the way, another inhuman but globally adopted law -which the Bilderbergs introduced a long time ago- is that one needs a driver's license to operate a motorised vehicle :)

How can one idiot talk so muck BS. The best thing is to ignore this complete moron. PS I have one wish to meet this guy in a bar - please God!

Just curious, how much marijuana do you smoke in an average week? One ounce? Two ounces? Depends upon how strong it is? Also, do you prefer joints or bong hits?

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Naam...........Your name was (in red) on the list of attendees, I saw the list so I know it is true. Rumor on the street is you were one of the keynote speakers, and now the klingons are involved. Where will it all end? :D:):D

BTDT, i take the fifth amendment. i refuse to admit that i am a part of the conspiracy. i also refuse to admit that once in a while i swallow a blue pill to pleasure Mrs. Naam a wee bit more. i decline to reveal my efforts to convince Mrs. Naam to approve a mia noi for me who has even bigger "nom" and a bigger "dood" than she does. both attributes i relish but they are hard to find in Thailand. it will all end in a desaster (i guess). sooner or later i will find a suitable thai lady with all the goodies i prefer, make the required preparations, Mrs. Naam will find out, cut off my pecker and serve it grilled to my dog... and that will be the end of the Bilderbergs (i think).

Naam, don’t try to confuse the issue, you know darn well that I was not referring to you but to beertheredonethtat as being a member of the present conspiracy. Through thorough research on the internet I have learned you reasons for you to try to associate yourself with this scandal, it’s just to draw attention from your real crimes. I know with certainty that you are the same mysterious lad with a Charlie Chaplin mustache (though now 43 years older) who ran down Paul McCartney outside of Weymouth in 1966 when he was driving his lightly modified Harley Davidson whilst you were driving a stock Austin Healing that was tilting at a 15 degree angle towards the driver’s side. Many eyewitnesses to the incident described a 200 kg youth with a bovine appearance wedged behind the wheel of the car than ran over Paul, but mysteriously Scotland Yard has no record of it. It is well documented, that John Lenon, experiencing intense jealousy over Paul’s contribution to the Revolver album, decided to bury his problem by hiring a person with extraordinary financial aptitude but who was living in a dumpster to bury Paul. It is now clear that the said dumpster dweller was you. It only partly worked, you may have managed to escape to Thailand and live your life out without suspicion, but when the Klaatu album surface in the mid 1970’s it became obvious to all but the most programmed sheeple that that the last 3 Beatles albums were just a head-fake. I don’t know how you live with yourself, you made the 1970’s a musical hel_l for all of mankind. Was having your villa in Pattaya worth it?

Original Poster

OK I do admit to having a mustache at one time, however I take great exception to being described as having a bovine appearance. I also admit I preferred John to Paul, many did so that proves nothing. The whole theory is twisted. I happened to be having lunch with a very prominent person on that day, so that proves it could not be me. Nice try though.


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How can one idiot talk so muck BS. The best thing is to ignore this complete moron. PS I have one wish to meet this guy in a bar - please God!

my deprogrammed friend. this is the last time i tolerate that you call me or others (as it happened) an idiot or a moron. read the forum rules and watch your language.

p.s. i don't frequent bars but i offer you in all honesty and inspite of my age to beat the living shit out of you in my front yard. sshhhh... this offer is of course not in line with the forum rules. that means we have to keep it a secret :)

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Indeed you do not need a driver license when operating a vehicle if used non commercially.

Perhaps you know the difference between statutes, law, legal and lawfull?

Have you checked the site I mentioned already?

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Naam, don’t try to confuse the issue, you know darn well that I was not referring to you but to beertheredonethtat as being a member of the present conspiracy. Through thorough research on the internet I have learned you reasons for you to try to associate yourself with this scandal, it’s just to draw attention from your real crimes.

i just hate it when people talk to my wife behind my back and then claim their information is from the internet. spill it out! how much do i have to pay you that you keep your mouth shut? :)

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How can one idiot talk so muck BS. The best thing is to ignore this complete moron. PS I have one wish to meet this guy in a bar - please God!

my deprogrammed friend. this is the last time i tolerate that you call me or others (as it happened) an idiot or a moron. read the forum rules and watch your language.

p.s. i don't frequent bars but i offer you in all honesty and inspite of my age to beat the living shit out of you in my front yard. sshhhh... this offer is of course not in line with the forum rules. that means we have to keep it a secret :)

No need to defend otheres my boyscoutish friend. Now why am i not surprized that you feel you could beat the blah blah out of me when you know little of the phisical attributes of your apponent. Not very scientific is it.

PS I reccommend that you try to visit some bars you may learn some lessons. (please spell check recommend for me and be a good boy)

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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

I find it interesting that you say I am arguing against your conspiracy theory. If you take the trouble to read my post on this thread you will find I have never stated a position one way or another. I ask a couple of question (which no one ever answered) and provided a list of popular conspiracy theories for your consideration.

But you can interpret this anyway you like, I don't really care.

BTDT based on your numerous postings particularly Post #156

your propensity for sarcasm in support of the other skeptics gave me the distinct impression that

you're a Naam supporter. :)

I have certainly never read anything in this thread from you which could be considered to show even

anything close to a balanced approach to this matter?

The list of conspiracy theories you provided as you well know your self included some that were not worth

further consideration, but as someone subsequently said quite quite rightly -surely this doesn't mean that

we can afford to ignore conspiracies altogether. :D

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Naam, don't try to confuse the issue, you know darn well that I was not referring to you but to beertheredonethtat as being a member of the present conspiracy. Through thorough research on the internet I have learned you reasons for you to try to associate yourself with this scandal, it's just to draw attention from your real crimes.

i just hate it when people talk to my wife behind my back and then claim their information is from the internet. spill it out! how much do i have to pay you that you keep your mouth shut? :)

12 DM, one ox, plus your autographed picture of Kaiser Wilhelm II will make you problem disappear.

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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

I find it interesting that you say I am arguing against your conspiracy theory. If you take the trouble to read my post on this thread you will find I have never stated a position one way or another. I ask a couple of question (which no one ever answered) and provided a list of popular conspiracy theories for your consideration.

But you can interpret this anyway you like, I don't really care.

BTDT based on your numerous postings particularly Post #156

your propensity for sarcasm in support of the other skeptics gave me the distinct impression that

you're a Naam supporter. :)

I have certainly never read anything in this thread from you which could be considered to show even

anything close to a balanced approach to this matter?

The list of conspiracy theories you provided as you well know your self included some that were not worth

further consideration, but as someone subsequently said quite quite rightly -surely this doesn't mean that

we can afford to ignore conspiracies altogether. :D

Naam has supporters :D let them show themselfs

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Indeed you do not need a driver license when operating a vehicle if used non commercially.

of course not as it's only 200 Baht in Thailand. go to the U.S. of A., drive without a license, try to lecture the officer who checks you on internet sites where it says "no license needed", have perhaps a little bigmouth, feel the handcuffs and learn how comfortable a cell in a police prison is till next morning the judge sets bail.

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See there, Naam I think you are a funny guy sometimes and even more funny when I see you have no or little knowledge regarding law. statutes and that stuff.

Please go and visit tpuc.org as a start and see that you have been wrong and lied to your whole life. Come for one time try not to be so ignorant.


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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

You are the epitome of a Naam supporter - your ignorance is on par with your high priest :) I am sure he would be gratefull and invite you to join the priesthood as good reward :D

PS please keep up this has nothing to do with the Bilderbodys - or whatever they are called anymore

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See there, Naam I think you are a funny guy sometimes and even more funny when I see you have no or little knowledge regarding law. statutes and that stuff.

nowadays you produce nothing but blah-blah-blah Alex. anything of substance to add? are you driving without a license in any country because you are "the one that knows" about laws, statutes and especially "that stuff"? are you able to rent a car anywhere with your membership card from "Dutch Chicken Breeders"?

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Naam, don't try to confuse the issue, you know darn well that I was not referring to you but to beertheredonethtat as being a member of the present conspiracy. Through thorough research on the internet I have learned you reasons for you to try to associate yourself with this scandal, it's just to draw attention from your real crimes.

i just hate it when people talk to my wife behind my back and then claim their information is from the internet. spill it out! how much do i have to pay you that you keep your mouth shut? :)

12 DM, one ox, plus your autographed picture of Kaiser Wilhelm II will make you problem disappear.

that is a reasonable demand. i was worried that you ask that i hand over that young goat too which i keep hidden in my pumphouse.

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How can one idiot talk so muck BS. The best thing is to ignore this complete moron. PS I have one wish to meet this guy in a bar - please God!

my deprogrammed friend. this is the last time i tolerate that you call me or others (as it happened) an idiot or a moron. read the forum rules and watch your language.

p.s. i don't frequent bars but i offer you in all honesty and inspite of my age to beat the living shit out of you in my front yard. sshhhh... this offer is of course not in line with the forum rules. that means we have to keep it a secret :)

Oh no not only do we know naam is a narrow minded complete buffon but we have also found out he is a snitch. I guess your trying to get this thread closed down as you seem to have thrown your dummy out the pram :D

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