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Lets try another way, my mrs buys me 5 leos every night,in return for my help on the farm and her busy salon, last time i used my ATM was Xmas to buy her a pretty present, and the next time will be late July when we will go to UK for a 2 week break,

She is the only Thai girl ive ever dated, and im very happy, Luckey Lickey...

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

Assuming that she has no income, share with her whatever you can comfortably afford after paying for the essentials and putting money aside as savings.

If she repeatedly tells you that what you do is not enough for her, then you have to ask yourself whether you want to spend your valuable time with someone who is dissatisfied with you.


When I was first introduced to my Thai wife / GF, she was working in an office in Bangkok and making about 10K baht per month.. When I asked her to stop working and take care of me Full Time I asked how much money it cost her per month to live considering things like Food, Rent, and such.... She said that she could usually Save about 4000 baht after paying all of her expenses for the month, so I offered to pay all the living expenses and pay her 5000 baht per month for whatever she wanted to use it for.... We have been together for about 8 years now up in Isaan and she seems very happy with the arrangement, although there are many times that I give her a 1000 baht extra if she seems to need it towards the end of the month.... I pay for all of our living expenses and have even built a nice house which is in her name but leased to me on a long term basis....

She is the oldest girl in her family and only gives her mother 1000 baht per month... She says that she totally supported her mother for many years and that now her two brothers and two sisters could step up and support her Mom.... The whole family seems fine with the arrangement and I am considered the Best Person Possible by her mother.... Her Mom even wanted to include me last year when she was at the land office arranging to transfer various farm lands into the kids name,.... The Thai Officer tried to explain to her that a Farang can not own land and she got very upset telling him that I was her Best Son... "My share" ended up going into my wife / GF's name after she promised her Mom that she would make sure that I got it when she died,.....



No matter how much it is, it will never be enough, this apply across the board, not just to our Thai Ladies. They will always fine something to spend it on, My wife and her girlfriends just return from a six hours shopping trip. She six hours :) <_<Ok if there are any ladies here bring it on, Slap the bigsnake :D:D

When I was first introduced to my Thai wife / GF, she was working in an office in Bangkok and making about 10K baht per month.. When I asked her to stop working and take care of me Full Time I asked how much money it cost her per month to live considering things like Food, Rent, and such.... She said that she could usually Save about 4000 baht after paying all of her expenses for the month, so I offered to pay all the living expenses and pay her 5000 baht per month for whatever she wanted to use it for.... We have been together for about 8 years now up in Isaan and she seems very happy with the arrangement, although there are many times that I give her a 1000 baht extra if she seems to need it towards the end of the month.... I pay for all of our living expenses and have even built a nice house which is in her name but leased to me on a long term basis....

She is the oldest girl in her family and only gives her mother 1000 baht per month... She says that she totally supported her mother for many years and that now her two brothers and two sisters could step up and support her Mom.... The whole family seems fine with the arrangement and I am considered the Best Person Possible by her mother.... Her Mom even wanted to include me last year when she was at the land office arranging to transfer various farm lands into the kids name,.... The Thai Officer tried to explain to her that a Farang can not own land and she got very upset telling him that I was her Best Son... "My share" ended up going into my wife / GF's name after she promised her Mom that she would make sure that I got it when she died,.....


At last!

Don't know about you, but I am sick to death of reading posts all about Thai ladies ripping off farangs.

Good to hear from someone else who's got himself a decent lass, and married into a good family. There are a lot more of them about than most posters on here would have us believe.

Good luck to you both, and pass on my best regards for good health to your GFs' Mum.

Lets try another way, my mrs buys me 5 leos every night,in return for my help on the farm and her busy salon, last time i used my ATM was Xmas to buy her a pretty present, and the next time will be late July when we will go to UK for a 2 week break,

She is the only Thai girl ive ever dated, and im very happy, Luckey Lickey...

Does she buy you a work permit too.


It seems that in Thailand the ladies are supposed to help their parents,while the men don't face the same pressure at all.And if a woman is married to a farang the pressure increases.Still many Thais believe that we have the money tree at home..I would not share my life with a woman who thinks i have the money tree.Sometimes i feel a light pressure from my better half,and i know she just had a conversation with her mother.Well,if i have to be broken-hearted,it will be better with some money left in my wallet. :)


At one time, I was giving 7,000 bht to the lady AND 6,000 to Mama. The 7,000 was for her use only and I covered all the house expenses, etc. She did take care of the house very well, but otherwise spent most of her time in front of the TV. When I suggested cutting back the money to Mama, her reply was "Mama say bye-bye you". Of course this was perceived as not nearly enough money, in any case. Other generouse gents were giving 20,000, 30, 40, 100, etc per month. Her view was she got a raw deal. Of course I had not provided the obligatory house & car and had not intention of doing so. Relationahips like this, based on money, are worth $hit in my opinion.


For the guys that are paying their girl to stop their job. That is something i can understand, i mean you want her at home so you pay. Else she works. But for guys with girls that never worked that is a different story.

The insanity of some of these posts kills me, just a thought wouldnt it be cheaper for some of you to just spend 1k baht a nite on a hot bg ? she comes home with you says you handsome, me love you, wears nice clothes, smells good, treats you like a king, spends the nite, then leaves in the morning after bringing you food and coffee. Now Im not that good with math but 30k a month is a he_ll of alot cheaper dont you think for the same thing you are buying now ? and you get a new flavor everyday. Thats what all you big spenders are doing now anyway whether you want to admit it or not.

And you get to choose which one for the night - Drool :)

1000 baht, must be some real stunners!



Better no relationship than a relationship with someone nasty, who clearly stays because of money only and never stops complaining.


As my wife works I don't give her any allowance. As I make more I will however ofcourse be the one lifting up the wallet when we do things together, be it smaller things like traveling to and from work up to walking to the bank/offices and paying bills...

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :)

Judging by the hansum men I saw in Pattaya last week, I reckon you are both wrong, the word recompense sprang to mind.

Mind you, from the look of some of their partners, the hansum men should have been the ones being recompensed.


Just told my wife that I will be following the OPs lead, taking away access to our joint account and giving her an allowance..

She gave me a calendar with 3 crosses marked on it and a bottle of hand lotion...........What does she mean ?

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :) But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Yes but if your dad hadn't 'tipped up' to your mum, would she have dumped him?

If you don't pay the salary to your 'employee', they leave your employment. Try not paying the um, allowance, I think you'll see the correlation.

Get A life TROLL :D

Ohhhh...did that one hit home Scotsman? :D

Just told my wife that I will be following the OPs lead, taking away access to our joint account and giving her an allowance..

She gave me a calendar with 3 crosses marked on it and a bottle of hand lotion...........What does she mean ?

55555 :)

Like it. :D

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


Oh really, why's that? Do you think Farang women are better than Thai's? Are you a racist that thinks Thais are somehow less than Farangs?


"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :) But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Yes but if your dad hadn't 'tipped up' to your mum, would she have dumped him?

If you don't pay the salary to your 'employee', they leave your employment. Try not paying the um, allowance, I think you'll see the correlation.

Get A life TROLL :D

Ohhhh...did that one hit home Scotsman? :D

There are TOO MANY CYNICAL people on this post that have been very badly burned by a women or they are too young to understand what love is. In my fathers day they knew all about hardships and so did my mother they were a team a partnership so they worked together for the good of the Family. Now they were together happly married for over 40 years that's probably more than most of you CYNIC young people on this post's life. I would say to all you poor CYNICAL people GET A LIFE and stop trolling :D

Now I would like to inform the OP that in every partnership at the start you have to lay down some ground rules and we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from. The rule you must lay down is that she is helping her family but if they want more then they will have to go out and work for it just like all the rest of the good Thai family's. You are not a fool and you have to say no to the demands of your partner and if there is true love & caring for you in this partnership then she will accept your answer or she will walk out on you. If its the latter then you know it was not a partnership based on love and understanding I am very lucky that my wife & I have this partnership and her family are very good people, but in all partnerships you have to work at it,now most younger people don't and when it gets to tough they walk away. I can see from a lot of post's on this forum that there is a lot more good loving partnerships out there that are working so I say to them good luck and keep at it because its worth it.



There are no generalizations being made. Its a common theme. Guy complains about girl wanting money or more money than he is giving her. Someone comes and tells him to stop giving it to her.... And when he stops giving it her, what is going to happen? Lets see if you can connect the dots...

Put it differently.

Hello Guys, I manage a McDonalds. I am looking for ways to stop paying my employees and still have them come to work. Any ideas?

All I can say is you live in a very simplistic world, try looking outside of the box a little, your statement above is pure generalisation. ( based on your own experiences? )

The original poster was not complaining but asking others advice and opinions.

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


I disagree. Some farang women do enjoy being a homemaker, and spoiling their husband. My husband gets coffee in bed most mornings. Do you? I am able to do that because I'm at home, where I prefer to be, not out working a job.


Ohhhh...did that one hit home Scotsman? :D

There are TOO MANY CYNICAL people on this post that have been very badly burned by a women or they are too young to understand what love is. In my fathers day they knew all about hardships and so did my mother they were a team a partnership so they worked together for the good of the Family. Now they were together happly married for over 40 years that's probably more than most of you CYNIC young people on this post's life. I would say to all you poor CYNICAL people GET A LIFE and stop trolling :D

Now I would like to inform the OP that in every partnership at the start you have to lay down some ground rules and we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from. The rule you must lay down is that she is helping her family but if they want more then they will have to go out and work for it just like all the rest of the good Thai family's. You are not a fool and you have to say no to the demands of your partner and if there is true love & caring for you in this partnership then she will accept your answer or she will walk out on you. If its the latter then you know it was not a partnership based on love and understanding I am very lucky that my wife & I have this partnership and her family are very good people, but in all partnerships you have to work at it,now most younger people don't and when it gets to tough they walk away. I can see from a lot of post's on this forum that there is a lot more good loving partnerships out there that are working so I say to them good luck and keep at it because its worth it.



Ahem...so you are saying that a poor village guy will pay his poor wife's family a monthly allowance after marrage?

For the rest of his life he will pay her parents every month?

Is this what your wife told you?

Oops sorry Scotsman...carry on... :)


I mean all you guys giving salary's to your wife are total idiots.. But those making their wifes work for 10k baht a month 50hours a week, are bigger idiots.

What you have to do is pay everything essential for your wife while she cleans the house and takes care of you and if she wants to buy some stuff like makeup or other crap, she can sell stuff on sanook or to her friends to make 3-4-5 thousand.. and sometimes you can buy her a gift or give her 3k for a haircut..

that's how you deal with a non working woman... not by giving her a &lt;deleted&gt; salary...

I might be wrong if you're a broke teacher, then you have to let your woman work because you cant even provide for a puppy

Just told my wife that I will be following the OPs lead, taking away access to our joint account and giving her an allowance..

She gave me a calendar with 3 crosses marked on it and a bottle of hand lotion...........What does she mean ?

It means she works for Amway :)

Ohhhh...did that one hit home Scotsman? :D

There are TOO MANY CYNICAL people on this post that have been very badly burned by a women or they are too young to understand what love is. In my fathers day they knew all about hardships and so did my mother they were a team a partnership so they worked together for the good of the Family. Now they were together happly married for over 40 years that's probably more than most of you CYNIC young people on this post's life. I would say to all you poor CYNICAL people GET A LIFE and stop trolling :D

Now I would like to inform the OP that in every partnership at the start you have to lay down some ground rules and we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from. The rule you must lay down is that she is helping her family but if they want more then they will have to go out and work for it just like all the rest of the good Thai family's. You are not a fool and you have to say no to the demands of your partner and if there is true love & caring for you in this partnership then she will accept your answer or she will walk out on you. If its the latter then you know it was not a partnership based on love and understanding I am very lucky that my wife & I have this partnership and her family are very good people, but in all partnerships you have to work at it,now most younger people don't and when it gets to tough they walk away. I can see from a lot of post's on this forum that there is a lot more good loving partnerships out there that are working so I say to them good luck and keep at it because its worth it.



Ahem...so you are saying that a poor village guy will pay his poor wife's family a monthly allowance after marrage?

For the rest of his life he will pay her parents every month?

Is this what your wife told you?

Oops sorry Scotsman...carry on... :)


try the following on for size, I shit you not, I know of at least 2 suckers, sorry meant to say farang jai dee, who give their wife all their salary every month, because the wife told them thats Thai way, husband give money to lady for lady take care, was how I heard it put.

Funnily enough, these women all come from a certain area of Thailand, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what region.

There are Thai guys working in a factory up the road from me, from this area who I play sport with, when I asked them about this bs, they almost spat their beer out, the word buffalo was mentioned, I dont think they were asking for donations for any sick animal they may or may not have had.

The wife has never heard of such a practice, neither have Thais living around me, in fact I wont repeat what the Thai males told me would happen if their wife was to ask.

On to your next point,do you think Somboon is going to give part of his salary to support his wifes family?

he has his own family to take care of, then his parents.

Also noone living round me has ever heard its the duty of the youngest daughter, I assume the guys who spout this rubbish are actually married to the youngest daughter, what a cop out for the rest of the family, theres one born every minute.

The Thais I know said its the duty of everyone in the family, if they have any spare after taking care of their own family.

Other stories too numerous to mention, funnily enough most of these experts in all things Thai, neither live here nor speak Thai, some guys must be desperate for a wife if they are willing to put up with such nonsense.

Was talking to a guy the other day who was telling me he had to go up to the village to meet his girlfriends family, I asked who suggested it and why do you have to go?

The next part of the conversation was even better, he told me it was tradition for the farang to put on a big party so the family could gain face, and his pary would only I repeat only cost 30,000 baht.

After enquiring who told him such rubbish, the answer was his girlfriend. Need I say anymore.

It all starts in the selection process, these freeloaders should have been weeded out from the start.

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


I disagree. Some farang women do enjoy being a homemaker, and spoiling their husband. My husband gets coffee in bed most mornings. Do you? I am able to do that because I'm at home, where I prefer to be, not out working a job.

Yes your right some farang women do, however its much more of a chore to find that mentality in the States where as here in Thailand its much more culturally acceptable. And I get a nice sandwich, OJ, and my multi-vitamins each morning :D and I love it.



try the following on for size, I shit you not, I know of at least 2 suckers, sorry meant to say farang jai dee, who give their wife all their salary every month, because the wife told them thats Thai way, husband give money to lady for lady take care, was how I heard it put.

Funnily enough, these women all come from a certain area of Thailand, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what region.

There are Thai guys working in a factory up the road from me, from this area who I play sport with, when I asked them about this bs, they almost spat their beer out, the word buffalo was mentioned, I dont think they were asking for donations for any sick animal they may or may not have had.

The wife has never heard of such a practice, neither have Thais living around me, in fact I wont repeat what the Thai males told me would happen if their wife was to ask.

On to your next point,do you think Somboon is going to give part of his salary to support his wifes family?

he has his own family to take care of, then his parents.

Also noone living round me has ever heard its the duty of the youngest daughter, I assume the guys who spout this rubbish are actually married to the youngest daughter, what a cop out for the rest of the family, theres one born every minute.

The Thais I know said its the duty of everyone in the family, if they have any spare after taking care of their own family.

Other stories too numerous to mention, funnily enough most of these experts in all things Thai, neither live here nor speak Thai, some guys must be desperate for a wife if they are willing to put up with such nonsense.

Was talking to a guy the other day who was telling me he had to go up to the village to meet his girlfriends family, I asked who suggested it and why do you have to go?

The next part of the conversation was even better, he told me it was tradition for the farang to put on a big party so the family could gain face, and his pary would only I repeat only cost 30,000 baht.

After enquiring who told him such rubbish, the answer was his girlfriend. Need I say anymore.

It all starts in the selection process, these freeloaders should have been weeded out from the start".


I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

I showed her Scotsman's post and she said "what's wrong with him? is he ATM? Absolutely Thai man will never do like this"

It just amazes me how these guys allow themselves to be conned like this.

Are they so desperate they need to buy love?

The funny thing is, if they cared to look around a little, and not fall for the first girl that lap dances for them, there are plenty of good hard working Thai women around that would love them for them.

It really is quite sad.

I mean all you guys giving salary's to your wife are total idiots.. But those making their wifes work for 10k baht a month 50hours a week, are bigger idiots.

What you have to do is pay everything essential for your wife while she cleans the house and takes care of you and if she wants to buy some stuff like makeup or other crap, she can sell stuff on sanook or to her friends to make 3-4-5 thousand.. and sometimes you can buy her a gift or give her 3k for a haircut..

that's how you deal with a non working woman... not by giving her a &lt;deleted&gt; salary...

I might be wrong if you're a broke teacher, then you have to let your woman work because you cant even provide for a puppy

Has it ever crossed your mind that some women WANT to work?

I mean all you guys giving salary's to your wife are total idiots.. But those making their wifes work for 10k baht a month 50hours a week, are bigger idiots.

What you have to do is pay everything essential for your wife while she cleans the house and takes care of you and if she wants to buy some stuff like makeup or other crap, she can sell stuff on sanook or to her friends to make 3-4-5 thousand.. and sometimes you can buy her a gift or give her 3k for a haircut..

that's how you deal with a non working woman... not by giving her a &lt;deleted&gt; salary...

I might be wrong if you're a broke teacher, then you have to let your woman work because you cant even provide for a puppy

Has it ever crossed your mind that some women WANT to work?

Greenwood is writing to us from the 1950s.

I mean all you guys giving salary's to your wife are total idiots.. But those making their wifes work for 10k baht a month 50hours a week, are bigger idiots.

What you have to do is pay everything essential for your wife while she cleans the house and takes care of you and if she wants to buy some stuff like makeup or other crap, she can sell stuff on sanook or to her friends to make 3-4-5 thousand.. and sometimes you can buy her a gift or give her 3k for a haircut..

that's how you deal with a non working woman... not by giving her a &lt;deleted&gt; salary...

I might be wrong if you're a broke teacher, then you have to let your woman work because you cant even provide for a puppy

Has it ever crossed your mind that some women WANT to work?

yeah, 1-2% of them.

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