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United States Navy To Build New Training Facility In Thailand

sriracha john

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U.S. Navy contracts for new training facility

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- The U.S. Navy has contracted Intelspec International Inc. to construct a new facility in Thailand to support close combat training.

Intelspec equity position holder WWA Group announced that the company was selected by the Navy for design and builder services for the construction of a Close Quarters Battle training facility located at Camp Eraw An in Thailand.

According to a news release, Intelspec will provide engineering, drawings and structural calculations, among other Navy building requirements.

"We believe that this Navy contract is one of many U.S. government contracts that will be awarded to Intelspec," Eric Montandon, WWA Group chief executive, said in a statement.

"We consider this success to be a good example of Intelspec's government contract-based business model."

- UPI / 2009-05-19


Note: I believe "Camp Eraw An" is actually Camp Erawan.

Camp Erawan is a Royal Thai Army base located in Lopburi.

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Non-repetitive excerpts from:

Intelspec receives contract for U.S. Navy design and construction project

WWA Group, Inc. today announced that Intelspec International, Inc. has been awarded a contract to design and construct the Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Training Facility, Camp Eraw An, Thailand for the U.S. Navy.

Intelspec is to act as designer and builder for the project. The objective is to provide all earth work, civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, building and all other associated services for the construction of a CQB training facility comprised of a shoot house in addition to associated external ancillary improvements to the site. Intelspec will provide engineering for the final site work, a site grading plan, a site drainage plan, building drawings and structural calculations to ensure compliance with requisite building codes. Work on the CQB Training Facility is expected to commence at the beginning of June with a completion date scheduled for the end of August 2009.

- Defense Professionals News / 2009-05-18

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Oh I so pity Thailand now :)

Having grown up in a State having so many US Military bases I have to say........

Soldiers on leave are worse than most bar drunks you have met

Where abouts is this Camp Eraw An ?

Edited by flying
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OK, just remember that the US Marine Recon. had regular joint training with the Thai Army Special Forces. It may come from this channel.

Or the SEALS. That whole Somalia pirate issue might be the reason they're training close combat.

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OK, just remember that the US Marine Recon. had regular joint training with the Thai Army Special Forces. It may come from this channel.

When I was with 3d Recon so many years ago, we had quite a bit of joint training with Thai forces. Β I am not sure how much is done now.

While successful training would undoubtedly be reported throughout the military establishment, any Navy facility would be soley their own decision, and unless there was a MOU, Marines would have no input on the process.Β 

If this is a Navy facility, from the descriptions, this has to be for SEAL training. Β It has to be for keeping deployed SEALS in the region sharp.

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Welcome Sailors! :):D:D:D

Americans abroad always support our boys in uniform. Just always remember your Daddy: President Obama. (Future figure on Mount Rushmore.)

Indeed, hmm I wonder how I can get on the bidder's list for the construction... hmmm

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Welcome Sailors! :):D:D:D

Americans abroad always support our boys in uniform. Just always remember your Daddy: President Obama. (Future figure on Mount Rushmore.)

Indeed, hmm I wonder how I can get on the bidder's list for the construction... hmmm

Joking aside, I think I remember that you are African-American, and if I am not mistaken in that, you actually have a reasonable shot and getting a subcontract if you set up your bid correctly. Whatever anyone thinks of the government policy to grant black or Latino-owned businesses preference in contracts, it would be foolish to pass up on any opportunties should the desire be there.

Edited by bonobo
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ΰΉ‡How many cobra did you eat khun bonobo? :) Think it's the highlight they impress Farang troop. Skin the cobra alive cut out the "DEE" (don't know the name of this gland or organ), put it into white spirit and yes, the greatest shot for male performance.

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ΰΉ‡How many cobra did you eat khun bonobo? :) Think it's the highlight they impress Farang troop. Skin the cobra alive cut out the "DEE" (don't know the name of this gland or organ), put it into white spirit and yes, the greatest shot for male performance.

Actually, while my battalion did quite a bit with the Thais, I spent most of my time in the Philippines and Camp Fuji on the Japanes mainland. Β So I never was able to enjoy the hospitality of the Thai military while I was in Recon. Β (I did eat monitor lizard with the Negritos during JEST school in the Philippines, though, and I am still disgusted when I remember the taste.)

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Welcome Sailors! :):D:D:D

Americans abroad always support our boys in uniform. Just always remember your Daddy: President Obama. (Future figure on Mount Rushmore.)

Indeed, hmm I wonder how I can get on the bidder's list for the construction... hmmm

Joking aside, I think I remember that you are African-American, and if I am not mistaken in that, you actually have a reasonable shot and getting a subcontract if you set up your bid correctly. Whatever anyone thinks of the government policy to grant black or Latino-owned businesses preference in contracts, it would be foolish to pass up on any opportunties should the desire be there.

You are very correct. However my US company will not be eligible for the coveted 8A certification untill this November (needs to be 2 years old). However I have already taken a bunch in Iraq, the thing there is they don't care about any of that stuff in Iraq. There its all about their "Iraqi First" initiative. So I'm wondering if they will do the same thing here and choose Thai company's first. Oh well I guess I just need to get up off my but and make some calls... Anyone want to go in with me for the concessionary Rights lol..I need someone who can sell beer :D

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Welcome Sailors! :):D:D:D

Americans abroad always support our boys in uniform. Just always remember your Daddy: President Obama. (Future figure on Mount Rushmore.)

Yeah sure you & the village people are the only ones who would like that.

As for Obama..............hahahah in your dreams


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Monitor lizard !!! The one with impolite name "HEAR" in Thai? You are a real tough guy. It's now city pest in BKK along with the Boa. They live near water and commute along BKK canal free way. Even Klong Sabsaeb paraell to Sukhumvit Road. Last year the Boa swallowed some cats in the Princess's palace next to Siam Discovery Mall. Few years ago, one took refuge into the Swiss Embassy also.

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Yes, that torture stuff sounds bad. As we are a democracy, we kicked out the torture guys and are doing our best to stop using torture. Keep in touch and remember who liberated Europe from the Nazis and Asia from the Japanese, ha ha ha.

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Yes, that torture stuff sounds bad. As we are a democracy, we kicked out the torture guys and are doing our best to stop using torture. Keep in touch and remember who liberated Europe from the Nazis and Asia from the Japanese, ha ha ha.

Actually h90...I was just telling my wife the other day...Now that Nobama has it in for the Afghans as well I think Thailand will take a hit, Same as the during Vietnam war they will surely be in TL more often now.

As for JT saying they kicked out the torture guys as you know that is BS & this is where the new Prez has already lost a lot of ground....While he promised & promised during his campaign to end that torture & bring those to justice that committed the crimes,,,, we now see he is condoning it. He now thinks the guys were ....errrrm just following orders.

He also thinks it is best not to release all the pictures showing the crimes we the US committed in Guantanamo as it would just enrage ( as it should) the world & place out soldiers in even more harms way than even he plans.

I guess the Geneva convention means squat to him. Funny how we chased WWII criminals around the world for decades & yet let the ones in our house go free................ :D

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Get a life..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians. Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Think we can handle that. If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.

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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians. Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Think we can handle that. If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.

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If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.

I agree that in 45 Americans had a noble purpose. Sadly it is not that way now.

Siding with the Americans now would not be the best choice available but it is yours & Thailands to make as I know your a Thai citizen.

The rising star is now in the East actually & will be good for TL I think. It would be far better for TL to align more closely with those that produce & have something more to offer than unbacked promises that come with many strings.

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Welcome Sailors! :):D:D:D

Americans abroad always support our boys in uniform. Just always remember your Daddy: President Obama. (Future figure on Mount Rushmore.)

Yeah sure you & the village people are the only ones who would like that.

As for Obama..............hahahah in your dreams


:D Post of the day, thanx :D:D

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Well as some of us are still second class citizens in the US (don't ask, don't tell) and given the world famous tendency of navy guys having a whole lot of not telling goin' on, at least we can serve our country in other ways. Its all good. God Bless America!

(Justice and equality will inevitably come some day, but in the meantime ... :) )

BTW, no, we will never shut up about this until we get all our equal civil rights, so if you don't like that, support equal rights for ALL Americans, OK?

Edited by Jingthing
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A shame for Thailand to support a country which starts wars all the time and murders civilians.

Not long time ago there was an article in the german press about a guy tortured in an secret US jail in Thailand. They tested on him new strategies to torture people :):D

Yes, that torture stuff sounds bad. As we are a democracy, we kicked out the torture guys and are doing our best to stop using torture. Keep in touch and remember who liberated Europe from the Nazis and Asia from the Japanese, ha ha ha.

I can't see that fighting against the Nazis and Japanese allows to torture now. USA fighted Japanese and Nazis because they were attacked, not for any noble purpose.

It is a sign that democracy did not work (or that the people just didn't care), as Bush got elected again and there were people who got tortured or jailed for many years.

How can you explain it to the victims? Or to the victims of the Irak war? Now it is neither the Nazis nor Communists who conquer other countries and abuse the populations, it is the USA.

Every two weeks there are news from 100+ dead civilians, collateral damage caused by a drone or other attack. How would you call an Arab who is killing 100 Americans, you would call him Terrorist, wouldn't you?

How do you call these Americans who sent a remote controlled airplane to bomb a house without Terrorists inside? And I can't see it stopping with Obama.

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Think we can handle that. If it was not intervened by the American we would be f... up by the French in 1945. If American had not drop few millions tons and chat with Chairman Mao the Comies might have been strong enough to advance west of Cambodian border. It's not all about paying back but I mean Thai diplomatic manuveur has been great. As we are not of the Swiss's caliber I agree with the gov. that siding with American is the best choice available.

Eh.. you know Thailand were on Japan and Germanys side during the war right? And the US wasn't too interested in joining the war until Pearl Harbor was bombed. But when they did join, they did a lot of good that is for sure.

If you read some history you would know how the US ran out on the South Vietnamese and left them all to die when their interests weren't there anymore. Just as they did with the Lon Nol soldiers they used to overthrow Sihanouk so they could bomb 500.000 innocent peasants in Cambodia trying to find the VC.. When the Vietnam war was over they just packed up and left the Lon Nol soldiers to die, and millions of Cambodians were murdered by the Khmer Rouge who used US bombing in Cambodia to gain popularity among farmers who joined their forces.

Then later when the Vietnamese drove out the Khmer Rouge, USA set up camps in Thailand and with the Brits trained the Khmer Rouge soldiers and fed them with weapons to help them get back in power.

The Americans did a lot of good during WWII, but I am not sure you can say the same for what they have done since then.

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