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Wish List Of Changes And Improvements To Thailands


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Thailand can be a much better country for tourists and expats if the government would listen and take action , if they were able to do this what request would you have.

Here is a couple :

1 . Change the way tuk tuk's and taxi's have all over the place pricing and stop the 20 baht gem store tours

2. Completely overhaul the taxi and baht bus system in Phuket and any other places that operate the same way.

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As an ex-pat living in Thailand, as far as I’m concerned, the less tourists the better.

Presently due to lack of customers, the hotels, bars, restaurants, massage parlours and nightly entertainments have kept their prices reasonably low without any major increases, plus they are inclined to give better, lower priced services for their regular customers because they need them, not having any alternatives. The take it or leave it attitudes and hyping up of prices during what they call their busy periods have been put on hold for the time being.

Suits me, never had it so good.

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My list is not just to do with tourists but

1. Make the long term visa's easier to get, if you have the cash, stay as long as you want

2. Make it easier to set up a business'

3. Concerted effort to improve customer service across the board

4. Clean up the cities and towns as on the whole Thailand filthy and dirty

5. Round up all the Soi dogs

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As an ex-pat living in Thailand, as far as I’m concerned, the less tourists the better.

Presently due to lack of customers, the hotels, bars, restaurants, massage parlours and nightly entertainments have kept their prices reasonably low without any major increases, plus they are inclined to give better, lower priced services for their regular customers because they need them, not having any alternatives. The take it or leave it attitudes and hyping up of prices during what they call their busy periods have been put on hold for the time being.

Suits me, never had it so good.

Totally agree. We should be petitioning the Thai government to do everything it can to lower tourist numbers. Enough is enough!

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As an ex-pat living in Thailand, as far as I'm concerned, the less tourists the better.

Presently due to lack of customers, the hotels, bars, restaurants, massage parlours and nightly entertainments have kept their prices reasonably low without any major increases, plus they are inclined to give better, lower priced services for their regular customers because they need them, not having any alternatives. The take it or leave it attitudes and hyping up of prices during what they call their busy periods have been put on hold for the time being.

Suits me, never had it so good.

Totally agree. We should be petitioning the Thai government to do everything it can to lower tourist numbers. Enough is enough!

:):D ....While we are at it....let deport all the OAP's as well... :D

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Get rid of all of the whining, moaning expats that do not like living here. :)

Yeap, got to really love the arrogance of some of the posters on this thread suggesting they have more rights to be in Thailand than others.. :D

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Get rid of all of the whining, moaning expats that do not like living here. :)

Yeap, got to really love the arrogance of some of the posters on this thread suggesting they have more rights to be in Thailand than others.. :D

Unless some posts have been deleted no one has suggested in this thread that anyone has more of a right to be here than anyone else. As far as I'm concerned all 6 billion people on the planet have the right to be here, but I don't want them all coming here just the same.

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Im a tourist for the most part, i would make the country safer if I could do one thing.

The most dangerous thing in Thailand is by far the driving. How hard would it be to educate students in school on basic driving knowledge and safety? This should be done in the schools at a young age. They could actually enforce laws and require a driving test to be taken not bought.

Really driving is my only gripe about living here. I appreciate the strange and annoying things as just being Thailand and enjoy it for being different.

Cant seem to get comfortable with close calls and many senseless deaths I have seen on the roads here though. Basically people drive like they are driving scooters regardless of the size of the vehicle they are in. With little to no regard for the safety of others...

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-Get rid of the sexpats & sex tours

-Enforce traffic laws

-Remove old fashion mass transit system and add more to the modern mass transit systems (skytrain)

-Do everything possible to clean the air (in Bkk) and promote green

-better animal control population

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As an ex-pat living in Thailand, as far as I'm concerned, the less tourists the better.

Presently due to lack of customers, the hotels, bars, restaurants, massage parlours and nightly entertainments have kept their prices reasonably low without any major increases, plus they are inclined to give better, lower priced services for their regular customers because they need them, not having any alternatives. The take it or leave it attitudes and hyping up of prices during what they call their busy periods have been put on hold for the time being.

Suits me, never had it so good.


Perhaps it has escaped your notice but you are a tourist as well, all be it, a long term tourist.

What do you contribute to Thailand that is worth as much as many thousands of families on a 2 week holiday?

How many Thai families live off what you spend, compared to the many hundreds of thousands of families that live off the tourist industry?

Do you think that the hotels and bars in your area exist just for a few farangs to spend on a few beers and the odd girl?

Without tourists, many or all of Thailand's seaside resorts would not exist.

Of course, if you are living in Thailand on a pittance, as many farangs are, then I can understand your reticence to pay the going rate.

Maybe you should consider leaving and making room for someone who is willing to contribute to the Thai economy and not just moan about it.

Yes there are many things that need changing in Thailand, such as politics, poor policing and cheating foreign and Thai developers to name a few.

Another is to get rid of moaning, cheapskate ex pats and replace them with well behaved and free spending tourists.

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As an ex-pat living in Thailand, as far as I'm concerned, the less tourists the better.

Presently due to lack of customers, the hotels, bars, restaurants, massage parlours and nightly entertainments have kept their prices reasonably low without any major increases, plus they are inclined to give better, lower priced services for their regular customers because they need them, not having any alternatives. The take it or leave it attitudes and hyping up of prices during what they call their busy periods have been put on hold for the time being.

Suits me, never had it so good.


Perhaps it has escaped your notice but you are a tourist as well, all be it, a long term tourist.

What do you contribute to Thailand that is worth as much as many thousands of families on a 2 week holiday?

How many Thai families live off what you spend, compared to the many hundreds of thousands of families that live off the tourist industry?

Do you think that the hotels and bars in your area exist just for a few farangs to spend on a few beers and the odd girl?

Without tourists, many or all of Thailand's seaside resorts would not exist.

Of course, if you are living in Thailand on a pittance, as many farangs are, then I can understand your reticence to pay the going rate.

Maybe you should consider leaving and making room for someone who is willing to contribute to the Thai economy and not just moan about it.

Yes there are many things that need changing in Thailand, such as politics, poor policing and cheating foreign and Thai developers to name a few.

Another is to get rid of moaning, cheapskate ex pats and replace them with well behaved and free spending tourists.

You are probably right, but frankly I don’t give a toss.

I’m not here living on a pittance, just making the most of it, while the good times last.

Many of these businesses have hyped up their prices in the past. The, a dollar is nothing to a Farang attitude, so we may charge what we like, providing it’s well over the going rate.

I can remember a couple of years ago, when a tuk tuk driver with this big grin on his face, boasted to me how smart he was for ripping off a German tourist by charging him 400 baht for a 40 baht fare.

Another example, I was in Chiang Mai town when 2 Americans, I guessed were husband and wife, asked a lady standing outside a massage parlour, how much an hour for a standard Thai massage. The lady replied 500 baht an hour each. The pair just turned their backs and walked away.

One can squeeze the golden goose, but it’s not good business to kill it off completely.

I’ve no doubts that if and when the multitudes of tourists start visiting again, these business owners will continue on their habits of over inflating prices without having learnt from past experiences.

I`m not moaning, just making the most of it now and stating a few facts.

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If they really want to improve the tourist industry, may be they should think about what a tourist wants and what annoys them.

First place to start is the beaches. Clean them up and get rid of the vendors. People on holiday don't want to be pestered every 30 seconds by somebody selling something that they do not need. Even getting poked when relaxing and having a nap.

A street market can be a pleasant attraction when closed to traffic or in a quiet soi, but elsewhere on busy roads have pavements (sidewalks) kept clear of food stalls etc so that pedestrians can actually walk on them.

Get rid of the mangy dogs that are free to roam the streets, many families will feel that their children are at risk from them.

Actively prosecute criminals who assault and/or rob tourists. I don't know for sure if it is true or not, but I have heard that pickpockets are caught numerous times and then released after paying a small fine. Every tourist that is robbed or assaulted will tell the story to many people when they go back home.

Maybe an online survey to find out what tourists enjoyed and disliked about their holiday

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Get rid of the lying touts at the Grand Palace, the ones who tell every tourist that the palace is closed for an official ceremony but will open later, and oh, by the way, if you need to kill time, I will glady take you on a tour of the local area, and oh yes, a gem store would be an interesting stop, right?

They do this so brazenly, right in front of cops and palace guards, but no one bats an eye.

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Following the OP's actual question - What changes in Thailand to improve Tourism (not what changes to Thailand in general).

And accepting that as being what advice would I give to HELP Thailand improve it's Tourism Industry

Then I'd suggest the following:

1. Place all police actions involiving tourists under the Tourist Police

2. Stop Hotels and businesses in Thailand charging in Dollars - They pay there staff in Baht, they buy all their goods and services in Baht

3. Get rid of all Dual Pricing in Government/State run tourist attractions

4. Actually tackle the longstanding and serious tourist scams being run around main tourist attractions (Jewelery Scams/The bus baggage robberies etc)

5. Modernize the Entry Visa System so that clearing immigration becomes as easy as it is in (for example) Singapore

6. Close businesses that commit fraud on Tourist Credit Cards

7. Enforce the Visa Laws to get rid of illegal immigrants living in Thailand on perpetual tourist visas so that Thailand can concentrate on "Real Tourists"

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Following the OP's actual question - What changes in Thailand to improve Tourism (not what changes to Thailand in general).

And accepting that as being what advice would I give to HELP Thailand improve it's Tourism Industry

Then I'd suggest the following:

1. Place all police actions involiving tourists under the Tourist Police

2. Stop Hotels and businesses in Thailand charging in Dollars - They pay there staff in Baht, they buy all their goods and services in Baht

3. Get rid of all Dual Pricing in Government/State run tourist attractions

4. Actually tackle the longstanding and serious tourist scams being run around main tourist attractions (Jewelery Scams/The bus baggage robberies etc)

5. Modernize the Entry Visa System so that clearing immigration becomes as easy as it is in (for example) Singapore

6. Close businesses that commit fraud on Tourist Credit Cards

7. Enforce the Visa Laws to get rid of illegal immigrants living in Thailand on perpetual tourist visas so that Thailand can concentrate on "Real Tourists"

Where do I start.......how many years do I have to fill this out.............. :)

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Buses are not allowed to drive in any lane other than the left lane.

Cars are not allowed to park in the left lane on busy three lane roads like Sukhumwit.

Have Mercedes Benz and BMW taxis available at a higher rate.

Get rid of all the beggars and soi dogs.

Thats about all I can think of. It just goes to show you how great things are here. I find that as a farang, I get top level service in all venues like hospitals/insurance/car dealership/etc... back home i am the same as everyone else waiting in line, here, I am higher in the social hierarchy, and especially being young and attractive, I get treated so well by Thai people in every situation.

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"Modernize the Entry Visa System so that clearing immigration becomes as easy as it is in (for example) Singapore"

Swampy is super fast. Maybe not as fast as Singapore, but still wayyyy more faster than places like Japan, Seoul, or HK.

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Buses are not allowed to drive in any lane other than the left lane. Cars are not allowed to park in the left lane on busy three lane roads like Sukhumwit. Have Mercedes Benz and BMW taxis available at a higher rate. Get rid of all the beggars and soi dogs. Thats about all I can think of. It just goes to show you how great things are here. I find that as a farang, I get top level service in all venues like hospitals/insurance/car dealership/etc... back home i am the same as everyone else waiting in line, here, I am higher in the social hierarchy, and especially being young and attractive, I get treated so well by Thai people in every situation.

็Holy noodle! you talk like a Thai. Welcome to the club! Maybe you have already adopted a bigshot daddy and can slap anyone's head in the pub with a magnum, or even better shot him, then ask if he know whose son you are? :)

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changes and improvements, its easy to post some forms on solutions, but in my opinion as long as thailands political problems, corruption, are on going its going to be hard for any real changes or reforms. Weither you work here or live here you still contribute to paying money towards thai society

1. Actual improvement and real results that show thailand can be stable enough to the international community that the chance or what we have been seeing or last year won't come up again. When you can't protect foreign leaders own your own soil thats bad, on top when your main international airport is closed for a week you show the world the real thailand

2. How about taking actual responsibility on matters

3. Crack down on scams

4. Cleaner beaches

5. Taxi's and tuk tuk that dont rip off foreigners, and hi jack prices

6. farang and thai prices, thats got to go.

7. This is one that won't change as I understand but I hate been seen as a giant atm machine

8. Reliable Electrical Grid that works, It gets old when many times in a week I get power outages from 5 mins to 4 hours or more

9. Dealing with immigration why does it have to be so hard to get a straight answer and less BS

some of you have mention higher prices all the time, be realistic, thailand had boom times going on for what 10 years, tell me who wouldn't want to try to make more money. The only thing going on more than making money here was the over supply of hotels, and now my understanding is 100 are for sale from 3 star hotels up to 5 star hotels. Thailand here is not the land of smiles its the Land of Surprises, because something things even catch me by surprise

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"This is one that won't change as I understand but I hate been seen as a giant atm machine"

Are you seen as a giant ATM in Japan or Singapore or Hong Kong. If not, why do you think that is? Why do you choose to live here and not those places? Does it have something to do with the cost of living?

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