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Most Single Isaan Women Want A Western Husband: Poll

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Marry a man because of his wealth, no different to prostitutes! They must love money more than everything, very greedy!

i just like to say that every women has money in her head western african asian any all over the woeld because money makes a better life for there children and family and give you options and anyone who thinks diffrent to this start divorce procedings and then find out about the real value of your wife

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Bagging a farang

Most single Isaan women want a Western husband: poll

More than threefifths of women in the Northeast surveyed in an Isaan poll said they wanted to marry farang husbands, mainly because of their wealth, faithfulness and respect for women.

Of 484 women living in 19 northeastern provinces surฌveyed in March and April, 61 per cent said they deemed Western men rich, 53 per cent said they thought farang men were kind and respected women more than Thai men, while 16 per cent said they wanted to marry and live abroad.

Englishmen were the favourites, gaining 32 per cent of respondents' votes, while Americans and Germans trailed behind with 21 and eight per cent respectively.

The survey found that women who were already married to foreign husbands spent a large portion (20 per cent) of their monthly income on electricity and water bills as their homes tended to be large and full of domestic appliances - another factor that attracted single, northeastern women.


-- The Nation 2009-05-22

:) And we thought it was because we had big dicks!!!

To be quite honest, i feel sorry for these Thai guys because, yes, they are discriminated against. They are stricken by poverty and lack of education, that in itself must induce a sence of frustration...

This is very insightful. Quite a few times, looking at Issan girls who have been dealt a less-than-generous hand in life, I think how outlook for their male siblings is considerably worse. While the women can choose to spread their legs for 1-2000 baht per night and have some chance of marrying a rich guy and being set of life, guys have no such options. All they can do is drink and hang out with their mates -- working hard would get them pretty much nowhere, while enriching the already rich. No wonder woman are more motivated and eventually achieve more.

I really must commend Thai (Issan) guys for minding their own business and not being resentful. I can only imagine how such a frustrated group would behave in a place other than Thailand (aggression, racism and unprovoked violence very much come to mind).


As I've read each and every posting here; I've been able to draw my own conclusions and havecompleted what I think is a very realistic study.

I have come to realize that everyone...

marries someone to get something that they want, need or fulfills some kind of desire. (female and male)

Thai (asian women) like western men

Thai (asian men) like western women

Western (foreign men) like asian women

Western (foreign women) like asian men

Thai (asian men/women like the opposite sex

Western (foreign men/women) like the opposite sex

Some same sex couples attempt to find partners in much the same way

Single hetero sexuals tend to marry and fall in love with the opposite sex; no matter the culture, race, creed, color or religion very often

Sometimes it's successful

Sometimes it fails

Some men/women are honest, faithful, loving and trustworthy

Some men/women are liars, cheats and dishonest scammers

All people have a mixture of good and bad traits

Regardless of where any of us come from, I believe these observations all hold true. Therefore I have come to conclude that Thai men and women, and Western men and women are all motivated by the same basic premise. They see something in some individual or other, they meet, they desire and make attempts at getting, or winning over.

In other words the whole thread is basically rascist, flammitory and really insulting if you think about it. Everybody wants something or someone; and everybody is from somewhere... Who cares? If everyone were blind and deaf... aside from gender and circumcision, we'd all think that we're the same.

484 women is not really a big survey is it, when considering the geagraphical size of Isaan

I think if a reasonable study was made the percentages might be higher then 3/5th's.

Interesting they think English as No.1 when many expats think the English tourists are skinheaded drunken thugs (speaking as an Englishman BTW) :D:)

Cheers (Ooops)



What you have to remember is that the drunken skinheads rarely make it further than Pattaya or Phuket so those lovely Isaan girls only see the more gentlemanly side of us Brits.

Where are all the bar girls in Pattaya from then ? :D
Any western man who thinks western women are different, i.e., not seeking a wealthy partner, is deluding himself.

It hs always been thus......unfortunately.

"Man was born good, woman made him worst"

-Serge Gainsbourg-

This survey would be the same as many parts of the world,as engish guys are too sexy lol.Notice no scottish,welsh or irish were mentioned,how strange.

That's 'cuz most of the world does not know the difference. Truly, most folks cannot determine there is a difference 'twixt anyone from these countries, just as many in the world cannot tell the difference between Canucks and Americans, Saudis and Egyptians, and the list goes on......by the way, I have been married to my Isaan wife for 36 years.


I was in a pub the other day and all I saw were fat old English guys gropping young girls. IF you want to touch them fine pay them take them back to your room, don't make everyone set there and about lose their lunches watch some old pervert fondle young women. In my travels its usually the European men who think this type of behavior is fine, try thinking about it as if it was your sister or your mother being treated this way. You guys are nothing but preverted pigs.


My take on this is that Thai men are the lucky ones in this survey.

They don't have 61% of Thai women looking to them for their money.

They don't have Thai women looking to marry them and be the eventual downfall to their financial, emotional and physical demise.

Did you NOTICE?

There was no mention to ask how many of those women would still continue to have sex with Thai men, even though they would prefer to "Marry a Rich Farang".

That many would still keep a Thai lover even after they married a farang.

Seems Thai women married to Thai men are expected to maintain fidelity in marriage.

Thai women married to farangs are not...WHY YOU ASK?... because we are not the same as Thai people...didn't you know? :)

Any western man who thinks western women are different, i.e., not seeking a wealthy partner, is deluding himself.

It hs always been thus......unfortunately.

"Man was born good, woman made him worst"

-Serge Gainsbourg-

Serge Gainsbourg was a brilliant man! I LIKE HIM! :)


The difference between Thai women and Western women in this poll.

1. In General Thai women are more honest about money being a motivator.

2. For most parts, Thai women are much less expensive to care for than a woman from most western countries,,,heck, you can even

take care of her whole family for less than the cost of most American or British women.

3. Thai women look on average better 5 to 1 than their western counterparts of equal age.

4. Thai women create far less drama in your life than most American, British and other western women do...FAR LESS

5. Thai women still understand the value of keeping a good home, cooking and do not know how to use a Microwave oven...Western women would rather go shopping, think that a Microwave oven is the ONLY cooking appliance in the home... and when you ask a Western woman

Man: "what's for dinner?"

...her usual reply is

Woman: "I don't know, where do you want to go out to eat?"

American men only feed into this suffering by asking

Man: "Where would you like to eat?"

with the inevitable answer by the woman being

Woman: "up to you, HONEY.

Man: OK Chinese food.

Woman: NO!!! We had that last week!

Man: Well, you pick then.


Man: :D:):D

6. If a Thai woman wants you dead...she just kills you...if a farang woman wants to kill you...she divorces you...much, much slower, painful death!...and if there are kids involved...after you're are dead...the resuscitate you to make sure alimony and child support payments are made on time. There is no escape, since they take your driver's license, passport and paycheck until you pay any back money owed. :D (sad but true)

7. Thai woman will break your heart... Western woman just want to break you...like a wild Mustang horse until you are worthless and reduced to horse meat and glue.

SOLUTION: Understanding that all things in this life are impermanent. Be mindful of this, reflect on this and prepare.

A monk's life is a peaceful one.

I was in a pub the other day and all I saw were fat old English guys gropping young girls. IF you want to touch them fine pay them take them back to your room, don't make everyone set there and about lose their lunches watch some old pervert fondle young women. In my travels its usually the European men who think this type of behavior is fine, try thinking about it as if it was your sister or your mother being treated this way. You guys are nothing but preverted pigs.



A recent survey conducted by Igognito Maximus corp. showed that an overwhelming majority of farang women (0.1%) showed preferance towards dark skinned Issan man. The basic reason for this preferance was that "I know what I get", meaning, there is no illusion about the drinking habbits or work ethics, full and none, respectively.

What comes as a surprise learnt from the study, though is the fact, that when these husbands ask for some donation to their relevatives, the majority of the western women seem to agree that since it is their custom it is ok, as long as the husband behaves accordingly and satisfies their daily needs.

These Issan husbands seem to be more and more a going trend and some what worrying phonemenon among cultivated western males. "God only knows what will happen next" said one.

There has been some talk among western men about having a law that forbids women taking apart in so called "sex holidays" in the south eastern asia. Their claim is that "they are eating away our livelihood"

And this was a joke unless some of you did not get it :D


A few weeks my wife and I were visiting her relatives in Surin. While we were waiting for the train home...a local girl asked my wife..."How can I find a farang husband?" My wife looked her straight in the eye and said "I bought him on Ebay, isn't that where everyone gets a farang husband". :D


It doesn't do any good to their image if many of them are hiding their husbands while they try to seduce farangs.

vice versa.......... :)

I think reputation of Englishmen looking for brides in Thailand is beyond salvation, it's not them I worry about. Most of them are way past mating age, too.

aaaah...those englishmen

They all think...... they are still "007" instead of "700".......oh well :D

Looking for brides?.....I would think at their age,...seeing flowers would scare them :D

007 - 7 = 0v0 KILROY WAS HERE!!!

I was in a pub the other day and all I saw were fat old English guys gropping young girls. IF you want to touch them fine pay them take them back to your room, don't make everyone set there and about lose their lunches watch some old pervert fondle young women. In my travels its usually the European men who think this type of behavior is fine, try thinking about it as if it was your sister or your mother being treated this way. You guys are nothing but preverted pigs.

How do you know that the 'fat old guys' were English? Is there an age limit regarding when you can find comely lasses attractive? Assuming that it is OK in your book for mere tyros to grope ladies, at what age does a mature man become a pervert for doing the self same thing? Does ones physical shape and condition have anything to do with sexual inclination? Is it not natural to 'spread out a bit' in later years? Will you retain all your hair (and teeth?), will your sylph like figure remain the same, will your arches not fall, will you not carry the scars of life's battle in your more advanced years?

If ALL you saw in a pub was farang men older than yourself fondling ladies you need the services of a dispensing optician and/or psychiatric help. Couldn't see out onto the street? Or the beer in front of you? Or your companions, assuming you had some? So fascinating were the sights that you became fixated? How long have you yearned to be the keeper of public morals? You come across as a fully paid up member of the '<deleted> young' with more than a whiff of 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' in your makeup. Perhaps you should stay out of pubs, well many Thai ones at least.

In my travels I have found that it is men from the Middle East and South Asia who totally disrespect women and deny them basic rights and freedoms - and the Thais do a pretty good job of it too. The actions of a few ignorant, ill mannered and inconsiderate men in a brothel masquerading as a bar pales into insignificance in comparison. It is of course purely hypothetical to ask what one would feel if close relatives were so disrespected. My mother or sisters would never work in an establishment of ill repute; what about yours? No relative of mine binds her feet to keep them smaller than they should be, none wear increasing numbers of brass rings about their necks, certainly none would disfigure themselves with tattoos or spurious bits of metal. Have you not noticed 'in your travels' the diversity that our little planet harbours? What goes down well in Cheltenham may not be all the rage in Pernambuco and vice versa. First world mores don't cut much ice in a third world country.


Admittedly the large proportion of 'bar girls' hail form the Isaan region and considering the poverty and lack of government social care for single parents it is not surprising women are forced into exploitation. However, the ignorant comments that stereotype all ladies from Isaan as women who would go with any farang just because of money are rubbish. I do hear a number of stories whereby farangs have been ripped off by Thai women, but when you take a closer look into each story you see the same trends, ageing gentlemen falls for young beautiful femme fatale. Unfortunately most guys are just as naive as they are stupid to believe that the lady sought anything other than financial security with them. On the flip side I speak with many Thai women who have given all to a farang and only received a broken heart in return.

Any person in a position of economic disadvantage dreams of meeting their knight in shining armour who will relieve years of hardship, but they also want to be loved and respected and to give love back. It is no crime to want for a better quality of life and this is not exclusive to Thailand.

My girlfriend is from the Isaan region, luckily for her the family broke their backs to send her to University and she now works hard doing an honest 9-5 job, it is still fairly low money but she and her family are very proud. She would never settle with anyone just for money and I am certainly not rich. She never asks me for money and is the least materialistic woman I have ever been out with. She would never settle for less than somebody faithful and hard working who respected her.

I think there is truth in the rejection of Thai men by Isaan women because there is some truth in their negative behaviour towards women. My girlfriend left her ex, a Policeman who had plenty of money (tea) after she discovered he was frequenting naughty Karaoke bars. But let’s face it this is not exclusive to Thailand, in the UK men and women rich and poor do the dirty on each other, and most men spend far too much time down the pub instead of quality time with their partner. My GFs sister and her Thai husband are both uneducated and poor, they both work full time to support their child, he is an honest hardworking family orientated guy from Isaan, in fact he is the model father. I believe the majority of Isaan parents want their children to be happy before being wealthy, sure they want them to be secure and have a decent standard of living, but if that means being with someone they do not love who is twice their age I very much doubt they would feel good about that. When I first met my GF, her mother said to her “I don't care if he is farang or Thai, rich or poor, as long as he treats you well". This is the natural attitude of a parent.

These surveys are distorted in that they ask a leading question to entice the answer they require. If you asked 500 women in London, who they would rather date, an English working class (sorry to use that term) labourer who drinks in his local on weekends, or a foreign multinational company director, do you not think that wealth would be at the brink of all their minds.

When women think about a long term partner of course they consider wealth, it is natural to want a hunter who can provide for a family. When I think about my ideal partner I think of an independent woman who can fend for herself. I am quite impressed that the Thai women in the survey cited faithfulness and respect as reasons for wanted a farang.

When I have previously met women in London the first question is always “what do you do for a living”? It is engrained in western culture that wealth equates to success, if I say banker then her eyes light up, if I say dustman then she is instantly not so keen, sad but true. So lets not point the finger at these women because our women are equally as bad if not worse. Prime example, my old next door neighbour will not divorce her husband because she wants to hang on to the Mercedes even though she is desperately unhappy.

Stereotyping is born out of ignorance, insecurity or negative experience, if you frequently hang around in mafia owned sex tourists areas to meet women then expect to run into problems, however I am sure there are some lovely women in these areas who have just fallen on bad times and would probably make great GFs.

Lastly, what strikes me as odd is that everyone points the ‘money grabbing’ finger at the poorer provincial women, I have a few friends that date ‘high society’ Thai women and believe me I have seen some spoilt, materialistic money grabbing behaviour on that side of the fence. However, not everybody can be tarnished with the same brush. For the most part I think Thai women are fabulous people, there is bad and good the world over, be an individual and make your mind up. Think positively and project positive energy and the world will return the same, think negatively and cast stones at others and expect negative experiences to follow you around.



Interesting post, Padrino, clearly thought out. But I must say some of your words carry more than a hint of hypocrisy. How can you reconcile this comment:

Stereotyping is born out of ignorance, insecurity or negative experience, if you frequently hang around in mafia owned sex tourists areas to meet women then expect to run into problems, however I am sure there are some lovely women in these areas who have just fallen on bad times and would probably make great GFs.

with this one?

It is engrained in western culture that wealth equates to success, if I say banker then her eyes light up, if I say dustman then she is instantly not so keen, sad but true. So lets not point the finger at these women because our women are equally as bad if not worse. Prime example, my old next door neighbour will not divorce her husband because she wants to hang on to the Mercedes even though she is desperately unhappy.
Interesting post, Padrino, clearly thought out. But I must say some of your words carry more than a hint of hypocrisy. How can you reconcile this comment:
Stereotyping is born out of ignorance, insecurity or negative experience, if you frequently hang around in mafia owned sex tourists areas to meet women then expect to run into problems, however I am sure there are some lovely women in these areas who have just fallen on bad times and would probably make great GFs.

with this one?

It is engrained in western culture that wealth equates to success, if I say banker then her eyes light up, if I say dustman then she is instantly not so keen, sad but true. So lets not point the finger at these women because our women are equally as bad if not worse. Prime example, my old next door neighbour will not divorce her husband because she wants to hang on to the Mercedes even though she is desperately unhappy.

While waiting for his reply, let me take a shot at it.

Paragraph one is about men who complain (incorrectly / ignorantly) about 'spouses who are products of a bad environment and not neccessarily due to choice, while the second looks at the greed of 'western women' as a byproduct of greed itself - but a chosen one. They weren't forced to be golddiggers - he is suggesting.

Where is the hypocracy?

One set doesn't like gals who have been conditioned a certain way - while the other doesn't like gals who aspire to materialism first - as if they didn't have a choice.

This is giving me a headache - back to the football forum for some much needed therapy.

It doesn't do any good to their image if many of them are hiding their husbands while they try to seduce farangs.

I think reputation of Englishmen looking for brides in Thailand is beyond salvation, it's not them I worry about. Most of them are way past mating age, too.

aaaah...those englishmen

They all think...... they are still "007" instead of "700".......oh well :D

Looking for brides?.....I would think at their age,...seeing flowers would scare them :D

007 - 7 = 0v0 KILROY WAS HERE!!!

UUUU 0v0 UUUU ? ......W-o-W :)

Do flowers scare U too? :D


484 women is not really a big survey is it, when considering the geagraphical size of Isaan

I think if a reasonable study was made the percentages might be higher then 3/5th's.

Interesting they think English as No.1 when many expats think the English tourists are skinheaded drunken thugs (speaking as an Englishman BTW) :D:)

Cheers (Ooops)


isan ladies has NO IDEA about europe; english people who hanging around in thailand are the most poor punks; english people are the gipsy of the europe.. as you say drunken thugs and they are also quite aggresif and rude ... but they can only having contact with bar ladies ; normal girls not listen them; even in thailand..

english people who hanging around in thailand are the most poor punks; english people are the gipsy of the europe.. as you say drunken thugs and they are also quite aggresif and rude ... but they can only having contact with bar ladies ; normal girls not listen them; even in thailand..

I seldom comment on threads that go down the usual Brit Bashing path, but I can resist no longer.

In the town that I call my home there are around 50 ex-pats, mainly British, and the only drunken brawls that I have witnessed (and I've seen them all) have involved, I'm sorry to say, Australians or Scandinavians. In fact, the Thai owner of the ex-pat hang-out frequently stated that he only wanted English customers as they never cause any trouble. The British specimens that give us all a bad name tend to be the two week millionaires that never get outside the tourist areas.

With regards to the topic at hand. I became a single man again around a year ago and I have had no shortage of offers from 'normal girls' .... (and a couple from dodgy ones)

I would suggest that the poster I have quoted is either Thai and can't get laid, or is non-Thai and needs to drag himself away from the bar every now and again.

484 women is not really a big survey is it, when considering the geagraphical size of Isaan

I think if a reasonable study was made the percentages might be higher then 3/5th's.

Interesting they think English as No.1 when many expats think the English tourists are skinheaded drunken thugs (speaking as an Englishman BTW) :D:)

Cheers (Ooops)



What you have to remember is that the drunken skinheads rarely make it further than Pattaya or Phuket so those lovely Isaan girls only see the more gentlemanly side of us Brits.

most english men get marriage with the bar girls in Thailand because normal thai ladies cannot stand

on man who day and night drunk and every second word is fuc... when talking..

but its only pity; the girl who coming from isaan for work to pattaya or phuket ; they come very harmlessly in the beginning and they meet the english man on the bar firstbeacuse most bar custumer are brit. and they assimilate the girl to themselves ; first of all tatoo shop and then smoke and drink

and every second word is fuc... by talking.. are you proud of it? what you done with pure thai girls. ??

484 women is not really a big survey is it, when considering the geagraphical size of Isaan

I think if a reasonable study was made the percentages might be higher then 3/5th's.

Interesting they think English as No.1 when many expats think the English tourists are skinheaded drunken thugs (speaking as an Englishman BTW) :D:)

Cheers (Ooops)



What you have to remember is that the drunken skinheads rarely make it further than Pattaya or Phuket so those lovely Isaan girls only see the more gentlemanly side of us Brits.

most english men get marriage with the bar girls in Thailand because normal thai ladies cannot stand

on man who day and night drunk and every second word is fuc... when talking..

but its only pity; the girl who coming from isaan for work to pattaya or phuket ; they come very harmlessly in the beginning and they meet the english man on the bar firstbeacuse most bar custumer are brit. and they assimilate the girl to themselves ; first of all tatoo shop and then smoke and drink

and every second word is fuc... by talking.. are you proud of it? what you done with pure thai girls. ??

I am thinking this is a troll. So the British drunks turn the girls to drink and tatoos? It is the system in Thailand that allows these places to exist in the first place. If the bars weren't there, the tourists wouldn't come for it. I suggest the blame lies with the mai bpen arai culture and corruption that allows these places to exist in the first place, not with the customers.

I know prohibition will never eradicate it completely, but we are talking about entire resorts based around it. I would suggest you remove the plank from your eye ..........

english people who hanging around in thailand are the most poor punks; english people are the gipsy of the europe.. as you say drunken thugs and they are also quite aggresif and rude ... but they can only having contact with bar ladies ; normal girls not listen them; even in thailand..

I seldom comment on threads that go down the usual Brit Bashing path, but I can resist no longer.

In the town that I call my home there are around 50 ex-pats, mainly British, and the only drunken brawls that I have witnessed (and I've seen them all) have involved, I'm sorry to say, Australians or Scandinavians. In fact, the Thai owner of the ex-pat hang-out frequently stated that he only wanted English customers as they never cause any trouble. The British specimens that give us all a bad name tend to be the two week millionaires that never get outside the tourist areas.

With regards to the topic at hand. I became a single man again around a year ago and I have had no shortage of offers from 'normal girls' .... (and a couple from dodgy ones)

I would suggest that the poster I have quoted is either Thai and can't get laid, or is non-Thai and needs to drag himself away from the bar every now and again.

Possibly true.I'm not that familiar with the drunken brawling scene.But in this "home town" of yours and looking particularly at the 50 British people, how many back in the UK would be regarded as an English gentleman in the traditional sense.I'm not talking about being one of nature's gentleman or any such nonsense but a fully fledged English gent - received pronunciation (certainly no regional accent), decent school, interest in high culture, upper or upper middle class family et etc.To take a Thai comparison this would include Abhisit, Prem, Surayud, Korn but exclude Sonthi, Thaksin,Banharn etc.Get the picture?

My guess is that the vast majority of Brits in your "home town" are a fairly rough lot


isan ladies has NO IDEA about europe; english people who hanging around in thailand are the most poor punks; english people are the gipsy of the europe.. as you say drunken thugs and they are also quite aggresif and rude ... but they can only having contact with bar ladies ; normal girls not listen them; even in thailand..

Why do people insist on knocking down others with ridiculous assertions, be the derided group Issan women, BG's, Thai women, western women, Brits, Americans, Chinese, Aussies, obese people, Muslims, older men--the list goes on with group bashing seemingly the TV sport of choice?  Would you dare to tell say the same thing to a group of Englishmen out for a meal and a drink?

I don't really hang out with too many ex-pats here due to my job and time constraints, but the two Englishmen I do know are are quite decent, accomplished men.  One is a journalist with years of reporting experience, and the other is an ex-professional rugby player who now runs a clothing factory.  Neither fits any of the so-called attributes you thrust upon all Englishmen.

TV regulations, which we have all agrred to uphold, stipulate that posters can not make derogatory comments based on nationality, gender, orientation, and so on.  So why break the rules here simply because you are safe in anonimity in back of your keyboard?

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