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Setting Your Thai Wife Up In Business


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This is not aimed at the OP but a lot of farang Thai wives use the setting up in business angle as just another way of extracting money from the farang and i have even seen the successful businesses given to relatives in the end.

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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

I do believe this thread is for constructive comments '' open a brothel'' and the above are neither.

Sounds to me like you are a very small minded, bitter and twisted looser that has nothing better to do than write moronic garble, have a word with yourself child!!!!

If he was being sarcastic, I missed it.  I thought he was being sincere.  125 baht an hour is a very nice wage for most Thais.  We pay our factory workers much less--these are  low-level management wages.  I have several accoutnant friends who barely make much more than that.

My hat's off to her.  She is working and succeeding.

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My wife is more the exception to the rule, I think. I just give her an allowance monthly. Over the years, she opened 2 restaurants, 2 shoe stores and one convenience store. She's either sold, sub-leased or closed them all at various times. She's made decent money in every instance though. We have about 3-4 rai where's she's bought and built a new restaurant. She now wants to add rooms for a small resort. I really can't complain about anything she does. She keeps books like you wouldn't believe. The first thing she shows me when I get home is those books. How much I've put in the bank, what she's spent, on what and how much she's made. If she loans anyone any money, which is almost never, she writes down every penny and makes them pay it back. She never asks for more than I give.

We're planning on setting up 10 or 20 rooms and a small convenience store and them I'm staying home for good.

I wish all those who slam all Thai women as money-grubbing do-nothings would read your post and posts such as Billd766's.  Sure, there are bad ones out there (the one Poorsucker recounted would be among those, I would think).  But for every bad one, there is a decent woman who would make any man proud to have as a wife.  

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After the restaurant failures, I would rather set her up in some kind of home project. We don't live on a well traveled road, so a noodle shop is out of the question. There is lots of woodworking and handicraft cottage industries in our neighborhood, but they seem to be feeling the $crunch, and orders are down.

Sad news for them, but means that we could have a labor force. But, what to make in this economy??

I would be very careful with an OTOP-type project.  I got heavily involved with OTOP when I started coming here in earnest, and while well-intnetioned, the program is not well managed.  People looking at the export market have really no idea on how to design their products for export, nor do they have the slightest idea on how to market them.  I went to the OTOP Exposition in Los Angeles, and the only people invited by the Thai government were Thais living in the US--the same people who can get the products themselves while they are in Thailand.

I did associate myself with one very successful OTOP company in Buriram, and it has taken off and now employs hundreds of people--just at the program envisioned.  But those kind of successes are few and far between.

If you want more specific info on this type of business, PM me, and I would be happy to give more info and opinions, for what they are worth.

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I set my wife up with a new salon, before we met she had run her own small salon for 8 years and had done very well from it. I just gave her the capital to open a much bigger one with all new, modern equipment. We average more than 25 customers a day, have 3-4 staff, do a lot of perms and colour and make a tidy profit. I can't get her to do the books though so I look after those and the bank account, I print customer record forms for her to fill in during the day and use those to do the books.

I wouldn't recommend anybody to open a salon unless your wife / GF really knows what she is doing. A couple of our staff used to own their own salons but can't even cut hair to a decent standard and never made any money. You need to be doing a lot of perms, straightening and colouring to make money with a salon. A salon full of old ladies having a roller dry looks good but at 80 baht for 1 hours work you can't make money from them.

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My missus kept coming up with hare brained schemes. The problem is that her idea of a business is that I pay all the setting up costs and the overheads and she reaps all the takings.

She did actually set up a business selling rice (my suggestion) and most people paid on payday so she charged a bit extra. No real problems with bad debts, just had to chase up the odd person.

Of course, with her usual flair for handling money she managed to increase her spending by more than her profits, stock wasn't replaced and eventually the business ceased because of no stock to sell. My initial investment in stock disappeared into the twilight zone. Not too much, only about 5,000 Baht.

I would like to set her up in a business, but she is useless with money, so I know that any business that involves cash would be a non starter. Well maybe it would start, but soon be cash starved as she buys more miracle pills that are guaranteed to make her slim or other waste of monies.

Edited by loong
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Keeps them busy, happy and out of trouble.

I didn't mention the various fish and frog ventures that I have financed as well. The fish lost, but she made a few baht with the frogs and is doing that again this year. She [as most Thais do] just jumps into these projects, keeps no records and doesn't even know if she makes profit. BTW, guess who pays for the frog/fish food........

Bet it isn't you :)

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Jesus Christ this girl has hit the jackpot with you!

This has got to be a troll post. Surely someone could not be so stupid.


I don't think it's harsh.

Have a look through the OP's previous posts and topics. The common theme is basically "what ways can I give my wife more money?" and then complains with topics like "when is enough enough".

I just can't believe these posts, it's got to be a troll.

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Never tried it but sometimes thought about it. How about starting a white good rentals service? Prices are cheap and you could probably rent out for about 300 - 500 baht per month. You wouldn't need a shop or office, just a phone number.

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Just a thought, Maybe someone with business sense could make it work.

My sister in law has quite the green thumb, and has many different kinds of flowers growing around the property.

Neighbors passing by began asking for a rose or some other flower to be used as an offering at the temple or at their private home shrines and what not, She was happy to oblige.

Then, one morning on the daily trip to the market, she gave some flowers to our 2 year old niece to try to sell at the market (more as a joke,and a way to keep her busy than looking for profit) one flower 10 baht, 3 for 20 baht.

They sold quicly, and soon were in demand, with people coming by the house lookng.

Lack of stock is the only thing holding her back....with so many "Buddha days" birthdays, holidays, funerals, ceremonies etc. going on, there is a constant demand.

It makes enough profit to buy our niece some nice snacks at the market....but on a bit larger scale....Who knows?

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How many of us has financed a business for out beloved Thai wives???

I did a couple of ventures that both failed.....2 restaurants that I set up and subsidized until I could see that if business was good, the most she could make is small baht.

And the fact that she [and most Thais] just do business out of pocket and don't have a real clue on how to really run a business.

But, I could do it again, if I get some good suggestions for successful businesses that could be run preferably from home or close to home......we live in a moobaan outside of Chiang Mai.

Motivation for me is to not only slow the $ flow out of my pocket, but to give her some self esteme so she doesn't have to always ask me for money.

your experiences appreciated......

"We" "bought the farm" ie rubber farm..she works her beatiful tiny little butt off cutting rubber and I pay the extra bills not covered by sales of the latter. The air is clean we have a 300deg view for 40+ kms ,40 mins from the beach and its quiet except for our nine dogs who seem to hate the neighboring rubber cutters (must be the lights at 2am).

Nice life... What do I do? sweet..all? No not really just finished building the house and trying to plant veggies, trees etc.....dugh.!!! Still beats getting on airplanes and selling shit! :) Oh yes she keeps a manual spreadsheet of rubber quantities ,sale price etc...amazing Thailand..love it!!!

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How many of us has financed a business for out beloved Thai wives???

I did a couple of ventures that both failed.....2 restaurants that I set up and subsidized until I could see that if business was good, the most she could make is small baht.

And the fact that she [and most Thais] just do business out of pocket and don't have a real clue on how to really run a business.

But, I could do it again, if I get some good suggestions for successful businesses that could be run preferably from home or close to home......we live in a moobaan outside of Chiang Mai.

Motivation for me is to not only slow the $ flow out of my pocket, but to give her some self esteme so she doesn't have to always ask me for money.

your experiences appreciated......

Start a bar with her as manager, and maybe she could employ her 'brother', and invite plenty of her friends to work there. Don't hold any financial reigns, just let them get on with it. Report back with success story. :) Must work farangs do it all the time.

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Maybe you can suggest your wife to do some online business for those things she is interested in. For example, jewellery, clothes, cosmetics etc. You just need to invest a small money on it and it's low risk...

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Open a foreign burger, pastry or photo chain, get a celebrity to endorse it, wait for the Thais to line up for 1 hour to buy substandard food then sell it just as competitors open knock off shops all over town and ruin the business.

You cannot fail.

:) Ticked all the boxes there! Great Post, can close the thread now! :D

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Open a foreign burger, pastry or photo chain, get a celebrity to endorse it, wait for the Thais to line up for 1 hour to buy substandard food then sell it just as competitors open knock off shops all over town and ruin the business.

You cannot fail.

:) Ticked all the boxes there! Great Post, can close the thread now! :D

With the recession I'd go with the other traditional favourites: pawn shops and money lending. Let the family run it and live in another Amphur/Country

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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

I do believe this thread is for constructive comments '' open a brothel'' and the above are neither.

Sounds to me like you are a very small minded, bitter and twisted looser that has nothing better to do than write moronic garble, have a word with yourself child!!!!

If he was being sarcastic, I missed it. I thought he was being sincere. 125 baht an hour is a very nice wage for most Thais. We pay our factory workers much less--these are low-level management wages. I have several accoutnant friends who barely make much more than that.

My hat's off to her. She is working and succeeding.

Trust me the clown was being sarcastic as all his comments show on other posts.

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i was not being sarcastic. 120 baht an hour is good money in many places in Thailand. Thats almost english teacher money, so nothing to sneeze your nose at. many many thais work much harder for much less.

So what was the ''open a brothel'' quote for then ??????

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Get real folks.

Seems a lot of these gf's businesses make money because startup cost were ZERO. fARANG is the same ole money bags man.

I could make money running an airline if startup costs were zero.

If buying business is for girl to have something to do, thats one thing . But to deceive yourself into thinking that they actually making money is delusional.

Business is not that easy!

And yes there are prolly a few exceptions, those that make real profits.

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Get real folks.

Seems a lot of these gf's businesses make money because startup cost were ZERO. fARANG is the same ole money bags man.

I could make money running an airline if startup costs were zero.

If buying business is for girl to have something to do, thats one thing . But to deceive yourself into thinking that they actually making money is delusional.

Business is not that easy!

And yes there are prolly a few exceptions, those that make real profits.

Actually for most husbands and especially me the start up costs are NOT zero.

Though I earned the money it is not MY money, it is OUR money.

Just the same as when I was married in the UK, I earned the money but it was OUR money then.

My wife is actually making real money as I see it at the end of the day and she keeps the profits to re-invest in more stock for her business.

I agree that business is not easy especially nowadays but she is in business for the long term to make a living and a future for herself and our son for when I die. She has been cooking as a business on and off for more than 12 years both in Bangkok and now upcountry where we live so I don't think she is doing it just for something to do.

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yes bilL good for you. But i really hope you looking at the busniness realistically. When you say as you see it it is a good thing ,that worries me.

Does it really make money? Would a business consultant say you got a winner? It would make no sense to leave your missus a losing operation if you love her,

If all you want is for her to take care of herself when you pass, just buy a healthy life insurance policy! Kindsa weird wanting to leave your wife a lifetime of hard work.

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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

Very nice indeed! Especially more so when you figure that minimum wage in Thailand is about 200 baht per DAY! Lots of people work as construction laborers in the hot sun all day for this minimum wage.

Are you kidding me here :) ? 200 Baht a day?! That's about 4,35 Euro a day. That's the price of a microwave meal here.

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she is making 125 baht an hour? nice!

Very nice indeed! Especially more so when you figure that minimum wage in Thailand is about 200 baht per DAY! Lots of people work as construction laborers in the hot sun all day for this minimum wage.

Are you kidding me here :) ? 200 Baht a day?! That's about 4,35 Euro a day. That's the price of a microwave meal here.

Quote: "the new minimum wage will be between 148 and 203 baht" from June 2008 ( http://thailand.prd.go.th/view_inside.php?id=3403 )

/ Priceless

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