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Thailand Is Great!


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At least the Thais are up front about the fact the relationship is based on need as compared to the western model of love. And how long does this love usually last days, weeks, months, years. What we in the west call love is what, usually lust, that disappears after a while and then your stuck with someone you cannot stand.

When someone tells me they are in love we continue the conversation after I stop rolling on the floor.

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Thailand is a lovely country blessed with gorgeous scenery.

Unfortunately, it is marred with far too many Thai people.

How many of those here slathering on about how great it is, have Thai wives/girlfriends?

Because I'm thinking most of you do, whereas back in the home country , maybe you didn't /couldn't and thus are somewhat biased and insulated from the less attractive side of Thai interactions- that is until your Thai mate does you over.

WOW you got burnt badly... The majority of thai people are wonderful and yes you do have your % just like any other country does who will do you wrong. Those that get done over by thier thai mates as you say ( I presume you are tlking about boyfriend / girlfriend ) get done over because they try to rush into a relationship and latch onto the 1st thing that says I love you, you handsome man. If you stay away from the bars and find a decent lady / man whatever your preference you will find them wonderful. I took 2 yrs to really get to know my wife and we didn't rush things. We have a very wonderful life together as you would find in any society.

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In my experience the vast majority of farang/Thai relationships are not normal, i.e. based on love.

They are in the vast majority based on need from both parties; companionship on the one hand and financial on the other.

I guess that is your experience.............bit sad really.

It is sad isn't it? Lonely guys that can't find love closer to home.

My personal experience is I married a model from Los Angeles.

Would never need or in fact even consider a Thai spouse. Not enough substance I'm afraid.

I am so happy for you that you married a model but her occupation or place of residence does not make her a good person or loving partner.

Is she the same model I see standing in the department store windows 24/7? I think a blow up doll would be warmer in bed and give you more bounce.

Seriously I am happy for you and you should not judge other people for thier choice of a partner. Not all men who marry a thai woman are lonely men and have to travel to thailand to find love. I am married to a lovely thai lady who I met in Melbourne whilst she was working there.

Great to know that you would never need or consider a thai woman for anything as thailand does not need you. I never needed or even considered a thai woman for my life either but hey it happened and it is true love.

The world is full of interacial marriages and don't be such a racist. I guess you and your supermodel wife are both of the same racial background and good on you...

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Well being that Thailand for a while now, I have to say most farangs who I have met have been miserable gits. And they always complain about everything. So maybe alot of miserable gits post on here too.

I mean its not hard to know that many stories on here are made up or have just been sensationalised to make it sound worse.

Also grumpy people will tend to post there thoughts then a happy person as when your happy you dont really need to post anything

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Been reading some of the replies here.

Well IMO is Thailand oh so great? Well yes and no, IME Thais tend to be less in your face then your average farang and easier to ignore but they do tend to keep grudges if you piss 'em off too much. Bit cowardish behaviour I'd say, they won't take you on one on one but will come after you with a bunch of mates or with weapons when you don't expect it.

Then again for those of us who read, write and speak Thai I think there is no way that we can disagree that there is quite a lot of violence amongst them and more and more towards farang as well. In my 10+ years here my feeling is that it wasn't like that 10 years ago.

Just watch the evening news and everyday there are murders, rapes, violent theft...... or paid hitman killing a mayor or whatever.

PErsonally I think that Thais have a dark side, example, the neighbours, wife and husband who killed the little girls while their parents were out tapping rubber in Khlong Hae near Hadyai.

There Jai yen attitude is only a form of outing themselves when it is convenient to them, seen quite a few Thais lose it over a minor dispute.

Do I consider myself negative about Thailand? No, I see it as a realistic view. Of course those of you still in your honeymoon period here will probably think otherwise but I got no problems with that. Stick it out for 5+++ years and let me know how you feel then.

Do I love the country? Yes otherwise I would have left a long time ago.

Do I have Thai friends? Yes but I choose them carefully and most are well educated people.

To go back to the crime issue, my father in law is a copper and sometimes tells me things that still shock me.

According to him Thais have a short fuse and a violent streak, this comes from a man who's been a cop for over 20 years.

Anyway to each his own and negativity is never a good trait but nor is walking on clouds here and thinking you're living in paradise where all is A ok.


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Been reading some of the replies here.

Well IMO is Thailand oh so great? Well yes and no, IME Thais tend to be less in your face then your average farang and easier to ignore but they do tend to keep grudges if you piss 'em off too much. Bit cowardish behaviour I'd say, they won't take you on one on one but will come after you with a bunch of mates or with weapons when you don't expect it.

Then again for those of us who read, write and speak Thai I think there is no way that we can disagree that there is quite a lot of violence amongst them and more and more towards farang as well. In my 10+ years here my feeling is that it wasn't like that 10 years ago.

Just watch the evening news and everyday there are murders, rapes, violent theft...... or paid hitman killing a mayor or whatever.

PErsonally I think that Thais have a dark side, example, the neighbours, wife and husband who killed the little girls while their parents were out tapping rubber in Khlong Hae near Hadyai.

There Jai yen attitude is only a form of outing themselves when it is convenient to them, seen quite a few Thais lose it over a minor dispute.

Do I consider myself negative about Thailand? No, I see it as a realistic view. Of course those of you still in your honeymoon period here will probably think otherwise but I got no problems with that. Stick it out for 5+++ years and let me know how you feel then.

Do I love the country? Yes otherwise I would have left a long time ago.

Do I have Thai friends? Yes but I choose them carefully and most are well educated people.

To go back to the crime issue, my father in law is a copper and sometimes tells me things that still shock me.

According to him Thais have a short fuse and a violent streak, this comes from a man who's been a cop for over 20 years.

Anyway to each his own and negativity is never a good trait but nor is walking on clouds here and thinking you're living in paradise where all is A ok.


Very very good post.

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After all the negative postings lately about Thailand I thought I would post some good things. Since first coming here several years ago I have never been arrested, ripped off, been a victim of crime or shown any great disrespect :D Paid the odd MIB 200 baht but done so with a smile :D

I have though been made very welcome in all areas of Thailand during my ride around the Kingdom. When I have broken down or run out of fuel I have never had to wait more than 5 mins for some very helpful Thai to stop and assist me. I have been fed, watered and given a room all for nothing. I hardly ever take the key out of my motorbike and when I return it is always there. A girl that I didn't know that well sat by my bed day and night for 4 days in hospital after an accident till I was better. My other half cost me nothing, has asked for nothing and her family neither ask nor expect anything other than I take care of their daughter. I live in a beautiful country and thank Buddha every day for allowing me to do so.

My quality of life here is far better than back in the UK and I will leave only when they drag me screaming and kicking onto the plane.

The next time you feel the need to post that life here in Thailand is so bad just try to remember what things were like back wherever you came from :D Chock dee :)

You have just earned my respect. I echo everything you wrote


Pom song satang

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There's actually a good thread going on in the visa section.


Wow! Terrible situation... sorry for him, but the posters are right... no justice for falang. Thanks bravingbangkok and likewise, for keeping alive the conversation by refusing to put on rose colored glasses.

I come here to TVisa to learn things about the culture I'm in, not brag about how awesome Thailand is. He's still honeymooning, that's all. Even if he has been here sometime, if he was that happy, he wouldn't have bothered to write.... he'd be out being happy... right :)

All in all it's an experience. Some we live through, some we don't. I hope we do. I like most people in the world, and the world is just as it is. I don't spend time with a$$holes.... but we're all fed media hype to FEAR FEAR FEAR.

And as for all of this, it only comes from the media. We all post here with the information we have. For every bad thing in the newspaper, what if they included one good thing? Maybe a more balanced perspective? :D though it doesn't sell.... and I don't wanna read it coz it's boring to read about the ceremony for the monks or some cr#p. No offense, just not my interest.

As for Thailand, its just part of life at the moment, and it's a nice place to be, and it's a c$nt of a place. And, not but.

I love my wife, not the place. How can you love a place?

Furthermore, to the Obercommando c*cks*cker guy who really pisses me off, no....I, like most didn't come here to 'buy' a Thai wife lacking 'substance'. You would do that after you wine and dine in a western country.... so why is it any different to 'wining and dining' a Thai lady.... or mexican... or Korean... or Alien? Sure you had that with your model. You paid for her, fair and square. D*ck.

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It is sad isn't it? Lonely guys that can't find love closer to home.

My personal experience is I married a model from Los Angeles.

Would never need or in fact even consider a Thai spouse. Not enough substance I'm afraid.

post-4007-1243417582.gif <------------- Here's the happy couple. :)

Edited by Maigo6
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It is sad isn't it? Lonely guys that can't find love closer to home.

My personal experience is I married a model from Los Angeles.

Would never need or in fact even consider a Thai spouse. Not enough substance I'm afraid.

So who is sh4gging your 'model' wife while you are wasting your time on a Thai forum ?

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It is sad isn't it? Lonely guys that can't find love closer to home.

My personal experience is I married a model from Los Angeles.

Would never need or in fact even consider a Thai spouse. Not enough substance I'm afraid.

post-4007-1243417582.gif <------------- Here's the happy couple. :)

Yes I agree maybe just on the internet

A model from Los Angeles. Is that some sort of special model? The same as a model of car from Korea as apposed to a car from Russia not sure what you mean. Anyway if she is a model a pressume the catwalk type then why the hel_l are you on this forum critising another persons choice of woman. Why the heck aren't you in the bedroom bonking the life out of her. She will not be considered a model all her life, things will start to sag and balloon out. Get in there man stop wasting your time here.

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