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Us Expats And Health Care Reform

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So as I referenced earlier, if you spend more than 35 days per year (Leap year 36) in the USA, you are NOT off-the-hook and you TTBOMK will have to purchase a qualifying Essential Benefits program or pay some penalty at least until you qualify for Medicare.

The question as I see it is what kind of insurance package can you purchase here ih Thailand or ex-USA anywhere that will qualify as per HR 4872 Section 122

I am not so sure about that. I think non-residency can be established other ways, but again, not sure. In any case, the requirement for those who are required does not begin until 2014.

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Enough of the personal attacks... can we please get back on the topic at hand... of which PB has already reminded us?

Can we please focus only on how the law affects USA citizens in Thailand?

Any more flaming... and the offender will be awarded a holiday from the forum... OK?




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I do know student loans were covered in it. What in the world does that have to do with health care. To me that sends up huge red flags.

I don't object to health care being available. But, there are no free rides, this has to be paid for. America needs to shut down the printing presses,

I really don't care about the politics. I do care what is in the law and how it is going to effect me and mine.

Good Post Ray

I snipped a little out to save space but your right on it.

As for Student Loans it is called pork or special interest barnacles.....or fluff

It is the currency used to buy the votes needed to pass idiotic legislature such as this health care bill.

Same as the 700 Billion TARP emergency bail out.

Remember how it was so important to get right on that?

Well in it they also had such pork as ...

"The economic rescue bill

advanced by the Senate last night is a huge step in the right direction. Too bad it had so

many special-interest barnacles attached ... tax breaks for film and TV production, toy

wooden arrows, wool research, auto racing tracks, and Indian tribes; relief for litigants in the

Exxon Valdez oil spill."

But as you said there are no free rides & while they give this away they gave it with our tax blood future & present.

Yes you will pay now & maybe in 2014 something will appear resembling the excellent care the native Indians get on reservations. Of course Congress & Senate will not be using this high grade health care that we will pay for. No we pay for a higher grade health care for them thru their benefits package

It does appear expats will also pay for this if they do not stay out of the country at least 330 days a year.

And rightfully so IMHO....As it is obvious some expats want it so badly so someday they can repatriate & have pre-existing covered, the least they can do is help pay for it on the 3-4 years leading up to it. After all we cannot have folks wanting to eat the cake but not help pay for its baking eh?

Edited by flying
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Back to reality. Commentators are saying the Obama law which depends on and expands the private health insurance company model (as opposed to the more sensible universal single payer model) is to the RIGHT of plans proposed by republican presidents Nixon and Eisenhower. It is not a socialistic law, it is a CONSERVATIVE law.

Also consider how minor the impact will be for most Americans even 10 years hence --

Come 2019, about 10 percent of Americans will have a different insurance arrangement than they would have had without the bill. Most of us won't notice any difference.

This article provides some excellent background on what might happen next. which is a process that will take SEVERAL YEARS. The chances of repeal of this law are practically nonexistent and discussion of that isn't worth any energy, it's all political noise not based on reality. We have determined the impact on expats is very minor. Very wealthy expats can expect to pay more taxes. A VAT tax won't impact expats. A potential passive income tax would impact expats of many wealth levels. My current understanding is that increases in passive income tax are only intended for the wealthy (over 250K USD per year, and yes that is wealthy).

This law also does matter to expats (especially those under 65 because those folks are covered by medicare if they repatriate) because a large percentage of expats do eventually repatriate, whether by choice or necessity. Also as good citizens, even though we live abroad, many of us still VOTE and do care about important issues in the US.

Edited by Jingthing
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Back to reality.

Also consider how minor the impact will be for most Americans even 10 years hence --

Come 2019, about 10 percent of Americans will have a different insurance arrangement than they would have had without the bill. Most of us won't notice any difference.

This article provides some excellent background on what might happen next. which is a process that will take SEVERAL YEARS. The chances of repeal of this law are practically nonexistent and discussion of that isn't worth any energy, it's all political noise not based on reality. We have determined the impact on expats is very minor. Very wealthy expats can expect to pay more taxes. A VAT tax won't impact expats. A potential passive income tax would impact expats of many wealth levels. My current understanding is that increases in passive income tax are only intended for the wealthy (over 250K USD per year, and yes that is wealthy).

So that is Reality?

The Reality 10 years from now? ummm is that then future reality or?

The Reality of What Might Happen? So is that a maybe reality?

The Reality of We Have Determined low impact? Who the he11 is we?

The Reality of MY Current Understanding?? Whose Reality?

hahah the best for last.....Tax only intended for the wealthy......ah yes

How many times have we heard that from politicians? As if those just suck it up & do not pass the loss on to consumers.

The reality is only the rich have the true option of leaving permanently & taking their

job creating wealth with them......duh

This law also does matter to expats

As well it should

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Back to reality.

Also consider how minor the impact will be for most Americans even 10 years hence --

Come 2019, about 10 percent of Americans will have a different insurance arrangement than they would have had without the bill. Most of us won't notice any difference.

This article provides some excellent background on what might happen next. which is a process that will take SEVERAL YEARS. The chances of repeal of this law are practically nonexistent and discussion of that isn't worth any energy, it's all political noise not based on reality. We have determined the impact on expats is very minor. Very wealthy expats can expect to pay more taxes. A VAT tax won't impact expats. A potential passive income tax would impact expats of many wealth levels. My current understanding is that increases in passive income tax are only intended for the wealthy (over 250K USD per year, and yes that is wealthy).

So that is Reality?

The Reality 10 years from now? ummm is that then future reality or?

The Reality of What Might Happen? So is that a maybe reality?

The Reality of We Have Determined low impact? Who the he11 is we?

The Reality of MY Current Understanding?? Whose Reality?

hahah the best for last.....Tax only intended for the wealthy......ah yes

How many times have we heard that from politicians? As if those just suck it up & do not pass the loss on to consumers.

The reality is only the rich have the true option of leaving permanently & taking their

job creating wealth with them......duh

This law also does matter to expats

As well it should

Could not agree more with you Flying. :)

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from Dictionary.com:

-- Used to express disdain for something deemed stupid or obvious, especially a self-evident remark; [imitative of an utterance attributed to slow-witted people.]

Gee... when I grow-up I want to be smart just like you... I hear Burkina Faso has great tax incentives for RWWs. (no emoticon)

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I was speaking specifically about the passive income tax part of it only. That will impact expats of high income (over 250K) and of course potentially lower income passive income recipients as well. I assume you know what passive income means. The penalty fees which are really taxes for not having the required insurance (that phase starts in 2014) do NOT impact expats as we are clearly exempt from that requirement. I thought there indeed was a consensus here that the impact of this new law on expats is indeed minimal. That remains my interpretation, hysterical fear mongering reactions notwithstanding. This isn't Armageddon folks. Its more like a pin prick. Cheers.

BTW -- It is against forum rules to CHANGE THE FONT of other people's quoted posts.

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Oh come ... give the poor guy a break... maybe the reason the guy posts so much here as regards impact on USA citizen-persons in a country in which he does not live is because everyone is so fed up with him that nobody listens to him and his rantings at home.

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BTW -- It is against forum rules to CHANGE THE FONT of other people's quoted posts.

Actually nothing was changed. Font is the same & so is the size.

Highlighting is not changing....

This section of the forum has mostly grown ups who do not worry about such.

But if it bothers you feel free to ask the mods to un-highlight the words selected.

I could also repost it without the highlights if you need?

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actually i think people are trying to educate jing. he is the one putting his head in the sand.

HOwS THIS. IT WILL IMPACT expats PSYCHOLOGICALLY BY KNOWING THEIR COUNTRY IS TRYING SOMETHING THAT HAS PROVEN TO BE A BUNCH OF FECEAL MATTER! and that the people they know and love will have their lives worsen in so many ways.


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Popeye, welcome to TV. You'll quickly find out the liberalism expressed in this forum's posts is the prevalent attitude probably by a factor of 4, 5 or higher. Jing has already said he is far left, and has more than 15,700 posts alone. Just mention you enjoy Fox News and watch them all come 'aflaming and insulting. Hearing the constant liberal mantra here gets so damned tiring.

Edited by ThailandLovr
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Popeye, welcome to TV. You'll quickly find out the liberalism expressed in this forum's posts is the prevalent attitude probably by a factor of 4, 5 or higher. Jing has already said he is far left, and has more than 15,700 posts alone. Just mention you enjoy Fox News and watch them all come 'aflaming and insulting. Hearing the constant liberal mantra here gets so damned tiring.

people who watch FAUX News should not be insulted. they deserve pity, sympathy and understanding :)

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Not interested in arguing with you anymore. Believe what you want. I know the facts. The bill is law. Cheers.

Not interested?

Yes I know....Reason & logic has that effect..... your facts?...Hurry home dear we so look forward to paying for your pre-existing condition :D

Other than that yes the bill is law for now.....Many laws on the books that end up going nowhere...

Lets see how long the magic beans hold out to pay for this one.

Taxes? :D :D Good Luck sucking blood from stones

You and I certainly agree on this topic.

yep, agree too. this may be the : Pick one

* nail in the coffin

* one foot in the grave

* straw that broke the camels back

for America. America is becoming a socialist country. Although I don't use any facilities in America, only visit for a week or two [like a tourist], I am responsible for FULL taxes wherever I got with no benefits......except for being able to hold a U.S. passport which is becoming an increasing liability. I worked long hours since I was 15, saved and invested, and now I am supposed to support people that aren't really interested in working, NOT.

A couple of interesting quotes for Jingthing

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle .

-- Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

-- George Bernard Shaw

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.

-- G. Gordon Liddy

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

-- James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

-- P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

-- Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

-- Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

-- Will Rogers

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!

-- P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.

-- Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!

-- Pericles (430 B.C.)

No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.

-- Mark Twain (1866)

Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.

-- Anonymous

The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the o the r end.

-- Ronald Reagan

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.

-- Winston Churchill

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.

-- Mark Twain

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.

-- Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)


A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

-- Thomas Jefferson

Jingthing. We know which side of the have and have nots you are on.....be careful what you wish for. somebody's got to pay and someday it might wind up being your social security check to someone less fortunate.

Just my 2 cents worth :)

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Let me know when the tea bagger eruption fizzles out. I am here to talk about impact on expats and I am in no need of political reeducation. Cheers.

when they take my money, and mess with my retirement, it is Thailand related since I live here, and use that money, my money, and not there and wont live anywhere else. Social Security will be next, that I paid into since i was 17, 17% of my income my whole life [except when in the military - something you might have missed] to protect our rights and freedoms they are now taking away.

Thailand is my home, U.S. leave me alone, get over the fact I dont live there, and stop making me pay taxes on my money.

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As the OP of this thread, I request that it be CLOSED.

Well as other have contributed much to it & this is a public forum......

Perhaps if your done you could just leave it to others to discuss as they see fit.

Just consider it now a pre-existing topic & therefore qualifies for discussion :)

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