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Is My Wife Rare,it Seems So.


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You almost had to force her out on a date...and you are happy about it? :D

My ex GF refused to go out with me point blank....

Then I paid the Barfine and all was well.................... :)

She's married now to some rich guy, he's done well, she's a diamond.

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I have been reading so much negativity and generalizing about thai woman that I want some input.

when i met my wife she was working at her sisters shop at Big c.

I asked her out but was flatly rejected with a comment along the lines of farang only want Boom Boom.

After much hard work and time she folded and came on a date, during our many dates her sisters called every 15 minutes to check on her.

one thing i notice is she would not go somewhere if it was to expensive, she even refused to go to a cinema i chose and opted for a cheaper one as i was paying of coarse.

she would often try and pay half or a little when she could.

she had no interest in what i did for a living and never asked until i volunteered the info, i informed her that i have no home of my own, and do not have a car as i had financial problems in the past,she was not interested.

we now live together in my country, it took some convincing to get her here but she loves it now,no more then thailand however.

she never asks for anything,although i give to her otherwise she would just go without.

she seems to have no interest in material goods,she comes from a strict family and her brothers a monk,she is also very old fashioned.

she will not wear clothes that are revealing,will not even show her shoulders.

we were both married before, she married young to a thai and had 1 daughter, we both swore we would never marry again but did so to each other.

she says her only want in life is to have a man she loves and a good father to her daughter, nothing more.

i'm 33, she is 26 and we have not had a bad day in 2 years, is she the exception as there is a lot of comments on here about thai woman loving cash and being sly for instance.

i was not interested in thai women when i went to thailand to train in muay thai, she was not interested in anyone it seemed, did i just get lucky.

my experience with her is very different then others i have read here, i have seen the otherside however with woman chasing me like rats in thailand.

You will be telling use next that she has you ATM card and that mother has no sick animals and sister wants a couple of thousand will pay you back

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Not rare at all I am afraid - plenty of lovely thai women out there. :D

True, not rare. We should start a thread "my wife is different" and we would see many are quite similar (and it would at least merge the last 4 threads with the same intention). :D

Go to family forum on the TVisa Main page, and find the thread 'where did you meet your partner'. The OP also posted here before, as I did too. Check out the poll statistics in this thread for some possible insight as to why many falang post terrible results about their wives/gfs.

Ideas as to why they critisize:

1) 26% meet in bars- no problem, but different priorities (woman-money security, men-boom boom)

2) Honestly, alot of nut-head falangs in Thailand. Nut heads may tend to do nut-head things and go nut-head kinda places, and meet nut-heads.

3) Unprotected boom boom can turn into a more serious situation

4) Expectations are different and knowledge of each other prior to commitement is lacking

...among others...

In my experience, Thai girls are great, particularly the southern girls. Had some previous gfs from north-east, and they were messed up... however, different environment to be raised, and different priorities (only my opinion and specific to these girls only, not intended as a generalization). :D

((Every post on TVisa now needs a disclaimer)) :)

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I have been reading so much negativity and generalizing about thai woman that I want some input.

when i met my wife she was working at her sisters shop at Big c.

I asked her out but was flatly rejected with a comment along the lines of farang only want Boom Boom.

After much hard work and time she folded and came on a date, during our many dates her sisters called every 15 minutes to check on her.

one thing i notice is she would not go somewhere if it was to expensive, she even refused to go to a cinema i chose and opted for a cheaper one as i was paying of coarse.

she would often try and pay half or a little when she could.

she had no interest in what i did for a living and never asked until i volunteered the info, i informed her that i have no home of my own, and do not have a car as i had financial problems in the past,she was not interested.

we now live together in my country, it took some convincing to get her here but she loves it now,no more then thailand however.

she never asks for anything,although i give to her otherwise she would just go without.

she seems to have no interest in material goods,she comes from a strict family and her brothers a monk,she is also very old fashioned.

she will not wear clothes that are revealing,will not even show her shoulders.

we were both married before, she married young to a thai and had 1 daughter, we both swore we would never marry again but did so to each other.

she says her only want in life is to have a man she loves and a good father to her daughter, nothing more.

i'm 33, she is 26 and we have not had a bad day in 2 years, is she the exception as there is a lot of comments on here about thai woman loving cash and being sly for instance.

i was not interested in thai women when i went to thailand to train in muay thai, she was not interested in anyone it seemed, did i just get lucky.

my experience with her is very different then others i have read here, i have seen the otherside however with woman chasing me like rats in thailand.

You will be telling use next that she has you ATM card and that mother has no sick animals and sister wants a couple of thousand will pay you back

glad you turned up, we were beginning to doubt maigoo ! :)
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gotten to know quite a few mixed couples over time, farang men with thai woman.

most of the men are seriously f@cked up.

many but not all.

they treat the women like shit and wonder why the women stray.

others went to thailand intending to meet someone, again some but not all could not hold down a relationship back home.

many treat the woman like a cross between a cook and a boom boom girl and then bitch about them when they shoot through.

have also seen some happy ones to.

thanks for the positive comments.

p.s she does actually have my credit card today,shared account as she earns as much as me, i trust her.

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You almost had to force her out on a date...and you are happy about it? :D

My ex GF refused to go out with me point blank....

Then I paid the Barfine and all was well.................... :)

She's married now to some rich guy, he's done well, she's a diamond.

Maigo most of the time you are a twit but that was f'ing funny ! :D:D:D

I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

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I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

How about Farangs that travel 1000's of Km's with one purpose on their mind , to pay for sex with a poor person ( exploitation ) ?

Are they OK ?

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Your wife is indeed very rare - there is only one of her, I would hope!

My missus is also rare , and wonderful - they are out there, but you won't find them in the bars; they are full of bar girls (no surprise there then...)

I just dropped lucky, getting an introduction through a mate's (also lovely) wife. Nearly two years, and we get on great too... but I'm going to shut up now before I jinx it!

Good luck to the rest of you!

PS get a proper job if you want a proper woman...

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where does it say i had to force her on a date.

big difference between letting someone get to know you and your intentions, and then saying yes to a date.

then someone coming because you just won't quit.

seems everything here needs to be spelt out for those that can't keep up.

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I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

How about Farangs that travel 1000's of Km's with one purpose on their mind , to pay for sex with a poor person ( exploitation ) ?

Are they OK ?

No need for the ? Maigo, it's definitely exploitation, it's just that the farang doesn't see it coming :)

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To answer your question, no, your wife is not rare. But, like me, you didn't marry a whore......

There will always be people stupid enough to try and 'rescue' working girls of every nation. And then slag them off when/if it all goes wrong... :)

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I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

How about Farangs that travel 1000's of Km's with one purpose on their mind , to pay for sex with a poor person ( exploitation ) ?

Are they OK ?

I'm OK.

Are you OK? :)

Each to his own Maigo I suppose, although I have not got my wings in that specific area I am by no means a perfect human being and therefore I am unable to judge.

I would say it is very sad if you have to fly 6200miles to get pussy....and then have to pay for it. Wrong ? I cannot judge on that.

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i started a thread like this some weeks ago and believe it or not most of the very many replies were posative .believe me we are in the majority ,but its much more fun th have negative stories ,just read the newspapers ,always doom and gloom .

Couldn´t agree more.

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To answer your question, no, your wife is not rare. But, like me, you didn't marry a whore......

There will always be people stupid enough to try and 'rescue' working girls of every nation. And then slag them off when/if it all goes wrong... :D

Exactly, there are very good women around. And married one myself too. But as said before, you wont find them normally in bars. Neither back home, when I went out on a piss with my mates, I did not expect to meet my future wife. And definitely not in a whorehouse.... Strange isn't it, here guys end up with ho's, imagine back home. Telling your friends proudly that you have a new gf and she works as a prostitute... :)

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Yes she is RARE of a very good Actress put on a star performance for you. One good thing she has(had) a job at Big C, that is a good sign of a self support lady, she could very well be the real DEAL dude hang in there and get to know this girl I know I would. Good luck. :):D

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Good thread with a bit of entertainment too.... :)

I guess many people in 'successful' relationships don't really feel the need to post comments about their good fortune...which is why we do not see so many of them......there's nothing wrong with a well worded post such as this one......there are many posts here that are a pleasure to read.

If you are doing fine.....good luck to you......long may your success continue.

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I've removed a couple of posts slagging off western women. I have to wonder why men who claim to be so happy with thai wives obsess so much about western women!. If you are unable to post your positive experiences without denigrating other women then don't post at all.

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Not rare. Most Thai-farang horror story involve BG or multi-generation age disparity.

I think you will find......... as more male visitors under 40 arrive.....this historical slanging off the of the relationships of the older generation,may well be overtaken by tears from the all knowing youngsters......unless of course they have become so rude and disrespectful even the BG do not wish to associate with them!!!!!..... :D

Why is it that when there is a polite thread rolling gently along.....some dimwit has to throw in a crap all knowing generalisation to try and boost their sagging self worth?

Not rare.... :)

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Nope, you are not the only one. Yep, you are a lucky/smart one.

My wife and I share a similar situation to yours, except different circumstances and after bouncing all over the USA for years, we've decided to go ahead and remain in Thailand. I will continue to commute for work, but we are still as giddy with each other as newlyweds and neither of us, including our daughter (step-daughter) could imagine life any way except together.

There are plenty of good women all over. Trouble is that most guys look for roses in the sewers rather in the rose shops or the fields. Best wishes to you both!

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