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I would need a tool to work with pdf files, free one if possible, allowing me to:

- edit the text

- add comments

- extract pages

- sign it

without adding a watermark on the files.

The full version of Acrobat being so bloody expensive, and so huge (installed the trial version, takes nearly 3 GB), does someone know of an alternative allowing me to do all that?

Guest Reimar

I would need a tool to work with pdf files, free one if possible, allowing me to:

- edit the text

- add comments

- extract pages

- sign it

without adding a watermark on the files.

The full version of Acrobat being so bloody expensive, and so huge (installed the trial version, takes nearly 3 GB), does someone know of an alternative allowing me to do all that?

Maybe you take a look at: http://www.foxitsoftware.com

I use the whole PDF Line from them and they meet my needs. Not to expensive too.



I would need a tool to work with pdf files, free one if possible, allowing me to:

- edit the text

- add comments

- extract pages

- sign it

without adding a watermark on the files.

The full version of Acrobat being so bloody expensive, and so huge (installed the trial version, takes nearly 3 GB), does someone know of an alternative allowing me to do all that?

The closest I came to finding a PDF editor that did everything I wanted (like Acrobat Pro) was with NitroPDF. It still wasn't free though and wasn't quite as good as Adobe so in the end I went back to Acrobat Pro Ver 9.


I would need a tool to work with pdf files, free one if possible, allowing me to:

- edit the text

- add comments

- extract pages

- sign it

without adding a watermark on the files.

The full version of Acrobat being so bloody expensive, and so huge (installed the trial version, takes nearly 3 GB), does someone know of an alternative allowing me to do all that?

Well only you know best what is actually behind the editing which you list above. It can mean all or nothing. Raimars recommendation is fine as long as you don't cross the line into prepress.

Also it might occur... some compatibility issues with Acrobat generated files you try to work on.

I agree with Digitalbanana

and wasn't quite as good as Adobe so in the end I went back to Acrobat Pro Ver 9

Reference for digital imaging is Photoshop - regarding PDF it is Acrobat.

But I share your concerns about the price.


I installed Nitro PDF. The Office 2007 like interface is nice. It's not as powerful and easy to use as Acrobat, but I think it could do what I need, and it takes only 50 MB on the HDD, as opposed to nearly 3 GB for the latest version of Acrobat.

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