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Covert And Overt Cctv/ Burglar Alarms/access Control

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After spending 2 separate 1 month visits in Thailand, I have noted the Security Industry seems virtually non existent !

Compared with the average corner shop in the UK having 6 cameras,alarm, and steel shutters.

Is the crime rate so low that security isn't a consideration for most Businesses and Home owners ?post-82554-1243271903_thumb.jpg


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I totally disagree with you. I think that there is far more security here. Most Condos have 24/7 presence by security guards. This would very rarely been seen in the UK.

The biggest difference is that as labour costs are so much lower in Thailand, employing Security Guards is much more cost effective compared with electronic systems.

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I agree there are lots of shops selling security gear but the question is to how effective it is.

I think if you live in a condo, then good idea to install security gear but if in a house then better to get live security, either guard or dogs etc.

Thai people like in most cities in the world pay little if any attantion to alarms and the same is sadly true of the BIB, hence the reason most good level condo's have their own security guards.

If you live outside the city then security systems are of little use, better to ask/pay the BIB to do regular passbys - I do this for my place up north and works well.

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After spending 2 separate 1 month visits in Thailand, I have noted the Security Industry seems virtually non existent !

Compared with the average corner shop in the UK having 6 cameras,alarm, and steel shutters.

Is the crime rate so low that security isn't a consideration for most Businesses and Home owners ?post-82554-1243271903_thumb.jpg

A high quality installer is very rare here. there are security companies, so-called specialists but unfortunately when challenged on the technicalities of external curtain IR/MW barriers etc. they are at a loss. If you do your research you will find several "installers" quoting sky high prices for good professional equipment which unfortunately is let down by their lack of fundamental understanding of integrated alarm/CCTV/lighting systems.

There are some I'm sure, it is just that during my research I couldn't come across one which in my opinion had a level of compatance that I would put my trust to deliver an effective system especially considering that a decent quality system is upwards of US $ 3000. As an example try finding a Thai dealer who can supply all of the Optex detector range - very difficult.

So in answer to your question- yes there is possibly an opportunity but it will be limited by costs. So few people have a real understanding of security measures that are both reliable and effective so by association will not appreciate it is a high value investment, and hence will only want a cheap system "to make them feel good"

As for security guards mentioned by another OP, it is a deterant, not a reliable one as they will just run away or take a kick-back to "go to the toilet" especially so when they are paid so little. However they may be your best choice if you can not afford a quality system. By the way most household burglaries are opportunist occuring during daylight hours so you should always have external perimeter detection activated if at all possible.

Forget dogs as they will just be poisened, great pets but totally stupid animals for home protection. If you have land and are in the sticks then geese are your best bet, never get past them without a huge sound and they only eat what is safe to eat. Sure they can be shot but so can everything.

At the end of the day you can not secure your property 100% so it is just how much of an investment you are prepared to make to be upper bound in risk avoidance.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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but if in a house then better to get live security, either guard or dogs etc.

Or an electric fence?

At the end of the day you can not secure your property 100%

But you can get close.

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I totally disagree with you. I think that there is far more security here. Most Condos have 24/7 presence by security guards. This would very rarely been seen in the UK.

Yes and No.

Yes for all the condo's and the bigger business centers, offices and office buildings.

No for most of the Moo Ban's or other single locations. We just discussed the issue here :


I read a lot about Burglary in Pattaya and Jomtien and understand that there were also some incidents over the past months or so in our Moo Ban (close to Suvannabhumi). They come over the fence, mostly during the day. Sure, there are Security Guards etc., but sometimes the place is just to big to control all key points at the same time. I mentioned it before and will repeat myself again, but I have really noticed a high increase in burglary and theft around here. I can not remember that is has been like this before, but then may be I never cared, as I lived in a condo and just recently (2years) moved in to a house.

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After spending 2 separate 1 month visits in Thailand, I have noted the Security Industry seems virtually non existent !

Compared with the average corner shop in the UK having 6 cameras,alarm, and steel shutters.

Is the crime rate so low that security isn't a consideration for most Businesses and Home owners ?post-82554-1243271903_thumb.jpg

Sorry to also disagree with you but the industry is well represented here with internationals, local (high-end) specialists and of course low tech/cost alternatives. There are also outfits/consultants who will research, and in some cases oversee to project completion, an individual's/company's needs based on adequate, premium and platinum fits leaving the choice to the client to customise.

Those who have been here long enough, and/or those who are savvy enough to do their homework and get a firm recommendation of someone trustworthy, wouldn't be investing their liveliehoods here otherwise would they?

I am a former senior manager for two of the international companies and have also consulted for friends who have expressed concerns on where they lived and/or worked.

Some very good and salient points have been made by others here concerning what works best specifically here in Thailand on each individual basis and this is always dependent on many factors which again have been touched upon previously.

I am not a proponent of "siege mentality" however most expats here know whom/where to ask and there is certainly no lack of equipment or the ability of fitment of same but, like most things in life, if you pay peanuts you'll get monkeys!

Crime rates may or may not be a factor for most expats however obtaining accurate figures for them, rather than rumour mongering or guesstimates from the BIB, are quite another thing!

If you intend to start a security business here (I presume that's why you're posting here?) then may I respectfully suggest that you do a little more "digging" and you'll probably be very surprised at how much the industry is represented already - inlcuding by some TV members!


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I took alook at the thread you mentioned and would agree with the safe idea as normally too heavy to carry away but still feel that putting in alarms etc have little meaning as few people pay any attn even if they do go off (except maybe in condo's). I have heard alarms going off many times in Thailand and have yet to see the BIB come rushing to investigate.

I still feel that "live" protection is best option in Thailand - maid, security guard, dogs, geese etc.

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There may be a few security and alarm companies here that can install a home system.

Not sure how competent they are.

What Thailand is seriously lacking, are professional monitoring services. With these guys, you wouldn't have to worry about the BIB.

I would say opportunities abound!!!!!!

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There are definitely a lot of good points being made on this topic. There are some good security providers and installers. But most are product driven, in other words they will tell you that what they sell is what will keep you safe. An alarm system will merely tell you when someone is in your house, allowing you to hopefully get to a safe place you have prepared to protect your family. Most security companies never get to that because they don't sell it. Consumers don't understand this so they have a false sense of security which can lead to tragedy.

Most condos, villa developments and hotels in Asia have nothing in place that would stop a determined thief, attacker or terrorist. Putting a uniform on a someone without training in monitoring, assessment, patrolling and situation control is the same as having no security at all, except that you can advertise 24 hour security. And this is all you get even at the most expensive places.

So, to answer the OP, yes, there is great scope for really knowledgeable security professionals. The big challenge is educating the public to the existent threat and the means to effectively protect against it. As Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War, "Do not depend on the enemy not coming, but depend on your readiness against him."

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There may be a few security and alarm companies here that can install a home system.

Not sure how competent they are.

Probably as competent as they are extortionately priced.

What Thailand is seriously lacking, are professional monitoring services. With these guys, you wouldn't have to worry about the BIB.

I would say opportunities abound!!!!!!

As far as I am aware, ADT, Brinks, etc.. security services only monitor the 'protected' premises and alert the local law enforcement when the alarm goes off. So how would such a western-style professional monitoring service interface with the cowboy-style local law enforcement here?

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Some of the better providers have their own alarm monitoring center. I used to rent my alarm system, which I think from memory was called a Kiv Alert although Im quite sure this is outdated technology by now, but it could alert my phone if the alarm went off and the firm who provided it had a manned monitoring station who also called if the alarm activated.

These are often the firms who will also have guard services etc and very often will have senior police officers as partners.

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These are often the firms who will also have guard services etc and very often will have senior police officers as partners.

As I surmised, a cowboy outfit.

In the real world, real security services call out real policemen. In Thailand, pseudo-security services may have 'partnerships' with senior MIB. That really makes me feel sooooo safe and secure here.

I rest my case.

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