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Do You Speak Pidgin English To The Wife / Gf?


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Grammar is only important in your country of origin or....in business.

Make glaring mistakes in either situation and the automatic assumption is that you are uneducated.

Outside those parameters, nobody cares (much!).

I guess that would explain why Thia think most farang are uneducated then.....no grasp of their language and just no Thai grammar... :)

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It could also indicate laziness.

Last week at work I read a document from some English guy, on this document he stated that he originates from Esexx. Now Essex boys may not be credited as being the sharpest tools in the shed, but I am very confident that the vast majority will be able to spell their own county. This, coupled with the fact that the word "esexx" was clearly highlighted by word as a spelling mistake by way of a red line underneath clearly suggested that the guy just wasn't that bothered. This of course was just one of several such mistakes.

The document that I was reading was the guy's C.V., not a good way to go about job hunting.

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Do I have to apologize to myself if I fart and nobody else is around?

I can't believe how pedantic some people are. They want to correct everything including typo errors. My brother will stop someone in the middle of a conversation if they use a word incorrectly.

Look up the words "ostentatious" and "erudite" in the dictionary.

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Do I have to apologize to myself if I fart and nobody else is around?

I can't believe how pedantic some people are. They want to correct everything including typo errors. My brother will stop someone in the middle of a conversation if they use a word incorrectly.

Look up the words "ostentatious" and "erudite" in the dictionary.

i agree. wy karnt we exsept medeeocritty??!! lol! roflmao! unesco!

(P.S. This would be an ideal opportunity for some wag to post a paragraph in which the only first and last letters of each word are spelled correctly.)

edit: correctly spelled "medeeocritty"

Edited by polecat
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I speak pidgin English to the Mrs. I know it's bad, but it's all she can handle. Then again, she is from Bromley.

BTW I find it absolutely hilarious when I hear older farang men talking to their younger "partners" in Tinglish. It sounds like how you might speak to a retarded baby monkey from Mars whose only concept of human interaction was gleaned from an old VHS copy of Greystoke dubbed into patois.

I was listening to a grey haired sandle-socker on the BTS the other day shouting down his mobile. The conversation basically went like this:

"John go home. No. Home. John go home"

"Nok where? Where Nok? Nok where?"

"Nok train? Same same me! John train. John same Nok."

He finished the call and just stood smiling at his mobile phone.

(I couldn't help wondering what phone sex between the pair would be like: "Nok harder. Harder. No, harder. No, more hard. No, Nok harder. John go now. Now! JOHN GO NOW. Pfft.")

I laughed at the reference to a " sandle-socker"

I do try to correct my wifes english, as I hope she does with my Thai. But....................... sometimes it is easier to speak pidgin english to her as I am sure then that she has understood, rather than think she has understood and because of this something important has been omitted/missed out

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Oh well, we speaking silent language these days :)

That type of communication is excellent too. I commend you for your English ability..whatever level..its not about if one is perfect, its about trying and improving.My Thai is like a 2 year old,but I am learning gradually.

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Just what we need. A grammar battle. :D

Yes indeed..this was merely an attempt to get someone to honestly assess how they communicate their English to significant others, that have English as a second language. If they find they don't like the way they have been speaking to their other, for example speaking to them in tinglish, broken or pidgin english, then maybe they will gradually change,and perhaps so will the other.For myself, I am determined to learn Thai. My wife often says I know enough already :)

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I speak Thai quite well, but rarely communicate with my husband in it. I find his Thai difficult to understand --he's a terrible mumbler and even Thai people often ask him "what was that?" :)

Oddly enough, his English is often clearer than his Thai. He has a great facility with language and because I have never dumbed down my English, is quite capable of determining what something means by context and if he can't he always asks. Explaining "giving someone the benefit of the doubt" was interesting :D

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I not native speaker so I have no religious or other problems speaking thinglish :) . Actually I quite like it; it reminds me of Thailand and to be honest we still understand each other so why bother complicating something...


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Ok enough is enough :)

Pigeon = Wild and domesticated bird having a heavy body and short legs.

Pidgin = An artificial language used for trade between speakers of a different languages.

SBK sort this lot out!

And for 'business, concern', as in the phrase that sounds like "It's not my pigeon"?

Speaking Pidgin English is stupid, as is Pidgin Thai. I have heard guys say things like "Sateve bpai 7/11" because the Thai for "go" is the only word they know - knobheads. Also, even guys studying Thai use their name instead of "I". This is also a "knobhead" thing to do. :D

Most textbooks don't tell you the correct pronouns to use with girlfriends and wives. And when she uses her name instead of a pronoun, are you surprised that he ends up doing the same?

Last week at work I read a document from some English guy, on this document he stated that he originates from Esexx. Now Essex boys may not be credited as being the sharpest tools in the shed, but I am very confident that the vast majority will be able to spell their own county. This, coupled with the fact that the word "esexx" was clearly highlighted by word as a spelling mistake by way of a red line underneath clearly suggested that the guy just wasn't that bothered. This of course was just one of several such mistakes.

There are a great many people who can't be bothered to teach Microsoft Word to spell. The grammar checker's even worse - it can't be taught at all. Also, it's not immediately obvious if notification of spelling and grammar errors has been switched off. Finally, 'Esexx' may just be problem of motor co-ordination - I often find that I have appplied the double-bounce tap to the wrong letter.

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Sometimes i speak nid noi pidgeon englsih to thais who havent got good command of English,but not with my my thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good english,khmer and some chinese.

Sometimes I speak a little pidgeon English to Thais who haven't got good command of English,but not with my (my) Thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good English,Khmer and some Chinese.

I can see why !! .. :D

You forgot a comma after the word Khmer and one blank space before the word, Teachermark.



You shouldn't use a comma before "but" either Teacher :D Mark!

I take it you're a woodwork teacher?

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The reason you should prefer the comma before and/or in a serial is to avoid grouping confusion.

For example: "Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple, and seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day."

The comma before the 'and' removes all doubt and causes no problems and there is no benefit to its omission.

No,you just use "or"! :)

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The reason you should prefer the comma before and/or in a serial is to avoid grouping confusion.

For example: "Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple, and seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day."

The comma before the 'and' removes all doubt and causes no problems and there is no benefit to its omission.

No,you just use "or"! :)

Ok let's try it your way

"Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple or seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day."

Not totally clear is it?

Edited by canuckamuck
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My english is not perfect either, but try to comunicate with my wife so god as i can, because i want she can speak good english. Thailand is only temporarry for all of us. So i explained her, once we travel or living overseas, there is no Tha lenggague anymore. Therefore she have to learn perfect english.

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The reason you should prefer the comma before and/or in a serial is to avoid grouping confusion.

For example: “Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple, and seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day.”

The comma before the ‘and’ removes all doubt and causes no problems and there is no benefit to its omission.

a vegetarian pizza or a pizza topped with pineapple are culinary obsceneties/disgusting perversions and should therefore not be mentioned in a thread of utmost importance (like this one). :)

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Shees Leweezz - we all speak pidgin - slang in all its glory is a hoot!! As per the funny mobile conversation earlier!!

It shows you are comfortable in your own skin, with your people, with theirs. One should rather do a little pidgen dance and push the boomzing speak with its attendant sweet smells & sounds of success, than ask a dumb question and get TD!!

Injecting a little humor will always get you laid. Being undecided will not.

There is pidgin everywhere - technospeak is pidginspeak - we simply massaged it into ZDNET dot com.

Therein lies the charm


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There is no getting away from the fact that an adult speaking like a child to another adult looks and sounds like a tw4t.

I have never felt the need to do it and really don't understand why anyone would..... English does not need to be bastardised to be understood....

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The reason you should prefer the comma before and/or in a serial is to avoid grouping confusion.

For example: "Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple, and seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day."

The comma before the 'and' removes all doubt and causes no problems and there is no benefit to its omission.

a vegetarian pizza or a pizza topped with pineapple are culinary obsceneties/disgusting perversions and should therefore not be mentioned in a thread of utmost importance (like this one). :)

The Klingon has a point.

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There is no getting away from the fact that an adult speaking like a child to another adult looks and sounds like a tw4t.

I have never felt the need to do it and really don't understand why anyone would..... English does not need to be bastardised to be understood....

You have any idea how arrogant that sounds?

Guess you don’t travel or do much business with people that you don’t speak the same language as you. The reason pidgin languages exists is to facilitate communication between peoples that have no common language.

I do think there is a big difference between Pidgin English and simplified English in Thailand. I see nothing wrong with a native English speaker simplifying his sentence structure in order for non-native English speaker to more easily understand. Particularly in a business environment, it is important to be sure you are understood properly.


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There is no getting away from the fact that an adult speaking like a child to another adult looks and sounds like a tw4t.

I have never felt the need to do it and really don't understand why anyone would..... English does not need to be bastardised to be understood....

You have any idea how arrogant that sounds?

Guess you don’t travel or do much business with people that you don’t speak the same language as you. The reason pidgin languages exists is to facilitate communication between peoples that have no common language.

I do think there is a big difference between Pidgin English and simplified English in Thailand. I see nothing wrong with a native English speaker simplifying his sentence structure in order for non-native English speaker to more easily understand. Particularly in a business environment, it is important to be sure you are understood properly.


You're wrong, I do travel..... It is not Pidgin English, if it was it would have to contain another language not just bastardised English...... And the OP was a question about speaking to your wife/GF, they are the adults to which I was referring...

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