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I thank Marshbags for a great honest report.:

Yes she is awful and thats a tame verbal I use.

I still have to go through the re-newal process. Today I send everything for a new guarantee letter to British Consulate. But I am not going to get a MFA stamp.

I have a Rental agreement not a family book so that will have to do, and my missus can fill in a house Master form.

I am going to print off the Police Order in Thai which is on my Letter of Guarantee Topic.

How this lady can tell me I need 80.000 baht a month and not 65000 baht I don't know. Is she above Police Regulations.

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Lite beer has always had it in for N.Khai and he will remember i am sure my posting a reaction to him always going on about how unfriendly it was, long before he took on the present role he has on this forum.

After years of negative reports on here and other Local Forums in Isaan plus speaking to people here it is difficult not to have a negative view of that Office. That is why when I moved to Khon Kaen I chose to deal with Khorat. A more helpful and friendly place you could not hope for.

Now like everyone else I have to go where I am sent and that means Nong Khai. Happily for me and others reports started to come in about a change of attitude and a more friendly environment in which to make your application etc.

I went a few weeks ago to get my Re Entry Permit only to be shouted at by this dreadful Woman because I had no Queue Card when in fact there were none left in the basket. She then continued to shout at this American Couple who only wanted some help as they were Tourists and were not sure of the rules.

I now find out from you that she is a new addition and that maybe things were getting better until she showed up.

Just my luck. sad.gif

And yes the Lady I dealt with gave me no problems and was very efficient. It cannot be a lot of fun for them either having to work like that.


Apologies to Tafia, I asked about the reporting vis post, but she just ignored my question and mumbled something of another unknown language.. niether Thai nor English, God only knows what she said

No Problems Marshbags she seems to very intimidating, another mate is going up on the 17th I think I will pre warm him to stay clear of that one, she probably wouldn't have given you the correct answer anyway reading yours and Macs posts.

I have an OA so wont have to run the gauntlet for another year but posting the 90days will save a lot of time...cheers anyway oh and well done!!


marshbags,I'm sorry for your less than good experience with NK Imm.

Time maybe to dismount your high horse? :D Ref:your post Nr 25.

WAFAYA, high horse indeed..

My thoughts did not change because of one obnoxious, unfriendly officer

I purposely did another longish post in reply to yourself and LB relating to your misleading take on my post which for some reason was mistakenly edited out.

So hopefully this one wiil be safe from mistakenly edited out this time.

Your comments on this thread for me, sum up you attitude in a non to complimentary way from my take on them, anyway.

I am not and never will say N.Khai is unfriendly because of the one mentioned officer.

I offered macb my genuine empathy relating to this particular officer we both had the dis pleasure to meet.

Sadly macb has to return so his consequences are far more unjust and should not have happened.

To lump all the officers under the fashionable " NOT FRIENDLY " banner is totally unjust as they do a good job and are very friendly ( when allowed to be so and not harassed by obnoxious farang who think they can treat them in such derogatory fashion, that is )

One newly installed officer has now took residence at N.Khai and all i was doing was giving members a heads up on who she is and to look out for her.

My demeanour is as it always has been relating to N.Khai and I base it on several years of using the office.

Since when does one bad apple make the rest of them the same.

macb, it is a pity you did not get one of the other ladies on tables 2 and 3 or the officer on table 5 as i feel sure unless there was a serious problem with your paper work / documents, you would have come away with a much friendlier opinion and been able to forget your visa for another year.

This lady is if it,s possible to be so, is far worse than the officer who was renowned for being a bitter, resentful individual that he used to be.

He has since mellowed somewhat and is more friendly and helpful.

We who use this office are well aware of him and give him a wide berth when visiting in a way i advise on my previous misunderstood post, simply effective and no problem as they say.

My post was in support of your just and fair comments relating to this lady and a heads up for other applicants.

It was not a change of my general outlook towards Thai ect.

I cannot lump all the officers together as unfriendly as this is not the case in my experience.

So, in my case she was also an officious ???? but i didn,t think to much about her attitude as I got my stamps as required and getting a bit of earache is water off a ducks back and a small price to pay.

Sadly again your case is different and I really feel for you and how she treated you.

May your return visit be more friendly and have a positive outcome.

marshbags :)

Lite beer has always had it in for N.Khai and he will remember i am sure my posting a reaction to him always going on about how unfriendly it was, long before he took on the present role he has on this forum.

After years of negative reports on here and other Local Forums in Isaan plus speaking to people here it is difficult not to have a negative view of that Office. That is why when I moved to Khon Kaen I chose to deal with Khorat. A more helpful and friendly place you could not hope for.

Now like everyone else I have to go where I am sent and that means Nong Khai. Happily for me and others reports started to come in about a change of attitude and a more friendly environment in which to make your application etc.

I went a few weeks ago to get my Re Entry Permit only to be shouted at by this dreadful Woman because I had no Queue Card when in fact there were none left in the basket. She then continued to shout at this American Couple who only wanted some help as they were Tourists and were not sure of the rules.

I now find out from you that she is a new addition and that maybe things were getting better until she showed up.

Just my luck. sad.gif

And yes the Lady I dealt with gave me no problems and was very efficient. It cannot be a lot of fun for them either having to work like that.

Thanks for this clarification LB, i didn,t spot it earlier when looking at the thread re our last communication, reference wise.

It is very much appreciated as the rest of the staff are on a different level and nice, really friendly and helpful as we would like to expect, especially from Immigration in particular.

marshbags :)

Lite beer has always had it in for N.Khai and he will remember i am sure my posting a reaction to him always going on about how unfriendly it was, long before he took on the present role he has on this forum.

After years of negative reports on here and other Local Forums in Isaan plus speaking to people here it is difficult not to have a negative view of that Office. That is why when I moved to Khon Kaen I chose to deal with Khorat. A more helpful and friendly place you could not hope for.

Now like everyone else I have to go where I am sent and that means Nong Khai. Happily for me and others reports started to come in about a change of attitude and a more friendly environment in which to make your application etc.

I went a few weeks ago to get my Re Entry Permit only to be shouted at by this dreadful Woman because I had no Queue Card when in fact there were none left in the basket. She then continued to shout at this American Couple who only wanted some help as they were Tourists and were not sure of the rules.

I now find out from you that she is a new addition and that maybe things were getting better until she showed up.

Just my luck. sad.gif

And yes the Lady I dealt with gave me no problems and was very efficient. It cannot be a lot of fun for them either having to work like that.

Thanks for this clarification LB, i didn,t spot it earlier when looking at the thread re our last communication, reference wise.

It is very much appreciated as the rest of the staff are on a different level and nice, really friendly and helpful as we would like to expect, especially from Immigration in particular.

marshbags :)

I would like to think so.

From what I saw the other officers did seem ok. Just this one woman. I do not know if she is their superior or not. I hope not.


I forgot to mention this re her being a superoir.

I reckon you are right on this L.B. as she had pips on her lapels and I had forgotten to mention it in my original post.

Be extra wary of her when going there and if she appears to be unoccupied, keep your heads and your numbers down, if possible.

I did notice the other officers looked reluctant to communicate with her, but didn,t connect her attitude and her unpredictable bad behaviour with inter related communication.

Other than nervous looks or something of a similar nature while i was stood there in my naughty school child pose. :)

Obviously on reflection they already are aware of this and try to do things independantly whenever possible, while noting her crazy out bursts and behaviour.



Dream on. :D

And be sure to bring the(rose tinted)glasses with you. :)

OR (but I think it;s not everyone cup of tea)stand up as a man,and politely,but firmly,ask for respect.

You'll wonder,sometimes it works,in Thailand too.


Thanks to the collective imput from all but one member on this thread, the old grey matter has kicked in.

Until recently the various stamps were sent upstairs for an authorisation signature via the office assistants.

Now it appears the senior ranking officer with this charge has been relocated within the vetting office.

When this happened at the small office at AEK Udon, the officer did not partake or interfere in the role of the vetting officers and only got invovled when requested to do so as and when difficult cases arose.

This " Non friendlly "officer has for one reason or another, took the intervening on en block and is now as a consequence undermining all the actual friendly vetting officers to boot.

She is obviously not trained to be customer friendly ( probably thinks she,s above that due to being old school / old fashioned and can treat all below her like sh*te. )

When i mentioned the superior very niceand polite officer coming into the vetting office while i was in my standing position, she asked why i was doing so and on my reply instructed the unfriendly one to finish my application off herself and as again mentioned, she did so very quickly re the extn. of my one year renewal visa.

What a change in attitude instantly took place, I reckon they could already be on her case if this is anything to go by.

If macb can time it right, with a bit of luck he will avoid her this time.

To add to my offer of advise re sitting tight if she is unoccupied ect. and asks / no balls out, for the next number

If anyone cannot, try going out of the room for a toilet break and let the next unfortunate applicant have the honuor of her unfriendly attention.

marshbags :)

Hopefully when macb goes back she will be on sick leave or something. :)

You took the thought right out of my mind, well I sent my 2280 baht of to Bkk yesterday for another letter of guarantee, then there will be the 1900 baht for renewal.

But I am going to be armed with a Thai copy of the Police Law and will not hesitate to use it if I have to

Thanks to the collective imput from all but one member on this thread, the old grey matter has kicked in.

Until recently the various stamps were sent upstairs for an authorisation signature via the office assistants.

Now it appears the senior ranking officer with this charge has been relocated within the vetting office.

When this happened at the small office at AEK Udon, the officer did not partake or interfere in the role of the vetting officers and only got invovled when requested to do so as and when difficult cases arose.

This " Non friendlly "officer has for one reason or another, took the intervening on en block and is now as a consequence undermining all the actual friendly vetting officers to boot.

She is obviously not trained to be customer friendly ( probably thinks she,s above that due to being old school / old fashioned and can treat all below her like sh*te. )

When i mentioned the superior very niceand polite officer coming into the vetting office while i was in my standing position, she asked why i was doing so and on my reply instructed the unfriendly one to finish my application off herself and as again mentioned, she did so very quickly re the extn. of my one year renewal visa.

What a change in attitude instantly took place, I reckon they could already be on her case if this is anything to go by.

If macb can time it right, with a bit of luck he will avoid her this time.

To add to my offer of advise re sitting tight if she is unoccupied ect. and asks / no balls out, for the next number

If anyone cannot, try going out of the room for a toilet break and let the next unfortunate applicant have the honuor of her unfriendly attention.

marshbags :)

Well I am going to behind there backs play her game if needs be, its not what you know its who you know over here. My lass is going to make a phone call today to her friends husband whom I have met already and is a business man in Udon I am going to see if he has any friends connected to the Office wait and see. But if I have to I will ask to see the Superintendent. I am sure Thailand's new Government Leader would be perturbed if he new what went on in some of these offices.


I would like to add another acknowledgement and thank you.

I am awaiting my Letter of Guarantee from the British Consulate in Bkk. But it will not be signed by the MFA as suggested in Nong Khai's list of requirements.

I want to thank Issan Lawyers for the very quick response to my email confirming the aforementioned Police Orders.

Many Thanks to everyone's supportive input:

Fingers crossed for the 2nd July when I attend Nong Khai Immigration for my re-newal


I don't think they will make a problem over it not being translated and certified by the MFA.

They might though make an issue of it being to old. Some offices want it to be no more than a few days old.

I think you may still have a problem if you don't have a bank book.

I don't think they will make a problem over it not being translated and certified by the MFA.

They might though make an issue of it being to old. Some offices want it to be no more than a few days old.

I think you may still have a problem if you don't have a bank book.

I haven't got a bank book from the UK. I do have a SCB book but there is nothing in the account. I can print statements from my on-line banking (Nationwide) to show withdrawals and have my pension papers and monthly pay slips which are posted to Thailand, surely this is more than enough, I am making every effort possible to comply with what they want.

My letter of Guarantee will only be about 2 weeks old by the time it is issued.

Bearing in mind that these efforts are only because of Nong Khai, but never mind. The visa runs out on the 4th July so lets wait and see !!!!. Does praying help

Bearing in mind that these efforts are only because of Nong Khai, but never mind. The visa runs out on the 4th July so lets wait and see !!!!. Does praying help

you should really go much earlier to Nong Kai.

If you have a problem you will only have 2 days to get it sorted. Always a good idea to go 3 or 4 weeks early.

Bearing in mind that these efforts are only because of Nong Khai, but never mind. The visa runs out on the 4th July so lets wait and see !!!!. Does praying help

you should really go much earlier to Nong Kai.

If you have a problem you will only have 2 days to get it sorted. Always a good idea to go 3 or 4 weeks early.

Yep as soon as I receive the Embassy letter will head that way.


Well as promised I can give you all an up-date:

Attended Nong khai Immigration this morning early:

I saw a very nice smiling officer and helpful her name was (Forgive me if mis-spelt) Police Sergeant Major sits third from the left. Result 20 minutes and Visa done.

The final file and passport were past along the line for final signature to Miss Attitude who was busy with a social call on her mobile, but she did smile. I sat patiently eventually whilst still talking she breezed the official file that they keep then after a short while put her final signature on my passport whilst still talking about chocolate on her mobile, she smiled handed me passport also the official file, I looked at the file and said ' I think you need to keep this' oooooooooooops She grabbed it back still on her mobile and replied 'Keep' and dumped it in a basket.

But I am happy with the reception at Nong Khai this morning with no complaints.

I spent two hours on the 14th preparing two files:

1. Original file

2. Copy File.

I added extra items like bank statements from my internet banking salary slips rental agreement .

The only thing the officer was interested in was my pension amount for the year shown on my letter of guarantee. My wife noted that 53 baht to the GBP was used today which she obtained from a list in her drawer.

In summing up, no problems everything very smooth and can find no fault.

The final file and passport were past along the line for final signature to Miss Attitude who was busy with a social call on her mobile, but she did smile.

Not a smile. Wind. :)

Good news Macb. Thanks.


Well I think I already thanked everyone for there input:

But Gratitude costs nothing. So once again thanks members and Mods

Well I think I already thanked everyone for there input:

But Gratitude costs nothing. So once again thanks members and Mods

Pleased it all went well this time macb and you had the courtesy to kindly update everyone.

marshbags :)

I don't think they will make a problem over it not being translated and certified by the MFA.

They might though make an issue of it being to old. Some offices want it to be no more than a few days old.

I think you may still have a problem if you don't have a bank book.

I haven't got a bank book from the UK. I do have a SCB book but there is nothing in the account. I can print statements from my on-line banking (Nationwide) to show withdrawals and have my pension papers and monthly pay slips which are posted to Thailand, surely this is more than enough, I am making every effort possible to comply with what they want.

My letter of Guarantee will only be about 2 weeks old by the time it is issued.

Bearing in mind that these efforts are only because of Nong Khai, but never mind. The visa runs out on the 4th July so lets wait and see !!!!. Does praying help

I find that I recite the words in Pali ... a short mantra by Somdet Toh (the one whose statue has his fists one above the other)..which calls for compassion from all beings... "Metta Khunang...Arahang Metta" (under my breath)

Well as promised I can give you all an up-date:

Attended Nong khai Immigration this morning early:

I saw a very nice smiling officer and helpful her name was (Forgive me if mis-spelt) Police Sergeant Major sits third from the left. Result 20 minutes and Visa done.

The final file and passport were past along the line for final signature to Miss Attitude who was busy with a social call on her mobile, but she did smile. I sat patiently eventually whilst still talking she breezed the official file that they keep then after a short while put her final signature on my passport whilst still talking about chocolate on her mobile, she smiled handed me passport also the official file, I looked at the file and said ' I think you need to keep this' oooooooooooops She grabbed it back still on her mobile and replied 'Keep' and dumped it in a basket.

But I am happy with the reception at Nong Khai this morning with no complaints.

I spent two hours on the 14th preparing two files:

1. Original file

2. Copy File.

I added extra items like bank statements from my internet banking salary slips rental agreement .

The only thing the officer was interested in was my pension amount for the year shown on my letter of guarantee. My wife noted that 53 baht to the GBP was used today which she obtained from a list in her drawer.

In summing up, no problems everything very smooth and can find no fault.

Well done Mac,

Did they ask for copy of house book and owners ID as well as the rental agreement?

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