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Worst Joke Ever

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A little boy looks at his mum at a wedding and says:


"Mummy, why is the girl dressed all in white?"


His mum answers: "The girls is called a bride and she is in white because she’s very happy and this is the happiest day of her life."


The boy nods and then says, "OK, and why is the boy all in black?"

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Mother: "Eat your bread".


Child: "I don’t like bread. Why do I have to eat the bread".


Mother: "So you become big and strong".


Child: "Why do I have to become big and strong?"


Mother: "So you can provide the daily bread to your family".






Child: But I don’t like bread!




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A man is running down a country road towards the railway station.


He sees a farmer near a field and asks:



“Sorry sir, would you mind if I crossed your field instead of going around it? You see, I have to catch the 2:23 train.”



The farmer says, “Sure, go right ahead. And if my bull sees you, you might even catch the 1:23 one if he don't catch you first.”

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Late one night a robber wearing a mask stopped a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs.


"Give me your money," he demanded.


Scandalized, the man replied, "You can’t do this – I’m a US Congressman!" **


"Oh! In that case," smiled the robber, "Give me MY money!"



**insert country/politician of choice here

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I was in an Indian restaurant recently and I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass wind from my nether regions.


The music was really great, all my favourite stuff.  It was nice and loud, so I timed my reliefs to the beat of the music!


After just a few songs I started to feel better.  Oh! Bliss, nobody could have heard me under that great sound.


I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody was staring at me with handkerchiefs covering their mouths and the sound of coughing and spluttering all around!





That was when I remembered I was listening to my iPod.

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Do you know why women aren’t allowed in space?


To avoid scenarios like: "Houston, we have a problem!"


"What is the problem?"


"Yeah, great, pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about!"



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