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Worst Joke Ever

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"A Farewell to Arms" is Ernest Hemingway's novel about an American soldier in Italy during World War I. He falls in love with a nurse in the hospital, decides to go AWOL, and rows all night with her in a boat from Italy to Switzerland to evade the authorities.


His girl friend was sitting in the stern of the boat, and he was rowing in the middle. At one point he said, "Cath, I love you."


She said, "Pardon?"


He said, "I said I love you."


She still didn't hear him, so he removed an oar from the lock, moved up to the stern, resumed steering the boat from that position, and said again, "I love you."


She said, "I love you too, but why are you standing there sculling when you can do so much better rowing where you were?"


He said, "You are undoubtedly right":


" I just sculled to say I love you."


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A few more to lower the standards even more.  Get the 'Groanometer' out. 


A gay minced his way into to a psychiatrist.

"Doc," he said, "I keep having these recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a teepee, and then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?"


The doctor replied, "It's very simple. You're two tents and shouldn't camp it up so much."



Q. What do you call a horse that likes arts and crafts?

A. hobby horse.


Q. What did the dolphin say to the whale when he bumped into him?

A. I didn't do it on porpoise.


Q. Where did the kittens go to on a class outing?

A. To the meow-seum.


Q. What did one plate say to the other?

A. Lunch is on me.


Q. What does a cat say when he likes something?

A. It's purrrfect.




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Q. What did a very old, DOS (Dirty Old Sod) computer geek father say or call his first new born offspring?


A1 . Microchip off the old block.

A2. A screen dump


A4. Who programmed that?

A5. It needs reverse engineering!

A6. The entertainment area is too close to the rubbish dump.



Anyone want to add some answers?

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At the other end of the scale;


A lady walks into the gynecoligist's office and the doctor tells her to get into the stirrup's
He then proceeds to tell her that she has a problem and that she is going to have to be numbed down there.
She says "What. Well okay"
So he sticks his face down there and goes "Num Num Num Num Num"

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Asked how he had achieved fatherhood after all this time the old Computer Geek said it was due to a few form factors;

He did some DIY to the old motherboard after some BASIC inserts after the 'floppy' was replaced and he was able to enable the Hard Drive. She could not find the ‘eject’ button and no headache inducing ‘Blue Screens Of Death’ although there did seem to be a blue pill element in it!

There was also no dumping during the downloading and he was able to get re-booted and spurred on to new programmes when he found a solution called Utube and followed the on screen instructions.

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A doctor made it his regular habit to stop off at a bar for a hazelnut daiquiri on his way home. The bartender knew the doctor's habit and would always have a drink waiting. But one day the bartender ran out of hazelnut extract, so he substituted hickory nuts. When the doctor arrived, he took a sip and exclaimed, "This isn't a hazelnut daiquiri!"



"No, I'm sorry," the bartender replied. "It's a hickory daiquiri, doc."

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