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Worst Joke Ever

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I hear Chalerm almost drowned the other night.

Seems he fell of a boat close to a lighthouse.

Took them over an hour to get him out

Would have been rescued quicker if he hadn't been swimming round in circles trying to stay in the spttlight.

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I always carry a Picture of my Wife and Kids in my Wallet.

It reminds me of why There is no <deleted> Money in there.

My wife ask for an animal skinned coat for her birthday, so I bought her a donkey jacket

Edited by laislica
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The missus came home steaming drunk last night.
"You up for some role play action, babe?" she asked with a wink.
"Not really," I replied.
"Oh, come on," she said. "We can act out ANY scene, from ANY film you want."
Walking over to her with a huge smile on my face, I noticed her expression change. She had realised her mistake, however it was too late. Where I had previously seen arousal in her eyes, I now saw only blind terror...
As I shouted, "THIS... IS... SPARTA!" and kicked her down the stairs.

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When I was a youngster, I couldn't afford a really decent car and so I bought a Skoda

Mind you, I made sure that it had a heated rear window, so my hands were warm when I was pushing it in winter.

When I came to sell it, I had difficulty finding any potential buyers at the price.

A mate suggested a simple way to double its value

"How?" I asked

"Fill it with petrol"

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So I used to knock about with a prawn and a crab.

Trouble was that they always wanted to do what they wanted to do and never took my feelings into account.

In the end I had to move on.

It took me a while to realise that They were just 2 shellfish

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So I joined this group of witches.

First of all I was confused as we just took a bunch of food to the beach and looked at the sea.

When the sea was a bit rough, the witches would say "not tonight"

There were many nights like this.

Then one night the sea was almost calm with just a lot of small ripples.

We all ran naked into the sea, carrying our food and danced around.

When we came out I was amazed to see that the raw food was cooked to perfection and we all ate with relish.

Then I realised that this wasn't a run of the mill group of witches

It was a microwave coven

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So I met this old mate in a bar. I hadn't seen him for quite a while. To be honest, I had avoided him as there had been rumours that he was into necrophilia

He introduced me to his girlfriend. Not saying that she was rough, but I thought....

"Where the hell did he dig her up?"

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What's the difference between nappies (diapers) and politicians?

Nappies need to be changed regularly because they are full of S**t

Politicians need - oh hang on - there is no difference!

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The midget was kicked out of the nudist colony, he would keep sticking his nose into other people's business!

And the basketball player was kicked out for sticking his business into other peoples nose.

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