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Worst Joke Ever

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A Saudi boy goes to the international school. At end of the first day he proudly tells his father he came top in maths, and asks why. His father says "because you are a Saudi Male son."

Second day the son tells his father again he was top of the class in spelling, why is that Dad, "because you are a Saudi male son".

third day he comes home and tells his dad he saved a goal at sports time. But the boy looked confused, his father asked him what was wrong, and the boy said that after football they had a shower and all the other boys had small peckers, yet his was bigger, with hair around it, he says to his father "is that because I am a Saudi male, dad?"

No son, says his father, it is because you are seventeen, and they are all six.

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Tom and Mark had been enjoying a few drinks for the past couple of hours and were pretty drunk when one of them notices the beautiful lady sitting in the corner.

Tom says to the other, "jeez, i'd really like to dance with that girl."

Mark replies, "well go ahead and ask her, don't be a chicken shit."

So Tom approaches the lovely woman and says, "excuse me. would you be so kind as to dance with me?"

Seeing the man is totally drunk the lady says, "i'm sorry. right now i'm contemplating on matrimony, and i'd rather sit than dance."

So Tom humbly returns to his friend "so what did she say?" asks the friend.

"She said she's constipated on macaroni, and would rather shit in her pants."

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