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Worst Joke Ever

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What do you get when you cross the queen and prince Charles?

Murdered in a tunnel.

Why did Elton John rewrite one of his songs for Diana when she died?

Because he was the only Queen who cared.

My girlfriend says she wants to be treated like a princess.

So I took her to Paris and slammed her into a wall at 80 miles an hour.


A plane is falling out of the sky. A female passenger jumps up out of her seat, tears off her clothes and exclaims,

"Is there anyone man enough on this plane to make me feel like a real woman before I die?"

A man across the aisle stands up, hurriedly unbuttoning his shirt. He gets it off and throws it at the woman. "Here! Iron this!!"

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A post in truly awful taste and the sensible replies to it have been removed.

This may be the "jokes" forum, and this may be the "worst joke ever" thread, but there are still limits.

Well we all know what the limit is now. Thanks

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A post in truly awful taste and the sensible replies to it have been removed.

This may be the "jokes" forum, and this may be the "worst joke ever" thread, but there are still limits.

Well we all know what the limit is now. Thanks

Hmmmm, least said, soonest mended.

Glad that the thread is back on track.

I think that the OP may have been turning in his grave, rest his soul.

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Kermit the Frog walks into a bank looking for loan and wants to talk to the Bank President.

The bank teller, Miss Patty Whack, tells Kermit they can't give a loan to just any frog that hops in and asks him: "Do you have any collateral?"

Kermit reaches into his frog pocket and pulls out a key chain with Miss. Piggy's picture on it. "I have this" he says in his scratchy Kermit the Frog voice.

The bank teller sighs heavily, grabs the key chain and goes into the bank president's office. "Excuse me sir, but Kermit the Frog is here and he would like a loan. He brought this key chain as collateral" she says as she rolls up her eyes.

The bank president glances up from his paperwork and says..... "That's a knick knack Patty Whack, give the frog a loan."

when I first heard this one, Kermit was the illegitimate offspring of Mick Jagger, and the punch-line was:

"It's a knick knack Patty Whack,

give the frog a loan.

His old man's a Rolling Stone."

Bank of Ireland version It was "Nip Back Paddy Wack Give the <deleted> A Lone" before P. C idiots were invented

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