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How Many Of The Regulars Here Have Children?


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I love kids, but mine are grown and now I have little grand children that I see when I'm home in Canada. I'm pretty proud of my children and grand children so I know my ex-wife and I did something right.

I also help support a family in Kanchanaburi, but I only visit them once or twice when I'm in Thailand. My trips to visit them always end in disaster with their mother doing something stupid. But, I love the kids and they love me, and I don't want to stop helping because of the children's sake.

I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. I'd probably get a better response on the ladies forum, but I don't want to bother the ladies too much. It's nothing really important, but I was just wondering.

My personal feelings are that children are the hope for the future and it is what we teach them at an early age that sets their goals in life and could possibly make this a better world.

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I love kids, but mine are grown and now I have little grand children that I see when I'm home in Canada. I'm pretty proud of my children and grand children so I know my ex-wife and I did something right.

I also help support a family in Kanchanaburi, but I only visit them once or twice when I'm in Thailand. My trips to visit them always end in disaster with their mother doing something stupid. But, I love the kids and they love me, and I don't want to stop helping because of the children's sake.

I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. I'd probably get a better response on the ladies forum, but I don't want to bother the ladies too much. It's nothing really important, but I was just wondering.

My personal feelings are that children are the hope for the future and it is what we teach them at an early age that sets their goals in life and could possibly make this a better world.

I am not sure if you meant for this to be related to the Chaing Mai area specifically, but as you mentioned Kanchanaburi I'll chip in. There are many of us raising families here in Thailand. Bragging doesn't go down well on this forum so perhaps this is why people don't do it (not to say that it doesn't happen) . I am sure, though, that we all love our bi-cultural children and feel fiercely proud of them.

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. . . I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. . . .

. . . Bragging doesn't go down well on this forum so perhaps this is why people don't do it (not to say that it doesn't happen) . . .

Bragging is generally not well-regarded in any civilised and adult society (not to say that is what we have here . . . but it could be at least part of the explanation . . . :) )

Edited by Rasseru
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I am not sure if you meant for this to be related to the Chaing Mai area specifically, but as you mentioned Kanchanaburi I'll chip in. There are many of us raising families here in Thailand. Bragging doesn't go down well on this forum so perhaps this is why people don't do it (not to say that it doesn't happen) . I am sure, though, that we all love our bi-cultural children and feel fiercely proud of them.

Yes, I did mean Chiang Mai, because this is the Chiang Mai forum. And, I didn't really mean "bragging" as implying that my kids are better than your kids. But children are a part of our life and I would have thought with all the talk about places to eat and what to eat that someone might have mentioned children... other than "those noisy brats disturbing my dining experience at... "pick a restaurant".

Maybe people who have children are too busy to spend time on internet forums... other than to ask what schools might be available and who to recommend. I'll have to check out the families forum and see if any of the regulars here turn up there.

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I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. I'd probably get a better response on the ladies forum, but I don't want to bother the ladies too much. It's nothing really important, but I was just wondering.

Proud papa of three children (14, 6, and 1 year). Very, very proud of them and feel lucky that they are being raised in Thailand. Though there is less kid-friendly infrastructure (parks, amusements, etc) I feel that the Thais are much better with kids (than Americans).

There are only a few kid-themed threads here on TV that I remember. There was one about kid things to do in CM, but there wasn't much.

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In the five years I've been visiting Chiang Mai I've seen some friend's children grow and develop. My good friends, Nong and Michael have a lovely daughter of 18 who I've known for 4 years. It was nice to see her change from the difficult age (for teenagers) into a lovely adult with a lot of great friends.

I did check out the family forum, but it's mostly about technical stuff that I'm not involved in right now. If I continue looking after the family in Kanchanaburi there might come a time when I have to check out extended schooling for the kids: 8 years, 10 years and 13 years old, but I'll worry about that when the time comes.

When I mentioned "bragging" I didn't mean saying how wonderful your children are. All I meant was if you have children it's often hard not to mention them when talking about other subjects. I was just curious about the regular group here and wondered if they had children or not.

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I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere

I have a 3 year old at home..

When I mentioned "bragging" I didn't mean saying how wonderful your children are.

Meh. The thing with 3 year olds is that they're incredibly immature. :) Can't see the point in bragging really..

Also generally as the audience here is mostly male, it's not common for men to discuss children stuff, it's just un-cool. :D I always talk about my kids with (Thai) women though as they're usually interested. I actually learn a thing or two about raising kids from talking to Thai women. (Usually in bars)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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No kids of my own..yet. Partner has 3 kids though. Have mentioned them a few times on the forum and a couple of questions specifically for them. I personally dont go into detail much about them as prefer to keep things a bit private, particularly lives of others who are in my life. Happy to talk about general things that come up and relate experiences however.

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Maybe people who have children are too busy to spend time on internet forums

I expect that this would be the primary reason, by far.

Secondly, though, many people consider it unwise -- for a whole array of reasons -- to reveal information about their partners/families/children/third parties of any kind on the internet, other than in a very guarded or general fashion, especially in a small town like Chiang Mai.

Ian F., perhaps you could elaborate ... it's not very clear to me where you wanted to go with this as a Chiang Mai thread.

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There is a thread "how many of us have luk krung children"

There are a few lovely photos in there too.....

I have a girl (7) and a boy (3).....I want them to grow up in the relatively uninhibited Thai countryside enviroment

I am proud of the way my wife and Thai family are bringing them up.....I have no reason to brag as I have only limited input; more on the happy times enjoyment side.....that is my role.....and I enjoy it.

I am looking forward to passing on some of my more practical knowledge....that will come later.....for now life is fun fun fun

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I have a 3 year old at home..

Three years old is a lovely age, Winnie. They are still innocent, but are beginning to understand things about the world. My 3 year old grand daughter knows when I am in Thailand and can pick it out on the world globe. She is also into mail now and checks the mail box every day to see if I've sent her anything. She loves it when I do.


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When I mentioned "bragging" I didn't mean saying how wonderful your children are. All I meant was if you have children it's often hard not to mention them when talking about other subjects.

I wonder, could that be a part of Canadian modesty, to regard the mere mention of something personal as bragging about it? :)

Edited by Rasseru
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Ian F., perhaps you could elaborate ... it's not very clear to me where you wanted to go with this as a Chiang Mai thread.

No where special, WaiWai. I just wondered who had children. Talking about the funny stuff that our kids get up to is better than bickering about which restaurant is better than the another one. It also puts a more human factor to the people contributing to the forum. Nobody needs to reveal anything if they don't want to. I'm pretty open about everything I do and for the most part it hasn't harmed me or my friends.

And, sometimes when discussing the funny stuff that kids get up to teaches someone else a trick or two about raising theirs. You can also discuss schools and what the children learn from the better ones without actually having a topic strictly on that subject. There are many ways that children learn properly and school is only one tiny part of it. People find out about worthwhile books that someone might not have heard about.

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These are two of the Thai kids I help support. I've been able to take them places the family couldn't go otherwise. These photos were taken at Mt Erawan water falls in Kanchanaburi province. It's a great place to visit if you are ever down that way.




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I'm pretty open about everything I do and for the most part it hasn't harmed me or my friends.

You are, indeed. Thing is, especially with children or partners, if they later discover you have written about them in any way, there can definitely be repercussions as it's been done without their permission (friends have a few such stories :) !).

It's often quite a simple thing to realize who a particular poster is, and from there, realize what you know about their children/partners etc.

Otherwise, I agree that your thread might be interesting :D .

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yep, two giant ones in the uk and a 4 yr old here, who's an absolute character, and a dam fine golfer to, for anyone who wants to look, go to u tube, and type in' young patrick junior at golf, 'hope this is not bragging, but a parent who's extremly proud of this little human being.

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I have a couple kids. A seven-month old girl (you can see her on the cover of the June issue of Rak Luke magazine) and a 3.9 year old boy who is in his second year of kindergarten. They are both wonderful kids and the joy of my life.

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Maybe people who have children are too busy to spend time on internet forums

... many people consider it unwise -- for a whole array of reasons -- to reveal information about their partners/families/children/third parties of any kind on the internet, other than in a very guarded or general fashion, especially in a small town like Chiang Mai.

I would say the privacy issue is paramount. Such is the way of the world now, esp. online. I take heed of what TV veterans like Guesthouse say ... never ever introduce your wife into TV discussions or you will regret it later. The same might well apply for your kids too.

Notwithstanding the above, we have one mini-CMB at this point in time :)

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A thread about kids in Chiang Mai makes for a refreshing change.

I have a 5 year old daughter at Lanna school and she will have 8 weeks summer holidays starting in 10 days time. I posted a week ago about summer school activities/camps etc here on TV and got just one reply. Either there are none/there's nothing going on in and around the city or I'm posting incorrectly in the 'Chiang Mai forum'. Or is there some other reason?

There are maybe 2/3000 or so kids at international schools with summer holidays coming up next month in this city. Surely not everyone heads back to Europe/wherever?

If there's not much kids info/threads on TV would anyone have a suggestion as to where I might find a

'what's on' guide as such with regard to keeping my daughter entertained throughout the holidays.

Any info/suggestions appreciated. A kids club would be great.

regards Bojo

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I think the reasons why ThaiVisa members don’t say too much or upload photos of their kids, because the Internet can be a dangerous place and no one knows where the information or photos may end up. Sad but true, a sign of the times.

I have a 19 year old daughter. She lives with us here in Chiang Mai.

Is a teacher and also a part time policewoman with Chiang Mai Immigration

Below is a photo of my wife and daughter taken in England 1990:


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I love kids, but mine are grown and now I have little grand children that I see when I'm home in Canada. I'm pretty proud of my children and grand children so I know my ex-wife and I did something right.

I also help support a family in Kanchanaburi, but I only visit them once or twice when I'm in Thailand. My trips to visit them always end in disaster with their mother doing something stupid. But, I love the kids and they love me, and I don't want to stop helping because of the children's sake.

I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. I'd probably get a better response on the ladies forum, but I don't want to bother the ladies too much. It's nothing really important, but I was just wondering.

My personal feelings are that children are the hope for the future and it is what we teach them at an early age that sets their goals in life and could possibly make this a better world.

As others have mentioned, there are other forums in TV talking about kids - One posting about a Montessori homeschool, and also a few months, maybe a year ago there was a topic about lukrung children (half Thai, half farang).

My Thai wife and I have an 11 month old son. What a great time we are having.

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yep, two giant ones in the uk and a 4 yr old here, who's an absolute character, and a dam fine golfer to, for anyone who wants to look, go to u tube, and type in' young patrick junior at golf, 'hope this is not bragging, but a parent who's extremly proud of this little human being.

Just had a look on youtube. Wow, young patrick is the next Tiger Woods :)

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I think the reasons why ThaiVisa members don't say too much or upload photos of their kids, because the Internet can be a dangerous place and no one knows where the information or photos may end up. Sad but true, a sign of the times.

I have a 19 year old daughter. She lives with us here in Chiang Mai.

Is a teacher and also a part time policewoman with Chiang Mai Immigration

Below is a photo of my wife and daughter taken in England 1990:

Lovely photo! And, thank you, Ian Forbes, for lovely photos.

I agree (I think that there was one other cautionary suggestion above) that internet fora are not really a great place, however, to post any photos or other traceable information. On the other hand, talking about kids here, family experiences here, and such would be refreshing, interesting, and, well, a nice change from the unbelievable yadda yadda yadda of restaurant and bar girl availability and/or attractiveness posts, and the like.

I don't refer to lainlain's posts of a few months ago about the very, very unusual and shocking story of the accidental shooting of his lovely little girl (that ended up happily, by the way, for those who weren't around then to read that topic.) I am simply talking about farang who have families here in Chiang Mai and whatever goes with that.

There is very limited chat about families and children on TV Chiang Mai other than some (sometimes humorous) references to "She who must be obeyed!" There are a lot of "Why can I find a decent spanner threads, which can be terrifically useful. However, there are SO many snicker, snicker topics and comments from the bar fly crowd. Rarely are there threads or discussion about having children (maybe grandchildren) in Chiang Mai and raising them here except, from time to time, for one notable exception, the threads about Chiang Mai schools. Some of these threads have been very informative.

I know that there are other threads on children, raising families, education and similar tame and doubtlessly less entertaining topics (whatever) on TV. But so are there also other ne plus ultra threads on restaurants and bar girls.

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Nice thread. Children really are our hopes and dreams for the future. Parents, teach them well.

To answer the OP's question-

None that I am aware of....yet :D

(I do have a 25 yr old who is still in college in the US- great young man, and my main sushi-eating and sake-drinking partner when I am there :) )

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A nice topic and something that hasn't been really discussed in the CM forum. I have two lovely children who have changed my life so much for the better. For a bit of bragging my 5 year old son recently came second in an under 6's swimming competition beating a dozen or so others, really proud of him. :)

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I think the reasons why ThaiVisa members don't say too much or upload photos of their kids, because the Internet can be a dangerous place and no one knows where the information or photos may end up. Sad but true, a sign of the times.

I have a 19 year old daughter. She lives with us here in Chiang Mai.

Is a teacher and also a part time policewoman with Chiang Mai Immigration

Below is a photo of my wife and daughter taken in England 1990:

Lovely photo! And, thank you, Ian Forbes, for lovely photos.

I agree (I think that there was one other cautionary suggestion above) that internet fora are not really a great place, however, to post any photos or other traceable information. On the other hand, talking about kids here, family experiences here, and such would be refreshing, interesting, and, well, a nice change from the unbelievable yadda yadda yadda of restaurant and bar girl availability and/or attractiveness posts, and the like.

I don't refer to lainlain's posts of a few months ago about the very, very unusual and shocking story of the accidental shooting of his lovely little girl (that ended up happily, by the way, for those who weren't around then to read that topic.) I am simply talking about farang who have families here in Chiang Mai and whatever goes with that.

There is very limited chat about families and children on TV Chiang Mai other than some (sometimes humorous) references to "She who must be obeyed!" There are a lot of "Why can I find a decent spanner threads, which can be terrifically useful. However, there are SO many snicker, snicker topics and comments from the bar fly crowd. Rarely are there threads or discussion about having children (maybe grandchildren) in Chiang Mai and raising them here except, from time to time, for one notable exception, the threads about Chiang Mai schools. Some of these threads have been very informative.

I know that there are other threads on children, raising families, education and similar tame and doubtlessly less entertaining topics (whatever) on TV. But so are there also other ne plus ultra threads on restaurants and bar girls.

hey, snicker, snicker what is your point ?? First off stay off the restaurant and bars girls TV threads it is not hard to do....

people with childen meet other parents and their children thru their schools , church and other safe activities not on internet sites,TV included .

who cares about other anonymous TV peoples young children in CM?.

Just how are other TV peoples childen any concern / business of the internet TV crowd ?

By the snicker ,snicker way where have all the yadda yadda beautiful bar girls gone anyway???

I was pondering this sad fact while pounding down a decent wine with my Tuna capaccio at yadda yadda Chez Marcos fine southern french restaurant the other night when some snicker, snicker not so pretty ladies floated by...

lets get down to things that matter in life and not think about lovely little girls getting shot. what an unneeded horror you have painted for us here on TV ...


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My wife and I have two girls, 17yrs and 8yrs, 17year old just started university last week and the 8year old is in pratom 3.

I'm not so sure that people keep quiet about their children because of any follow ups that could be dangerous for them or even for the fear of being labelled a braggart I think that a lot of people are not really interested in other peoples children, I know that I have been regaled with friends stories about their children and been bored, most kids at any given age get up to the same antics, I also have 6 more daughters from past marriages ranging in age from 43yrs to 8yrs plus numerous grandchildren. :)

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My wife and I have two girls, 17yrs and 8yrs, 17year old just started university last week and the 8year old is in pratom 3.

I'm not so sure that people keep quiet about their children because of any follow ups that could be dangerous for them or even for the fear of being labelled a braggart I think that a lot of people are not really interested in other peoples children, I know that I have been regaled with friends stories about their children and been bored, most kids at any given age get up to the same antics, I also have 6 more daughters from past marriages ranging in age from 43yrs to 8yrs plus numerous grandchildren. :)

great point!!

unless your kids grew up to be The President or something nobody cares about there stories but of course the kid is special to their parent!

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