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How Many Of The Regulars Here Have Children?


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great point!!

unless your kids grew up to be The President or something nobody cares about there stories but of course the kid is special to their parent!

You could say that about ANYTHING someone types on an open forum. Some stuff is interesting and much of it isn't. Unfortunately, most of the controversial subjects quickly go off the rails, or get deleted before they even start to get interesting. As I already mentioned, my original post wasn't to start a "My kid is better than your kid" topic. It was to put a more human aspect on the people who regularly post on this forum. I joined Thaivisa only a short time before I came back to Canada and never had an opportunity to actually meet some of the people here. Knowing what people are truly like makes it a little more friendly. I hope to meet a few more people when I get back and it's nice to know who it is you are bantering with. The ones who are continually critical of everything have a problem.

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You could say that about ANYTHING someone types on an open forum. Some stuff is interesting and much of it isn't. Unfortunately, most of the controversial subjects quickly go off the rails, or get deleted before they even start to get interesting. As I already mentioned, my original post wasn't to start a "My kid is better than your kid" topic. It was to put a more human aspect on the people who regularly post on this forum. I joined Thaivisa only a short time before I came back to Canada and never had an opportunity to actually meet some of the people here. Knowing what people are truly like makes it a little more friendly. I hope to meet a few more people when I get back and it's nice to know who it is you are bantering with. The ones who are continually critical of everything have a problem.

Of course your right I/F a lot of the posts on here do have a limited interest and do not last too long, but perhaps certain subjects attract more replies because the majority of falangs viewing these posts are really looking for an in depth conversation with others who happen to speak the same language "please note that I didn't say intelligent conversation" in my case I very rarely get to speak with others of my ilk.

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My wife and I have two girls, 17yrs and 8yrs, 17year old just started university last week and the 8year old is in pratom 3.

I'm not so sure that people keep quiet about their children because of any follow ups that could be dangerous for them or even for the fear of being labelled a braggart I think that a lot of people are not really interested in other peoples children, I know that I have been regaled with friends stories about their children and been bored, most kids at any given age get up to the same antics, I also have 6 more daughters from past marriages ranging in age from 43yrs to 8yrs plus numerous grandchildren. :)

great point!!

unless your kids grew up to be The President or something nobody cares about there stories but of course the kid is special to their parent!

I disagree.

Being a parent myself, it is a nice refreshing change to see and hear some details of ThaiVisa member’s children and I find this quite interesting to see how many of these Farang/Thai kids are living in Thailand, providing they keep it in proportion.

I do hate those who boast about their kids, as of course all parents believe that their kids are the best in the world. But in my view it’s up to others to judge that and not interested in reading comments posted by parents about other peoples best looking, cleverest, unique little brats.

Threads that attract a lot of responses are the ones that include anything to do with sex, bar girls and especially when we can all gloat when some poor sod publishes about some ridiculous self created problem he has with a Thai wife, girlfriend or woman he picked up somewhere.

That`s life.

Edited by sassienie
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My wife and I have two girls, 17yrs and 8yrs, 17year old just started university last week and the 8year old is in pratom 3.

I'm not so sure that people keep quiet about their children because of any follow ups that could be dangerous for them or even for the fear of being labelled a braggart I think that a lot of people are not really interested in other peoples children, I know that I have been regaled with friends stories about their children and been bored, most kids at any given age get up to the same antics, I also have 6 more daughters from past marriages ranging in age from 43yrs to 8yrs plus numerous grandchildren. :)

great point!!

unless your kids grew up to be The President or something nobody cares about there stories but of course the kid is special to their parent!

I disagree.

Being a parent myself, it is a nice refreshing change to see and hear some details of ThaiVisa member's children and I find this quite interesting to see how many of these Farang/Thai kids are living in Thailand, providing they keep it in proportion.

I do hate those who boast about their kids, as of course all parents believe that their kids are the best in the world. But in my view it's up to others to judge that and not interested in reading comments posted by parents about other peoples best looking, cleverest, unique little brats.

Threads that attract a lot of responses are the ones that include anything to do with sex, bar girls and especially when we can all gloat when some poor sod publishes about some ridiculous self created problem he has with a Thai wife, girlfriend or woman he picked up somewhere.

That`s life.



Check this out http://chiangmaicalendar.googlepages.com/

or http://www.chiangmaicharitycalendar.com/

I am a proud sponsor

Am I bragging?

I don't think so but it makes me happy to say I am.

Do I want you to be a sponsor too? Yupper~!!

Lots of fund raising events and great parties and heavy participation from the best of the CM expat community.

Say hi to Ram for me~!!

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My wife and I have two girls, 17yrs and 8yrs, 17year old just started university last week and the 8year old is in pratom 3.

I'm not so sure that people keep quiet about their children because of any follow ups that could be dangerous for them or even for the fear of being labelled a braggart I think that a lot of people are not really interested in other peoples children, I know that I have been regaled with friends stories about their children and been bored, most kids at any given age get up to the same antics, I also have 6 more daughters from past marriages ranging in age from 43yrs to 8yrs plus numerous grandchildren. :)

great point!!

unless your kids grew up to be The President or something nobody cares about there stories but of course the kid is special to their parent!

I disagree.

Being a parent myself, it is a nice refreshing change to see and hear some details of ThaiVisa member’s children and I find this quite interesting to see how many of these Farang/Thai kids are living in Thailand, providing they keep it in proportion.

I do hate those who boast about their kids, as of course all parents believe that their kids are the best in the world. But in my view it’s up to others to judge that and not interested in reading comments posted by parents about other peoples best looking, cleverest, unique little brats.

Threads that attract a lot of responses are the ones that include anything to do with sex, bar girls and especially when we can all gloat when some poor sod publishes about some ridiculous self created problem he has with a Thai wife, girlfriend or woman he picked up somewhere.

That`s life.

I agree - somewhat interesting to read about the number of Farang/Thai kids -- but for me it's more about recommendations re: schools, where to buy toys, that sort of info. It's all good. No bragging, but information. Isn't that what forums are about?

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I never hear any of the regulars here bragging about their kids, so I have to assume the people here are either single or their children are grown and live elsewhere. I'd probably get a better response on the ladies forum, but I don't want to bother the ladies too much. It's nothing really important, but I was just wondering.

I think that most of the regular posters here, are children. Don't believe me ??? Go back and read any thread :):D

Myself, I have a grown daughter in the US. Unfortunately she let me down. She is a lobbyist in Wash. D.C and to make matters worse, she married a lawyer.

Here in CM, I have a sort of a timeshare approach to children.... They seem to be around for a period of time for some good grampa loving and then with the various mothers wander off into their own world. But Grampa stilll loves each and every one of them, even only seeing them on thr rare occasions.... When a one year old that you are holding, puts their little hands on your cheeks and looks at you with those big dark eyes, ..... thee is no other feeling in the world like that...

Little ones are very special and can always put to good use all the love and care they can get....If I can help for a short while , then I get more out of it then they do, I'm sure.

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Check this out http://chiangmaicalendar.googlepages.com/

or http://www.chiangmaicharitycalendar.com/

I am a proud sponsor

Am I bragging?

I don't think so but it makes me happy to say I am.

Do I want you to be a sponsor too? Yupper~!!

Lots of fund raising events and great parties and heavy participation from the best of the CM expat community.

Say hi to Ram for me~!!

Thanks for those, Tampasailor. I'll check them out when I get back to Chiang Mai. Your post is exactly what I mean happens when you start a different type of thread. Someone usually comes up with some very valuable information. There doesn't HAVE to be the negative "put downs" that so often happen on so many forums.

I'm an angler, a writer, an artist, an outdoorsman, and I follow most sports to some degree. When a bunch of us anglers sit around talking it is seldom ONLY about fishing. The topics stray off into all sorts of fields, and very often our children are mentioned. Somebody will ask "How do you get your child interested in fishing?", or "Is your kid interested in sports and how does that cut back on your fishing time?"

It is well and good to have a forum directed to strictly family and children issues, but only if there are enough participants. It allows someone to quickly find out about a specific issue. But, that doesn't mean you can't talk about children and family on other forums. When you split up a main forum (such ast thaivisa.com) into very specific topics the specific forums usual die a slow death. The only people who go there are the ones who have a question. I've seen it happen on many forums and eventually nobody goes there at all. We have MANY threads on the Chiang Mai forum about where to eat and what to eat, but that doesn't mean there should be a separate forum specifically on that topic.

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