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Voodoo And Magic Spells In Thailand


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Like many others I am sure I have heard stories of Thai women using traditional rituals and 'spells' to manipulate and enslave their husbands.

I've never paid too much attention to them although I can well believe that it happens and would not discount the possibility that it even works.

But now I have a friend whose behaviour has become uncharacteristically obsessive and self destructive.

I wonder if anybody has knowledge or experience of this sort of thing?



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Like many others I am sure I have heard stories of Thai women using traditional rituals and 'spells' to manipulate and enslave their husbands.

I've never paid too much attention to them although I can well believe that it happens and would not discount the possibility that it even works.

But now I have a friend whose behaviour has become uncharacteristically obsessive and self destructive.

I wonder if anybody has knowledge or experience of this sort of thing?



Personally I think you should be staying off the Chang/Mekong this early in the morning... :)

Rituals, Spell, magic etc etc...all a load of cr*p, things like this will work, if somebody believes they work...no more no less....

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every time you say you don't believe in fairies one dies.

So perhaps they've all died off already?

Seriously, though - the power of suggestion has been well documented. I'm not aware of any scientific studies that show that voodoo or black or white magic work, but "science" is understandably looking for experiments that can be replicated, and it may be that sometimes these things work, and at other times they don't, for reasons not yet understood. The OP's friend may be a victim of some nefarious deed, but it would be important to rule out the many other possible causes of his behavioural change, change in diet, change in medications, slow poisoning by the wife/gf, and so on, change in financial circumstances, etc.

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I have heard of "senay" of a man's "spell" over a woman but not changing the woman's personality. I suppose taking certain drugs causes a radical change in someone's personality. Perhaps there is some other explanation for the change in your friend.

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Can you be a bit more specific about his obsession ?

I've just had a strange experience also. The wife and family are convinced some Voodoo has taken place. I'm laughing about it and it has sort of got me off the hook but there were really too many coincidences and happening to rationalise. It has been rather hot recently though ;-)

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Possible your friend is suffering from depression, not a joke but a serious illness,usually triggered by one or more of:

1/ divorce

2/ change of job

3/ change of location.

given where we are, not unikely.

If he is drinking excessively and/or appears overly emotional, forcefully urge him to seek medical attention. It will likely cause friction, but is a dam-n sight better than finding a friend after he has killed himself.

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Possible your friend is suffering from depression, not a joke but a serious illness,usually triggered by one or more of:

1/ divorce

2/ change of job

3/ change of location.

given where we are, not unikely.

If he is drinking excessively and/or appears overly emotional, forcefully urge him to seek medical attention. It will likely cause friction, but is a dam-n sight better than finding a friend after he has killed himself.

excellent post , with excellent advise .

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Just hold on, I am sure the TV private investigators will solve this problem too, just give them some time to wake up and you will see them in action. Murders/poisoning/ suicides/voodoo/whatever it will all be solved.... :)

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Hi All,

my wif is into all this stuff, heaps of god images that have cost me heaps sometimes the insense smoke is so thick its hard to breath.

last year she nags me about building a spirit house and promises to pay me back with the money from the lime trees she has planted, that I payed for.

26k the spirithouse costs. it will bring us good luck,she says, The month after this the pension drops from 80k down to 56k and I get diagnosed with prostate cancer

You can understand if I'm peeved about all this crap. The day that the spirit house got together all the family came along with a couple of clowns ,one dressed in a tiger suit and the other in a long gold coloured dress chanting and making crazy sounds.

anyhow my pensionis starting to go up now and my balls have been operated on to slow down the cancer.

I won't ask you to pray for me cause I might get deluged with a flood :)

Regards Joe

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Thank you all for your comments

Jubby and OzMick,

Up until last year this guy was a highly professional and rational person, over 15 years in Thailand, Thai speaker with a career in shipping, construction and aviation. He was always meticulous, formal and even quite stern. A non drinker and non bar goer.

About one year ago his circumstances started to deteriorate. His money started to fail and he did indeed fall into depression.

Around the same time he began to develop an obsession for his 21 year old GF who works in a bar and regularly humiliates him by openly flaunting herself with customers in his presence.

It is painful to see. He seems to have relinquished all control over his resources both financial and personal and is like a junkie who knows his habit is killing him but finds himself powerless to escape.

I'm racking my brains to understand what's going on and do not rule out foul play of one kind or another

And, yes, it probably should be in the Isaan section, shouldn't it.

Many thanks again for all your input

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Sounds like a mid-life crisis brought on by perhaps financial worries. I'm in a similar situation but very aware of it which is why the mind boggles. Some Thai's will give you another explanation for it. Try taking the young ladies photo the next time you see her and see how she reacts ;-)

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A drop of a woman's menstrual blood in a man's drink can send him into a love filled oblivion for her so they say......... Something about one of her hairs with a spell put on ingested too doing the same iirc;)

Sure there is nothing to it

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A drop of a woman's menstrual blood in a man's drink can send him into a love filled oblivion for her so they say......... Something about one of her hairs with a spell put on ingested too doing the same iirc;)

Sure there is nothing to it

Don't forget to mention 'Corpse Chin Oil' ;-)

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