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For me the reason not to spend my next holiday here is i feel as if i could get into a ruck with a Thai at any given opportunity if i dont bow my head to the power the have over me as a Thai.

Example 1 is i paid a baht bus driver in Patts with a 20bht note he kind of half threw the 10bht change into my hand and it fell out, at which point he stared at me in i i wish to kill you kind of way, then went for another 10bht coin and angrily threw it into my hand scrowling all the time, then starred at me through his window as i walked across the street .

In the UK i would say something to him about his behaviour in Thailand the only thing i can do is walk away and hope he doesnt wish to start a fight as im aware that i'll get battered like a rag doll by him and whatever Thais are in the vicinity ....

This is a guy who 100% relies on tourists for his living and his pure hatred towards this tourist was unbelievable, and i personally can sense the total anomosity from many working in the tourist sector no matter which resort its in.

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That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs.

When in a tourist resort and i go into a restaurant/ hotel/ taxi etc... they do rely on my business and i dont wish to be held in contempt ..... though i do agree if all tourists stopped coming here tomorrow theyd survive in one form or another

Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

I take it you never actually went to that airport as i can 100% confirm that all signs were written in Thai .... why would someone make up such a blatant lie, that can be disproved by most on here?

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs.

When in a tourist resort and i go into a restaurant/ hotel/ taxi etc... they do rely on my business and i dont wish to be held in contempt ..... though i do agree if all tourists stopped coming here tomorrow theyd survive in one form or another

Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

I take it you never actually went to that airport as i can 100% confirm that all signs were written in Thai .... why would someone make up such a blatant lie, that can be disproved by most on here?

So, so all the advertisement signs, direction signs, danger signs, signboards......were in Thai at the arrival hall at Don Muang??? Did not notice that, although I worked there for 3 years.

So, so all the advertisement signs, direction signs, danger signs, signboards......were in Thai at the arrival hall at Don Muang??? Did not notice that, although I worked there for 3 years.

Of course all the necessary signs were in Thai youve made this up, show me a link to where Taxin walked through and made this comment as surely you must have read this somewhere and didnt read his mind .... im saying youre lying and made this up.

Advertisers can put on signs what they wish.

That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Most Thais do not live well :) Many Thais depend on tourism :D People who defend the obvious madness of a foreign culture are highly questionable :D Most international airports have signage in English.

That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Let's be serious for a moment. Many of the Thai people in Phuket DO rely on tourism to make a living. Hotels are cutting back on staff, reducing wages and some are shutting down or selling up. This obviously has a knock on effect to all those around, and many Thai people are feeling the pinch here.

Maybe you don't cry for the loss of tourists, but plenty of people do depend on money from tourism. I'm sure this is of no concern to you, but try not to gloss over what is a serious problem for many people.


Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs.

When in a tourist resort and i go into a restaurant/ hotel/ taxi etc... they do rely on my business and i dont wish to be held in contempt ..... though i do agree if all tourists stopped coming here tomorrow theyd survive in one form or another

No need to mention that, every business depends on their costumers. BUT suppose there would be no tourists, people would work something else. You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...


I don't think the decline of tourists is good though I do like having room to walk on Sukhumwit. It's bad because it will increase crime and negative feelings towards Farangs even though it's not our fault Thailand has shot itself in the foot repeatedly then moved on to shot itself in the hands and maybe now even head. I posted on another thread I feel quite safe in Bangkok which is true however I don't feel safe at all in Phuket and would seriously question taking a holiday there vs. another safer destination. I do find many friendly and good matured Thai's but they are offset by a lot of aggressive arrogant and possibly dangerous touts harassing and exploiting tourists to an increasing degree. Think about it would you honestly let your old mother walk down most streets in Thailand?

So, so all the advertisement signs, direction signs, danger signs, signboards......were in Thai at the arrival hall at Don Muang??? Did not notice that, although I worked there for 3 years.

Of course all the necessary signs were in Thai youve made this up, show me a link to where Taxin walked through and made this comment as surely you must have read this somewhere and didnt read his mind .... im saying youre lying and made this up.

Advertisers can put on signs what they wish.

This Birdman thing is obviously a c***p. He thinks he is from Thailand. His kind are despised by both his hosts and his countrymen :)

So, so all the advertisement signs, direction signs, danger signs, signboards......were in Thai at the arrival hall at Don Muang??? Did not notice that, although I worked there for 3 years.

Of course all the necessary signs were in Thai youve made this up, show me a link to where Taxin walked through and made this comment as surely you must have read this somewhere and didnt read his mind .... im saying youre lying and made this up.

Advertisers can put on signs what they wish.

That was Chuan Leekpai

You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

That surprises me with all the social security benefits theyre entitled to! Youre showing yourself up to believe such lists.

And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

Yes i know Sanuk i read about it in Lonely Planet as well as making sure i point my feet at someone and ask them to suck my toes ..... them poor destitute impoverished Thais with their lovely smiles are so happy i wish i could find such inner happiness without the need for alcohol, gambling and UBC..... can you offer me any further advice about Thai culture oh so knowledgeable one?

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs.

When in a tourist resort and i go into a restaurant/ hotel/ taxi etc... they do rely on my business and i dont wish to be held in contempt ..... though i do agree if all tourists stopped coming here tomorrow theyd survive in one form or another

No need to mention that, every business depends on their costumers. BUT suppose there would be no tourists, people would work something else. You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

So you can write some very basic/simple thai common words. Does that mean your not a flip flop wearing misfit who feels the need to defend everything wrong with the worst of thai culture. Your still a peice of sh*t to most thias who pass you by.

That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.


Have a look at the listed website. Pages of photos from the old Don Muang.

No evidence at all of English only signage. Most signs are dual language, Thai 1st!

Xenophobes see what they want to see, not necessarily what is on view.

You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

That surprises me with all the social security benefits theyre entitled to! Youre showing yourself up to believe such lists.

And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

Yes i know Sanuk i read about it in Lonely Planet as well as making sure i point my feet at someone and ask them to suck my toes ..... them poor destitute impoverished Thais with their lovely smiles are so happy i wish i could find such inner happiness without the need for alcohol, gambling and UBC..... can you offer me any further advice about Thai culture oh so knowledgeable one?

Start right now and stop alcoholism.

Then, to free all the negative feelings, which are stored up here and there in your mind and body, to get rid of the tense, helpless hate you feel day in day out, Yoga and a mediation retreat would be best.

Or a lone sailing turn around the planet.

You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

That surprises me with all the social security benefits theyre entitled to! Youre showing yourself up to believe such lists.

And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

Yes i know Sanuk i read about it in Lonely Planet as well as making sure i point my feet at someone and ask them to suck my toes ..... them poor destitute impoverished Thais with their lovely smiles are so happy i wish i could find such inner happiness without the need for alcohol, gambling and UBC..... can you offer me any further advice about Thai culture oh so knowledgeable one?

Start right now and stop alcoholism.

Then, to free all the negative feelings, which are stored up here and there in your mind and body, to get rid of the tense, helpless hate you feel day in day out, Yoga and a mediation retreat would be best.

Or a lone sailing turn around the planet.

Insane or not :)


Reading thru the posts it seems most of us are in agreement that the dramatic rise of tourism in Thailand has been a disaster, that a few Thais and many foreigners do make a phenomenal amount of money off the labors of a few underpaid workers, and that things were much more sustainable a decade or two past. Let's hope this tendency toward a more positive tourist industry (mainly smaller numbers) continues.

Why should Bali's visitors be at record levels and Phuket's collapsing. Is it simply the politics? Is it the slew of bad press over crime by here?

It's not the crime that got the headlines overseas, it was the occupation of the airport (by the yellow shirts) and the recent street riots (by the red shirts).

jumnienPosted Today, 2009-06-01 20:59:56 Reading thru the posts it seems most of us are in agreement that the dramatic rise of tourism in Thailand has been a disaster...

"Most of us"? What a load of crap. Try a few of us. Do not put words in other people's mouths! :)


One must remember that this is Thailand's usual low season and June - July is high season every year in Bali! It's the best weather of the year in Bali right now..

After you have a 42" flat screen TV you certainly arent happy returning to a 29" CRT.

I certainly am after watching truevisions.

On a 42" screen it is unwatchable the quality is so poor. :)

That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Most Thais do not live well :) Many Thais depend on tourism :D People who defend the obvious madness of a foreign culture are highly questionable :D Most international airports have signage in English.

You misunderstood.

I do not defend that opinion. But I see Thais as very flexible humans, who do not depend on tourism on the long term.

Re Don Muang: Certainly do I mean, that the signs stay like they are, in the English language, so that (almost) everybody can read that. This was just an example, how even liberal politicians think. And that short sighted thinking in this case, does NOT reflect my opinions.

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Simple answer really, in aviation English is the required language and you will see English in all major airports around the World.

If Thais can live well without farang, why are so many driving cars, using telephones, watching televisions, eating at McDonalds and going to the cinema?

Pol Pot had a similar vision of Cambodia returning the country to year zero without foreign influence and restoring the pride of the Khmer empire and look what happened there.

I don't think the decline of tourists is good though I do like having room to walk on Sukhumwit. It's bad because it will increase crime and negative feelings towards Farangs even though it's not our fault Thailand has shot itself in the foot repeatedly then moved on to shot itself in the hands and maybe now even head. I posted on another thread I feel quite safe in Bangkok which is true however I don't feel safe at all in Phuket and would seriously question taking a holiday there vs. another safer destination. I do find many friendly and good matured Thai's but they are offset by a lot of aggressive arrogant and possibly dangerous touts harassing and exploiting tourists to an increasing degree. Think about it would you honestly let your old mother walk down most streets in Thailand?

Ah seriously! :) 'Would you honestly let yer ol' mum walk down most streets in Thailand' :D:D

Yer Ol' Mum would most certainly be 10000% safer 'walking down any soi, er street in Thailand'. Day or night, unlike some poor old biddy out on her way home from a night on the lash in Glasgie :D

There are many reasons for the decline. Unless you are willing to think on multiple levels, you will not reach the answer. The downturn is not only due to the airport event. It goes much deeper:

1) Xenophobia has increased dramatically in the country (seemed to start with TOXIN)

2) The xenophobia was linked to anti-foreigner visa/business rules, making Thailand less than desirable as an expat retirement country and tourist destination

3) The Dept. of Tourism decided to do something incredibly stupid: tell the world they only want quality (high income) tourists....tourists that typically make up only a small fraction of any tourism industry. Countries with thriving tourism industries (e.g., Bali) want all tourists....low income, middle income, and high income.

4) The govt. has done nothing to address massive income inequality.......rich have gotten much richer at the expense of the masses causing internal instability (reds vs yellows......soon more colors will follow)

5) Major tourists destinations like Pattaya-Jomtien engaged in terrible city planning........thinking, I suppose, that if they ran off the lower to middle income tourists Pattaya-Jomtien would morph into Monaco......that has caused serious problems in Pattaya-Jomtien (e.g., increase in crime, loss of income/jobs, etc).

6) Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines have taken advantage of Thailand's never-ending mistakes (compare the visa process in Cambodia to Thailand and you will see what I mean, to take just one example).

Good post, I agree 100 %.

That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

Let's be serious for a moment. Many of the Thai people in Phuket DO rely on tourism to make a living. Hotels are cutting back on staff, reducing wages and some are shutting down or selling up. This obviously has a knock on effect to all those around, and many Thai people are feeling the pinch here.

Maybe you don't cry for the loss of tourists, but plenty of people do depend on money from tourism. I'm sure this is of no concern to you, but try not to gloss over what is a serious problem for many people.


You are completely wrong. I care very much about prosperous tourist numbers in Thailand. I am in the middle of the industry since 20+years.

I mean, that if there would be a real crisis in the long term - a worldwide depression a la the Great Depression for instance, Thais would know how to handle that more than we non Thais would assume.

I have heard that a thousand times: Where would THEY be without us farangs. We clearly underestimate THEM.


Sure Thailand could survive without European descent foreigners. But why would they want to? It would be racist and xenophobic to kick us all out. BTW, for each retired expat here, several local Thai jobs are created. Tourism is important, but lets not forget the not so underground benefits to the Isaan region. Thailand would benefit to attract MORE foreigners of the kind that spend any money, period, but of course they will continue to shoot themselves in the foot.


I think its just that the Baht has been high and with all the crap going on in the world.

I would put money on that Thailand will be back to normal in a few years, depending on if the globe recovers that quickly which im hoping for.

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