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Sometimes Thais are pain in the a_ _ . I live in a village and Thais visiting us, i always tell them politly 'please dont smoke in my house' and find it funny when they reply mai pinrai(no problem) and continue to smoke. There have been times i yelled @them to stop it and now everybody hates me. When people approach us i have to tell them please stop smoking while talking to me, and they dont listen and keep smoking on my face....but why Thai people cant understand about non-smokers have problems, from second hand smoke.

Please suggest me how best to tell Thai's to stay away from us while they r smoking. I have given up trying to explain them in all decent ways not to smoke in my house or near my kids.

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What are they doing in your house? Just remove the cigs from their mouths and discard, and remove said persons from your house. Sorted.

Now if this is your issue in public, in areas where people are allowed to smoke, this is your problem, not theirs.


What are they doing in your house? Just remove the cigs from their mouths and discard, and remove said persons from your house. Sorted.

Now if this is your issue in public, in areas where people are allowed to smoke, this is your problem, not theirs.


Yeap...agree with Heng (and I am a smoker)

Sometimes Thais are pain in the a_ _ . I live in a village and Thais visiting us, i always tell them politly 'please dont smoke in my house' and find it funny when they reply mai pinrai(no problem) and continue to smoke. There have been times i yelled @them to stop it and now everybody hates me. When people approach us i have to tell them please stop smoking while talking to me, and they dont listen and keep smoking on my face....but why Thai people cant understand about non-smokers have problems, from second hand smoke.

Please suggest me how best to tell Thai's to stay away from us while they r smoking. I have given up trying to explain them in all decent ways not to smoke in my house or near my kids.


You're doing well. 3 posts 1 topic closed and everyone hates you in your village....

You sound a nice, well adjusted chap i just don't understand why you are having so many issues maybe you need to visit a doctor or look closer to home than blaming all those around you!

Or better still go away and come back here when you have something decent to say about Thailand instead of making absurd posts.


I Smoke But Never in the House NO reason to in Thailand It"s not like you are sending them outside to stand in the rain and snow.

I go outside in the UK and if its raining stand in the garage.It's nice for visitors to have to put up with my Smoke

Same rule in my car. No Smokin if I want a fag that bad then stop and have one but not in the car.

Rules.. Just Tell them You dont want it in your House.

If they want to Smoke OK but you would like them to stand Outside

I would not Dream of going to anyones house and lighting up Even if they say it's OK I go outside.


Maybe you are the first person in their lives to tell them not to smoke and therefore they do not take that too serious.

If you know someone smokes, meet and speak with him somewhere outside the house. Let them smoke at the terrace or Sala, give them the ventilator.

Don't be too harsh, if you do not want to be the village a_hole.


Very strange post.  

Most Thais who smoke ask me if they can light up, and when I ask them not too if we are at my place or even at a restaurant, they act embarrassed that they even smoke at all and hurredly put the cig back in the pack.

One of my close friends is asthmatic, so when we go to dinner with others, she is very bothered by smoke, and not once has a Thai continued to smoke when I told them that.

In my home or car, there is no smoking allowed.  In a restaurant,  I only ask if my asthmatic friend is with me.  And I have never had a problem with it.


Don't be too harsh, if you do not want to be the village a_hole.

Sound like it is too late for such advise. Really feel for the wife, must be very hard on her.



Offer them an ashtray...it's just burning tobacco...not mustard gas.

Ease up...try smiling...a little "mai pen rai" goes a long way.

The stress of freaking out about it will kill you quicker than a little smoke.

Offer them an ashtray...it's just burning tobacco...not mustard gas.

Ease up...try smiling...a little "mai pen rai" goes a long way.

The stress of freaking out about it will kill you quicker than a little smoke.

I don't agree here second hand smoke is a killer too, i guess your an addict eh.. i mean smoker.

Anyway i come from a family of smokers but they would not smoke in my home they at least understood the risks of smoking. In my family 2 out of 3 have stopped this habit, it does take strength though, and not everyone has that. Some smokers will only stop smoking once you see them in the obituaries.


It's your house and your rules. I smoke but never in the house and nor does any visitor.

Get a "no-smoking" sign (in Thai) and display it prominently on the front door or in the main room of the house. Then when a Thai lights up just point to the sign. If that doesn't get the correct response remove the cigarette from the smoker and go and place it in an ashtray outside. The smoker will get the idea.

I Smoke But Never in the House NO reason to in Thailand It"s not like you are sending them outside to stand in the rain and snow.

Right.... there's no rain in Thailand is there.


Very selfish attitude you have id say, i suggest taking all your family outside til they have finished smoking then go back in,. :D ,,im joking of course, however if you all go outside they may just get the hint, then again they are thais ! :) .dammed smokers, luckily they are a dying breed :D

It's your house and your rules. I smoke but never in the house and nor does any visitor.

Get a "no-smoking" sign (in Thai) and display it prominently on the front door or in the main room of the house. Then when a Thai lights up just point to the sign. If that doesn't get the correct response remove the cigarette from the smoker and go and place it in an ashtray outside. The smoker will get the idea.

Coupled with a 100baht fine sign, that should do it, ! :)
Offer them an ashtray...it's just burning tobacco...not mustard gas.

Ease up...try smiling...a little "mai pen rai" goes a long way.

The stress of freaking out about it will kill you quicker than a little smoke.

Offer them a leaflet on lung cancer more like,. :) or light up a HUGE cigar and blow it all over them ,.

Don't be too harsh, if you do not want to be the village a_hole.

Sound like it is too late for such advise. Really feel for the wife, must be very hard on her.


I dont think hes an @sshole for not wanting smokers in the house, :) funny what nicotine does to you guys, but you dont see it do you,.
Very strange post.

Most Thais who smoke ask me if they can light up, and when I ask them not too if we are at my place or even at a restaurant, they act embarrassed that they even smoke at all and hurredly put the cig back in the pack.

One of my close friends is asthmatic, so when we go to dinner with others, she is very bothered by smoke, and not once has a Thai continued to smoke when I told them that.

In my home or car, there is no smoking allowed. In a restaurant, I only ask if my asthmatic friend is with me. And I have never had a problem with it.

Thats true and reminds me of a very funny situation, my friend and i were at a lady bar and 3 of them were smoking, they asked us " you want lady " i replied " sorry we only go with lady not smoke " you have never seen cigarettes put out so fast ! ........it was hilarious,. :)
Sometimes Thais are pain in the a_ _ . I live in a village and Thais visiting us, i always tell them politly 'please dont smoke in my house' and find it funny when they reply mai pinrai(no problem) and continue to smoke. There have been times i yelled @them to stop it and now everybody hates me. When people approach us i have to tell them please stop smoking while talking to me, and they dont listen and keep smoking on my face....but why Thai people cant understand about non-smokers have problems, from second hand smoke.

Please suggest me how best to tell Thai's to stay away from us while they r smoking. I have given up trying to explain them in all decent ways not to smoke in my house or near my kids.

Actually there is an easy solution, get your wife to tell them you have asthma and can they refrain, i wouldnt even need to tell my wife, she hates it more than me,

Hey it's your house open that door and show them out, do this once or twice and I guarantee 100 per cent the hold Village will get your message within weeks if not days. Other places have no smoking rules/laws(Thai Law) but you know as will as I that they are not enforce, see signs in toilets no smoking bt2000 fine, some knuckle head just puffing away on the join, not much you can do just move on with an evil look at the Knuckle heads you see. :):D


Don't be too harsh, if you do not want to be the village a_hole.

Sound like it is too late for such advise. Really feel for the wife, must be very hard on her.


I dont think hes an @sshole for not wanting smokers in the house, :) funny what nicotine does to you guys, but you dont see it do you,.

What are you talking about? Nobody smokes here. And sure he is not to us. But in a rural Thai village harsh criticizing is a no no...

Sometimes Thais are pain in the a_ _ . I live in a village and Thais visiting us, i always tell them politly 'please dont smoke in my house' and find it funny when they reply mai pinrai(no problem) and continue to smoke. There have been times i yelled @them to stop it and now everybody hates me. When people approach us i have to tell them please stop smoking while talking to me, and they dont listen and keep smoking on my face....but why Thai people cant understand about non-smokers have problems, from second hand smoke.

Please suggest me how best to tell Thai's to stay away from us while they r smoking. I have given up trying to explain them in all decent ways not to smoke in my house or near my kids.


You're doing well. 3 posts 1 topic closed and everyone hates you in your village....

You sound a nice, well adjusted chap i just don't understand why you are having so many issues maybe you need to visit a doctor or look closer to home than blaming all those around you!

Or better still go away and come back here when you have something decent to say about Thailand instead of making absurd posts.

A very insightful, constructive post indeed... :D , the OP was asking how to stop people smoking in his house and you tell him to leave, would suggest you are making the absurd posts. :D

What are they doing in your house? Just remove the cigs from their mouths and discard, and remove said persons from your house. Sorted.

Now if this is your issue in public, in areas where people are allowed to smoke, this is your problem, not theirs.


Agreed... why would you allow someone to continue smoking in your house after you have already told them not to?

Or more to the point even if you don't have the balls to kick them out right there and then, why would you invite them back, or let them in a second time?


My other half doesn't smoke and has a health problem making smoke a bit more problematic than for the people who are typically hysterical about the issue. I would never throw someone out. If they take out a cigarette, I simply say to them something to the effect, oh let's go sit at the table outside. Picking up the coffee/drinks and continuing the conversation as we go out on the balcony. No need to make a big deal about it.

Try to be nice to smokers. They don't live so long and people usually feel bad when someone dies!


No smoking in your house is 'Up to you' and other people should accept that. Be firm, not abusive. The fact you have said you shout at them does not go down too well here. Makes you the bad one.

Outside? You expect these people to stop smoking simply because they are talking to you? This is Thailand and you are the visitor here. You may not like their 2nd hand smoke, but to be a pompous ass and expect them to stop smoking outside in their own country???


I can't understand why the OP is having a problem. We wont allow people to smoke in the house, if they want to they can go out in the garden, no problem.

Maybe the issue is that it is not his house, so he can't enforce the rules. :)

Offer them an ashtray...it's just burning tobacco...not mustard gas.

Ease up...try smiling...a little "mai pen rai" goes a long way.

The stress of freaking out about it will kill you quicker than a little smoke.



Don't be too harsh, if you do not want to be the village a_hole.

Sound like it is too late for such advise. Really feel for the wife, must be very hard on her.


wife got a house, she did good!

My other half doesn't smoke and has a health problem making smoke a bit more problematic than for the people who are typically hysterical about the issue. I would never throw someone out. If they take out a cigarette, I simply say to them something to the effect, oh let's go sit at the table outside. Picking up the coffee/drinks and continuing the conversation as we go out on the balcony. No need to make a big deal about it.

Try to be nice to smokers. They don't live so long and people usually feel bad when someone dies!

A sensible idea.

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