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Expats Robbed By Thailand


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get off my butt and pay my taxes in the USA so u can sit on ur orfices suxing off my country hahahahahahahah go beg for a hand out at the IMF again

I'd guess that you couldn't make it in the US and now you can't make it here in Thailand. That is if you even live in Thailand. I'd also guess that you are a troll and have never seen five million baht at one time in your life. Anyone who would spend five million baht on a house and now cannot keep 400,000 baht in their saving account is a pathetic fool.

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hahahahah Im poor Im a fool hahahahahahahahah I blew on my money on my family Im forced to make shoes for a nickle a day hahahahaha I knew I should have left before my visa expired hahahahaha

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Bad planning mate, not so much to do with Thailand. You say you have been here for 10 years and you did not put aside few hundred thou for visa requirements but spend few mil on house, cars and booze ?

Could not have said it better myself.

Surely buying a house and investing in his kids education is a decent plan, it is back in England

After 10 yrs here of being married to a Thai national and having Thai kids surely you must be entitled to some kind of citizenship?

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7baht, I'm sure a lot of us feel bad for you.

But remember Forest Gump's memorable statement >>>>>>>>

You've got no one to blame but yourself for the poor planning.

If indeed you did blow 5 Mil on house , car, school, and didn't see the pile shrinking, how is that Thailands fault.

I think you, particuliarly as an American, aren't going to get too much sympathy around here. What did you do along the way during the 10 years? didn't you see this coming?

I'm not knocking Americans, I am one. but if you think things are against you here, get the wife , sell the house and cars, pack the bags and kids, and move back to the land of milk and honey. I think you know the answer to that program

Pack up your self pity and the everybody elses the problem and are picking on me feeling and buckle down and work out your self made problem and enough of the whining already.

I do sincerely wish you luck and thanks to you I will again re-evaluate my own position again.....

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thats one I would want to believe cause thats what we are taught in the USA sad fact of it is WE aint in the USA but our money sure is wanted in Thailand. I have never seen such a hungry ally as thailand deal is why are we paying all this money to a country that cares nothing for us. maybe thaskin needs to return and really screw these people out of their money.

When a nation has to threaten its foreign guest thur threats of deportation unless they pay up its time to have the home government have another look at who they call an Ally. But this has been going on for 15 years at least in Thailand.

Maybe its time to let the Chinese or Burmese run the place. Im sure they can strangle another 200 million from the USA government over the expats living in Thailand

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when Thais move to USA we dont black mail them for money to live there or are u just daft?

Who is blackmailing you for money.The money is yours and stays in your account until you spend it,the immigration are only asking for proof that you have sufficient funds to live here,just like if you take your thai wife to USA or UK.

If you havent got 400,000 baht you have a big problem mate.

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400,000 baht is under $14,000 Canadian and less than $12,000 American funds. Most people without other income... pensions for example, should have much more than that if they intend to live in a country like Thailand without other financial support. Choosing to spend money in a country like Thailand, which offers NO support to foreigners as far as land and home ownership is concerned, is a risky business. It is the same as high stakes gambling or investing heavily in penny mining stocks. The odds are high that you could lose everything. That is all that others here are pointing out.

I feel for you, my friend, but it is a situation that only you got yourself into. I wish you luck in holding on as best you can. There is no question that the political system in Thailand is really screwed up and has little hope in improving in the near future.

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Thai wants 400,000 baht from the expats from what nations? take a look at what immigrations says thai companies have to pay certain farangs from certain countries ................$50,000 baht a month if u teach. Daaaaaaaaa I aint gonna make selling pirated goods in town hahahahahahahahahha ohhhh we and they want me to leave for beer drinking at 11:00 am

Teaching isn't actually included although I wish it was, I'd love 50,000baht a month!

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Who wants to put their money in an asian bank account hmmmmmmmmm is Obama president here? I can imagine the promise u would get of the insurance. this is Thailand Its like Wall Street with the real Freddy Gruger. I aint putting a nickel up without a protest yeah yeah go on mate put the money up ur in for 5 mil hahahahahahahaha. This likes the Obama crew bail them out of the USA auto companies they wont fail hahahahhahahaha trillionsssssssssss hahahahahaha and Im a fool hahahah

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Your posts are childish at best and, as a child would, you expect someone else to look out for you. Gosh, you don't actually expect to be held responsible for anything you say or do,do you? You should have never moved out of your parent's basement.

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I donot believe any country, even the one you are from, owes you a thing

But do we owe any country either? It's clear OP has a point regarding rising prices. Whatever happened to "it's a free world". If you think about it, the very notion that someone should be able to charge you for just being on a place on planet earth is absurd.

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When a nation has to threaten its foreign guest thur threats of deportation unless they pay up its time to have the home government have another look at who they call an Ally. But this has been going on for 15 years at least in Thailand.

Seems to me that Thailand is not asking you to "pay up." Assuming you're here on a marriage extension, then the requirement of holding ฿400,000 for three months in your own savings account simply means you have proof that you can support your family. That is neither unusual or unwarranted based on other countries on this planet. The government is not taking your money, it is requiring you to hold your own money for three months.

Other posters have suggested that you sell your assets. Perhaps, if you have the wherewithal to make monthly payments, you might consider a small mortgage on your ฿5,000,000 house to keep ฿400,000 in the bank for a few months.

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Well, this thread is rather embarassing to me both as an American and as a expat. I just hope others take these rants with a grain of salt.

Surprising that! since US can't stand on it's own 2 feet either. Nor can my native UK for that matter.

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Well, this thread is rather embarassing to me both as an American and as a expat. I just hope others take these rants with a grain of salt.

You low down American... :)

wonders how anyone could have taken that guy serious.

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I donot believe any country, even the one you are from, owes you a thing

But do we owe any country either? It's clear OP has a point regarding rising prices. Whatever happened to "it's a free world". If you think about it, the very notion that someone should be able to charge you for just being on a place on planet earth is absurd.

I would imagine that every foreign poster here can be in his or her home country, the country of his or her citizenship, with out being "charged for just being on a place on planet earth." Of ocurse, it might be hard to avoid taxes and such, but there is no tax for just being alive, that I know of, anywhere.

Thailand ahs a requirement that foreigners show the ability to pay for their stay in Thailand, that they won't become a financial burden on the Thai government. It si the same for Thais goignt ot he US. My friend just got a visa to go the US today, but she had to show that she had the funds to finance her stay.

400,000 baht (actually, I thought it was 800,000) does nto seem to me to be an unreasonable to be able to show solvency. It certainly would not be enough in probably all western nations.

And, if I can read through the garbled, almost unintelligible posts of the OP, I take it that he thinks because the US government gives aid to Thailand (not to mention mysterious black ops and Army soldiers running around as NGO's), that he personally is somehow entitled to a free pass. As he has lived her for 10 years, i am not sure what taxes he has paid to the US government lately, but I still fail to see the logic.

I am no fan of Thailand's immigration and residency regulations. I rather disagree with most of them, in fact. But the requirement to have funds in the bank is quite reasonable, in my opinion, and regardless, this requirement is well known, and instead of drinking beer or whatever, the OP should have set this money aside. Caveat emptor.

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lets see I think Im finished Im a bad american I didnt set aside any money I might not be paying taxes so I should bend over and have in the back side and be happy about it....dont tell me all u guys are investment bankers or oil executives hmmmm government workers maybe what ever u are u need to open an account in my off shore account and let me invest ur 400,000 in Thailand hahahahahahah never mind the reason give it to me or be forced to live next door to ur mother law. U boys are either worlds best liars or deluded to a point that seem to have forgotten the core values taught to u by that ole witch in math class. this is like an endless sinsot now i wonder who blew their money on that asian scam?

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There is a lot of froth on this thread but leaving aside the rights and wrongs of the OP, the serious point trying to get out seems to me to be the shakey position of Western residents with Thai wives and kids born in Thailand. This is far less advantageous than in most other countries. Once an expat has children, should he really need to establish his means so that he can be allowed to stay and support them? It is not as though the family is likely to benefit much from the Thai social security system, such as it is. I think some of us are too accepting of insular poliicies that don't meet international norms.

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IM mad cause I was hounded for having a beer at 11:00 am BKK time and I didnt go to church last Sunday either. I over it. nothing like a lil male bonding to make one feel good about his position which 1 of u guys is my X mother in law?

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I donot believe any country, even the one you are from, owes you a thing

But do we owe any country either? It's clear OP has a point regarding rising prices. Whatever happened to "it's a free world". If you think about it, the very notion that someone should be able to charge you for just being on a place on planet earth is absurd.

AsK not what your country can do for you, but where you can get the best burger that doesn't use onion soup mix. OR DID YOU VOTE FOR OBAMA???!!!!

Edited by polecat
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There is a lot of froth on this thread but leaving aside the rights and wrongs of the OP, the serious point trying to get out seems to me to be the shakey position of Western residents with Thai wives and kids born in Thailand. This is far less advantageous than in most other countries. Once an expat has children, should he really need to establish his means so that he can be allowed to stay and support them? It is not as though the family is likely to benefit much from the Thai social security system, such as it is. I think some of us are too accepting of insular poliicies that don't meet international norms.

OK, with the way you are writing about the issue, I can see your point. I really couldn't quite make it though the OP's mangled syntax to quite get his point other than he was angry at Thailand, Obama, and who knows what else.

Having citizen-children seems to be a reasonable factor in determining residency. On the other hand, I am not sure what the regulations are in other nations. A child born on US soil, even from non-US citizens, is a US citizen. But I don't know what rights that gives his still non-US citizen parents.

This issue seems appropriate and interesting for discussion. But specific facts of the OP's case is that this requirment has been well-known for years, and silly rants about banks, Obama, orifaces, and all do not take away from the fact that the OP lived beyond his means and now has a problem on his hands. I can feel for his kids, but I have a hard time emphathizing with someone who blames such a wide range of entitities for something he brought upon himself. Pity, sure. But empathy, not quite so much.

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lets see I think Im finished Im a bad american I didnt set aside any money I might not be paying taxes so I should bend over and have in the back side and be happy about it....dont tell me all u guys are investment bankers or oil executives hmmmm government workers maybe what ever u are u need to open an account in my off shore account and let me invest ur 400,000 in Thailand hahahahahahah never mind the reason give it to me or be forced to live next door to ur mother law. U boys are either worlds best liars or deluded to a point that seem to have forgotten the core values taught to u by that ole witch in math class. this is like an endless sinsot now i wonder who blew their money on that asian scam?

You joined today, I'd like to see the look on your face when you sober up and read your 1st batch of posts. :)

Rule 1, never touch the keyboard whilst under the influence of drink or drugs... :D

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I promise I will not sober an hour after I wave bye bye to my 400,000. this has the makings of a great expat story that could be used to warn farangs about the woes of internet dating. I love u send me 400,000

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