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Why Are Thais Such Litterbugs?


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Any chance people can reconsider talking about this issue in terms of ALL Thai people...?

Eek you can jump high and low but in general it is just true. My gf does not litter but that a handfull of Thais dont litter does not change the fact that Thais in general do so.

I don't know why you feel so attacked if you bf / husband / whatever does not litter then good and you dont even have to feel concerned by what is beeing said here.

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I think a few adverts on TV would go along way. Wont make a huge difference straight away, but it would be a start.

In the 80s there had been geneal campaign on TV and public place called ตาวิเศษ - Ta-wiset (magic eyes) on litter dicipline. The black litter bag was first know as Ta-wiset bag. It was quite successful and we felt the change. Khunying Kallaya Soponpanich was the main campaigner of the programme. :D

Suddenly it was stopped around the administration of Chartchai Chunhawan I am not quite sure. :)

There had also been extensive of anti HIV infection campaign around late 80s and early 90s. Then it was stopped too. :D

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I think 2 big contributing factors that lead to the general behavior:

1) Hard to find trash cans or some place to throw it away if you wanted to

2) They do street cleaning fairly often

Even in a mall, finding a trash can is just about impossible. Usually only in bathrooms and near entrances. In the US, they're all over the place in a mall. In heavy pedestrian areas, they're on the street. On the streets in Thailand, you have to get lucky and find last night's trash bag out at the curb or a 7-11. I just carry my trash until I can find a place, but if I had to worry about my clothes, I'd be inclined to get rid of the stuff quickly.

Yes exactly, I think you hit the nail on the head. I walked around my daughters school the other day outside where the children eat and play with a coke can for 30 minutes until I got back to my car, not one trash can to be found not even on the street in front of the school where they are selling food and snacks to the students.

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I think 2 big contributing factors that lead to the general behavior:

1) Hard to find trash cans or some place to throw it away if you wanted to

2) They do street cleaning fairly often

Even in a mall, finding a trash can is just about impossible. Usually only in bathrooms and near entrances. In the US, they're all over the place in a mall. In heavy pedestrian areas, they're on the street. On the streets in Thailand, you have to get lucky and find last night's trash bag out at the curb or a 7-11. I just carry my trash until I can find a place, but if I had to worry about my clothes, I'd be inclined to get rid of the stuff quickly.

Yes exactly, I think you hit the nail on the head. I walked around my daughters school the other day outside where the children eat and play with a coke can for 30 minutes until I got back to my car, not one trash can to be found not even on the street in front of the school where they are selling food and snacks to the students.

I jog around a university soccer field each day, and it's like running a marathon through a garbage dump. A venue where thousands of students converge at regular intervals, and not one trash can in sight.

This week, had a first-time "improvement" though: Some staff had gathered all the trash into a virtual mountain about 10 meters off the field and burned it. The smoke lingered for two days, covering the track with a haze that made runners puke. Thanks for the thought anyway, Mr. Staff Person.

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its their country why care if they throw biological waste on the streets.... dangggg dude u cant stop killings in thailand and u are worried about a water bottle

I suppose that we should be grateful that you didn't come out with the old "If you don't like it why don't you go back to your own country"!

So what's your attitude? - There are wars going on all over the world so why give a sh*t about anything else?

Killings and littering are 2 completely different subjects if you didn't realise.

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to tell u the truth son I dont care what they do here as long as they leave my money alone. u can sit over here all u like and try to chnage it to the queens cup of tea....me I dont care......Ill stay till Im out of money and then return to my country and live off the taxes these pro whiner fatherless sons of Thailand pay to the government

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Just a coincidence, but I heard a rumbling noise outside my house earlier.

I am now the proud owner of a new shinny plastic yellow rubbish bin, every house in the street now has one...... hopefully they will get used.

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its their country why care if they throw biological waste on the streets.... dangggg dude u cant stop killings in thailand and u are worried about a water bottle

It is the country of my son so I care.

Why are you here?

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I do sales in Phuket and am on the roads here a lot.

It just amazes me how often I see garbage just being thrown out of vehicles. I've even seen the schoolkids in the back of a school carrier just launch trash out. On the back of a motorbike, I see people just throw plastic bottles. Nobody says a word, it's like nothing........

Is it because labor is cheap and they know at some point somebody will come pick it up? Do they just not care? Is it just a cultural thing where once that garbage has left their immediate presence it doesn't matter anymore, not their concern?

Theyr'e lazy and couln't give a sh*t, it's quite simple really

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Was just in a carpark at the supermarket.

An extremely neat pile of cigarette butts occupied the parking space next to me.

Was I in Thailand, was in the UK, was in the USA, no, I was in Australia.

Unfortunately, litterbugs are all around.

I agree it is terrible when people litter, I ride a push bike for exercise and am always on the look out for broken glass - again not country-specific.

Good luck with denigration of Thai people if that is your aim but recognise that it is not an exclusively Thai problem

You are being extremely foolish here, the small problems you will find in the west do not even come close to being in the same vein as the insanely huge problem in Thailand. Just because it happens on a tiny scale back home doesnt make what Thai people are doing as right.

The thrust of my post was that the OP was taking a swipe at Thais, yes, they are not perfect but "enlightened" westerners who pontificate on how "terrible" Thais are a fascinating set of contributors to this forum.

The "tiny scale" is relative - I can show you public places in Oz frequented by caucasians only that are total embarassments - outside pubs and nightclubs - vomit, broken glass, cigarette butts.

The west is far from perfect which is surprising given how well resourced it is compared to our Asian cousins.

Totalitarian states have very little in the way of litter problems - try chewing gum in Singapore, throw some litter in Tiannamen Square.

Have just watched a television shock-jock style show - a couple of Aussie guys claim they did not attempt an insurance scam when they were arrested in Chiang Mai - we all need to stop saying one country is better or worse than another but instead rejoice in the differences - life is too short to continue to find fault every where you look.

Your'e right!! I love coming to Thailand because there is a much wider and more frequent array of litter to be seen.

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Thais like to eat and they aren't ashamed of crapping. They use the words all the time very casually, "i've got to shit, did you shit?" Whereas in the west, we are ashamed of it, we can't even use the words on internet forums.

Thais consume and the waste products of their consumption are tossed about rather habitually, they see no great sin. Whereas, in the west, we consume voraciously, creating mounds of waste, but we think it's ok because we hide it. Our pollution footprint is far greater than Thais, and yet we hide behind our pride that in Aspen or Lyon you won't see the waste on the streets that you do in Thailand. We think of ourselves as more environmentally conscious at the same time as we consciously destroy the environment at a much faster pace.

Bangkok - Bangkok residents in 2007 produced as much carbon dioxide as New Yorkers and surpassed Londoners' emissions by 1.2 tons per capita, a United Nations-sponsored report revealed Wednesday. Residents in Bangkok and New York each emitted 7.1 tons of the greenhouse gas in 2007 while London residents emitted 5.9 tons, according to a report compiled by the Bangkok government and the Green Leaf Foundation, a Bangkok-based environmental group, with support from the United Nations.

Bangkok residents leave New York-sized carbon footprint

Yeah but we're talking about RUBBISH NOT C02, nothing wrong with C02.

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Any chance people can reconsider talking about this issue in terms of ALL Thai people...?

Eek you can jump high and low but in general it is just true. My gf does not litter but that a handfull of Thais dont litter does not change the fact that Thais in general do so.

I don't know why you feel so attacked if you bf / husband / whatever does not litter then good and you dont even have to feel concerned by what is beeing said here.

Hi robblok.

Of course i dont feel attacked, and of course also im very concerned about the pollution/rubbish problem. I guess it justs grates on me a bit when people use words such as ALL Thai women are (fill in blank), ALL Thai men are (fill in blank), ALL Western men/women/Thai people/expats/tourists/backpackers...(fill in blanks), etc etc. It also seems to be an excuse for some to come out with one liners and put down others. I dont have rose-tinted glasses on, I know its a problem, and its IS caused by many of the factors mentioned (not caring, lack of education, etc). I sincerely hope that it will improve (and I do think there is gradual awareness taking place, albeit slowly). But, it would be nice to read constructive comments without the need to put an entire nation in the same catagory.

But anyway, thats just my view. Maybe im a bit soft. Although I personally see it as discussing a problem whilst maintaining some respect for the nationals of Thailand.

But..im getting way off topic. Sorry about that.

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The power of Thaivisa.............

I couldn't believe it this afternoon, a group of villagers were out cleaning up the roads and sounded like they were quite enjoying themselves. They haven't cleared the litter from the fields, but it looks so much better.

It turned out that the village had received a grant to make a sign etc with the village name and the head man was in charge. The people finished the work before the end of the day so the headman told them to use the time to clean the place up a bit.

Would be nice if they kept it like it is now...........

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Thai's are doing no worse nor better than any other human throughout history.

Yes they are !

Many other humans have moved on and, by now, the Thais should be encouraged and educated to do so.

We all know that they can have a tremendous sense of pride (even if this indoctrinated or 'educated' into them) - it would surely not take a lot to include tidyness into the culture ?

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Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

Disgusting pigs much of the time.

Edited by Texpat
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Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

Disgusting pigs much of the time.

Come on texpat, Thai's do litter no doubt. But you seem to be holding back what you really think of Thai people. Let it all out

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Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

Disgusting pigs much of the time.

Thank you so much for this post. I like what you've said without actually saying it.

My thoughts exactly. Thank you.

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If you think that trash (litter bugging) is bad here in Thailand, just go to any big American city or a park. Trash is everywhere (and I don't just mean the people). Bangkok is pristine compared to Los Angeles. New York (Manhattan) is a shit hole.

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The simple truth is that the Thai lifestyle produces far less trash than the western lifestyle on a per capita basis. We should be emulating them, not insisting the follow in our fat footsteps!

You need to go to Samui and walk along the beach from Big Buddha to Bang Rak, its bloody disgusting, plastic bags, bottles, rotten old boats and timber.

I don't think the visitors dump all that. However not to worry! the stupid fallang have an annual clean-up of the beaches.

Not many Thais take part as they are too busy doing nothing !

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Lack of trash cans - Where ever I am it is difficult to find one

Parents do it so children copy - The education has to come from Parents and schools to change the habit .

Fines for throwing litter would be a good idea .

"Enforced fines" would be even better!!

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  • 1 year later...

I think 2 big contributing factors that lead to the general behavior:

1) Hard to find trash cans or some place to throw it away if you wanted to

2) They do street cleaning fairly often

Even in a mall, finding a trash can is just about impossible. Usually only in bathrooms and near entrances. In the US, they're all over the place in a mall. In heavy pedestrian areas, they're on the street. On the streets in Thailand, you have to get lucky and find last night's trash bag out at the curb or a 7-11. I just carry my trash until I can find a place, but if I had to worry about my clothes, I'd be inclined to get rid of the stuff quickly.

I'm living in a village in Isaan; there is NO trash pickup or street cleaners etc. I notice frequently the people who live in this small community trash it to an alarming degree. They throw trash from their motorbikes rather than put it in the basket in front. PIGS - sorry but I hate the sight of total disregard. Maybe b/c twice in as many days people have thrown their trash on my our lawn. Are they so unconscious or just merely totally disrespectful of "mother earth" and it's inhabitants?

These cultural differences are REALLY difficult for me to understand or accept.

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I think 2 big contributing factors that lead to the general behavior:

1) Hard to find trash cans or some place to throw it away if you wanted to

2) They do street cleaning fairly often

Even in a mall, finding a trash can is just about impossible. Usually only in bathrooms and near entrances. In the US, they're all over the place in a mall. In heavy pedestrian areas, they're on the street. On the streets in Thailand, you have to get lucky and find last night's trash bag out at the curb or a 7-11. I just carry my trash until I can find a place, but if I had to worry about my clothes, I'd be inclined to get rid of the stuff quickly.

I'm living in a village in Isaan; there is NO trash pickup or street cleaners etc. I notice frequently the people who live in this small community trash it to an alarming degree. They throw trash from their motorbikes rather than put it in the basket in front. PIGS - sorry but I hate the sight of total disregard. Maybe b/c twice in as many days people have thrown their trash on my our lawn. Are they so unconscious or just merely totally disrespectful of "mother earth" and it's inhabitants?

These cultural differences are REALLY difficult for me to understand or accept.

I Agree ..i also live in a village in issan and its the same rubbish every where..Unless its any thing that is resell-able then they will go out of there way to pick that stuff up.whistling.gif

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Just come back from a 3 week visit to the uk...And the first thing the misses said was how clean wales was and no rubbish on the street ETC

But saying that if you look around you will always be able to find a bin to put your rubbish ..unlike Thailand where you got a hard job to find a bin if you can find one at all rolleyes.gif

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