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Obama's Speech & Southern Islamic Separatists

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I don't know about how will it effect Southern Thailand, but it is certainly changing how I view America. It is great to see an American politician who is not a war-monger and who tries to engage the rest of the world in conversation rather than lecture to it. Surely politicians like him will do a lot for peace around the world, including Thailand.


Very well, I believe as he was loudly applauded in Cairo - I watched some of it live - compared to ol Dubya rather weak

attempts the man does come across extremely well.

Of course the blowhards never find anything good to say about anything or anyone.

I personally believe that O'Bama has the ability to bring the entire crew together - Thailand included.

Thailand was a kinder, more forgiving land even a short while back - hope it rubs off - a whole bunch


US President Barack Obama has said the "cycle of suspicion and discord" between the United States and the Muslim world must end.

In a keynote speech in Cairo, Mr Obama called for a "new beginning" in ties.

He admitted there had been "years of distrust" and said both sides needed to make a "sustained effort... to respect one another and seek common ground".

Mr Obama made a number of references to the Koran and called on all faiths to live together in peace.

White House officials had said the speech was intended to start a process to "re-energise the dialogue with the Muslim world".

He received a standing ovation at the end of his speech at Cairo University.

I don't know about how will it effect Southern Thailand, but it is certainly changing how I view America. It is great to see an American politician who is not a war-monger and who tries to engage the rest of the world in conversation rather than lecture to it. Surely politicians like him will do a lot for peace around the world, including Thailand.

Most American politicians are not "war mongers" – that is way too simplistic - and Obama is quite willing to wage war if necessary - just like the rest of them. I love the guy and hope that his New Age approach works, but it is nice to know that if it doesn't, he is a pragmatist - not a wimpy peacenik - who will do exactly what needs to be done. thumbsup.gif


The only way for peace is if we all turn muslim and accept shara law.Then in a few years we can awake from our slumber and be suicide bombers.



Bottom line, Obama's rhetoric is not going to stop Iran from having nukes, its not going to stop Israel from keeping and growing its offending settlements, its not going to stop young Palestinians from wanting to blow themselves up, and its probably not going to prevent even bigger violence in the region than we have ever seen. I am not sure what he could do to solve these massive conflicts, but he comes off a wishful thinking appeaser to me. Its worth a shot, maybe, especially before the upcoming Iranian elections, maybe they will make a turn soon, and that would be meaningful.

He is going with the people are basically good and will act in a reasonable and civilized manner point of view, we can see see how well that worked for Anne Frank ...

As far as world relations with Muslims. He is clearly more popular than Bush, but in the long run, words and personal popularity are not going to be enough ...

I certainly hope you are wrong about him being an appeaser. I rather think that he speaks quietly, but carries a he11 of a big stick. :)

I don't see anything he is doing that will stop Iran from having nukes in a few years max. While it would be much much better to avoid a military response to that, there has to be some kind of steel teeth outside oversight alternative for there to be any hope to stop it, and there isn't. It seems inevitable now. Bottom line, Bush's approach, or Obama's approach, I think the west is LOSING.

BTW, I don't think who is the US president, good or bad, has much impact at all on the issues with Muslims in south Thailand. I don't see the US as being involved with that at all.

I don't see anything he is doing that will stop Iran from having nukes in a few years max. While it would be much much better to avoid a military response to that, there has to be some kind of steel teeth outside oversight alternative for there to be any hope to stop it, and there isn't.

The Jews could have easily been wiped out in WW2 and they have not forgotten that. They are not naïve - they are very clever - and they have grown "steel teeth". They will put a stop to Iran's nuclear program eventually - with or without U.S. help. :)


I don't think Israel can stop this with bombs. The Persians are clever also. They don't have the knowledge and technology in one place, it is hidden all over their large country. The best hope is massive international pressure and to get Iran to agree to severe legit oversight. Chances they will agree to that? Almost zero.

I don't see anything he is doing that will stop Iran from having nukes in a few years max. While it would be much much better to avoid a military response to that, there has to be some kind of steel teeth outside oversight alternative for there to be any hope to stop it, and there isn't.

The Jews could have easily been wiped out in WW2 and they have not forgotten that. They are not naïve - they are very clever - and they have grown "steel teeth". They will put a stop to Iran's nuclear program eventually - with or without U.S. help. :)

I would be just as worried about Israel's nuclear weapons. A new approach is needed on all sides. What happened to the Jews was terrible, Palestinian violence is terrible, but Israel is far from innocent in all of this.

I would be just as worried about Israel's nuclear weapons. A new approach is needed on all sides. What happened to the Jews was terrible, Palestinian violence is terrible, but Israel is far from innocent in all of this.

The whole world is far from innocent. :)

A new approach is needed on all sides.

Yeah, but how, who's gonna make them? Where is the trust going to come from? Pretty words? Not likely.

When people think that they are being heard they are less likely to turn to violence -IMHO. An honest-broker is needed between the two sides - just like Clinton in N Ireland. Bush could never do it, but maybe Obama can.


We keep back peddling. This guy Muammar al-Gaddafi , reckons in 50 years Europe will be an Islamic continent in 50 years without a shot being fired. eg France the Christians have a birthrate of 1.3 per couple. The Muslims 8.1, go figure.

We keep back peddling. This guy Muammar al-Gaddafi , reckons in 50 years Europe will be an Islamic continent in 50 years without a shot being fired. eg France the Christians have a birthrate of 1.3 per couple. The Muslims 8.1, go figure.

This type of fear-mongering was the exact same tactic used to stir up hatred against the Jews and all the other groups who have been persecuted through the centuries. You are carrying on a noble tradition. You must be proud.


Have to go with Ulysses G here - this is one vely cleber boxel.

He speaks eloquently, with conviction & commitment. That is a prerequisite for decent, honest dialogue.

Probably slicker than ol' Slick heself!!


We keep back peddling. This guy Muammar al-Gaddafi , reckons in 50 years Europe will be an Islamic continent in 50 years without a shot being fired. eg France the Christians have a birthrate of 1.3 per couple. The Muslims 8.1, go figure.

This type of fear-mongering was the exact same tactic used to stir up hatred against the Jews and all the other groups who have been persecuted through the centuries. You are carrying on a noble tradition. You must be proud.

One of the London bombers came from my West Yorkshire village. The Muslims in Thornhilll don't need my help in strirring up feelings. They existed on my last trip to visit my family.

We keep back peddling. This guy Muammar al-Gaddafi , reckons in 50 years Europe will be an Islamic continent in 50 years without a shot being fired. eg France the Christians have a birthrate of 1.3 per couple. The Muslims 8.1, go figure.

This type of fear-mongering was the exact same tactic used to stir up hatred against the Jews and all the other groups who have been persecuted through the centuries. You are carrying on a noble tradition. You must be proud.

I agree hate and fear mongering are wrong. But Jews were never poised to dominate Europe by their birth rate and conversion rate, so you are comparing two situations that are completely different. Demographics are real and they do bring real change, to wit, the Hispanicization of the USA. There are massive cultural differences between Islamic nations and western nations, and we should all applaud Obama's efforts to bridge these gaps peacefully. Its worth a try.

We keep back peddling. This guy Muammar al-Gaddafi , reckons in 50 years Europe will be an Islamic continent in 50 years without a shot being fired. eg France the Christians have a birthrate of 1.3 per couple. The Muslims 8.1, go figure.

This type of fear-mongering was the exact same tactic used to stir up hatred against the Jews and all the other groups who have been persecuted through the centuries. You are carrying on a noble tradition. You must be proud.

I agree hate and fear mongering are wrong. But Jews were never poised to dominate Europe by their birth rate and conversion rate, so you are comparing two situations that are completely different. Demographics are real and they do bring real change, to wit, the Hispanicization of the USA. There are massive cultural differences between Islamic nations and western nations, and we should all applaud Obama's efforts to bridge these gaps peacefully. Its worth a try.

Yes, the fear-mongerers claimed the Jews were taking over through grand conspirocies.


I am not peddling one religion over another, IMHO it would be better if there was no religion. I had a drinking buddy who was born on the Falls Road in Belfast, his mum was RC his dad Protestant. His dad did not give a shit what faith the kids had, and they were brought up RC. The IRA still made them ship out though.


Obama seems like the only president in the US who has had a brain in awhile. I actually like him and I hope he bring the US some great success in whatever he does when he is in power.


I don't think the Muslims in Southern Thailand care very much about what Obama has to say about anything. And the other way round. As long as the conflict is pretty much contained to the domestic level, I don't think the US will take a lot of notice.

Any thoughts on how Obama's speech will be received by Islamic separatists in the South of Thailand?

BHO is an arrogant, egomaniacal idiot and fool, with no comprehension of world politics and no understanding of US history and world history. His speech will be perceived by Islamic radicals as nothing more than weakness and proof of their main view of the US, which is that if one leader shows strength, just be patient for a weaker one will come along in a few years. Barry's long term outlook stretches out to all of about two weeks. Militant Islamists' long term outlook stretches out for generations.

As for Islamic separatists in the south, I doubt they will give two sh!ts about Barry's speech. They have no beef or care with US or world politics. Their beefs are with the Bhuddist majority and the Thai government. I would speculate that Barry doesn't give two sh!ts about them either, and that he is oblivious of the existence of an Islamic separatist movement in the South of Thailand.

His speech will be perceived by Islamic radicals as nothing more than weakness

I fear you are correct. However, I suppose the goal is to mobilize the non-radical Muslims. The percentage of global Muslims who are actually involved in "terrorism" is well under one percent.

But Jews were never poised to dominate Europe by their birth rate and conversion rate, so you are comparing two situations that are completely different. Demographics are real and they do bring real change, to wit, the Hispanicization of the USA.

Straying way off topic, but your response is so clueless that I felt compelled to respond. You really need to study the facts of European history. For a starter, may I suggest the excellent book "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell? In particular, I would recommend the essays "Are Jews Generic," "The Real History of Slavery," and "Germans and History."

There are massive cultural differences between Islamic nations and western nations, and we should all applaud Obama's efforts to bridge these gaps peacefully. Its worth a try.

Another clueless moment. Islamic nations are all too happy to use the US as a foil, because it masks their own internal problems and hatred of each other. Just as the massive black on black hatred and homicide rate in the US is purposely masked by racial overtones of white on black crime, so to is the fact that Muslims have killed millions more fellow Muslims through personal and international hatred than any conflict with a western nation.

Obama is not bridging a gap. All he is doing is demonstrating his own ignorance of the facts, thereby subjecting himself and the nation he supposedly leads and represents to world-wide ridicule.

For example, he supposedly represents the great black masses of the US, of whom each and every ancestor was forcefully stolen into slavery (if you believe the nonsense taught in government monopoly school history books). What history doesn't mention is that the US changed their government and fought a war to stop slavery, and other western nations made similar changes. History also doesn't mention that slavery and indentured servitude remains common practice in Muslim nations. To support one and condone the other is ignorance or hypocrisy, take your pick. Similar conclusions can be reached for many other recent Barry-isms.

To try to get back on topic, there is only one true solution for all of these problems as well as those in the South of Thailand, and it has been known for many centuries. This is the solution of personal economic freedom. By and large, I think it is fair to say that all most of the world's people want is an opportunity to earn enough money to support themselves and their families in their chosen lifestyle. Inherent by-products of economic freedom are personal liberty and religious freedom. In other words, remove the obstacles that are preventing economic freedom and the other prejudices and problems will take care of themselves.

Personal economic freedom promotes tolerance and civil society, plain pure and simple. Those who don't allow or want personal economic freedom in their nation, are intolerant and do not wish to live in a civil society, period, end of story.

Personal economic freedom promotes tolerance and civil society, plain pure and simple. Those who don't allow or want personal economic freedom in their nation, are intolerant and do not wish to live in a civil society, period, end of story.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan. Ho hum ...

I agree the Muslim world is not a unified thing. We agree on more than you think, including deep pessimism that Obama's approach is really going to work.

Frankly, however, I found your reference to a book that I can't easily obtain kind of rude, why not tell us YOUR arguments to my statement. I have no idea what you are talking about in that book, except I did find the author is a right wing thinker, big surpise there ... You also took my comment completely out of the context it was written, as a response to another poster's point about Muslim birth rates in Europe. If you are arguing that pre-holocaust European Jews were reproducing themselves into demographic dominance in Europe, of course they weren't.

BTW, calling people clueless is just a meaningless insult, just make your point with reason or forget about it ...


He should pull all his troops out of Iraq/ Afghanistan and every country connected to the Middle east, stop sponsoring both Palestine and stop giving weapons to Israel, then stop trying to tell other countries what they can and can't do.

There simple solved the problems that are likely to get American citizens bombed and murdered ...... that is what a government is supposed to do isnt it?

For you fools who think Obama is any different to Bush compare and contracst what both parties wanted to do in Iraq/ Afghanistan during the election ... you'll find their ideas were pretty much the same.

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