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Actor David Carradine Dead in Bangkok


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I get the feeling that a lot of people seem to be surprised by the auto erotic angle to this story. Sometimes the greatest pleasure is the pleasure we bring ourselves. Personally, I don't get into anything like this, but a lot of people have different fantasies and practices that are surprising.

At 72 and being famous, it's not like he can just hop down to Nana or Patpong and pick up someone without being noticed--if nothing else the hotel staff would notice. He may also wish to not be technically unfaithful.

I don't think any less or any more of him, if this was his cause of death. I feel a lot more sympathy for his family, though.

The most mature adult post of the thread and a realistic reflection of life.

Sometimes we might do things in private and alone, we wish would never be disclosed, but that does not make us any less a moral or loving person.

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At 72 and being famous, it's not like he can just hop down to Nana or Patpong and pick up someone without being noticed--if nothing else the hotel staff would notice. He may also wish to not be technically unfaithful.

Sly Stalone didn't have any problem last year and he is a lot more famous than Carradine. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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At 72 and being famous, it's not like he can just hop down to Nana or Patpong and pick up someone without being noticed--if nothing else the hotel staff would notice. He may also wish to not be technically unfaithful.

Sly Stalone didn't have any problem last year and he is a lot more famous than Carradine. :)

Stallone's 63, which is almost a decade younger than Carradine. Sorry, I miss your point...

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Even if the FBI were allowed in on the scene, I'd bet dollars to donuts the room has been cleaned up.

Also, when the maid came on the scene, it's entirely possible that she could have changed things. Maids are not expected to know about the importance of keeping a potential crime scene untouched - until investigators get on the scene. I've heard of crimes in Thai hotel rooms, where the maid and staff immediately start cleaning and straightening things up. They do this for obvious reasons, mainly: they don't want to lose face by maintaining a disheveled room, and of course, they want that room to be back in service as soon as possible.

Same could be assumed for the two recent deaths at Krabi, and perhaps the male who died there in early April, and the other male who died at Phuket in mid-may. All four deaths were mysterious, and it can be assumed that in all four instances, cleaning was started in those guest house rooms a.s.a.p., if not right away - after the bodies were discovered. Knowing Thais and how they manifest day to day (and their superstitions, fear of pees, ghosts, saving face, karma, etc), that's what I would fully expect, anyhow.

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Hmm..dunno if i quite agree with that hypothesis. I would tink, particularly if you have a fear of ghosts and things, the first thing you would do if you discover a dead body in a room, even if you were the maid, you would high tail it out of there.. no?

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As a boy I loved the TV series 'Kung <deleted>'. Now that I know some thai language I had to chuckle a bit when I remembered that David Carradine's character was named Kwai Chang Caine. :)

RIP, buddy.

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LA divorce cases especially when celebs are involved are notorious mud slinging matches. I would discount that stuff about 1000 percent. Not to say he wasn't into kinky sex, that would be considered within the range "normal" in Hollywood.

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Is it really that hard to believe that he engaged in this act and it went wrong?

No, it is not. That appears the most likely explanation. I don't blame the family for wanting to get a definite answer though.

Yes to that. I would want a definitive answer also.

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LA divorce cases especially when celebs are involved are notorious mud slinging matches. I would discount that stuff about 1000 percent. Not to say he wasn't into kinky sex, that would be considered within the range "normal" in Hollywood.

Double ditto on that as well.

No more mud gets slung on this earth than by an La la Land divorce lawyer.

Total discount if it isn't PROVEN in the court records as fact, not one sided submission.

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I have just found this picture in the Thai Rath: see for your self at http://www.thairath.co.th/today/2009/06/06 . The image is partially pixeled out and small.

1) If this is indeed a genuine photo, well then shame on the usual sensitivity of the Thai press to publish such a photo anyway. The Thai press like the Thai Rath rag ..yes it is indeed a rag, often have no concern for family members; Thai or Farang.

2) As pointing to the above quote: Even a bigger shame on the Thai press if it is a fake. If so, I hope some family member out there sues their ass off/ the Thai authorities suspend their licience for their business; the latter, I'm just dreaming LOL.

RIP DC whatever happened.

dam_n, sorry for this second post, but the Thai Rath is shameful, yes bloody shameful ! Anything for a sensationalist buck eh.

I blew this photo up in ACD as best as I could to try and analyse it.

1) Look closely, this man has clothes on (was he not found naked?), possibly Jeans. The Thai Rath has tried hard to pixel this out but not enough.

2) Man appears to have brown to black slighly curly hair.

3) Is that a bloody towel on the bed with a blood trail on the bed? (no mention of this in any reports)

4) The closet/wardrobe is made of chipboard covered with white melamine/formica with black (presumably plastic) round finger hole slider. The bottom shelf that the man is sitting on is the type that slides into position, hence the angle it is now at with the man's weight. This is basic and cheap chipboard furniture (as we used to know it in England AKA MFI). Surely the class of hotel that it is would be fitted out with better?

The Swissotel could easily confirm or deny that this is indeed their room 352.

Me, I'm sending this to the Bangkok Post ...let's see if they publish it. Thai Visa, Inform Thai Rath that they are possibly breaking the law/ tell the police to bust em.

Shame on you Thai Rath.

What a ridiculous post

I dont think its blood on the bed possibly a comb I just did a zoom in

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People, put your thinking caps on. The cause of death may be important for some people with a vested financial interest in the deceased's estate because the it may have an impact upon the proceeds of life insurance and Accident policies. If it was a murder, the proceeds from the insurance may pay more than if it was a simple death by misadventure or suicide. Some policies exclude payments for suicide. hence the need to firmly establish that ther was no suicide.

Outside experts are retained with the express purpose of supporting a position. It is no different than an accused drunk driver in the west obtaining "expert" medical advice to try and demonstrate an alternative reason for why the blood alcohol reading registered 0.1 (blood sugar or metabolism or testing isssues etc.) The expert opinion is intended to introduce doubt and present an alternative explanation to support the defendant's position. That expert's goal is not to prove anything, only to poke holes in the other side's conclusion. This is face saving and denial on the part of the family. It may also very well be financially motivated. After all, how many of you would want the world to know your husband or father was found dead in a closet in this manner? How many of you would want to forgo a 3X payout instead of a face policy payout on an a policy?

In the matter of the FBI investigating, the FBI has no jurisdiction and no basis on which to waste US taxpayers money on an exercise that will yield nothing new.

It is highly improbable that the chambermaid changed the room. Believe it or not, and the TV members that work in the large hotels can confirm this, staff are instructed to immediately leave a room and call for management assistance. This procedure is most likely to be followed at the western based hotels where there are actual life and safety training programs. From a practical point of view, I doubt the lady would start cleaning with a dead body in the wardrobe. Would you?

There is no conspiracy. There was no murder.

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In the matter of the FBI investigating, the FBI has no jurisdiction and no basis on which to waste US taxpayers money on an exercise that will yield nothing new.

Sometimes the FBI does indeed get involved in foreign cases involving US nationals, if they are invited in by the foreign country. A case in point, the Natalie Holloway case in Aruba (Netherlands).

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I heard about it yesterday night and for what I've heard, at least the 9 thai people that I asked today, they all know the story that he was found dead inside a closet by the maid and he was hanging from a copper wire attached to his member? I guess he was into S&M and might have gone too far?

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The Bangkok Post is quoting the Thai authorities as saying they are not "ruling out" suicide. Why are they not saying that they are not ruling out murder? They keep on mentioning suicide. They think that if they say suicide enough times, the press and people will believe it a suicide. Read coverup. The Thai authorities are, in their infinite Thai wisdom, thinking that by calling it a suicide Thailand will save face internationally. Hands bound in a closed closet. Reminds me of a very old joke in bad taste that ended with the southern sheriff saying "Worse case of suicide I ever saw". I wonder what was their first clue that it was a suicide, the bound hands, the closed closet door, or the footprint on the bed that didn't match his shoes? I wonder what clues they would need to think it might be murder? Usual Laurel and Hardy Bangkok police professionalism.

Yeah........???????????? hands bound??????? and a rope tied to the block and tackle??????? nobody else in the room????

doesn't someone else smell a rat here?? How could one bind their hands together????

I think this crime scene needs to be clarified a little?????????????

and I for one would believe the Thai Police opting for suicide to avoid doing any bl**dy work!!!!!!! Not the best of investigative police in the world.

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Thank you geratrickid for some sound logic. What is with the people who are constantly looking for something else other than the obvious. On the surface it's a sex thing that went wrong. Not murder, not suicide. 14 pages of posts with many looking for something suspicious or a coverup by the Thai police who want it to appear a suicide.

Probaby the first reaction by the Thai police was to assume suicide wthen one sees a rope around someone neck. Initial police response and those responding not familiar with auto asphyxiation aspect would need other professionals to investigate. Unfortunately things get mixed up with the news because too many people without comprehensive knowledge make statements to the news. First thing I assumed was sex thing that went wrong based on the description of the cord wrapped around genitals and neck. Nothing more nothing less. As a person who was a criminal investigator for the US Air Force when I was in the miltary, auto asphyxiation was a basic concept taught when investigating a murder case when someone was found like this. As someone said more common than one would think. Hands tied mean nothing as he most probably did this himself. An expert could tell from crime scene photographs what the most likely sceniaro was for the death. Just too many new reports without definitive knowledge floating around causing way too much speculation. Wait for the facts when the investigation is completed. Why speculate about something other than the obvious until the report is out?

An unfortunate occurance for him. He has lived a somewhat "screwed-up" life like so many in Hollywood. Five marriages, drugs, alcohol problems. Nothing new in Hollywood, right. Just another unfotunated Hollywood personality with problems. Unfortunate that so many in Hollywood can't handle the fame and money, that come their way. Let's let him RIP.

Edited by Trouble
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Wait for the facts when the investigation is completed. Why speculate about something other than the obvious until the report is out?

Because when left solely up to Thai authorities, the cases are dragged out that long that the results are seldom released but everyone has forgotten about it anyway, and in the few cases were results are released a five year old could poke holes in it.

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The Bangkok Post is quoting the Thai authorities as saying they are not "ruling out" suicide. Why are they not saying that they are not ruling out murder? They keep on mentioning suicide. They think that if they say suicide enough times, the press and people will believe it a suicide. Read coverup. The Thai authorities are, in their infinite Thai wisdom, thinking that by calling it a suicide Thailand will save face internationally. Hands bound in a closed closet. Reminds me of a very old joke in bad taste that ended with the southern sheriff saying "Worse case of suicide I ever saw". I wonder what was their first clue that it was a suicide, the bound hands, the closed closet door, or the footprint on the bed that didn't match his shoes? I wonder what clues they would need to think it might be murder? Usual Laurel and Hardy Bangkok police professionalism.

Yeah........???????????? hands bound??????? and a rope tied to the block and tackle??????? nobody else in the room????

doesn't someone else smell a rat here?? How could one bind their hands together????

I think this crime scene needs to be clarified a little?????????????

and I for one would believe the Thai Police opting for suicide to avoid doing any bl**dy work!!!!!!! Not the best of investigative police in the world.

Quote from the front lines " If you had seen the pictures, its clearly not suicide". The hint was its was it was an accident, maybe some "fun" gone wrong.

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There's one thing I remember, where there was one investigating police officer who said that there were shoeprints on the bed which do not fit with the victims shoes (what shoe size for example ...). If that hasn't been cleared it could turn into wild speculations or even turn from accident to a suspected murder case. I don't remember were I read it, was it the nation or bkkpost right during the first days of investigations.

For the picture in Thai Rath. I let it through various filters and it clearly shows that the the body was paint brushed, especially the upper part. The round parts are click pasted with a brush tool. Some also on the legs.

Edited by elcent
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Perhaps all the speculation will be resolved soon. :)

"LOS ANGELES – David Carradine's family members, dissatisfied with Thai investigators and "profoundly disturbed" by the publication of a forensics photo in a Bangkok tabloid, are seeking help from the FBI and an independent pathologist...famed forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden..."

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I've just come across this thread and tried to read it all (had to skip last few pages), so I hope i'm not repeating or missing anything.

Ok, i'm confused a bit. Mr Carradine was found hanging in a closet and curled up in the closet. Just can't picture a curled up body hanging, so I don't know yet what's true.

His room was locked from the inside....priceless!!! Was this so he or anyone else could not get out?! When I go into a hotel room (card entry) it locks behind me so no-one can just walk in. Does the same when I leave. Can't see what difference there is with the doors at the hotel where Mr Carradine passed away. Cleaner went in didn't she? Where's the mystery?

RIP David, brilliant actor. IMO 'a very deep and thoughtful wildman'

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From yesterday's Bangkok Post, "...Police Officer said a cord taken from a curtain was tied to the actor's penis and connected to his neck. It was also disclosed that a penis shrine was set up in the room and many pairs of colored underpants with the bottoms cut out were also found."

Any further info on this particular proclivity? Someone has to get to the bottom of this!

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