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Sending A Dog To The Us

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I'll be leaving Thailand within the next few months and, sadly, cannot bring my dog. I would like to send him to stay with relatives back in the US, but I will not be traveling there myself. If anyone has had any experience with sending a dog abroad (to the US specifically), I would appreciate any advice/info.

First, is it even possible?

If so, how much should it cost?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Yes possible, you will have to give the dog some tablets before traveling,

I did it from England to Germany, my dogs looked like shit after that journey and it was

a short one compared to the one your dog will embark on.

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Yeah, Thailand to US is a long trip. I guess I'd have to arrange for him to be given food/water during the trip, but I have no idea how that might be done. I will definitely take a look at th elink provided above.

Thanks for the info.

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That site quotes a price of 750-1,000 euros, which strikes me as being a bit expensive. I brought this dog from Taiwan on my KLM flight and paid only 12 euros per kilo! Plus, the shelter that I rescued him from said they could ship dogs back to the States for only $400. I guess it might be worth my while to take him back to Taiwan first.

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Hi jeebusjones,

Sure you can send your dog back without accompanying him/her personally. Northwest Airlines has a good program for doing that and it is not very expensive (depending on how much you love your dog!). You can check out their programs and prices here.

As for the ride, you can accompany your pet to an initial consultant or final drop off with the airlines and talk with NWA staff and/or leave specific instructions for how to take care of your dog. If possible, make your dog's condition sound crucial and they will pay extra attention to him/her. Some people ask the staff to give their dogs regular sleeping pills on each leg of the flight, but that is completely up to you. Just make sure that your dog does not eat and drink a lot before flying (kind of like going in for surgery). Yes, they will probably be groggy when they finally wake up in their new home.. but it is better than thinking of your dog whining the whole way in the cargo hold of a plane.

By the way, how big is your dog and where/when is the dog going?

Hope it helps,

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