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Twitter Twaddle, The Poll


What about twitter?  

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I see that thaivisa is now all a twitter ...


What about this twitter stuff? I checked it out but decided not to join and I don't intend to EVER join. My personal reaction is that it is a royal waste of time. :D :D Even more so than one of my polls .... :D

I don't care whether Oprah Winfrey is going to a PTA meeting right now or having a mole removed. :D

I think twitter probably signals the end of all civilization. :D

Now, what do you think?


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I'm a big fan of Facebook, but I seriously can't see the attraction with Twitter.

I understand it's fantastic for journalists who want to short updates to any developing story, but everything else posted on there seems to be either PR spin or the usual boredom-related dross.

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Twitter is great. I have loads of varied interests that would be impossible to devote much time to. Twitter provides bite-size information on any subject and allows you to follow people who are of interest.

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I use it to follow my kids sometimes, friends sometimes, celebrities NEVER! But I don't post...if you've read my posts here, you know I'd never be able to keep it down to their maximum keystrokes :)

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Twitter can be a great business tool if you often have new updates to post, new stock arriving etc. I've had a Twitter account since they started but I only started really using it last week. I've got nearly 600 followers and I Tweet on average once a day.

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IMHO twitter is nothing other than hype...and will soon disappear into the history books.

Honestly i'm kind of at a loss as to why it is even popular...there have been websites allowing users to post comments, or blog etc... for the last 10 years...why is this any different.

It seems like you take facebook throw everything in the trash and keep only the status update part...and wow you have twitter. I'm sure that i could program a twitter system in a day.

It just makes me cringe, it seems like every time i turn on CNN they are talking about twitter...<deleted>!

Can someone please explain why it is popular other than being a media buzz word?

Edited by dave111223
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I admit to being a Facbook addict, and have a business page linked to my account. We have since started using twitter and also linked it to facebook using Thriwl. I have found Twitter very useful for making people aware of the latest updates in resect of our business and have managed to find some regular trading partners through it. So IMO no problems with it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, and no doubt somebody will, but isn't somebody who is a twitter a bird watcher (The feathered variety)?


Happy to correct you :) you are thinking of a "twitcher"

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Correct me if I'm wrong, and no doubt somebody will, but isn't somebody who is a twitter a bird watcher (The feathered variety)?


Happy to correct you :) you are thinking of a "twitcher"

Thank you, that's what I love about TV, somebody is always happy to correct you. :D


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I'm happy with social networking as long as I'm a passive observer of it. (Kind of like enjoying the snow more when you don't have to shovel it)

I have facebook and hi5, but I never check them because there is always something they want you to do. Twitter is perfect for me for the exact reason that Dave111223 said, it's a good status update, and that's all I want.

George, (our T.Visa fearless leader) has a twitter update of new news posts on here, which I find more useful than the emailed news updates. I follow him as well as a couple of friends that I find amusing, and I don't even have to log in to see the updates. I have the Twitterfox add-on in Firefox, so once I open my browser I get updates from everyone I follow. It is almost effortless, but I get good updates quickly.

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