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She had the appointment at 11am today for Tourist Visa at UK Embassy, I get the phone call at 11.30am to say "Brian, I have ploblem".

Turns out that she does not have the photocopy of my passport because I did not send her it. (I did).

Brief argument and accusations of lies made on both sides before she hung up...

Called back an hour later to say it was stuck in the envelope :-( She still has not apologised.

She went back to Regents house and was allowed to submit it as part of her application. Does this seem right?

Was told to expect a decision in 4/6 weeks.

Also if she is rejected, what is the outcome? Does she get a REJECT stamp in her passport? Or anything to say she has applied before???

As an aside, can I just say how difficult this full process has been. This girl is a Masters educated, loaded and speaks fluent English yet getting the appopriate documentation has been a TOTAL nightmare. God knows how one would be able to put together a successful application for a non educated Bar Girl, must be almost impossible.


My wife got her Passport with Visa back after 3 days. If you want to check if she has submited her application ask her for the Confirmation # on the receipt. The number should include her date of birth or the date of the application. I am not sure on this one anymore.

Edit: This was back in Dec

As you said. She applies at Regent house not the Embassy.

The decision for a Visit Visa is usually a few days. Less than a week.

There's a notice on the VFS centre web site saying that owing to a large increase in visa applications non settlement visa applications are currently taking 4-6 weeks to process.


Unfortunately visit visas are taking much longer at the moment, there is a note on the VFS website saying that because of a deluge of applications you should now allow 4 to 6 weeks, and yes it did only use to be a few days providing no interview was required.

If the application if refused then a small stamp is made in the passport, usually at the back, I cannot remember the actual wording but I don't think it's as dramatic as reject.

I personally think the whole process is pretty demeaning but the rules are the rules and they are there for a reason, but the ECO's are only doing their job by applying the rules.

Providing the guidance is read properly and the issues have been addressed then I am sure she will get her Entry Clearance as most genuine applicants do. I shouldn't worry too much about the uneducated bar girls, they are far more savvy than people give them credit for.


Yes this is why we send our staff with the application now, they just do not look.

Am I the only one who doesnt understand what you are saying ? :)

I certainly didn't understand, but what I think he meant is that they send someone with the applicant, who according to the published rules, will not be allowed into the VFS office, to ensure the applicant doesn't leave anything in the envelope.

If that is what he meant, I think it's as patronising as the system is intimidating.



I apologise, I meant she applied to Regency House initially, basically she applied without my passport photocopy and then went back an hour later later to hand it in.

I presume everything else was in order or the girl at VFS would have mentioned it it as she had done the passport photocopy???

I apologise, I meant she applied to Regency House initially, basically she applied without my passport photocopy and then went back an hour later later to hand it in.

I presume everything else was in order or the girl at VFS would have mentioned it it as she had done the passport photocopy???

VFS will deliver passports to embassy for decision only once or twice a day. So if it was only one hour later she delivered the pp copy it is for sure included in the application package so nothing to worry there.


In reply to your query about a rejection stamp,the answer is yes,there is a stamp put in the passport,However it consists of a very small(1cm by 3cm) stamp which simply says UK BANGKOK,and then handwritten in it,the date of application and above it,a number(which is presumably the application number) and the type of visa,and then a horizontal line drawn through it.There is nothing written there about the application being rejected.BUT,when I went to the UK with my girlfriend last year(having had two VV applications previously refused) the Immigration officer noticed these two stamps,asked us why previous visas had been refused,and we had to wait for fifteen minutes while she went off and checked,presumably to see why there had been previous refusals,and the visa we had was OK


Thanks for the response guys.

I am sure everything will be fine although I tend to expect the worst so it will come as a pleasant surprise if she is accepted.

I can't think of any reason to reject her, like I said before, she has a car, land, £3k in savings, has travelled extensively around Asia (10 times) and graduates in October from a 2 year MBA. She has every reason to return to Thailand.

Also as far as I am aware she included all the relevant documentation, so fingers crossed.

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