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Just Wondering..........


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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

What annoys me is posters keep using the word alot, which as far as I know is not a word. It should be two words - a lot.

Is that off topic enough for you?

By the way, if everyone agreed with the original post it would make a pretty boring forum - No?

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i believe you are referring to me as being one of those "jumped up <deleted>" (from this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thong-Lo-Pol...p-t271557.html and that's ok. i've been on the internet for well over 70 years and there is nothing i would post that i wouldn't say to another's face. my thought was lighthearted enough, certainly not worth being called a "jumped up asshol_e" in a brand new thread. but, sorry i harshed your buzz.

with that being said... it can't be Nashville every night.

Edited by anothertorres
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I don't think he means that everyone has to agree. But we can respectfully disagree and offer articulate and intelligent responses.

It is often frustrating to read an interesting thread and observe it degrade into a dick fight between people who can offer no valuable response other than to prove that their ego is larger than their intelligence.

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i believe you are referring to me as being one of those "jumped up <deleted>" (from this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thong-Lo-Pol...p-t271557.html) and that's ok. i've been on the internet for well over 70 years and there is nothing i would post that i wouldn't say to another's face. my thought was lighthearted enough, certainly not worth being called a "jumped up asshol_e" in a brand new thread. but, sorry i harshed your buzz.

with that being said... it can't be Nashville every night.

on the internet for 70 years, how were download speeds back then ?

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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

Good thread Thevinylman - I actually thought of starting a similar thread myself, but you beat me to it.

I agree with you entirely. Most of the reading is very interesting but often spoilt by stupid, sarcastic, clever, jealous replies.

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the few rotten apples ruin the whole barrel of good apples..same same in LOS and everywhere..they need to prop up their low self-esteem..how better that shiite in your cornflakes..how they got to that state is the issue..

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on the internet for 70 years, how were download speeds back then ?

we were pulling down 1bit/hour but bygum, we were happy with what we had. shame Thailand has only been able to double the speed of the roaring twenties.

now, can we all just lighten up a little bit and stop expecting internet forums to solve our lack of good TV?

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on the internet for 70 years, how were download speeds back then ?

we were pulling down 1bit/hour but bygum, we were happy with what we had. shame Thailand has only been able to double the speed of the roaring twenties.

now, can we all just lighten up a little bit and stop expecting internet forums to solve our lack of good TV?

70 years ago would take us back to 1939 so I must commend you for pulling down 1bit/hour at that time especially since the origin of the world wide web (internet) was in approximately 1962. You were definitely the fastest downloader of your time so hope I now qualify as an a-hole :) poster. :D

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i believe you are referring to me as being one of those "jumped up <deleted>" (from this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thong-Lo-Pol...p-t271557.html and that's ok. i've been on the internet for well over 70 years and there is nothing i would post that i wouldn't say to another's face. my thought was lighthearted enough, certainly not worth being called a "jumped up asshol_e" in a brand new thread. but, sorry i harshed your buzz.

with that being said... it can't be Nashville every night.


Steady on now.

Edited by Moonrakers
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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

Good thread Thevinylman - I actually thought of starting a similar thread myself, but you beat me to it.

I agree with you entirely. Most of the reading is very interesting but often spoilt by stupid, sarcastic, clever, jealous replies.

I agree also, there are a few people on Thai Visa (especially in general topics) that just like to be negative about everything Thai. One wonders why they bother.

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but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

I don't know about you, but if you've got a mouse or a trackpad, you can very easily scroll past a post that offends you. I find some of the off-topic posts to be amusing, but some aren't worth the bandwith. But there's plenty of room for everyone here.

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i believe you are referring to me as being one of those "jumped up <deleted>" (from this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thong-Lo-Pol...p-t271557.html) and that's ok. i've been on the internet for well over 70 years and there is nothing i would post that i wouldn't say to another's face. my thought was lighthearted enough, certainly not worth being called a "jumped up asshol_e" in a brand new thread. but, sorry i harshed your buzz.

with that being said... it can't be Nashville every night.

on the internet for 70 years, how were download speeds back then ?

Everything ran like clockwork back then. Oh wait everything was clockwork back then. :)

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Luckily , there are many more positive people than the negative types in the world , imagine if the negative types were to rule things UGH.

My advise is to utilize the IGNORE facility ,then enjoy the debates without the poo stirrers comments, they will soon go away when they realize nobody is rising to the bait.

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There is nothing wrong with a bit of humour or friendly banter - I am guilty of many postings that would fall into one of those categories.

But I agree with the OP that there is a group of posters who just jump on any subject and try to rubbish it, attack the OP and other posters at every turn, and often cause threads to be prematurely closed.

Then we get the gang who are determined to attack any farang who has a TGF or wife, and maybe has bought land or a house in Thailand. There was a recent thread on the legality of Thai wives owning land, and instead of having an intelligent discussion on the possible implications of this for those affected, the thread was hijacked by people bad mouthing farangs who owned a house, or whose wife owned a house.

Then there is the gang that attack what they percieve as farangs who spend too much in Thailand (you shouldn't spend so much on electricity - turn your A/c"s off!!), and others who attack farangs who are "Cheap Charlies" and should go back to where they belong.

Then there is the lot who attack anyone who complains about anything in Thailand - the "If you don't like it, then go home", brigade.

Then we have these nice friendly football thread where football fans can discuss the fortunes of their favourite club. Light hearted banter from rival fans is welcomed and accepted, but you get these nuts who just come on and insult your team at every turn, use abusive language and spoil it for everyone.

My pet hate is the ones who come on a thread to rubbish the thread and say the thread is a completely nonsensical, and why do we waste our time posting on it? They often suggest the thread should be closed. For God's sake, if we in our ignorance and stupidity, wish to discuss a trivial or pointless subject, then why do they have to interfere with our enjoyment? If they don't like the subject, then stay out of it. There are dozens of subjects every day that I never contribute to, because they have either been don't to death over the years, or, IMHO they are not worth commenting on.

I'm probably paranoid, but there even seem to be a few nutters who follow me around Thai Visa, and immediately attack me whenever I make a post. Seems to be their mission in life to try and provoke me. :)

No doubt psychiatrists would have afield day examining the motives of such people.

But maybe the rest of us are not that much better.

Maybe we should all get a life beyond Thai Visa, and not take it too seriously. :D

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To the OP

I feel same same but different.

I have found many questions were quite pathetic really.... and mostly could have been solved by yourself even if you’re born with just a one single commonsense brain cell.

And also have found many threads should belong in the joke section, literally…no offence to anyone here.

But of course I’m not the mod, so I usually just skipped them…as my tastes are different when it comes to the sense of jokes. :)

Edited by teacup
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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

The Op is no better than the people he's criticising. He starts out okay in his observations and then finishes by calling people "know it alls". If that isn't trying to get certain people's backs up I don't know what will. As on any forum you will get differences of opinion, it's expected. What does the OP want, everyone to agree with the previous posts ? That then would be a very boring thread. Edited by coventry
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I have been having a chill out night and reading many threads and posts on TV.

What i would like to know is why, when there is a perfectly respectable discussion going on do you get some jumped up a-hole(s) who obviously hasn't got a clue what he is going on about or disbelieving the OP and butting in and ruining the thread!! There seems to be alot of jealousy about the forum and there seems to be a few ppl on TV not happy with their lives in LOS and try to argue all the time or diss posters for no apparent reason..... it always seems to be the same ppl as well.

I know i don't post a lot on here............ but i do like to read the threads a lot..... some of them are quite interesting..... until the petty arguments start from the know it alls then the original topic goes to shit !!!!

Am i the only one who feels the same???

What a load of old tosh,you're obviously married to a bar girl or you wouldn't be talking like this.Now my wife's Thai Chinese,Hi-So I believe they call it,when I met her she showed me her bank book with 5 gazillion baht in,I wasn't buying her a pad thai koong until she did mind!

Anyway,I've been here for 47 years and my visa's bigger than yours,fact is when I arrived here Pattaya was just a fishing village and nobody was wearing elasticated shorts along with sports vests and thongs/flip-flops etc.etc.(see previous thread!) :)

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