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How To Get Rid Of This Trojan - Nothing Worked


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How to get rid of this trojan - nothing worked - anyone?

Tried ESET then Avira - nothing.

Anyone know how to get rid of this: PDF/Exploit.Pidief.OOW Trojan

Please help!


Edited by Flow
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Spybot Search and Destroy might do it. It fixed mine when normal virus sw failed. Can't remember anymore what it was but no harm trying as it is free sw available in the net.

Almost forgot, i had to run it in safe mode to get rid of the viruses...

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boot with ubcd4win from cd - it will give you a windows GUI like interface and then you can run spybot, adaware and antivirus.

read the faqs on the ubcd4win site on how to create and burn a cd or do a search on this site for ubcd4win as I explained the process on another post.

trying to remove this stuff from your computer while you are booted into windows is a no-win situation , as it all protects itself. so you need to boot with something else and just look/scan at your windows disk and clean .

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Free online scanners can't possibly scan your 250GB harddisk.

Take the hard disk out, plug into another computer and scan it from there. Create ubcd4win or get some Linux LiveCD, install Antivirus program and scan your windows partition from there.

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