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Clean Up Their Mess, My Bpen Rai , My Cow Chai


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Never mind the negative :D image that some or many Thais may have of us farang..lets be positive and PROACTIVE. That means picking up garbage in Thailand..I said picking up garbage that YOU did not throw on the ground. I know I'm not the only one that cleans up beaches in LOS. SPEAK UP THOSE OF YOU WHO CLEAN UP IN LOS :) !! I always carry a bag of large, black ( how do you think I learned to say see dam?) plastic garbage bags in the trunk, and any beach I go to I almost always pick up garbage, whether I am having a few beer or not at the time. Why?? because when you bend over 1000's of times to pick up broken glass, etc. on Thai beaches, you actually get a bit of a workout, and it helps as part of the whole program to keep off weight. From Ko Surin, to Krabi, to Ko Samui, to Railay Beach, to Pattaya/Jomtien, to Nakorn Si Thammarat, to Phuket (found several needles for Heroin or whatever in the sand at Kata Beach.. have pictures) etc. I pick up garbage to keep fit and because the garbage problem in LOS is DISGUSTING, so CLEAN UP THEIR MESS..you are killing several birds with one stone..exercise, your better half likes it, the locals like it, some Thais even start to help you and change their lax attitude, the FARANG starts to be seen in a different light.. Lets not slam Thais for their habits, lets pick up after them and see how quickly they evolve..1. ( not evolving) My wifes' sister will not, as everyday I pick up the plastic straws, plastic bags around their house, and they watch..next day I do it all over again..2. (evolving) Cleaned up the beach near the Aquarium in Phuket for about 30 days over several months...Thais started helping quite a bit and now the beach has been cleaner in general..will go back in 2 weeks to check it out..as the harsh German sous chef used to say to no one in particular..."DON"T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING !!" :D

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Keep up the good work!! :)

thanks.. like everywhere in all places..most farang in LOS are good.. its like the few ROTTEN apples in the barrel... the negative stories stand out..eg..the weekly or at least bi-weekly jumpers in Pattaya (why do you guys live there??), poor bar girls getting exploited and murdered, or close to it, real estate deals gone wrong, Brits head in plastic bag hanging off a bridge in BKK, another farang murdered, even a Farang dying by hanging in a closet may be misconstrued.. etc. etc. etc.. stop already..lets polish up our image a bit here farang..by doing..not talking..

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I may be wrong but don't you need a work permit for that ?

ha ha.. good point..I prefer volunteer work..I'm a carpenter and a teacher..many times in LOS I've just walked onto a job site and started working ( another post perhaps..)..they love it..because they quickly see I know what I'm doing..having built houses in Canada for 12 years before changing careers..and the BEST part is..you leave after an hour or so..a minor workout again.. :)

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I see what you say and I do agree with some of your points, but!!!! I would never pick up the litter from someone else, just to make them think better about foreigners...

I do however teach my students to clean up after themselves and to leave the place they have been too, just like they want to find it.

When I take them to the beach (on camps) we always have a clean up the beach session, everyone gets a bag to clean up.

Keep up the good work, but I will not do it.

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I may be wrong but don't you need a work permit for that ?

ha ha.. good point..I prefer volunteer work..I'm a carpenter and a teacher..many times in LOS I've just walked onto a job site and started working ( another post perhaps..)..they love it..because they quickly see I know what I'm doing..having built houses in Canada for 12 years before changing careers..and the BEST part is..you leave after an hour or so..a minor workout again.. :)

No wonder Thais think foreigners are strange.

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There are a few kind ferrangs who come around my village once in a while to pick up rubbish. Then they ask me if i know about Jesus....

all religions are quite similar...love thy neighbour, don't kill....Those "ferrangs" had an ulterior motive perhaps, but probably a good one..maybe we should all question our ulterior motives, and if they are self- serving, then they are useless in terms of trying to change attitudes

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There are a few kind ferrangs who come around my village once in a while to pick up rubbish. Then they ask me if i know about Jesus....

all religions are quite similar...love thy neighbour, don't kill....Those "ferrangs" had an ulterior motive perhaps, but probably a good one..maybe we should all question our ulterior motives, and if they are self- serving, then they are useless in terms of trying to change attitudes

Are you the same person as KOTO 'the keep of the sea's'? His patter is, or was, exactly the same as yours.

I cleaned a beach for several months last year, and ultimately gave up as it was too demoralizing watching the Thais litter all about me. I had great initial results and posted them here, but in the end I realized that it was a fruitless task.

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There are a few kind ferrangs who come around my village once in a while to pick up rubbish. Then they ask me if i know about Jesus....

all religions are quite similar...love thy neighbour, don't kill....Those "ferrangs" had an ulterior motive perhaps, but probably a good one..maybe we should all question our ulterior motives, and if they are self- serving, then they are useless in terms of trying to change attitudes

Are you the same person as KOTO 'the keep of the sea's'? His patter is, or was, exactly the same as yours.

I cleaned a beach for several months last year, and ultimately gave up as it was too demoralizing watching the Thais litter all about me. I had great initial results and posted them here, but in the end I realized that it was a fruitless task.

I'm afraid that I feel the same way. Once Thais decide to take some real pride in their country and cleanup their act, then I'll pitch in and help clean the place.

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Seems kooky to me but, I admit I admire you for this. It really is an unselfish good deed. I often pick up the plastic tabs and bags that I find on the beach because I fear for the animal life that will get harmed by it. Unfortunately, there aren't any garbage cans around the beaches (except for patong, and they are filled up by mid day). You keep up the good work and don't let anyone's negative comments discourage you. I bet the people that make fun of you wouldn't dare open their mouthes if a folks were doing it as part of the care for the environment campaign. A certain important resident of the kingdom regularly calls upon people to respect the national parks, beaches and environment. Participating in such a cleanup is one way of honouring this certain gentleman.

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..many times in LOS I've just walked onto a job site and started working ( another post perhaps..)..they love it..

What?? You just walk into construction sites and start "working"?

Do they "show their appreciation" by having a security guard personally escort you to the exit?

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Seems kooky to me but, I admit I admire you for this. It really is an unselfish good deed. I often pick up the plastic tabs and bags that I find on the beach because I fear for the animal life that will get harmed by it. Unfortunately, there aren't any garbage cans around the beaches (except for patong, and they are filled up by mid day). You keep up the good work and don't let anyone's negative comments discourage you. I bet the people that make fun of you wouldn't dare open their mouthes if a folks were doing it as part of the care for the environment campaign. A certain important resident of the kingdom regularly calls upon people to respect the national parks, beaches and environment. Participating in such a cleanup is one way of honouring this certain gentleman.

I know that man you are talking about, but have never been aware of him making any comments about this. I am sure that if he did we would see an immediate change and improvement, even just temporary. I have never seen any change or moves to tackle the problem.

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A certain important resident of the kingdom regularly calls upon people to respect the national parks, beaches and environment.

David Beckham?


Oh sorry, I thought you said United Kingdom.

Edited by polecat
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Never mind the negative :D image that some or many Thais may have of us farang..lets be positive and PROACTIVE. That means picking up garbage in Thailand..I said picking up garbage that YOU did not throw on the ground. I know I'm not the only one that cleans up beaches in LOS. SPEAK UP THOSE OF YOU WHO CLEAN UP IN LOS :) !! I always carry a bag of large, black ( how do you think I learned to say see dam?) plastic garbage bags in the trunk, and any beach I go to I almost always pick up garbage, whether I am having a few beer or not at the time. Why?? because when you bend over 1000's of times to pick up broken glass, etc. on Thai beaches, you actually get a bit of a workout, and it helps as part of the whole program to keep off weight. From Ko Surin, to Krabi, to Ko Samui, to Railay Beach, to Pattaya/Jomtien, to Nakorn Si Thammarat, to Phuket (found several needles for Heroin or whatever in the sand at Kata Beach.. have pictures) etc. I pick up garbage to keep fit and because the garbage problem in LOS is DISGUSTING, so CLEAN UP THEIR MESS..you are killing several birds with one stone..exercise, your better half likes it, the locals like it, some Thais even start to help you and change their lax attitude, the FARANG starts to be seen in a different light.. Lets not slam Thais for their habits, lets pick up after them and see how quickly they evolve..1. ( not evolving) My wifes' sister will not, as everyday I pick up the plastic straws, plastic bags around their house, and they watch..next day I do it all over again..2. (evolving) Cleaned up the beach near the Aquarium in Phuket for about 30 days over several months...Thais started helping quite a bit and now the beach has been cleaner in general..will go back in 2 weeks to check it out..as the harsh German sous chef used to say to no one in particular..."DON"T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING !!" :D

Does your mam know were you are :D

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Sorry man;

It ain't my country; I also know abso-tively posi-lutely it’s not my fricking job to pick up after these people..

I'm with you on this one. It is the same as if you were to go to a friends house that is a complete dump and start cleaning it for them knowing full well that you will have to come back the next day to do it again.

There is a well known saying that I am sure most of you have heard... "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

If you just pick up after these people then they will never learn to do it themselves and the place will always stay disgusting. I don't know the solution though. Thais don't seem to mind living in their own waste (often appears that they prefer it) so there isn't much that can be done without a change of attitude on the part of the Thais.

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When you have an unlimited supply of cheap labour, there's little incentive to do these jobs yourself. The lack of litter bins doesn't help.

When at any of the resorts, my wife and I always walk the beach, in the morning, picking up litter. Particularly broken glass. Having your daughter's feet cut to ribbons provides a certain motivation. I am also acutely aware that other children can also be hurt. Hotel staff will usually clear in front of their hotels but not outside their area.

If everybody waits for everybody else nobody moves. Grab a bag and spend a few minutes, even if it's only to save your own loved ones from being hurt. Otherwise lie there next to the trash and feel smug about doing nothing.

Bravo to the OP.

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This past Sunday. I was riding my bicycling between Chiang Mai and Lamphun and stopped at a Wat where they had a Sunday celebration with great free food and drink. I was invited to join the festivities. Although, they had many garbage bags around (it was a Wat after all) some people still left their food plates and cups around so when I finished eating, I began to dispose these in the bags and got a few nice smiles.

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There are a few kind ferrangs who come around my village once in a while to pick up rubbish. Then they ask me if i know about Jesus....

..and you say "Which team does he play for?" :)

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This past Sunday. I was riding my bicycling between Chiang Mai and Lamphun and stopped at a Wat where they had a Sunday celebration with great free food and drink. I was invited to join the festivities. Although, they had many garbage bags around (it was a Wat after all) some people still left their food plates and cups around so when I finished eating, I began to dispose these in the bags and got a few nice smiles.

There again it could have been pity. :)

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This past Sunday. I was riding my bicycling between Chiang Mai and Lamphun and stopped at a Wat where they had a Sunday celebration with great free food and drink. I was invited to join the festivities. Although, they had many garbage bags around (it was a Wat after all) some people still left their food plates and cups around so when I finished eating, I began to dispose these in the bags and got a few nice smiles.

There again it could have been pity. :D

only if you want to see the glass half empty. :)

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