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How Close Are You To Packing It All In


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I get my income from the UK .

The exchange rate ( GBP/ BAHT ) is the only reason I would consider leaving and over time I think (hope) it will get better. Its managed a 5 baht improvement over the last few weeks, another 5 baht improvement by the end of the year and i will be happy (ier )

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The exchange rate is only relative iF you got 74 baht to the pound like i did.I had 3 years of that,with money exchanged in the banks and i had 69.9 and lived for another 2 years with this.so now i am exchanging at 53-55 so a big difference for me even though its not a problem financialy i will be spending more money for the same things,

I dont realy take much notice of cost of living increases as you will get that in any country in the world,but i take this into consideration and allow 5% per annum.

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Are you a retard? "Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be"

Maybe you aren't interesting/fun enough? Maybe she isn't interesting/fun enough?

Everywhere the same, you know. I have been with many Thai lady's now. Never any whore.

Many with very good financial statuses and very interesting lady's.

But yes, they all tell me most farangs aren't interesting at all.

Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives.

The ones who don't are just another fish in the sea...!!

Edited by tommybkk
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I think there are still many farang people who would like to get into Thailand, including me. I was trying myself to get into the country this year, but was eventually delaying it due to the desperate state of the tourism sector (the sector I’m working in).

I have been preparing for years to live in Thailand and will never give up to live over there one day. I know there are many problems over there but I still think it’s a beautiful country. I know in a way I will be disillusioned like so many other farang. Oh well…

Culture Shock, I wait for you to hit me hard! Lol.

PS: ELECTRA: I absolutely agree with you!

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I can be found in any given country at any given moment. Its interesting to see some of the thai visa regs that are planning to leave, sorry to see you guys go.

I don't think Thailand has changed that much, its always been a shitehole, its just people come here with stars in their eyes and eventually they realise the truth and rack off. Such is life, I'm still searching for the perfect paradise, but I don't think one exists because people have got in everywhere and pharked it up.

Really neverdie? I've been here for a few years now and I don't think Thailand is a shithole. Near as I can tell, its a place with both good and bad, just like any other. With people, both good and bad, just like people elsewhere.

I think that alot of people do come here expecting paradise and when disappointment hits, it hits hard. After a while, hopefully the person can come to terms with both the good and the bad instead of allowing disappointment and anger turn them into bitter, angry and unhappy people. Always searching for that better place, that, tbh, doesn't really exist.

Wherever you go, there you are :)

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I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

I don't know where you are visiting but maybe you should try a different area, you have a very tainted view of Thailand and I am sorry for that as there is so much more to this lovely country than what you describe. Singapore, well I have lived there and as one poster said it is the same only it will cost you a lot more.

Me, well I'm hanging in here, would I pack it all in, definately not.

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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

I think the majority of what you posted could be in any country. The world is in uncertain times at the moment.

Poor exchange rates - is not just reserved for Thailand.. Are you English? The pound / Baht is not the best.

Rising prices - I dont see much change in prices myself. My wife and I eat for about 20 baht each if we like or free if the family drop food in :D Fruit and vegetables are next to nothing compared to western countries and I can buy a whole snapper for about $4.. Id say things are still pretty cheap.

High Crime - crime will worsen globally. Poor people have to feed their families to. Its a bad situation no doubt.

Anti farang sentiment - I dont see it that much. It depends what your lifestyle is I think. Im liked here where I live and people go out of their way to help me and I do them.

Police shake downs and road chaos well, they have always been here and always will.

Poor service - thats a difficult one to comment on as it depends where you go and what you expect. I dont expect much service to be honest, the Thai way is to help yourself in many restaurants / shops etc.. then tell the shopkeeper what you want / have and pay... I watch my wife eat her noodles at the local restaurant sometimes and what she gets for 10 baht in service and quantity is unparalleled really.. 10 condiments, water and some vegetables as well as the noodles and sauce for 10 baht.. and the service is great.

Agressive Thais ? now that is such a general statement.. Why are they aggressive? did you upset them? :)

Constant change in Visa regs - roll with punch. It has always been like that, it always will be. Get yourself straightened out and side step change.

Uncertainty re property - sorry but this old boring, same ole same ole.. always has been, always will be.

Life is to short, go and do a good deed today and see what life brings you in return.

I wish you well.

edit: spelling

Edited by Detox
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Are you a retard? "Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be"

Maybe you aren't interesting/fun enough? Maybe she isn't interesting/fun enough?

Everywhere the same, you know. I have been with many Thai lady's now. Never any whore.

Many with very good financial statuses and very interesting lady's.

But yes, they all tell me most farangs aren't interesting at all.

Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives.

The ones who don't are just another fish in the sea...!!

Its sounds as if youve my share of being interesting ..... however this comment about "Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives." Shows why you've ended up in LOS ie For the Girls. And arent i allowed to make a statement to the way i see it without your insult Mr Culture Vulture ... For someone who doesnt speak Thai, the majority of the girls i am likely to meet are exactly as i said and this is the same for most Farang who dont work here .... hence why most are with ladies of the night.

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I’ve lived in Thailand for twelve years 7 in Phuket 1 in a village just outside Khon Kaen and 4 overlooking Maprachan Lake which is 8 kilometres out of Jomtien and slightly more from Pattaya and for the last year or so I’ve started to question myself about living in Thailand and the possibility of moving back to the UK.

The enjoyment/excitement of living in LOS has gone.

I’m returning to the UK at the end of this month for a two months break the reason being is to open up my house and prepare it for what I reckon will be my return just ahead of Songkran next year.

For me, its time to call it a day.

Money is not a problem and my future thinking is to spend the summer months in the UK and as soon as winter sets in maybe September/October time then I’m off to warmer climates and the options of where I’ll go are many.

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Busy unpacking from an evening in Krabi. Glad to be home.


yes, same here. Am in Vietnam this week for work.

Can't wait to get on that plane on Friday night and get back home!

I come to Vietnam alot for work, and I just can't see what the 'hi hate thailand, lets move to Vietnam' mob see in this place (I don't hate VN, but it isn't a place I'd willingly choose to live). But then again, these people tend to lump the philippines, cambodia and vietnam together as 'attractive alternative destinations'. Go figure.

Edited by samran
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"...poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house..."

Exchange rate could be better - has been worse - but COL here is very very low. No crime in over 6 years except apparently from one straight farang boy, and a jewelery thief in 2003. No anti-farang sentiment, no police shakedowns. Road chaos not half as bad as Houston :) .One aggressive Thai pimp, once. No visa uncertainties. I don't need to own a home.

"Call some place paradise, kiss it good-by."

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I am here for the duration, except if I got seriously sick and needed specialist surgery of something like it.

I'm happy here, so the country has problems...so does the UK, show me paradise and I will go...but I probably could not afford it

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The 1st Thought is always the best Thought..

The more farang looking onward from Thai to greener pastures should keep moving along with their plan.

Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore are all excellent alternatives! :)

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After 28 years here, it would be pretty difficult to go back to my home country (USA) or anywhere else.

My family, my business, and pretty much all of my life is here now. I've got too much already invested to easily pull up stakes.

While things are a little bit difficult now, they've been difficult before. We will pull through. I'm not ready to give up on Thailand yet.

Besides, I still like it here.

Yea same here 26 years of investment all I have is here to start over someplace else seems lackluster at best. :)

Cant change much have to go with what does change.

who knows when the Thai Government will over react and kick us all out? :D

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Are you a retard? "Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be"

Maybe you aren't interesting/fun enough? Maybe she isn't interesting/fun enough?

Everywhere the same, you know. I have been with many Thai lady's now. Never any whore.

Many with very good financial statuses and very interesting lady's.

But yes, they all tell me most farangs aren't interesting at all.

Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives.

The ones who don't are just another fish in the sea...!!

So what if you come here to work? :)

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But then again, these people tend to lump the philippines, cambodia and vietnam together as 'attractive alternative destinations'. Go figure.

Exactly...really comparing mangos to pineapples there. There is a quantitative different between living in Thailand and any of those countries (and Indonesia). I'm not saying they might not be right for some people, but comparing living in them with living in Thailand is silly.

I'm still pretty happy in Thailand but am not too affected by the visa situation or the economic storms raging around the world. I get along with Thais and Thai officialdom so no complaints there either. The only thing that could push me to move on would be the general boredom factor that settles in with long-term expats...but then this would eventually happen whereven one settles in Asia (as a Westerner) I would think. So as the cost of living for lifestyle lived equation is still pretty good in LOS, might as well stay based here and travel to more culturally interesting places (Europe, Middle East) when in need of a break.

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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Are you a retard? "Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be"

Maybe you aren't interesting/fun enough? Maybe she isn't interesting/fun enough?

Everywhere the same, you know. I have been with many Thai lady's now. Never any whore.

Many with very good financial statuses and very interesting lady's.

But yes, they all tell me most farangs aren't interesting at all.

Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives.

The ones who don't are just another fish in the sea...!!

So what if you come here to work? :D

Personally, I came here after meeting my wife in Italy. I was doing a modelling gig and she was on a shopping trip.

I never have to work again at the age of 39 but choose to teach part time.

Money is of no concern as we(she) own thousands of acres of land, a zoo, and many businesses/propertys. I guess if you haven't got good looks or money, you are destined to be of the fish.

Pack it in? :) Life is a blast

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With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

Are you close to throwing in the towel?

Not close at all.. I'm having a great time and can't recognize any of those things you complain about.

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But then again, these people tend to lump the philippines, cambodia and vietnam together as 'attractive alternative destinations'. Go figure.

Exactly...really comparing mangos to pineapples there. There is a quantitative different between living in Thailand and any of those countries (and Indonesia). I'm not saying they might not be right for some people, but comparing living in them with living in Thailand is silly.

I'm still pretty happy in Thailand but am not too affected by the visa situation or the economic storms raging around the world. I get along with Thais and Thai officialdom so no complaints there either. The only thing that could push me to move on would be the general boredom factor that settles in with long-term expats...but then this would eventually happen whereven one settles in Asia (as a Westerner) I would think. So as the cost of living for lifestyle lived equation is still pretty good in LOS, might as well stay based here and travel to more culturally interesting places (Europe, Middle East) when in need of a break.

If you have some money, the Philipines and even Manila can be a great place to live, great beaches, friendly people, lots of travel to do, casino's, gated communities, underground music scene, english language, less culture shock, better nightlife, great women, not xenophobic AND you can actually hire people that speak english.

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But then again, these people tend to lump the philippines, cambodia and vietnam together as 'attractive alternative destinations'. Go figure.

Exactly...really comparing mangos to pineapples there. There is a quantitative different between living in Thailand and any of those countries (and Indonesia). I'm not saying they might not be right for some people, but comparing living in them with living in Thailand is silly.

I'm still pretty happy in Thailand but am not too affected by the visa situation or the economic storms raging around the world. I get along with Thais and Thai officialdom so no complaints there either. The only thing that could push me to move on would be the general boredom factor that settles in with long-term expats...but then this would eventually happen whereven one settles in Asia (as a Westerner) I would think. So as the cost of living for lifestyle lived equation is still pretty good in LOS, might as well stay based here and travel to more culturally interesting places (Europe, Middle East) when in need of a break.

If you have some money, the Philipines and even Manila can be a great place to live, great beaches, friendly people, lots of travel to do, casino's, gated communities, underground music scene, english language, less culture shock, better nightlife, great women, not xenophobic AND you can actually hire people that speak english.

But incredibly crap food.

ok for a holiday, but not much more. The 3 weeks visa is just about right.

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I can be found in any given country at any given moment. Its interesting to see some of the thai visa regs that are planning to leave, sorry to see you guys go.

I don't think Thailand has changed that much, its always been a shitehole, its just people come here with stars in their eyes and eventually they realise the truth and rack off. Such is life, I'm still searching for the perfect paradise, but I don't think one exists because people have got in everywhere and pharked it up.

Really neverdie? I've been here for a few years now and I don't think Thailand is a shithole. Near as I can tell, its a place with both good and bad, just like any other. With people, both good and bad, just like people elsewhere.

I think that alot of people do come here expecting paradise and when disappointment hits, it hits hard. After a while, hopefully the person can come to terms with both the good and the bad instead of allowing disappointment and anger turn them into bitter, angry and unhappy people. Always searching for that better place, that, tbh, doesn't really exist.

Wherever you go, there you are :D

Hello SBK, You know, I never speak with forked tongue. I stand corrected though, Thailand is only a shitehole based on what one is comparing it to. For example, if you were from parts of Cambodia, as featured above in I think Sassies post or some other undesirable place in the world, then Thailand is a paradise. BUT....and its a big butttt, if you are from one of the prettier, cleaner more pleasant parts of the planet, well you may indeed consider Thailand a shitehole. Seriously, you really think this place is paradise?

I agreee with your statement, "Whereever you go, there you are". Its so true and its also so important to look at the good aspects, not just the bad ones, I agree totally with that. One can only compare this place with what they have personally experienced elsewhere, for example, I think London would be one of the greatest shiteholes on the planet earth, but millions would disagree, thats why they live there. :)

Anyway, I have been coming here a few weeks now, actually since I was a boy, a younger boy, as my family chose to reside here & I have seen the same story, over and over again. Farang man comes to thailand, meets nice well educated thai lady, throws life away in the "West" moves to thailand, spends up big, gets ripped off, goes broke, has a winge about Thailand and then returns to the home country with his tail between his legs OR throws himself off a bridge or whatever......MEANWHILE......Thailand has and always will be Thailand.

Personally, I just bounce along & observe, typically theres never a dull moment & as one poor chap leaves another dozen arrive to keep the cycle alive and well.

Its all good, up to them, up to you, always up to someone else, no need to take responsibility here, afterall this is Thailand :D

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Are you a retard? "Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be"

Maybe you aren't interesting/fun enough? Maybe she isn't interesting/fun enough?

Everywhere the same, you know. I have been with many Thai lady's now. Never any whore.

Many with very good financial statuses and very interesting lady's.

But yes, they all tell me most farangs aren't interesting at all.

Guys, from any age. Who come to Thailand interesting in the culture, and not just the currency and women, get really great, young and beautifull wives.

The ones who don't are just another fish in the sea...!!

So what if you come here to work? :)


You mean somewhere behind all the truck loads of sleepers, huts with people asleep in hamocks and all the people chowing down to som tum, theres actually people here that are working????


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